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I read sometime ago, that this mod and PO may be incompatible. Is this still true?

If not, are there any special settings how this mod can be played seemlessly in the same game as PO and Inte's PO patches?


I am wondering myself as well from the role playing view. Does anybody else role plays both types of jail?

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Adding a direct link from somewhere North of the prison back to skyrim...


It will keep getting moved till the world around it is done.




And it links to something along the southern boarder of Skyrim.

And decided to make it a full... Give me a few minutes to sort out the main description page and sort it out.


Another role play question from me shy.gif : How and where do I end my time in prison?

Can I be released after spending a regular prison time? Where will I be then? Or can I only leave by escape?


And a few suggestions for the exit back to skyrim:

a for regular release: a usual skyim carriage with driver that delivers you to a point at the border and a few humilating remarks by the driver

b for escape: a hidden trail ... maybe covered behind bushes, through a cave or through a narrow ravine .. or all three biggrin.png

c for escape: driver as above, but corruptible



EDIT: regarding option b ... I see! I just read your updated main description ... smile.png

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Adding a direct link from somewhere North of the prison back to skyrim...


It will keep getting moved till the world around it is done.




And it links to something along the southern boarder of Skyrim.

And decided to make it a full... Give me a few minutes to sort out the main description page and sort it out.


Another role play question from me shy.gif : How and where do I end my time in prison?

Can I be released after spending a regular prison time? Where will I be then? Or can I only leave by escape?


And a few suggestions for the exit back to skyrim:

a) for regular release: a usual skyim carriage with driver that delivers you to a point at the border and a few humilating remarks by the driver

B) for escape: a hidden trail ... maybe covered behind bushes, through a cave or through a narrow ravine .. or all three biggrin.png

c) for escape: driver as above, but corruptible




The exit, is for escaping, right now... In the cold mountains of Skyrim... So this escape exit, will also end up in a cold Mountain region on the northern end of the map.

Turn in the ore, have sex with the guards, spend saved gold in jail, all to reduce the time. The time does not change unless you do these things. (Original mod setup)

You won't get food items, unless you either purchase food from the vendor, or turn in the ore to the guard...

- I am laughing at myself, turned in 100 Ore, and got raw beef... Something for me to look into later, I could of sworn it was actually cooked....


On regular release, you end up on a road at the boarder of skyrim currently... Once I have the world flushed out more, and figure out how I am going to tie in the location with normal release, to allow boarder crossing, I am planning to dump the player right outside the main prison gates, that can not be seen in the heart of the prison.

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I read sometime ago, that this mod and PO may be incompatible. Is this still true?

If not, are there any special settings how this mod can be played seemlessly in the same game as PO and Inte's PO patches?


I am wondering myself as well from the role playing view. Does anybody else role plays both types of jail?


Prison Overhaul, It might be compatible, and again, might not.... I can see 1 area that could cause it to not be compatible...

- Crime Gold = 1000+ required for Raven Beak currently

- Getting sent to Raven Beak is a Dialog Only, Surrender... "I submit, take me to Jail"

It's that second part that will conflict without a patch. And since I did not change the initial start up for jail time via dialog with the guard, the current patches should still work, unless they changed RB's starting quest.

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Oooops, I meant turn in gold to the guards to reduce time as well, not spend...



Anyway, I do love going here as my vampire, and turn all the inmates I can, into slobbering blood dolls.

Better Vampires, turn inmates into Vampire Cattle... hehehe They no longer fight, and let me feed... I have to be sure to only feed once a day... on each hehehe. Safe Haven for my Vampire *giggles*

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So... an idea to improve your mod, or at least add to it as I think it is fantastic. When I play, the inside to the cell area and the cave is pretty dark. I'm not sure if it is because my lighting mod or what, but I do prefer darker dungeons that require torches anyways and your lanterns provide very low light. I don't mind this at all...


I was thinking, in your spare time, as you can request a tunic and a pickaxe, and even a book... why not let the prisoner request a torch. Possibly continue the addon of prison time for one, or make the guard trade a torch for sex in general. The first option is probably the better since the additional time seems to work just fine to begin with, and I can always trade time for a torch, then sex for time if I want.


Just a thought, great mod!


**Edit ** it might help with the escape cave also... I haven't gotten that far in the mod yet but I am assuming it is likely going to be dark as well **/edit**

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So... an idea to improve your mod, or at least add to it as I think it is fantastic. When I play, the inside to the cell area and the cave is pretty dark. I'm not sure if it is because my lighting mod or what, but I do prefer darker dungeons that require torches anyways and your lanterns provide very low light. I don't mind this at all...


I was thinking, in your spare time, as you can request a tunic and a pickaxe, and even a book... why not let the prisoner request a torch. Possibly continue the addon of prison time for one, or make the guard trade a torch for sex in general. The first option is probably the better since the additional time seems to work just fine to begin with, and I can always trade time for a torch, then sex for time if I want.


Just a thought, great mod!


**Edit ** it might help with the escape cave also... I haven't gotten that far in the mod yet but I am assuming it is likely going to be dark as well **/edit**


One of my mods, Wearable Lanterns, or it was NPC in the dark, adds lanterns and torches to NPCs... So they light the mine pretty well and I never thought the player might need some lighting assist... I will see to add a torch to the list of trade-able content.


As you start the escape quest, there is a torch on the wall in 2 places inside the sewer. 1 when you get started, and another behind a hidden door in a corner. These wall mounted torches can be taken as you pass by. So the escape portion is covered. My Vampire, even with Vampire vision, had to hold a torch to even make out the far wall inside the Glacial cavern. And night vision only made my black screen a pale grey, and couldn't see still till the torch was in hand. :D

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Finally... 21-1 can be uploaded.


Raven Beak Prison Revisited-21-1.7z


- Added the option to obtain a torch from a guard, both slave and inmate.


- Started working on adding dialog options for the Slave side. I will be adding a way to carry/make food and drink that the guards might decide to take. Each action from the guard, from being a good girl, improves the relations with the guards and Warden. But currently don't really do anything yet.


- Lots of new scripts added, and some changed.


- Included is the most current list of Resource scripts I have. *If not all, than most All that have RavenBeak in the name for sure.* For those who need to make patches for the current version, or wish to add some of their own content...

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Current Progress Update

Next micro-update, I have taken into account, getting sent back to prison, even after escaping.

Just added a few more flags.

- IF player already has jail time, more will be added. So getting sent back will only extend your stay. *changes arresting guard Dialog script*

- IF player used the Sewer to escape, a bolder will be dropped on the sewer entrance, and another way to escape will have to be found. *Will generate more options as ideas come to me.*

- IF the player gets sent back, what ever new items they picked up prior to being sent back WILL be stored with the rest of the items ALREADY in the chest, Rather than the chest being emptied with each entry.


To add

- New return commentary from guards and inmates.

- Each day in the prison, needs to add +1 time spent in Jail with the default Game progress list.

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OK, just got arrested in Falkreath, got to the prison fine. Got banged by a guard and it too 5 days off my sentence. The quest sage mine time started. I went to the mines just fine but when I get there everyone (guards and inmates alike) say "Your not supposed to be here" etc...after a few seconds I get assaulted by every guard and inmate in the building. I am not sure that was the intent. Got a clue as to why that is happening?

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OK, just got arrested in Falkreath, got to the prison fine. Got banged by a guard and it too 5 days off my sentence. The quest sage mine time started. I went to the mines just fine but when I get there everyone (guards and inmates alike) say "Your not supposed to be here" etc...after a few seconds I get assaulted by every guard and inmate in the building. I am not sure that was the intent. Got a clue as to why that is happening?


Ok, sounds like your glitched when arrested and didn't get added to the guard faction when sent to your cell.

Did you just let the clock tick, or did you actually wait an hour when you first got moved to your cell?


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In this version... UNTESTED

- Should send you back to prison without loosing items stored in your prison chest, even on escaping. So it can act like extra storage for items...

- Should add to the time you already have, increasing your sentence.

- Bully level should remain the same on your return, instead of resetting.


- could not find a way to tie it into the default jail time.

- got distracted, so extra comments will have to come later.


Replaces 5 scripts

Note to self: add the new resource files to the folder when updating the full version number.


Raven Beak Prison Revisited-21-2.7z

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How is overall progress? I played the original raven beak and saw lots of potential, is there a changelog that tells what has changed?

Yes on the descriptions page, I just keep adding to it, when I update the main file. and in the thread, the micro updates all have their little updates added to the post.


Progress has slowed some the last few days, but hasn't stopped.

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Step 1b and Step 2b, it seems not working :( .


If you aren't getting sent to the auction. step 1b, then step 2b won't function as it only activates when the auction is over.

You can use the code from Raven Beak Fails to start: spoiler section to get sent to RavenBeak. I am still working on the slave side, so it is kind of a dead end quest currently, without any real interactions or escape options. But great for my vampire to turn all the inmates into the cattle that they are... hehehe


edit add:

Also, you need Simple Slavery Mod for that portion to fire, and a way to get sent the auction, such as Sexlab defeat.

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The auction is over , but instead of sending to Raven Beak a black screen for a moment, and then again at the auction. I'm use Simple Slavery and Deviously Cursed Loot.


I don't have Devious anything in my game. hmmm

Did the guy in black armor show up?

From the start of this video



This guy....



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No, this guy was not. :(


Double check your SS setting to include Raven Beak in the auction setting, I can't tell you how many times I forget to activate it, and I have tested and retested the setting several times.


And I hope you did update to the most current version of SS, and one of my versions of RB 17 or higher, the original and my first several micro updates to the mod don't link together.

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My thoughts on bringing back Immersion to Raven Beak:

I've been thinking about how the game has everything set up for people to move around, Whiterun's Town Square, not very large, during the day, feels full. But only has 10 to 15 NPCs passing through at any given moment, And all the NPC's start in their homes. Each home has 1-4 NPCs on average. The only way to get it so Raven Beak is immersive, is if I created a "home space" for every NPC, or for groups of NPCs it might work. Basically, separate wings for the inmates, and up to 5 inmates per wing.


Currently I am flushing out the Guard's barracks, trying to get the interior somewhat similar to the exterior on design. I've already rebuilt it twice since my first show of adding it.

It will make all guards accessible, for a planned quest line for food and drink delivery.

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I very much liked the original mod and I have high hopes for this one as well. Looking forward to being a prison bitch and related content.


My fucking G-d, does that sound weird.


Anyway, nice job, mate! Keep up the good work!

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