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SexoutRapist v1.04 (10/13/2012)

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Neil is installed but i haven't hired him. Cheyenne(D) is disabled. Mac the Rapist is disabled. Current companions: Cheyenne(H), Sunny, Veronica, Cass, Rex, Rocket, 5 NCCS dogs, Meta, Beta, Marcus, Mr.Claw. Occasionally getting a SexoutNGRAN: Aborting due to 2.0 error after failed GBs/b-key breakings instead of the 9.2 error. Some GBs have gone on for 20+ rapes successfully. Had a couple of ROs where every human & creature companion is engaged. Things are getting really interesting. :blush:

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The 2.0 error means "No Actor Set". Since the victim is always actor B in the calls, this must mean that for some reason the rapist (actor A) did not get assigned. Do me a favor, when you get a fail like that specifically with the 2.0 error, in the console scroll up to the rapist list and see if there is any oddness: dupe names, missing name (blank), etc. I ran into 1 issue in Jacobstown where a mystery Bighorner kept appearring in the list. I checked the IDs of all of the visible BHs, but none matched. However, when I did a GB, the ghost BH actually performed a rape - wasn't visible, but the animation on the victim side looked appropriate. Wonder if your getting something like that (mystery guest in the rapist list)?

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Hey Srayesmanll, installed CheyenneReplacer V.92, played the game hard for a few hours in all sorts of situations with human, canine and supermutie companions. (The deathclaw was too big and everyone kept tripping over his tail). Short story is no more 9.2 errors! There's been a few CTDs during GBs and ROs, usually in heavily populated outdoor areas. Kind of weird how v.92 fixed the 9.2 error huh? :-/


:exclamation: All creatures participate in GBs and ROs. I've seen companions screwing each other during ROs. The order of rapists during GBs is rarely the same as the rapist list. There doesn't seem to be any priority for humans/creatures, although a couple of humans usually go first. The B-key is still breaking but not nearly as frequently.


:exclamation: Been paying particular attention to the console messages and inventories of companions. Here's what's been popping up in the companion inventories:

DEBUG: SexoutRa2 150128C3

DEBUG: SexoutAc 15000ADE

SexoutNG Token Undress 1501932c


:exclamation: Cheyenne(D) is disabled, but now i am getting the "standing around doing nothing" problem with mostly the NCCS companions, often 3-6 at a time. They fast-travel with the player, then stay where they are and won't participate in combat or SOR. On inspecting their inventory via console, most of them have a "COMPANION MARKER 4" in there. I removeitem all the debug and "companion marker 4" thingies, and they usually resume following again after the next fast-travel. Maybe this isn't a SOR problem, i've only noticed it since accumulating so many companions for the GBs.

... see if there is any oddness: dupe names, missing name (blank) ... (mystery guest in the rapist list)?

Yep, seen a few "ghost" gangbangers but haven't been able to suss out who they were. Suspected they were Beta or Meta - sometimes they seem to vanish from sight but are still on the rapist list. (Beta is a Nightkin after all) Yep, seen duplicate names in the rapist list, but no blanks, no mystery guests.


:exclamation: The WorkingGirl plugin has just been updated to fix a problem where after "Prostitution Level 3" there is some sort of bug that stuffs up levelling or something. I tried the update but it is too buggy to use yet. Was wondering if the "prostitution level" might have been the cause of your gameplay being so different to mine? I've been on this playthrough for weeks now so at level 50, prostitution level 5, most skills and s.p.e.c.i.a.l.s maxed out, lots of perks, a bit boring really, :rolleyes: but it looks like you've got many algorithms in your scripts which take those sort of things into account.


:exclamation: When the game starts lagging seriously i purge cell buffers (console: pcb) which usually speeds things up again. Is that likely to interfere with SOR?


Thanks again for working so nicely with Mojodajojo to fix that 9.2 bug, you're both legends. :heart:

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Hey Srayesmanll' date=' installed CheyenneReplacer V.92, played the game hard for a few hours in all sorts of situations with human, canine and supermutie companions. (The deathclaw was too big and everyone kept tripping over his tail). Short story is no more 9.2 errors! There's been a few CTDs during GBs and ROs, usually in heavily populated outdoor areas. Kind of weird how [b']v.92[/b] fixed the 9.2 error huh? :-/


There is certain symmetry to it, isn't there ;) .


:exclamation: All creatures participate in GBs and ROs. I've seen companions screwing each other during ROs. The order of rapists during GBs is rarely the same as the rapist list. There doesn't seem to be any priority for humans/creatures, although a couple of humans usually go first. The B-key is still breaking but not nearly as frequently.


Companions should not be doing each other during the RO. During the scan for victims, if the potential victim is in the rapist list, then they are removed from the final victim list. So I'm thinking either the victim wasn't in the rapist list (for whatever reason), the "victim in list" check failed (which I don't put past FONV/NVSE), or possibly a sexoutHookup happened just prior to the rape orgy (I have had that happen before). A fun issue that I will not hurry to fix :D .


Normally, tt should be following the order of the list. When I build the rapist list, I add all humans, then the animals (2 different scans) and each follower is added to the bottom of the list, so it should be all humans first, then all animals. But again, FONV/NVSE may have there own little idiosyncrasies when adding and traversing a form list.


Anything in the console when the 'b' key issue happens?


:exclamation: Been paying particular attention to the console messages and inventories of companions. Here's what's been popping up in the companion inventories:

DEBUG: SexoutRa2 150128C3

DEBUG: SexoutAc 15000ADE

SexoutNG Token Undress 1501932c


All of these are sexoutNG related, not soRapist. The only tokens the soR adds are the Enthrallment and Hater tokens (which should be removed once the follower is in the Enthralled faction (follower or NPC) or the Hater faction). I believe the undress token is used by sexout for undress/redress of PC/NPC. the debug tokens I don't think affect anything, but I'm not sure. The sexoutAC I have seen numerous times in Vendor lists, and I have heard that it's REALLY bad to take them. Wonder if having those is causing the broken companion AIs?


:exclamation: Cheyenne(D) is disabled, but now i am getting the "standing around doing nothing" problem with mostly the NCCS companions, often 3-6 at a time. They fast-travel with the player, then stay where they are and won't participate in combat or SOR. On inspecting their inventory via console, most of them have a "COMPANION MARKER 4" in there. I removeitem all the debug and "companion marker 4" thingies, and they usually resume following again after the next fast-travel. Maybe this isn't a SOR problem, i've only noticed it since accumulating so many companions for the GBs.
... see if there is any oddness: dupe names, missing name (blank) ... (mystery guest in the rapist list)?

Yep, seen a few "ghost" gangbangers but haven't been able to suss out who they were. Suspected they were Beta or Meta - sometimes they seem to vanish from sight but are still on the rapist list. (Beta is a Nightkin after all) Yep, seen duplicate names in the rapist list, but no blanks, no mystery guests.


I think you may be on to somethings with the "Companion marker 4". I have never seen or heard of this token. The token probably has a script attached that affects the AI (the regular sexout DEBUG: tokens shouldn't but I wouldn't rule them out either). Wonder if that the token is from NCCS? Most sexout tokens have some kind of recognizable sexout moniker (soRapist, DEBUG: sexout, SCR, etc). I am really curious to find what mod adds that one and check it out. And it makes sense that after removing the tokens, the fast-travel could fix the issue because NPCs are resurrected after fast-travel, which normally calls the reset AI command.


The invisible nightkin makes sense, although I had a human companion that would go "nightkin" (stealth boy) when PC in sneak mode and she would become visible again when raping/being raped. Of course, different companion mods, different scripts.


:exclamation: The WorkingGirl plugin has just been updated to fix a problem where after "Prostitution Level 3" there is some sort of bug that stuffs up levelling or something. I tried the update but it is too buggy to use yet. Was wondering if the "prostitution level" might have been the cause of your gameplay being so different to mine? I've been on this playthrough for weeks now so at level 50, prostitution level 5, most skills and s.p.e.c.i.a.l.s maxed out, lots of perks, a bit boring really, :rolleyes: but it looks like you've got many algorithms in your scripts which take those sort of things into account.


I always have the tryout mods installed because of the Penetrator strapon I use for females (the item is in SCR, but the mesh is in Tryout Legion, which is why tryouts is required). But if I am playing a male PC like I normally do, most of the tryout stuff is blocked. I do use WorkingGirl to pimp out sunny and veronica when I am in the Atomic Wrangler and Gamorrah, but not extensively. I am doing a female PC playthrough to test out more tryout stuff with soRapist and see if there is anything to note, so I'll be use WorkingGirl more.


:exclamation: When the game starts lagging seriously i purge cell buffers (console: pcb) which usually speeds things up again. Is that likely to interfere with SOR?


Shouldn't affect soR, but be careful with followers. I know Willow has a very specific note in description about not using PCB. Normally when I get the bad lag, I quit, go read LL to see if anything new, then hop back into the game :D .


Thanks again for working so nicely with Mojodajojo to fix that 9.2 bug, you're both legends. :heart:


Glad to help on that one. I need to get the new version for this playthough, but I have to say that Chey(H) still kind of freaks me out with the "doggie" style ai (not doggie-style, style of being a doggie ... well, you get what I mean :P ). One thing I noticed with her - at some point she stopped wearing the muzzle and tail on her own, I didn't remove them. I wasn't using BR at the time (got tired of Chey(D) trying to rape my male PC at the start of the game, so I disable BR until I leave Goodsprings), so it shouldn't have been stolen by a rapist. She stopped wearing them around the time she starting following me and not Sunny, so wasn't sure if that was normal or a bug. Since you use her more than I have, just wondering if you've seen that. Like I said, I am going to download for my female PC playthrough and see if I can replicate that.


Thanks for enjoying the mod. I have some new ideas for the next release. I've mentioned a couple - adding the ability to have a creature set up for the coercion rape (thanks for that suggestion), adding a "lure" to get an NPC to follow the PC to a discreet location for "fun" (well, fun for the rapist anyway :dodgy: ), a way to have an Enthralled follower distract another NPC with sex or rape, and a few others (and some fixes).

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Is combat rape implemented? It does work for me when I hit the b key and I'm in combat with a person, but only gives a random oral sex scene. The victim then runs away a bit but then comes back looking for me still hostile. I'd say maybe 20 tests of this so far by me. I would like to see a variety of positional styles, but maybe this is an accidental feature of the mod at this time;). It would also be cool if it would turn them non hostile, or have them cower in fear for some time and then reset as if they haven't seen the player yet so that I don't necessarily have to kill them.

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No, there is no combat rape implemented at this time. Anything that happens during combat is more a bug than a feature (of course, like we say at work - "It's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature..."). Check back on the last couple of pages and you'll see my feelings on combat rape. Basically, I'm not a big fan of it, so it was never even planned to be in the mod. However, once I did the rape orgy, I have thought about adding and have ideas to implement it logically (in my mind anyway), but it really is not a priority for me. I have other ideas for the mod that I want to implement first. One thing you could try is the original RapeGame (which was the inspiration for this mod). I've never tried it in a combat scenario, but it should work from the code I looked at.

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Yeah i think i might add the rape game back. Is it odd that I feel that things like sexout sex, the sexkey and the rape key are cheating? I feel like i should have to do something in the game for things to happen, not just get it for free;). I did see some of your comments on combat and know you won't be working it on it too much, so thanks for the fun mod, and here's hoping you'll do it for the fans :P;)

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hey srayesmanll,

The invisible nightkin makes sense, although I had a human companion that would go "nightkin" (stealth boy) when PC in sneak mode and she would become visible again when raping/being raped. Of course, different companion mods, different scripts.
Yeah, i was just joking about the mutants going stealth, some NCCS companions have this weird teleport thing that zaps them to you when they get too far away. I think sometimes they get broke and only come back in spirit, not body. In the Sexout Bunker they appeared as black silhouettes. There is a dialogue in [NCCS System Options] to disable the teleporting but it doesn't seem to work. There is also a follow distance dialogue which doesn't work all the time either.


... at some point [cheyenne(H)] stopped wearing the muzzle and tail on her own, I didn't remove them.
If you remove all the "dog whistle" items from cheyenne's inventory, then use the "dog whistle w/o tail" in your inventory to call her, she will lose the muzzle and tail. She's quite well trained really, you've just got to get to know her! ;)


theskid: Is combat rape implemented? ... It would also be cool if it would turn them non hostile, or have them cower in fear for some time and then reset as if they haven't seen the player yet so that I don't necessarily have to kill them.
Well you know my attitude on this. My female character has been kidnapped, raped, brutalised and robbed from one end of the wasteland to the other by some nasty factions. I've played for a couple of hundred hours, i've done all the quests, i've paid my dues. I've practically saved the Mohave and New Vegas, the outcome of the battle of Hoover Dam is a foregone conclusion. So now that i've gathered a large gang of fearsome and talented companions with big guns and lots of bullets, i want to teach those arseholes that abused me a lesson. But not necessarily slaughter them. :angel: (That way i can come back and teach them another lesson later! :P )

* The gang would sneak up on a group of enemyfaction, and the player asks an enthralled companion to organise a battlerape a la rapeorgy against enemyfaction NPCs only.

* Threesome rapes would be the priority if there are more rapists than victims.

*A victorious battle rape would be calculated by rapist/s(STR+END+HP+CritChance) > victim(STR+END+HP).

* A successfully raped victim would lose 90% HP and some of their inventory, they would become non-hostile for some time and cower or runaway. Some might be enthralled and become faction-neutral?

* An unsuccessfully raped battlerape survivor would gain extra HP and attack the rapists.

* The player would not participate in battlerape but observe and then help fight the unraped survivors.

* The player would suffer a factionreputation hit proportional to the number of successful rapes.


That's how my female courier would like to see it anyway. thanks srayesmanll :blush:

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If you remove all the "dog whistle" items from cheyenne's inventory, then use the "dog whistle w/o tail" in your inventory to call her, she will lose the muzzle and tail. She's quite well trained really, you've just got to get to know her! Wink


Did remove "dog whistle w/o tail" from her inventory, but never actually used it. Tried again last night, and at some point, she just seemed to stop using it. I gave her some armor (well, bramin clothes - all I had at time time), and she wore the clothes, muzzle, and tail for a bit. But after a shag session with her, she stopped wearing the muzzle and tail.


Yeah, i was just joking about the mutants going stealth, some NCCS companions have this weird teleport thing that zaps them to you when they get too far away. I think sometimes they get broke and only come back in spirit, not body. In the Sexout Bunker they appeared as black silhouettes. There is a dialogue in [NCCS System Options] to disable the teleporting but it doesn't seem to work. There is also a follow distance dialogue which doesn't work all the time either.


The auto-teleport thing is annoying and immersion-breaking in my opinion. To me, it's a hack. Using a radio to callback is cool. The stealth chick I mentioned (Sonia mod) used both the teleport hack AND a "recall" radio. I had a follower (Sarah Conner) that when doing the "escape" from the dialog rape, she would run away a short distance (shorter than the designated run distance in my RunAway script), then teleport back like nothing happened. I like the slow walk back to me, like they are resigned to their fate that they are mine mmwwaaahahahaha ...


(I'm beginning to think my therapist is wrong and these are the correct thoughts to have...by the way, ever notice that the name therapist can be broken into "the rapist". Interesting... :dodgy: )

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"One thing I noticed with her - at some point she stopped wearing the muzzle and tail on her own, I didn't remove them. I wasn't using BR at the time (got tired of Chey(D) trying to rape my male PC at the start of the game, so I disable BR until I leave Goodsprings), so it shouldn't have been stolen by a rapist."




The collar w/ tail uses body add/on 2 slot in addition to the collar slot. So another armor using that slot could interfere. Also if a call back doesn't do it's thing in 9.2 it might cause her to not wear it? I can't remember for sure how I set up the variable to force her to unequip it during sex. I'm taking a few days break from New Vegas and playing Torchlight 2 and Champions Online, but I'll make a note in my Cheyenne to do list to keep an eye out for her stopping equipping it.

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hey srayesmanll

Anything in the console when the 'b' key issue happens?
The ones i've checked usually have the rapist list followed by "SexoutRapistKeyQuest is XX000ADD" a number of times. I think it must come up each time the b key is pushed after the first one fails.


:exclamation: Here's an interesting development, Meta (supermutant companion) now has the "i have a present for you ..." dialogue, and acts on it! Tested it 20+ times, works great! He has no tokens in his inventory. Unfortunately neither Beta or Marcus have it.


:exclamation: Rocket and a couple of the NCCS dogs have enthrallment tokens but no "i have a present...".


:exclamation: Some NPCs have got both Hater and Enthrallment tokens. Lacy in MojaveOutpost has 6 enthrallment tokens!


:exclamation: Veronica has no enthrallment token but has the "i have a present..."


:exclamation: Sometimes after ROs the inventory looting dialogue comes up twice, sometimes not at all.


:exclamation: Is the "Thank you Mistress" dialogue after some rapes part of the SOrapist mod? Most of the NPCs who say it have no enthrallment token.


Hope reporting all these little things isn't a bother. :s

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hey srayesmanll

Anything in the console when the 'b' key issue happens?
The ones i've checked usually have the rapist list followed by "SexoutRapistKeyQuest is XX000ADD" a number of times. I think it must come up each time the b key is pushed after the first one fails.


The "SexoutRapistKeyQuest is XX000ADD" comes up every time the 'b' is pressed. I did this so that if someone needs to do the manual reset' date=' it would list the exact quest id with the mod id in the front (they don't have to write it down or remember it). Thought I had that in the OP, but probably need to update it.


:exclamation: Here's an interesting development, Meta (supermutant companion) now has the "i have a present for you ..." dialogue, and acts on it! Tested it 20+ times, works great! He has no tokens in his inventory. Unfortunately neither Beta or Marcus have it.


Creatures should not be getting that currently. It should be filtered out of the dialog. Next version will allow all creature followers the "present" option (although it will actually be a different dialog statement) at all times (creature followers are automatically enthralled, so no tokens/factions necessary).


:exclamation: Rocket and a couple of the NCCS dogs have enthrallment tokens but no "i have a present...".


The tokens are there because in the last update I gave tokens to any involved in a GB (I figured it was the same as coercion, but forgot to filter out creatures). Creatures currently are supposed to be filtered out of the dialog. So this is working correctly...for now. As mentioned above, creatures will get the coercion dialog if the next version.


:exclamation: Some NPCs have got both Hater and Enthrallment tokens. Lacy in MojaveOutpost has 6 enthrallment tokens!


The is absolutely correct. Each time a victim is raped, they will get 1 of the tokens. At the time of the rape, a check is made to see if they are Entrhalled (based on the number of current enthrallment tokens). If the Enthrallment fails, they either get an Enthrallment token, or if the "fail" test is over 90%, the victim gets a hater token. So until the victim is Enthralled (at which point they are added to the EnthrallmentFaction) or they are a Hater (HaterFaction), they can gain either token for each rape. Again, the tokens themselves are strictly a counter.


:exclamation: Veronica has no enthrallment token but has the "i have a present..."


That means she is already a part of the EnthralledFaction (they no longer receive tokens).


:exclamation: Sometimes after ROs the inventory looting dialogue comes up twice, sometimes not at all.


It will never come up for follower rapes. If the victim is one of the followers, there is no need for the inventory to appear because you can already access it at any time. It should show up for any non-follower victims. There is a known issue with the inv popping up multiple times (thought I fixed that one a while back, but it cropped up again). Basically each time a rape ends in the RO, the cleanup script runs, and it opens the inv for the original victim. I could have it open for each individual victim (so 20 rapes, 20 inventories :D ).


:exclamation: Is the "Thank you Mistress" dialogue after some rapes part of the SOrapist mod?



Most of the NPCs who say it have no enthrallment token.


Tokens don't activate that dialog. The "TYM" comes from raping someone who is in one of the EnthralledFactions: EnthralledFaction (followers) and EnthralledNPCFaction (non-followers).


Hope reporting all these little things isn't a bother. :s


Not a bit. It means someone is enjoying the mod enough to want to see it get better. Thanks for having fun with it.



Just to summarize/clarify what I said above:


Tokens (Enthralled or Hater): These are strictly a counter for how many times that victim has been raped. Each token increases the chance that a victim becomes either Enthralled or a Hater. For human followers this does initially activate the "present" coercion option.


Enthralled Faction: The follower is added to the EnthralledFaction when a check is successfully made based on the number if Enthralled Tokens. Once Enthralled, the victim will no longer receive any tokens (either Enthralled or Hater), will no longer attempt escapes from rapes, will no longer refuse coercions, GBs, or ROs. And no Karma hit.


EnthralledNPC Faction: Same as EnthralledFaction, but applies to non-follower NPCs. Again, no escape attempt before rape, no run away after rape, and no Karma hit.


HaterFaction: If the Enthrallment attempt fails and the non-follower NPC has any Hater tokens, a check is made to see if they are added to the HaterFaction. HaterFaction NPCs get nothing special currently. Like the Enthrallment factions, once an NPC is in the HaterFaction, they will no longer receives Tokens.

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Minor suggestion: how about allowing female rapists to have penetrative sex on the receiving side? Maybe, require a cock ring in inventory (just inventory clutter, with no world mesh) for those positions to be available, if you're after 'realism'.

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Minor suggestion: how about allowing female rapists to have penetrative sex on the receiving side? Maybe' date=' require a cock ring in inventory (just inventory clutter, with no world mesh) for those positions to be available, if you're after 'realism'.



The problem with the rapist being the "receiver" (in game) is that it's not realistic. Unless the giver is restrained somehow, how can the rapist successfully "receive" in most situations? For example, if a female rapist (or male if so inclined) is receiving a reaming by a female rape victim with a strapon doggie-style or a male with a hard-on, what's to stop the victim from donkey-punching the rapist into unconsciousness and running away? It's impossible for the rapist to hold a gun on the victim during this (and no animations for this). The victim is not restrained (no anims handling THAT situation either - [insert request here :D ]). The rapist is basically at the mercy of the victim. It really doesn't make sense in a one-on-one scenario. HOWEVER, I could see where if the rapist has Enthralled followers, they could force and control the victim during this. What I would actually LOVE is to have restrained versions of the animations (victim's hands bound during sex/rape). I have requested in another thread something similar (one party tied to bed), but frankly I don't see new animations coming soon :-/ (pun DEFINITELY intended). I don't have the talent or the time right now to do them myself. As far as your suggestion, on a one-on-one scenario, I don't see it working, but with Enthralled followers to control the victim, then maybe. I'll take a look into it when I get a chance. Right now the coercion is suddenly giving me fits again, this time with Sunny - and she was working perfectly with it - aaaarrrgghhhh :@ !

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You're absolutely right, time to get rid of the FF oral animations :P ...




At least the female receiver still has some ability to control the victim: lock legs around head (although anims don't really show that), smother the victim's head (rapist on top like you mentioned), etc. There is zero control of the situation in the situation I described. Maybe rapist giving oral to male (control by grabbing balls) could fall into your category, although the rapist is still vulnerable. And when I first started this mod, I could not get the female rapist to do any animation other that oral (vaginal/anal wouldn't work, although now I know why).

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You're absolutely right' date=' time to get rid of the FF oral animations :P ...[/quote']

And the strapon giver ones, as well, because she can't get her rocks off that way, anyway. :D


Ooh, by the way: female PC giving oral to male rapee also wouldn't hurt. Imp's More Complex Needs (+ Sexout IMCNNV) survivalism is turning out to be pretty interesting, as I've discovered. :)

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And the strapon giver ones' date=' as well, because she can't get her rocks off that way, anyway. :D



With the penetrator strapon, that's possibly true, although never using a strapon myself I wouldn't know :D . Although it begs the question about how you would :P ? There are the strapless strapons available through scr/additional downloads where the giver end is actually inserted in the vagina and ass. They're based on real strapons like that - look for "strapless strapons" and you'll see them.


Ooh, by the way: female PC giving oral to male rapee also wouldn't hurt. Imp's More Complex Needs (+ Sexout IMCNNV) survivalism is turning out to be pretty interesting, as I've discovered. :)


"My protein shake brings all the girls to the yard..." Wait, I don't think that's how that song goes...

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I've been getting a lot of spammage lately "soRapist Faction x" can you please have a look in your next update.

I've just added a new feature in the latest SCR update to allow you to turn debugging on & off easily using the SCR MCM without adding MCM to your own mod, you may find that handy :)

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No problem, noticed that again myself when testing some other stuff yesterday and have already removed it for the next version. I usually try to remove all but the necessary PTCs, but missed that one (and a couple others). It was for testing how mod npcs handle being marked as a companion (some use the FollowerFaction, some use the Teammate option, and strangely enough some didn't use either).


I'll take a look at the SCR MCM option you mentioned. Thanks.

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Hopefully I will be able to put out a new version tonight or tomorrow. No major features, just 3 minor features/fixes:


1) FEATURE: Debugging will now use Halstrom's debug setting in the MCM for SexoutCommonRsources. Set to 13 to view soRapist debug statements in the console (set back to 0 to turn off). This requires SexoutCommonResources20121010.1 or later. Not really a playing feature, and hopefully no one will ever need to turn it on :D .


2) FIX: I believe I have worked out the issue that sometimes crops up with NPCs and the "I have a present..." coercion dialog. Sunny started acting funny (hey, poet and didn't know it :cool: ), similar to what Willow was doing earlier. Handled the dialog differently, removing all traces of local variables in dialog scripts (thanks Astymma and MTM) and it seems to have done the trick.


3) FEATURE: "Coercion" is now available for creature followers. In this case, it's really not coercion because creatures were considered enthralled. You can tell to rape the next victim you choose, just like a human(oid) follower. Again, you can only have one lined up at a time ([rant]some day I hope to figure out how to get the damn GECK to show a non-static list of followers - GECK messages have to be hard built currently, so no mod followers could be on it [/rant]). The coercion text for a creature is different. It starts as "I want you to do something for me". Also, with creatures (specifically animals like dogs) you'll need to have SmallerTalk installed and turn on the option to speak to animals.


Again, hopefully I can get this out tonight or tomorrow.

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