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[AAF] FO4 Animations by Leito - 21/09/06 - v2.1b

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39 minutes ago, tesalutamus said:

Yes, not sure which feature of Leito's new file gets overwritten, but installing AAF compatibility patch V3 last ensures morphing.

Dogmeat, ferals, deathclaws not having dicks is not really a bug [file still works], its just this mod doesn't have the nif files for it. You can search LL for "creatures penises" to get them, but I remember that they are not yet morphed [permanently erect, leading to hilarious scenarios]

I see... it is really strange! Tks for the help!

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19 hours ago, Tron91 said:

Which version of AAF you using? probably 38b. Get rid of APT and install the three AAF Themes. Also, stay away from installing STATS, SexStatsSystem and KinkyStatsSystem for the time being. There is a bug which has not been caught so far which leads to load game CTDs

Wonder if Sex Attributes/Sexual Harassment would also be subject to this bug as it keeps a form of stats keeping based on characters actions?

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18 hours ago, KyLeeKu said:

Thanks for the reply. I had upgraded to AAF 38b but was getting save games load crashes so downgraded back to AAF 25b. I reinstalled Leito & Crazy and AAF compatability patches after the FO4 animations mod and that solved the missing tag issue. Not sure what other types of issues that might cause but, everything seems to be working ok now.I have seen a few other posts now for save games crashing on load. seems to be relevant to people having upgraded to AAF 38b after the Dec 6 Follout 4 update. I downgraded back to 25b but kept the newer F4SE files from 38b installed so that it still launches from the F4SE exe.

Do I understand you correctly that rolling back to earlier version of AAF solved your CTD/Savegame problems? If so, does it or will it run under the newer F4SE? Dont really want to get into rolling back everything because of needing an earlier F4SE release.

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Hihi!  Right, so, joining in ranks here with the others, I'm getting the same AAF 049 OverlaySet ID error.  I've tried to approach this from multiple ways, but I keep getting the same result:

1).  First, I tried Leito's recommended install on the OP, following it to the T.

2).  When that didn't work I then tried installing with the old method:  Leito's Animations, then Polistro's patch, and then the AAF Compatibility Patches, in that order.  Load order would've been AAF Compatibility Patches, Leito (and Savage), and Polistro's patch.  No dice -- AAF 049.

3).  Thinking maybe it has something to do with his patch, a complete reinstall (as in uninstalled and deleted) of Polistro's patch, trying first 1 and then 2.  Still a no-go.

If anyone knows a solution to this error, your assistance would be much appreciated.  I've included a screen of exactly what the error looks like in-game.  And this is just one of them.  There are multiple of these errors as it's with all the overlays.



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52 minutes ago, OlBenny said:

Leito's Animations, then Polistro's patch, and then the AAF Compatibility Patches, in that order.

Compatibility Patch should be loaded before Polistiro patch. I am new to AAF but the error message would seem to indicate a missing overlay. Might be related to installing patches out of order, but I am very new to AAF.

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59 minutes ago, OlBenny said:

Hihi!  Right, so, joining in ranks here with the others, I'm getting the same AAF 049 OverlaySet ID error.  I've tried to approach this from multiple ways, but I keep getting the same result:

1).  First, I tried Leito's recommended install on the OP, following it to the T.

2).  When that didn't work I then tried installing with the old method:  Leito's Animations, then Polistro's patch, and then the AAF Compatibility Patches, in that order.  Load order would've been AAF Compatibility Patches, Leito (and Savage), and Polistro's patch.  No dice -- AAF 049.

3).  Thinking maybe it has something to do with his patch, a complete reinstall (as in uninstalled and deleted) of Polistro's patch, trying first 1 and then 2.  Still a no-go.

If anyone knows a solution to this error, your assistance would be much appreciated.  I've included a screen of exactly what the error looks like in-game.  And this is just one of them.  There are multiple of these errors as it's with all the overlays.

You're using the old overlay xml file. The compatibility patch isn't the one causing this, it's the patch that adds overlays. Please make a screen shot of your cum_overlaysdata.xml file and post it here, I'll take a look at it.

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1 hour ago, Olmech said:

Do I understand you correctly that rolling back to earlier version of AAF solved your CTD/Savegame problems? If so, does it or will it run under the newer F4SE? Dont really want to get into rolling back everything because of needing an earlier F4SE release.

Yes, Rolling back solved it. I kept the newer F4SE file from AAF installed so did not have to roll back FO4 executable. But, today I upgraded to AAF 38b again. I removed Halstroms position tag file and loaded the Themes files. Also, based on a suggestion from another with the same problem, removed AJs various XML files and made sure not to check sample XML files when reinstalling AAF 38b. So far the issue has not returned. I made sure to save in the middle of animations and exit game in middle of animations. The saves have been loading without issue.

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10 minutes ago, riot_punch said:

You're using the old overlay xml file. The compatibility patch isn't the one causing this, it's the patch that adds overlays. Please make a screen shot of your cum_overlaysdata.xml file and post it here, I'll take a look at it.

Hi Riot!  Thank you for your help, sir.  That's what I figured -- that it wasn't the Compatibility Patch.  But, if I'm using the old one, where is the new one?  I'm using the only one that's Polistor's page.  Unless I'm blind as a bat... which is a real possibility.  

But, here it is:


<meta title="cum_overlaysData.xml" version="1.0" dataSet="overlay"/>

<!-- Default attributes are applied to the overlaySet nodes below if no conflicting attribute is set there. -->
<defaults loadPriority="0"/>

<!-- overlaySets are referenced in other XML files by the unique id defined here. -->
<overlaySet id="Belly">

	<!-- Conditions can be applied to define separate overlays for different skeletons or genders. -->

		The duration is the amount of time in seconds to wait before removing the overlay(s). If duration is omitted, the overlays are added without timer-controlled removal. Duration can also be defined in the overlay node if individual control is needed.

		Quantity is the number of overlays from the child overlay nodes to apply. Overlays will be selected randomly. Note that the system will not apply the same overlay twice on the same actor. So, there could be circumstances where an overlaySet is applied. But, it results in no visible change because the overlays chosen randomly have already been applied to the actor.
		<overlayGroup duration="60" quantity="1">
			The template is the name of the overlay to apply. This must match an overlay that is properly set up according to the LooksMenu instructions.

			Alpha is currently not functional. But, will eventually allow alpha control of overlays.

			isFemale lets AAF know what gender the overlay is for. This is not an attempt to force gender restrictions on users. Per LooksMenu instructions, overlays have gender definitions. I assume that there is a technical reason for this.
			<overlay template="Belly_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Belly_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Belly_3" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Belly_4" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Belly_5" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Vaginal_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Vaginal_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>			

<overlaySet id="Anal">
		<overlayGroup duration="60" quantity="1">
			<overlay template="Anal_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Butt_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Butt_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Butt_3" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Butt_4" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Kidneys_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Kidneys_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>

<overlaySet id="Breasts">
		<overlayGroup duration="60" quantity="1">
			<overlay template="Breast_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Breast_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Breast_3" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Breast_4" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>			
			<overlay template="Breast_5" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>			

<overlaySet id="Back">
		<overlayGroup duration="60" quantity="1">
			<overlay template="Butt_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Butt_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Butt_3" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Butt_4" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Kidneys_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Kidneys_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Vaginal_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="Vaginal_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>	

<overlaySet id="DP">
		<overlayGroup duration="60" quantity="1">
			<overlay template="DP_1" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="DP_2" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="DP_3" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>
			<overlay template="DP_4" alpha="100" isFemale="true"/>

<overlaySet id="Back_M">
		<overlayGroup duration="60" quantity="1">
			<overlay template="M_Anal_1" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Butt_1" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Kidneys_1" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Kidneys_2" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>

<overlaySet id="Belly_M">
		<overlayGroup duration="60" quantity="1">
			<overlay template="M_Belly_1" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Chest_1" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Chest_2" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Chest_3" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Chest_4" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Chest_5" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Chest_6" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>
			<overlay template="M_Anal_1" alpha="100" isFemale="false"/>



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37 minutes ago, riot_punch said:

@OlBenny I think you are using one of my overlay patch, since "vaginal" isn't an original overlay group. 


Ah-ha, that was it!  Back on the 4th I installed CumNWealth-SavageCabbage 1.0.3a and I totally forgot that I had.  That was causing it.  I remember reading it somewhere or another and was thinking I should probably install that.  So I clearly need to update that.  Thank you, Riot!

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2 hours ago, OlBenny said:

Ah-ha, that was it!  Back on the 4th I installed CumNWealth-SavageCabbage 1.0.3a and I totally forgot that I had.  That was causing it.  I remember reading it somewhere or another and was thinking I should probably install that.  So I clearly need to update that.  Thank you, Riot!

You're welcome, make sure there are no files from older versions in your data file, almost all of the files are updated in the latest patch.

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On 12/23/2018 at 6:10 AM, tesalutamus said:

In your post, you've selected Jason as the sole participant. There are no available solo male animations [that I know of]. Almost all solo animations are for women [Masturbate, twerk, bound on the floor].

In AAF sex [at least 2 persons] always select the female first [your character or a female NPC] then a male [my post earlier explains how a female NPC can take the role of male in F-M animations].

Presuming standard controls for the AAF. 
1. Press home to load AAF
2. Press enter to toggle the wizard
3. At selection menu, page down selects, up and down arrow key chooses [i.e. page down on your character name, press up/down arrow key to select a male partner, then press page down again]
4. Press right arrow to go to location menu, choose from one
5. Press right arrow to choose animation
6. ???
7. Profit [see attachment]



I knew it would be something simple/stupid.


Thanks!  It really was easy in the end.


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Hi all. Just installed the animation pack and new to this. When the animation start, is there a hotkey to zoom out and see the action without opening the console and type 'TFC'. In Skyrim Sexlabs framework, there is an option to allow us to use free camera. Is there an option like that in any of the FO4 mods here?


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32 minutes ago, bearbil said:

Hi all. Just installed the animation pack and new to this. When the animation start, is there a hotkey to zoom out and see the action without opening the console and type 'TFC'. In Skyrim Sexlabs framework, there is an option to allow us to use free camera. Is there an option like that in any of the FO4 mods here?


AAF automatically triggers free camera mode. no hotkey needed.

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2 hours ago, Larrydd said:

Hi read most of the posts and have started a brand new game,is there any way that will show if the mod is working,have pressed the home key ?thanks

The AAF wizard should show up. Home > Enter > choose options etc etc etc. If you have only this animation pack, just choose one of the options and then it should animate.

Please refer to AAF to know how it works, or otherwise backtrack to a few pages to see the step by step process of using these animation

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15 minutes ago, Saphiira said:

for me the actors does not have proper positions. also some of leitos animations dont work. ig the aggressive ones does, but the non agressive ones doesnt. i used a step by step installation guide for install (with  NMM) and using four play. 

This fix was posted in another thread, but is a common issue. You just need to make sure your position data is sane, not all of them are updated, or you may be using an older copy...


But, look in any of Leito's positionData.xml's and if you see this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>


Comment it out like this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>



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