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We stand there for presumably 30 seconds, the red light turns on for a bit and then turns off.  In my last attempt, I exited and posted my log here:



Thanks for that. These lines are interesting:


[04/16/2017 - 01:05:41PM] warning: Variable mission_f on script four_play:main loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[04/16/2017 - 01:05:41PM] warning: Variable mission_m on script four_play:main loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[04/16/2017 - 01:05:41PM] warning: Variable norm_doggy_f on script four_play:main loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.
[04/16/2017 - 01:05:41PM] warning: Variable norm_doggy_m on script four_play:main loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.

So, not only are some of the properties containing the idles not being filled, they apparently don't exist. Which is really, really strange. A clean save might work wonders here.


2. The orgy has the same result as my solo with Deb: re-position, strip, then nothing.  After some time, they clothe again.  At one time, I had Leo's alternative animations installed.  During that time, it worked!  It seemed to randomly pick from his vanilla and custom aggressive animations.  However, I didn't have it installed when I created the log.

Using Leito's animations and the bridging patch would probably fox the missing property problem. I wonder if uninstalling the patch could cause the game to loose track of the properties like that. You might check and see if there are any loose scripts kicking around as well.


The strip and do nothing problem was caused by the SetRace call I used in 0.0.6 to try and stop actors being pushed out of position. I rolled it back in 0.0.7 so if you're up to date you shouldn't still be seeing that.


4. Nothing at all happens with the Scribe and Power Armored knight.  No message either.  I did install 'Four-Play Vanilla Fudge' by vinfamy at one point (but not when I created the above log) and when I tried to engage with my companion I got a message "4Play: Blocked - One or more actors is wearing power armor".  Neither of us were though.  Not sure if that's relevant.

For the PA to work, you need to enable the Can-Opener from the admin terminal near the entrance. It should print a notification about the act being blocked by PA otherwise and it doesn't seem to do so. I haven't got round to working out why it doesn't show yet. 


I have it selected, and yeah I do have 0.0.7 installed... though I had installed 0.0.5 before so it might be causing some issue? I've been editing DD's armor files on the .esm and adding the keyword 4play_do_not_strip to all of them. Am I doing it wrong?




If Dr.Li is taking her hat off for Virgil then you're probably doing it right with the keywords. I've heard from Kimy that she's going to be adding the keywords to the DD devices, so there will be an official fix along shortly. Although that doesn't help if the mechanism is broken.


A log file would probably help about now.



No, she's not part of a mod, she's a named settler in the game. I'll hafta go back & find what settlement, but they grow Mutifruit trees.

Mrs Greentop @ Greentop Nursery.



So no real reason to think she'd be using unusual skin then. Hmm...


Probably the most frustrating thing is getting a prefect alignment in an animation and having Cait "Kick" the actors out of alignment. Oh well.. not much we could do except maybe "TAI" everyone during the Animation.


I'm not sure I can do that in Papyrus. I'll have a look though.


well it still dont work X/ and it say:  error: Unbound native function "GetWornItem" called and  cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

and cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property, so what im doing wrong?


Ah - you need the .pex files from the F4SE archive.


Quick reference question - hows npc alignment doing with this update?


Well, action always kicks off at the player's location if the PC is involved, so that will help a lot. Actors can still get pushed off their marks though.


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Mrs Green is wearing Nate's "never nude" skin........Now this could've happened as a result of one of the clothing mods I have installed, or it could be a bugg in the game. I'll find out which & let ya know.


(It would probably help if I knew where Nate's stuff was at in the game first.......LOL)




There are some children mods out there that might shed some light on where Nate's files are hidden.

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Just an FYI - I have Vioxsis' strap-on installed, but females aren't using it (or I haven't seen it yet). That's it.  biggrin.png


Hmm... and checking it out, I only seem to see the "dildo baton" version equipping. I'll look into it.

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I have it selected, and yeah I do have 0.0.7 installed... though I had installed 0.0.5 before so it might be causing some issue? I've been editing DD's armor files on the .esm and adding the keyword 4play_do_not_strip to all of them. Am I doing it wrong?




If Dr.Li is taking her hat off for Virgil then you're probably doing it right with the keywords. I've heard from Kimy that she's going to be adding the keywords to the DD devices, so there will be an official fix along shortly. Although that doesn't help if the mechanism is broken.


A log file would probably help about now.



Here's the log file: https://pastebin.com/ZeSvfDt7

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Quick reference question - hows npc alignment doing with this update?


If you can keep Dogmeat from bumping into ya, not bad........




Sounds good! Although... I would prefer to have dog meat involved.....     :cool:  Hopefully someday 



Yea, Dogmeat looks like he wants to join in sometimes........


I gotta say, they sure got Dogmeat's actions down perfect. He's probably the most realistic acting dog I've seen in computer games.

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Just a note on something I noticed that happens.  I have this mod and am using the prostitution mod to start the animation.  any way IF I use TFC to view the action.  then the player does not redress at the end until I toggle off the TFC.


Not really a problem, but does show a conflict maybe?



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i have problems with the prostitution, mindless, and sex em up mods, it looks like the main mod works perfectly but the addons doesnt work properly, what should i do?


The post right below yours has someone using Prostitution, so I'd double check your install of FP first, make sure it works OK, then add each additional mod one at a time to make sure they're working OK.  Your FP mods are from Vinfamy (his mods work well), so questions on his mods should prolly be directed to him if things are still screwy.


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Just a note on something I noticed that happens.  I have this mod and am using the prostitution mod to start the animation.  any way IF I use TFC to view the action.  then the player does not redress at the end until I toggle off the TFC.


I've seen the same thing in testing. Redressing doesn't happen until I exit TFC.


I've been assuming it was a quirk of the Fo4 engine

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Just an FYI - I have Vioxsis' strap-on installed, but females aren't using it (or I haven't seen it yet). That's it.  biggrin.png


Hmm... and checking it out, I only seem to see the "dildo baton" version equipping. I'll look into it.



OK - I have Vanilla Fudge running as well and asked Ellie for sex, She had on the strap-on, but after we finished, CTD.  Obviously not sure if it's due to FP or Vinfamy's mod. Again, just an FYI.


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Probably something at my end. I changed the way the setup function got called and now I don't think the mods are being soft-loaded properly. I put a fix in, but got called away from the keyboard before I could test it last night.


A CTD could be an F4SE effect if it gets called with improper arguments.

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Just a note on something I noticed that happens.  I have this mod and am using the prostitution mod to start the animation.  any way IF I use TFC to view the action.  then the player does not redress at the end until I toggle off the TFC.


I've seen the same thing in testing. Redressing doesn't happen until I exit TFC.


I've been assuming it was a quirk of the Fo4 engine



Something likek that happened in sexlab where if u changed the actors or the animation in TFC and the PC have to equip or unequip a strapon, visually it wouldn´t happen untill u exit TFC. So here, PC not redressing is probably because of Fo4 engine.

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Hi guys!


First of all a big thank you for all your efforts and work!


I've now tested FP for about 2 weeks (last version 0.0.5c) and everything works perfect, expect temporary failure of stripping (updating FO4SE data folder remediates in most cases) and another thing.


When starting a PC/NPC scene, sometimes the load screen before the animation gets in the infinite mode, game needs to be terminated via task manager and restarted.


So the question is, if someone knows about this behaviour and possibly has a fix for this. I have enabled papyrus logging via the fallout4.ini, but haven't found any helpful in those logs; FP is not even mentioned there. Considering the posting, it seems that FP does soe logging, however, I'm too stupid to enable/find those logs, so maybe someone has a hint on this too.




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Yeah in FONV you could swap the outfits of NPCs anytime during sex animations, but if you tried with player they ended up invisible body.


Maybe I should add the TCL redressing thing to the list of known issues, then.


The test cell isnt working for me. I have installed the Animations by Crazy6987



Isn't working how? Can you go there? Can you use the terminals? Do the actors strip? Do animations play?


So the question is, if someone knows about this behaviour and possibly has a fix for this. I have enabled papyrus logging via the fallout4.ini, but haven't found any helpful in those logs; FP is not even mentioned there. Considering the posting, it seems that FP does soe logging, however, I'm too stupid to enable/find those logs, so maybe someone has a hint on this too.


Inifinte loading must be a pain. One thing you might try is what it says on this page



  • Calling a MoveTo on the Player will cause the game to fade-out and fade-in automatically.
  • If we are moving the Player, and the distance between the MoveTo target and the Player is very small, we don't call for the automatic fade-out. There's a [General] INI setting called fMinPlayerMoveToDistForLoadScreen which defines the minimum distance to call for a loadscreen.


So bumping that value up a bit may prevent most of the load screens and therefore limit the chances for the screen to hang.

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Great mod but I seem to have an issue with alignment sometimes it's just rly off so far I only tested it in an interior but it happened from the moment I upgraded to 0.7 


Thanks for this. I posted yesterday about having 90% of the animations misaligned and I was wondering what the problem might be. 

Now I downloaded 0.6 and tested for a while and all animations look really good. So I can confirm the problem is with 0.7.

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Yeah. 0.6 uses the "immobile race" trick, but in the process breaks NPC/NPC animations. They strip, exit the animation and stand there naked for 30 seconds before getting dressed again. Against that, scenes with the PC are pretty solid.


0.7 rolls back the immobile race hack, so everyone is getting pushed off position, but NPC scenes work again.


There may be a way to get the best of both worlds, but it's been a busy weekend.

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Last trip to coc "ORGY" works, striping, animations & redressing. Dr. Li did take off her hat and Trudy equiped her strap on. Still couldn't  get those old crazy animations to work, but I suspect Doc's using those to test his animation loader. Most of the "Workarounds" , tfc for tho camera thing & tcl for the NPC collision issue, have redressing  problems. I picked up some Fallout.ini Camera setting (tweaks) back on Crazy's Sex Animation support thread that seems to help. The collision "Workaround" I use is Global TAI, no NPC selected it toggles All AI's on & off.  You need to remember to toggle it back on though. Hey Doc, did you put a "Do not strip" on slot 58 ? That might have been with Leito's gun.

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i have problems with the prostitution, mindless, and sex em up mods, it looks like the main mod works perfectly but the addons doesnt work properly, what should i do?


The post right below yours has someone using Prostitution, so I'd double check your install of FP first, make sure it works OK, then add each additional mod one at a time to make sure they're working OK.  Your FP mods are from Vinfamy (his mods work well), so questions on his mods should prolly be directed to him if things are still screwy.



EDIT : i figure it out, i read the trouble shooting page, then i miss one file from F4SE archives, the file named "Actor.pex". after i copied that to the script folder in FO4 game folder, and tried to launch the game, all those 3 addon works perfectly.


so in conclusion, better check your F4SE archives if theres something wrong on the addon mod.

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