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Ok, here we go!


Mind you that this mod is new. Expect some issues. Some features were tested thoroughly. Some not so much (e.g. NPC support). If you encounter bugs and other issues, please report them here! :)


In case you are curious, there are almost 130 restraints and toys in this mod. Yes, that's why I was unable to upload it here and had to use MEGA instead. Sorry about any inconvenience this might cause.

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When wearing the straitjacket I noticed that my hands will still appear in 3rd person. I didn't see an option in bodyslide to zap the hands, and prevent them from appearing. Did I miss something, or is this possibly just a bug? Also, I know someone else said this but the NPC Kimy only says hello and wont sell me anything. But otherwise I want you to know that I am so happy that DD has finally come to fallout 4! Great work Kimy!

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The reason why in-game Kimy might be less than chatty is probably because the mod was installed over an older save and her alias didn't properly fill. Try with a new save and tell me if the problem persists!


i have the same problem, only a helly fro mkimy, no dialog, its a complete fresh install of fo4 with a complete new save and modinstallation


problem persists even with  minimum requirements

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You need to redo a lot of the plugs, they are distorted.


When moving them from the old skyrim cbbe shape to the fallout 4 cbbe shape do not conform to slider.

Instead set the slider to edit mode (@ 100 percent) and highlight the meshes you need to move then right click and choose move.

This will bring up a box with x,y,z co-ordinates and adjust the location via those 3 sliders and click okay.

If the angle is off you can right click and choose rotate, but be very careful with this part of outfit studio...

Note: small adjustments to rotation followed by moving items via the move function may be need to line the items up Properly.

Note 2: you can reduce your bodyslide package size by a couple of megs by simply unchecking the option to save the reference (cbbe) shape in outfits that do not need a body (like the piercings, plugs, etc).


You have roughly 180 folders in the shape data folder for the bodyslide part. each of those folders contains a copy of the FO4 CBBE reference body (only about 20 of them need it). That reference body is 974K in size (just under 1 meg). Uncompressed your bodyslide package is 700+ Megs. You can reduce that by roughly 120 to 150 megs just by unchecking the "Copy reference shape into output" when you do the "Save Project As" function in Outfit Studo. Not sure how much that will reduce the ziip file size by, but its a decent amount on the uncompressed side.


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Stuff that's different because I chose to make it different:

  • There are no global user settings affecting item difficulty or behavior in FO4 DD and never will be. Everything incfluencing item behavior is determined on the device level. This is putting all control in the hands of the modder, where it should be. The settings can be vastly different from item to item. E.g. one item can have a 20% chance to break the key, another can have 0%. The user cannot influence this. Which makes item behavior predictable for modders using the framework - the item will behave exactly the way it was designed! On the flip side, it puts also more responsibility on the modder, not to create unfun features or devices that users will generally end up hating.


Please re-consider this.  I know I can't be the only person that HATES every default implementation I've ever seen.  If this stays, I'll just end up cheesing keys in because my version of fun apparently doesn't match anyone else's.  Cheesing keys will also remove a lot of the fun.  :(


Allowing the user to customize device difficulty, key break chances, key drop chances, etc. allows each user to find the perfect balance for themself, rather than rail-roading them into someone else's kinky experience.

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The reason why in-game Kimy might be less than chatty is probably because the mod was installed over an older save and her alias didn't properly fill. Try with a new save and tell me if the problem persists!


Old save, new save, even new game. Kimy will not give up the loot.

Papryus log attached... just in case.. ya never know. lol!


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Stuff that's different because I chose to make it different:

  • There are no global user settings affecting item difficulty or behavior in FO4 DD and never will be. Everything incfluencing item behavior is determined on the device level. This is putting all control in the hands of the modder, where it should be. The settings can be vastly different from item to item. E.g. one item can have a 20% chance to break the key, another can have 0%. The user cannot influence this. Which makes item behavior predictable for modders using the framework - the item will behave exactly the way it was designed! On the flip side, it puts also more responsibility on the modder, not to create unfun features or devices that users will generally end up hating.


Please re-consider this.  I know I can't be the only person that HATES every default implementation I've ever seen.  If this stays, I'll just end up cheesing keys in because my version of fun apparently doesn't match anyone else's.  Cheesing keys will also remove a lot of the fun.  :(


Allowing the user to customize device difficulty, key break chances, key drop chances, etc. allows each user to find the perfect balance for themself, rather than rail-roading them into someone else's kinky experience.



*nod* I realize that this feature (or lack thereof) might be both controversial and surprising for those who remember me creating one of the most complex customizeable mods out there. But here is the logic behind this decision:


I -love- customization. I think I have proven that. Ideally, players should be able to take a game, or mod in this case, and make it their experience by customizing every nook and cranny to their personal tastes. There is no such thing as two people agreeing on what a good game or the right difficulty is. The more options, the better.


Except that Devious Devices is a -framework-. It's not its place to make a statement regarding difficulty. That's up to decide for the people USING the framework to create content. If I allow people to adjust item difficulty on a framework level, I automatically make these settings supercede each and every content mod using the framework. They won't have the chance to make their own decision about how hard or easy an item is to escape from and/or how it behaves. I would decide that for them. Which isn't fair to these mods. The philosophy of Fallout 4 Devious Devices is to put customization in the hand of the modder using the framework. I would love to see lots of content mods each having their own custom items, allowing users to set the difficulty to different levels, so players can play the game they way they want it. But I don't want to make this decision for them,

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You need to redo a lot of the plugs, they are distorted.


When moving them from the old skyrim cbbe shape to the fallout 4 cbbe shape do not conform to slider.

Instead set the slider to edit mode (@ 100 percent) and highlight the meshes you need to move then right click and choose move.

This will bring up a box with x,y,z co-ordinates and adjust the location via those 3 sliders and click okay.

If the angle is off you can right click and choose rotate, but be very careful with this part of outfit studio...

Note: small adjustments to rotation followed by moving items via the move function may be need to line the items up Properly.

Note 2: you can reduce your bodyslide package size by a couple of megs by simply unchecking the option to save the reference (cbbe) shape in outfits that do not need a body (like the piercings, plugs, etc).


You have roughly 180 folders in the shape data folder for the bodyslide part. each of those folders contains a copy of the FO4 CBBE reference body (only about 20 of them need it). That reference body is 974K in size (just under 1 meg). Uncompressed your bodyslide package is 700+ Megs. You can reduce that by roughly 120 to 150 megs just by unchecking the "Copy reference shape into output" when you do the "Save Project As" function in Outfit Studo. Not sure how much that will reduce the ziip file size by, but its a decent amount on the uncompressed side.


Great suggestions. Thanks. Very helpful, specific, and well written.

Redid the plugs and sent them to kimy.

No distortion at all with plugs on base body with zeroed sliders. Had to leave in sliders for HipsBack, MoveCrotch, etc. for those who use those sliders. Unavoidable distortion there.


I initially built the bodyslide files without the reference body in the manner you suggested, but all the sliders were being deleted at random from several outfits. Tried again tonight with same results. Works for some, but not with others. Not sure why. Perhaps you might get different results. Let me know if you know the root of this.


Also the bone weights are a big root of the problem. Sending fixes for that to kimy as well.

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Stuff that's different because I chose to make it different:

  • There are no global user settings affecting item difficulty or behavior in FO4 DD and never will be. Everything incfluencing item behavior is determined on the device level. This is putting all control in the hands of the modder, where it should be. The settings can be vastly different from item to item. E.g. one item can have a 20% chance to break the key, another can have 0%. The user cannot influence this. Which makes item behavior predictable for modders using the framework - the item will behave exactly the way it was designed! On the flip side, it puts also more responsibility on the modder, not to create unfun features or devices that users will generally end up hating.


Please re-consider this.  I know I can't be the only person that HATES every default implementation I've ever seen.  If this stays, I'll just end up cheesing keys in because my version of fun apparently doesn't match anyone else's.  Cheesing keys will also remove a lot of the fun.  :(


Allowing the user to customize device difficulty, key break chances, key drop chances, etc. allows each user to find the perfect balance for themself, rather than rail-roading them into someone else's kinky experience.



*nod* I realize that this feature (or lack thereof) might be both controversial and surprising for those who remember me creating one of the most complex customizeable mods out there. But here is the logic behind this decision:


I -love- customization. I think I have proven that. Ideally, players should be able to take a game, or mod in this case, and make it their experience by customizing every nook and cranny to their personal tastes. There is no such thing as two people agreeing on what a good game or the right difficulty is. The more options, the better.


Except that Devious Devices is a -framework-. It's not its place to make a statement regarding difficulty. That's up to decide for the people USING the framework to create content. If I allow people to adjust item difficulty on a framework level, I automatically make these settings supercede each and every content mod using the framework. They won't have the chance to make their own decision about how hard or easy an item is to escape from and/or how it behaves. I would decide that for them. Which isn't fair to these mods. The philosophy of Fallout 4 Devious Devices is to put customization in the hand of the modder using the framework. I would love to see lots of content mods each having their own custom items, allowing users to set the difficulty to different levels, so players can play the game they way they want it. But I don't want to make this decision for them,



While I respect your opinion, I do have to object to the bit in red.  You're not making the decision, the end-user is.  And honestly, I feel that's how it should be.  The end-user shouldn't have to re-code and re-compile each and every single mod to their own personal tastes, they should have easy access to those settings and be able to make decisions for themselves.  This isn't a movie, this is a video game and a mod framework, which means the end-user is ALREADY making changes beyond the vision of the developers.  To put it another way, the player is crafting and customizing their own experience rather than passively participating in a pre-existing narrative.  It's quite the odd dichotomy to say "here's something to customize your game with", but then turn around and say "oh, but you'll have to play how the mod developers decide, you don't get a choice".


At best, you're just forcing each mod to have its own customizable difficulty settings, which means making adjustments will be a long, tedious, and inconsistent chore.  At worst, you're forcing the users to re-code mods, which is even longer and more tedious, and requires constant work every time there's a mod update... multiplied by however many mods they have that hook into Devious Devices.


Please consider this before you completely dismiss the idea of keeping difficulty options centralized and end-user customizable.

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