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7 hours ago, jesseg said:

Hi, they also clip through the body for me as well....Gromilla did mention this in his post and asked if anyone had a solution.....

Until someone can find a solution/workaround for this, we just have to use it the way it is....




Actually it's is pretty easy to fix this. Example is from the "Paraguay.xml" hair in KS wigs for HDT-SMP

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<system xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="description.xsd">

  <bone name="Sky188 Ponytail 1"/>   
   <bone name="NPC Head [Head]"/>  

    <inertia x="10" y="10" z="10"/>
      <basis x="0" y="0" z="0" w="1"/>
      <origin x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

    <bone name="Sky188 Ponytail 2"/>
    <bone name="Sky188 Ponytail 3"/>
    <bone name="Sky188 Ponytail 4"/>    
    <bone name="Sky188 Ponytail 5"/>
      <basis x="0" y="0" z="0" w="1"/>
      <origin x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearLowerLimit x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearUpperLimit x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularLowerLimit x="-0.6" y="-0.05" z="-0.6"/>
    <angularUpperLimit x="0.6" y="0.7" z="0.6"/>
    <linearStiffness x="50" y="50" z="50"/>
    <angularStiffness x="50" y="50" z="50"/>
    <linearDamping x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularDamping x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <linearEquilibrium x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
    <angularEquilibrium x="0" y="0" z="0"/>

     <generic-constraint bodyA="Sky188 Ponytail 2" bodyB ="Sky188 Ponytail 1"></generic-constraint>
    <generic-constraint bodyA="Sky188 Ponytail 3" bodyB ="Sky188 Ponytail 2"></generic-constraint>
    <generic-constraint bodyA="Sky188 Ponytail 4" bodyB ="Sky188 Ponytail 3"></generic-constraint>
    <generic-constraint bodyA="Sky188 Ponytail 5" bodyB ="Sky188 Ponytail 4"></generic-constraint>
<per-vertex-shape name="hair">

The hair is defined to NOT collide with itself, Labia,hands, Malehands, Balls and FBalls. And since I have not declared "body"in my xml file, the hair will collide with the body.

If your CBBE body is per-triangle, like this:

<per-triangle-shape name="CBBE">
		<weight-threshold bone="NPC L Pussy02">3.0</weight-threshold>
		<weight-threshold bone="NPC R Pussy02">3.0</weight-threshold>	
	    <weight-threshold bone="NPC L Breast">3.0</weight-threshold>
		<weight-threshold bone="NPC R Breast">3.0</weight-threshold>		

Then the above hair code would work fine. If your body is defined as per-vertex, then I would maybe switch to per-triangle with the hair.


So, to sum up. If you want your hair to collide or not collide with the body you have to declare it in the "hair.xml"

And basically, if you don't have the code snippet below in your hair.xml , the hair will not collide with anything.


<per-vertex-shape name="hair">


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2 hours ago, Farass said:



Actually it's is pretty easy to fix this. Example is from the "Paraguay.xml" hair in KS wigs for HDT-SMP

The hair is defined to NOT collide with itself, Labia,hands, Malehands, Balls and FBalls. And since I have not declared "body"in my xml file, the hair will collide with the body.

If your CBBE body is per-triangle, like this:

Then the above hair code would work fine. If your body is defined as per-vertex, then I would maybe switch to per-triangle with the hair.


So, to sum up. If you want your hair to collide or not collide with the body you have to declare it in the "hair.xml"

And basically, if you don't have the code snippet below in your hair.xml , the hair will not collide with anything.



Thanks! I'll try your option. But it did not work for me in the files of the bodies as if I did not try, so I went the other way. Apparently I need to reconsider everything carefully. Maybe I missed something.

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So I'm stumbling my way through figuring this stuff out while testing the new UNP-R Alpha body, and there's a lot of good information being posted here, but this topic is already running at 94 pages of posts and counting (not even counting things posted to other topics). Trying to find something later for reference is at times pretty much like sifting for the proverbial needle in a haystack. So I tossed up a blog to help me keep track of things I want to refer back to later. Suggestions for additional posts to link to are welcome. The blog is public because I'm not the only one in this boat. :smiley:




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2 hours ago, Gromilla said:

Thanks! I'll try your option. But it did not work for me in the files of the bodies as if I did not try, so I went the other way. Apparently I need to reconsider everything carefully. Maybe I missed something.

Well, if you have used per-vertex on both hair and body the hair will probably go right through the body. To test you can try with per-triangle on both hair and body. And set penetration=1 to be sure it will collide  instantly.

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11 hours ago, Gromilla said:

Question: which version of YunDao wigs is the freshest? In the one that is on the Nexus for SE just a huge pile of bugs and unnecessary stuff. @realclone said that it was engaged in a new version, maybe I missed something?

Pickelsturn added me as a mod admin on his SSE conversion of YunDao because I had made several recolors for it. Then he got banned :classic_wacko: leaving me to "inherit" the mod.


I got the latest version from RealClone (version 5.5) but as you say, half the wigs don't work and/or crash the game when equipped, many wigs in this supposedly-SMP mod have NiStringExtraData named "HDT Havok Path" which of course is the Oldrim HDT-PE data :classic_angry: plus even the xml's that work without crashing or stretching to infinitry are a mess, full of unused garbage and unknown/deprecated tags like "Gravity" and "Priority." The SMP log after equipping one of these wigs truly has to be seen to be believed. There is even a missing normal map file for one of the wigs that works- the file specified in the mesh simply doesn't exist in the mod.


I asked RealClone for help and he just acknowledged that "there's a lot of stuff in there just for testing, you can delete it" but no guidance on what is used and what is not used, or even which are the "new in 5.5" wigs so I can concentrate on those... and it's difficult to figure any of that out since nothing is named for what it is- no two components for any wig are named consistently with the wig name- the mesh, textures, Armor Addon and Item Names do not match each other AND it is a literal nightmare to try to sort it out.


So, since it's "my" conversion mod now, I will not release version 5.5 for SSE until I get it sorted into some semblance of order,... which is probably OK since there doesn't seem to be much new in it anyway- even RealClone on his Oldrim page says there are "more than 11 new wigs" which is an estimate, not a number. He didn't give me any "new wig" names- so even he doesn't know what's new and what's not new. The whole thing is very discouraging.

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4 minutes ago, Vyxenne said:

I got the latest version from RealClone (version 5.5) but as you say, half the wigs don't work and/or crash the game when equipped, many wigs in this supposedly-SMP mod have NiStringExtraData named "HDT Havok Path" which of course is the Oldrim HDT-PE data :classic_angry: plus even the xml's that work without crashing or stretching to infinitry are a mess, full of unused garbage and deprecated tags like "Priority." The SMP log after equipping one of these wigs truly has to be seen to be believed.


I asked RealClone for help and he just acknowledged that "there's a lot of stuff in there just for testing, you can delete it" but no guidance on what is used and what is not used, or even which are the "new in 5.5" wigs so I can concentrate on those... and it's difficult to figure any of that out since nothing is named for what it is- no two components for any wig are named consistently with the wig name- the mesh, textures, Armor Addon and Item Names do not match each other AND it is a literal nightmare to try to sort it out.


So until I get it sorted into some semblance of order, I will not release version 5.5 for SSE... which is probably OK since there doesn't seem to be much new in it anyway- even RealClone on his Oldrim page says there are then "more than 11 new wigs" which is an estimate, not a number. He didn't give me any "new wig" names- so even he doesn't know what's new and what's not new. The whole thing is very discouraging.

Thank! You are as always responsive ?.
I found version 5.5 and looked through the content, so I’ll say that I completely agree with you ???. But I was not interested in the wigs themselves, but in their design :) Let the author himself deal with them. 


53 minutes ago, Farass said:

Well, if you have used per-vertex on both hair and body the hair will probably go right through the body. To test you can try with per-triangle on both hair and body. And set penetration=1 to be sure it will collide  instantly.

Thanks again, but that is not the case. I understand the difference in these parameters and xml file configurations. Just suddenly I thought about your words that "The hair is defined to NOT collide with itself, Labia,hands, Malehands, Balls and FBalls. And since I have not declared "body"in my xml file, the hair will collide with the body." and it turns out that collisions are formed by default, and the <per-vertex or triangle-shape name=""> parameter switches them off between the described meshes (shapes)? Or have I overdone it with thoughts? :) But there is the <can-collide-with-tag> collision parameter? And it works. 
And another moment, collision proxy meshes are registered in your code as I understand it (RBreast, Lbreast and so on) from earlier versions of the bodies, I worked with them and then redid them differently for myself as an experiment :) But this code will not work adequately if there are no proxy meshes. And collisions with bones of <no-collide-with-bone> as I understood do not work in later versions of physics. These are not even questions, but rather reflections on the topic "are there any collisions on Mars without supermegaextraproxy  shapes...". ? ?

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I have an SMP Ponytail that properly collides with my "standard UUNP" back and shoulders **but not with my elbows or hands when I'm running or sneaking.** Here is the xml for it: Sky188.xml. Hope it helps.


Oh, and PS: it's from the HDT version of "KS Wigs for HDT-SMP" and found under the "KS Hairdo's (sic)" folder structure.


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sorry for all,but i should explain the yundao hdt hair 5.5, when i add one hair

ver will increase 0.1,these two months i am traveling in thailand,whthout pc,i cant even make a video or screenshot,and  the original yundao hair 5.5 is for skyrim le, all hairs work fine for oldskyrim,i know when some smp wig convert to skyrim se,abnormal will appear  just like stretching infinity or cdt, but i really dont know why, because i didn't install skyrim se ,so i cant test it by myself.

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By the way, because the collision mechanism of SMP is different from that of pe, PE uses proxy rigid body method, while SMP uses vertex to generate rigid body directly. So for smp, if the collision is opened, SMP will consume more machine performance, if you can not effectively control SMP to generate rigidity. Number of bodies, because each generated rigid body will participate in the physical calculation, so for the collision of smp, although SMP can provide more accurate collision effect, in order to consider efficiency, sometimes it is necessary to make a proxy collision model to minimize the generation of collision rigid bodies

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At this stage, SMP relies on the speed of CPU and has nothing to do with gpu. So when you don't have a powerful cpu, it's better not to generate a large number of rigid bodies without any reason. There are codes to control the number of rigid bodies in xml. This is a very important thing. In addition, SMP relies on vertices to generate rigid bodies. So for those high models with more vertices, if you want to add SMP physics, you have to use proxy rigid bodies

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9 hours ago, realclone said:

sorry for all,but i should explain the yundao hdt hair 5.5, when i add one hair

ver will increase 0.1,these two months i am traveling in thailand,whthout pc,i cant even make a video or screenshot,and  the original yundao hair 5.5 is for skyrim le, all hairs work fine for oldskyrim,i know when some smp wig convert to skyrim se,abnormal will appear  just like stretching infinity or cdt, but i really dont know why, because i didn't install skyrim se ,so i cant test it by myself.

Hey. Most of the problems with porting and adaptation can be solved. If you need something I can help with this.

But in some wigs a huge number of bones per shape (for example: 23ksHair-89 bones, 4997sgHair-134 (I have a version with 252 bones?)), which exceeds the 80 bones per shape limit for SE. Here you need a 3D scalpel ?‍? 


8 hours ago, realclone said:

By the way, because the collision mechanism of SMP is different from that of pe, PE uses proxy rigid body method, while SMP uses vertex to generate rigid body directly. So for smp, if the collision is opened, SMP will consume more machine performance, if you can not effectively control SMP to generate rigidity. Number of bodies, because each generated rigid body will participate in the physical calculation, so for the collision of smp, although SMP can provide more accurate collision effect, in order to consider efficiency, sometimes it is necessary to make a proxy collision model to minimize the generation of collision rigid bodies


8 hours ago, realclone said:

At this stage, SMP relies on the speed of CPU and has nothing to do with gpu. So when you don't have a powerful cpu, it's better not to generate a large number of rigid bodies without any reason. There are codes to control the number of rigid bodies in xml. This is a very important thing. In addition, SMP relies on vertices to generate rigid bodies. So for those high models with more vertices, if you want to add SMP physics, you have to use proxy rigid bodies

It is useful to use the parameter: 

<shared>{private, internal, public}, default value is public: Set the effect scope of a collision shape. "private" for only this XML (or nif), "internal" for this character, "public" for all characters. Default value is "public", should set to "internal" or "private" if you don't expect it to interact with other characters. (c) Senpo

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2 hours ago, Gromilla said:

Hey. Most of the problems with porting and adaptation can be solved. If you need something I can help with this.

But in some wigs a huge number of bones per shape (for example: 23ksHair-89 bones, 4997sgHair-134 (I have a version with 252 bones?)), which exceeds the 80 bones per shape limit for SE. Here you need a 3D scalpel ?‍? 



It is useful to use the parameter: 

<shared>{private, internal, public}, default value is public: Set the effect scope of a collision shape. "private" for only this XML (or nf), "internal" for this character, "public" for all characters. Default value is "public", should set to "internal" or "private" if you don't expect it to interact with other characters. (c) Senpo

which exceeds the 80 bones per shape limit for SE

is this true?

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Woahmygawdwhatthehell I just spent the last 40 minutes digging through this thread and i'm more confused than when i started. Okay so for 1) I didn't know HDT was nearly this complicated. You guys are doing a great job keep it up. and 2) I'm sorry if i missed something but I just moved from LE to SE and i'm wondering how/if i can get HDT and TBBP working. I have the newest skse installed (v2.00.10) and XPMSSE (v4.51). 6 months ago when i checked it was impossible without the new skse. now it seems like people are getting it working. im just not sure how. 


EDIT: oh i should also mention ive tried downloading the HDT framework and main file from here: http://9dm.zhongyidiantong.com/thread-61878-1-1.html I downloaded v1.5.53 of both and they install fine and everything they just dont work in game. i do have part of a log from one of them though it probably wont be much help

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23 minutes ago, Foxtrot6 said:

Woahmygawdwhatthehell I just spent the last 40 minutes digging through this thread and i'm more confused than when i started. Okay so for 1) I didn't know HDT was nearly this complicated. You guys are doing a great job keep it up. and 2) I'm sorry if i missed something but I just moved from LE to SE and i'm wondering how/if i can get HDT and TBBP working. I have the newest skse installed (v2.00.10) and XPMSSE (v4.51). 6 months ago when i checked it was impossible without the new skse. now it seems like people are getting it working. im just not sure how

You need the HDT SMP framework and physics files, both of which are located off site....

SMP is currently at version 1.5.53.....if you could also, specify which body you are using CBBE/UUNP, i can help out with UUNP, CBBE smp config files are located on nexus....

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20 minutes ago, jesseg said:

You need the HDT SMP framework and physics files, both of which are located off site....

SMP is currently at version 1.5.53.....if you could also, specify which body you are using CBBE/UUNP, i can help out with UUNP, CBBE smp config files are located on nexus....

I updated my post about that actually just before i saw this. sorry


also im using CBBE v1.5.1. I was trying to use the TBD Shiva body but right now i'm just using the default curvy cbbe body to make things more simple. so at this point i just need a config file?


EDIT: Alright i got it working. I appreciate the help. Its super subtle though. 

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On 11/1/2018 at 2:21 AM, tasairis said:

It's compatible with 2.0.9, which is basically the same thing as 2.0.10 except for the version number. If HDT doesn't do an explicit "SKSE version number = 2.0.9" check then it should work.

Thanks, I think I know what's the reason it didn't work for me now. I switched to MO2 and thought I could install it, since it worked with NMM. But apparently MO2 is the dark horse, will have to do it manually haha. 

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16 minutes ago, Foxtrot6 said:

I updated my post about that actually just before i saw this. sorry


also im using CBBE v1.5.1. I was trying to use the TBD Shiva body but right now i'm just using the default curvy cbbe body to make things more simple. so at this point i just need a config file?


EDIT: Alright i got it working. I appreciate the help. Its super subtle though. 

yeah, you would have to tweak the xml to your liking or scour the internet for xml's and try them out....


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