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2 hours ago, Kardienlupus said:

I know that's way more expensive. but even if it is paper dream I really like thinking about it.

Bad Dog & Friends are cool and talented people, and it's fun following their projects, but this isn't the only sweet place on the Internet. I recommend, if you haven't, find a few more website or game communities to also follow and chat within, maybe fandoms or hobby communities. It's healthy not keeping all our grapes in one basket.

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3 hours ago, Voldearag said:

Bad Dog & Friends are cool and talented people, and it's fun following their projects, but this isn't the only sweet place on the Internet. I recommend, if you haven't, find a few more website or game communities to also follow and chat within, maybe fandoms or hobby communities. It's healthy not keeping all our grapes in one basket.

 My interest are 18th-19th Centuries, Steampunk, furry, Musket and cannon, Discovery of new world and progress of Freedom and science. Of Cause Revolution too. But, It's also very picky categories because most of furry seems not care that era. It's hard to find how like firing sound and smoke of musket and Furry both. I failed about searching communities. Do you have any of community might fit for me?


 And can you give me a recommendation of hardboiled or thriller furry novel or anything not set on medieval era?

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1 hour ago, Kardienlupus said:

And can you give me a recommendation of hardboiled or thriller furry novel

I do have something that meets this criteria, so might as well share it for anyone that may be interested in. "Furry" literature that isn't just basically fanfiction seems extremely hard to come by organically unless you just need to search for it thoroughly (which I'll admit I haven't really done yet), so it's always good to hear about them.


The Moreau Series by S. Andrew Swann. Twenty Minutes into the Future (of the 90's), humanity develops a ton of genetic engineering and robotic augmentation technology, but the UN bans its use on humans, so nations instead opt to take animals and uplift them (basically turning them into anthros) for use as cheap (slave) labor and/or using-tech-that-would-be-illegal-if-used-on-humans enhanced soldiers/for military purposes. Eventually you end up with a sizeable population of "moreaus" that are extremely discriminated against by humans, kept in ghettos, and treated worse than dirt, only having some fringe rights instead of being treated as full property a la Argonians by Dark Elves in the first place thanks to sheer luck. MC is a tiger that works as a P.I. and is hired to investigate a murder. And then some serious stuff happens.


In case it wasn't obvious by my description above, the plot and setting are so gritty they could be used to sandblast concrete. Also the fact that anthros exist is critical for the plot and it affects the whole world and setting, instead of it just being a normal "human" story with the characters renamed to be anthros but otherwise remaining the same.


It's true the fact that it was written in the 90's shows at some points and hasn't aged that well (for example FaceTiming is shown as super-futuristic and IIRC it only works on landlines and also 15 MB is treated as a crapton of data files at some point), and the setting is a bit depressing sometimes, but I'm really enjoying it so far. I'll admit I'm only halfway through the first book, though, so I don't know if it will keep it up, and also I may be just biased because it has anthros in it, so I can't guarantee it will actually be good, lol. :classic_wacko:

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10 minutes ago, Blaze69 said:

I do have something that meets this criteria, so might as well share it for anyone that may be interested in. "Furry" literature that isn't just basically fanfiction seems extremely hard to come by organically unless you just need to search for it thoroughly (which I'll admit I haven't really done yet), so it's always good to hear about them.


The Moreau Series by S. Andrew Swann. Twenty Minutes into the Future (of the 90's), humanity develops a ton of genetic engineering and robotic augmentation technology, but the UN bans its use on humans, so nations instead opt to take animals and uplift them (basically turning them into anthros) for use as cheap (slave) labor and/or using-tech-that-would-be-illegal-if-used-on-humans enhanced soldiers/for military purposes. Eventually you end up with a sizeable population of "moreaus" that are extremely discriminated against by humans, kept in ghettos, and treated worse than dirt, only having some fringe rights instead of being treated as full property a la Argonians by Dark Elves in the first place thanks to sheer luck. MC is a tiger that works as a P.I. and is hired to investigate a murder. And then some serious stuff happens.


In case it wasn't obvious by my description above, the plot and setting are so gritty they could be used to sandblast concrete. Also the fact that anthros exist is critical for the plot and it affects the whole world and setting, instead of it just being a normal "human" story with the characters renamed to be anthros but otherwise remaining the same.


It's true the fact that it was written in the 90's shows at some points and hasn't aged that well (for example FaceTiming is shown as super-futuristic and IIRC it only works on landlines and also 15 MB is treated as a crapton of data files at some point), and the setting is a bit depressing sometimes, but I'm really enjoying it so far. I'll admit I'm only halfway through the first book, though, so I don't know if it will keep it up, and also I may be just biased because it has anthros in it, so I can't guarantee it will actually be good, lol. :classic_wacko:

  Thanks I will read. :)

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 Genetic modification science developing fast and faster speed. In this rate we can become Ture Furry-The Antro; who don't need Fursuit anymore- on Our life time with Genetic Tech.

 I remember there was a joke site existed; that advertise change yourself with Fur, Muzzle, Animal Ear, Digi feet, Tail and cute furry nose with enhanced smell detecting ability. The site Advertisement said total 70.000 USD for Full Transforming and 10,000 more for wings-although by human's basic weight you can't fly and only use your wing in few sports sky dving-.


 I found Kurzgesagt Video remind this. World are advancing, fast perhaps we need prepare Era of New Furry Age.



Thanks for reading this. And Is there anyone Still know Half dedication and half joke Furry genetic engineering site?

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56 minutes ago, ASlySpyDuo said:

Hey, did you know that I can take non-skimpy, non-nude screens too?

Heh. And they are as good as the skimpy ones. Perhaps better sometimes. I like yiff as much as the next degenerate, but sometimes SFW pics help flesh out characters beyond them just being chunks of meat to drool at and I like that. :classic_shy:

29 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

did someone made a dragon pose mod?

First one could be simply TAI during a standard creature idle plus some creative use of humanoid poses and/or NiOPA, but obviously Sly would be the one to confirm that assumption.


As for the second one, if it's the pose I think it is, that's just a static animobject made out of a dragon character model (Paarthy? Looks too non-broken to be him, so maybe it's a different dragon mesh with his textures?). Don't think posing an actual dragon NPC would be easy at all so an animobject is much more convenient; downside is the dragon is fixed so you can't just pick another one with different looks, but oh, well.

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37 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

did someone made a dragon pose mod?

11 minutes ago, Blaze69 said:

First one could be simply TAI during a standard creature idle plus some creative use of humanoid poses and/or NiOPA, but obviously Sly would be the one to confirm that assumption.


As for the second one, if it's the pose I think it is, that's just a static animobject made out of a dragon character model (Paarthy? Looks too non-broken to be him, so maybe it's a different dragon mesh with his textures?). Don't think posing an actual dragon NPC would be easy at all so an animobject is much more convenient; downside is the dragon is fixed so you can't just pick another one with different looks, but oh, well.

It's Ho1DrgPose and uses dragons and other creatures as animobjects such as griffons from Witcher 3, dramatic poses with draugr armies etc. but yes, it does have dragons too. It has been around for a while, I just never really did anything with it even though it's super good.


Here's couple more from that pack.





24 minutes ago, poblivion said:

Maybe something like this : GomaPeroLand

Most of the backgrounds of my screenshots are from GPLand and yes, I know about that cell but it's more like japanese hentai space station than lab IMO.

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22 minutes ago, Kardienlupus said:

how about add a researcher and few malicious furries trying buying their pet?

Yeah no, not really interested in the theme or the workload your scenario would bring with it. Working with NPCs is not as easy as you think and having multiple custom characters would require making them followers or bearing the glitches and hiccups of Familiar Faces first.

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24 minutes ago, ASlySpyDuo said:

Yeah no, not really interested in the theme or the workload your scenario would bring with it. Working with NPCs is not as easy as you think and having multiple custom characters would require making them followers or bearing the glitches and hiccups of Familiar Faces first.

Then, I ask 1 NPC trapped in cell. And scene picturing aren't easy work as I think. I must respect you. Have a good Day Friend, With honor Kardien Lupus. :) You are real art maker.

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14 hours ago, Kardienlupus said:

 Genetic modification science developing fast and faster speed. In this rate we can become Ture Furry-The Antro; who don't need Fursuit anymore- on Our life time with Genetic Tech.

 I remember there was a joke site existed; that advertise change yourself with Fur, Muzzle, Animal Ear, Digi feet, Tail and cute furry nose with enhanced smell detecting ability. The site Advertisement said total 70.000 USD for Full Transforming and 10,000 more for wings-although by human's basic weight you can't fly and only use your wing in few sports sky dving-.

Thanks for reading this. And Is there anyone Still know Half dedication and half joke Furry genetic engineering site?

I remember that site, FurNetics, I believed it for a while, I was a lonely and displaced enough personality to stake my bets on it and dream of escaping the body I hated to that one day. I was gullible but during the earlier Internet pranks like that were very unusual.

Genetic and biology science certainly has taken off since then, but our bodies still seem like too messy and incomprehensible a playing field for complete artistic shape freedom, escaping via simulations is infinitely more likely. Lots of people are already getting brain chips installed, amputees can feel forms of pressure and temperature on their robot limbs now, I bet pretty soon we'll be able to plug our remaining senses and spacial awareness into VR Chat or something and live in whichever circumstances we like.
If you don't want to leave the outside world behind though, laser body projections might get good later too.

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1 hour ago, Voldearag said:

I remember that site, FurNetics, I believed it for a while, I was a lonely and displaced enough personality to stake my bets on it and dream of escaping the body I hated to that one day. I was gullible but during the earlier Internet pranks like that were very unusual.

Genetic and biology science certainly has taken off since then, but our bodies still seem like too messy and incomprehensible a playing field for complete artistic shape freedom, escaping via simulations is infinitely more likely. Lots of people are already getting brain chips installed, amputees can feel forms of pressure and temperature on their robot limbs now, I bet pretty soon we'll be able to plug our remaining senses and spacial awareness into VR Chat or something and live in whichever circumstances we like.
If you don't want to leave the outside world behind though, laser body projections might get good later too.

Fine. :) but I bet Genetically engineer former human but now Anthro will come before we die, we are young and Modern tech give us long life. Already We started cure HIV via Genetic Tech. Although it's still Lab Testing Level. And by using CRISPR we already modified to human gene more then several times. Also US Military create first bio-robot creatures-microscope size- from frog gene.

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24 minutes ago, Kardienlupus said:

Yiffy Age of Skyrim Gameplay Workthrough 4-2/3 are up to youtube.

You're staying inspired, very nice. For the sake of shorter thread pages I want to recommend adding a link to and a description of your playthrough playlist to your signature, just like other users link to their mods. Then you won't need to update us, and people in other threads can check it out too.

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Sorry for that question, it might be asked earlier, but... It's a little bit hard to search through 290 pages.

I can't get sheath. If SOS is enabled - all furries have humanoid schlong. If it's disabled - they have hole inside them.

Also, earlier i tried to install this mode and SexLabs, but there weren'rt any animations. Did anyone do a complete build with all other required modes and schlongs?

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