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Finally i have the time to test this mod, first a question @all:

this mod doesn't add any furnitures appearently, are there any mods you would recommend to test this feature? Honestly i don't want to run around and add them everywhere myself. ;)

As donttouchmethere said, SlaveGirls by Hydragorgon (you might want to download the patch I created - see SlaveGirls by hydragorgon Patch: on the main page) and Prison Overhaul has a few.

drlove33's Slave Den and Eastern Holding Cells have a couple of houses that DFW is compatible with.  The furniture in these houses have limited use but you might be interested in them.

I've been wanting to create a mod that just adds furniture... to make sure each region has at least some usable furniture... but I haven't gotten to that yet.



Then i have some problems with punishments, i have no idea if it's because of my setup or this mod or wrong settings. The punishments start with ragdolling and i suspect here is a problem, if i'm fucked after that, my character starts the animation while my owner stands around naked, when i'm finished the owner gets dressed again and then he starts his part of the animation. Had anybody else this problem or any idea?

I've been seeing this to some extent.  Recently I've been seeing the issue with the player going through the animations followed by the slaver doing so.  I don't think this is an issue with my mod, per se but I haven't tracked down exactly what is going on.  I'll have to figure out what is going on and see if there is something I can do about it.  At this time I don't know of any workarounds to it :(.

As for the punishment starting with Ragdolling, that is something I haven't heard of yet but sounds like a problem.  I can't imagine what would be causing that but it sounds like something I will haven't to look into.



Finally @legume: if you couldn't fix your CTDs, this forum is often quite helpful, maybe somebody has a hint if you provide some information? :)

Beside that, it's been a while since it was suggested, but i really second Vershs idea to use his sexual fame framework. The possibilities sound increadible awesome and i would love more mods to use it, afaik until now only slaverun reloaded does.

It's certainly an idea but I really don't know where to start.  It's been happening more often lately but it is quite unpredictable.

When it does happen it is always 5 - 10 minutes after the hour.  But only daylight hours (10 AM - 9 PM or so).  I've only seen it in a city (and once just outside of Riften).  Sometimes it just crashes.  Sometimes it crashes only when I press Escape to bring up the menu.

There is nothing going on in the Papyrus logs so I'm suspicious it isn't script related but more related to some actor being loaded with clothes or items that don't exist.

I've been trying to narrow down which mod is causing the problem but each time I do I come up with a different mod.  Possibly it is one of my base mods.  I'm not terribly familiar with adding/removing mods in the mod manager so it is a little slow but I am getting more familiar with that.

If I can identify which mod is causing the crash I'll know which forum to post the details to.



and now that i think about it, would be great to know how DFWS saves the favored furniture, maybe it would be possible to take that info into a new game too?

DFWS saves furniture as a set of arrays of forms (_aoFavourite...).

One array contains the ID of the furniture itself.

Another array contains the "Region" (or City) the furniture is in.  This allows slavers to treat the furniture as "nearby" even if it is unloaded or out of sight.

Another array contains the "Location" the furniture is in.  While Region is a DFW term, "Location" is an actual game term.  It is like a Region but a little bit more specific.  For example the Whiterun Western Guard Town is in the "Whiterun" Region but there is a "Western Watchtower" location.  This is an intermediate step between region and cell that allows the slaver to walk near the cell before walking to it.  If a location can't be identified for furniture the nearest region is used instead.

Another array contains the "Cell" the furniture is in.  This lets the slaver walk nearby the furniture before trying to walk to it.

I do want to add a mechanism to export these arrays to a text file and importing them into a separate game.  This would allow the possibility of the import files being distributed.  I am pretty sure the JContainers mod can allow this but it will take a bit of time to learn the syntax, implement it, and test it.



I wonder, though... why is it necessary to teach DFW that i like furnitures? Don't zaz furnitures have a keyword or something, so i won't be locked into chairs (as long as i don't sit on them)?

The alternative to having you teach DFW about furniture is to have DFW "search" for new furniture.

This "search" feature (I expect) would be very difficult to implement.  Keep in mind that a "Cell" is about as large as a market square.

One option is to perform the search when furniture is needed.  When the slaver needs furniture it can check all the loaded cells.  One problem with this is searching all objects in the cell for the given keywords isn't terribly quick.  Another problem is there are only about 20 loaded cells available at one time.  A slaver in the lower Whiterun district wouldn't be able to use furniture in or around the Dragon's Reach Dungeon... or likely even anything in the middle Whiterun district... or anyone's home or in the farms outside the city.

An alternative is to have the game periodically search cells for nearby furniture and automatically add them to the list.  This might be possible... and it might be possible to keep track of which cells have already been searched... but even then I suspect the time and lag that would be caused by performing so many searches is not worth it.

Eventually more work can be done to make this much better... it should be possible to export lists and import them into another game... even transfer them to other users... also if I know about all of the furniture of a mod I should be able to make an "add all this mod's furniture" feature... or at least the majority of the mod's furniture.  But that is work that I would need to get to and I don't expect it any time soon.


Happy Gaming,


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you got it right, a preset would be nice xD

cellbuilder itself does nothing without the nerd at the keyboard


i just setting up a new game, as always, to test around while playing around

will place some furniture on the slaver routes, if all works fine i send you a preset

That would be very nice. :) It won't happen that soon that i do something in this respect, so i'l hope i remember you if i can get up my lazy ass one day and do it myself. ;)

theroticaly it should be even possible to combine presets o.O


cellbuilder is nice to make patches too, for example The great Forest of Winterhold + Legendary Citys + LAL Start: Shoals rest farm

to get rid of all those trees, they are EVERYWHERE (treehuggers dream tho)


and because you can save the stuff you want to place in the cellbuilder you dont have to search around with console + jaxpositioner, for lazy ppl like me (if i remember correct it will even remember the saved furniture you want to place for the next game (clutter, zaz nstuff) -> in categorys you will define yourself! *heavybreathing*


would have been awesome together with the zazframeworkstuff : (

Why shouldn't that be possible?


and now that i think about it, would be great to know how DFWS saves the favored furniture, maybe it would be possible to take that info into a new game too?


EDIT: and how will it be possible to use DFW/DFWS with ME with all those DDi requirements?

Not very well, at best. My thought was that: 

1. I install ME and cellbuilder

2. I find somebody with a preset for ME.

3. I teach cellbuilder, let him learn the places where somebody put stuff for ME and

4. Uninstall ME, install DFWS, let cellbuilder do it's work.

5. profit. :)


Furnitures from ME exclusive would be missing, but i think those are actually just some spots to make the ME quests work... everything else should be fine.

I wonder, though... why is it necessary to teach DFW that i like furnitures? Don't zaz furnitures have a keyword or something, so i won't be locked into chairs (as long as i don't sit on them)?



zaira made bob-the-builder from ME standalone, under the new name cellbuilder, so no need to install ME anymore to place/save furniture.

Your modified plan would look like that:

1. install cellbuilder, zap + zep

2. find some preset -> put presetfiles into cellbuilder skse folder

3. done



4. well and than you will have to sit in every furniture once to save them with DFWS (because of what legume explanied)




there are not many prebuild furnitures in ME 2.0+ (or do you mean earlier version?), because you could just place them like you want with the MEbuilder (and strange enough those NPC always find them).

I dont know if the presetfiles from MEbuilder would be compatible with cellbuilder, interesting question tho :D


this calls for experimental ACTIONS! \o/



"would have been awesome together with the zazframeworkstuff : ("

Why shouldn't that be possible?

=> i thought about ZAP 6.2+ and the awesome new furnitures from t.ara and nosdregon (if you have versions of it -> they work with the cellbuilder)

but i am sure they will be back in time in some form


EDIT: what are furnitures that are ME exclusive? you find them all in the ZAP and ZEP mods.

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thx for the, as always detailed, info legume.

still trying to soak it all up =D

well at least i understand now why there are favorite furnitures in DFWS


just found time to play around with your mod again, and after hours of installing and MCM tweaking i saw that you support new locations: drlove33's Slave Den and Eastern Holding Cells

oh well, i try those on the next run tho hehe



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Finally i have the time to test this mod, first a question @all:

this mod doesn't add any furnitures appearently, are there any mods you would recommend to test this feature? Honestly i don't want to run around and add them everywhere myself. ;)

As donttouchmethere said, SlaveGirls by Hydragorgon (you might want to download the patch I created - see SlaveGirls by hydragorgon Patch: on the main page) and Prison Overhaul has a few.

drlove33's Slave Den and Eastern Holding Cells have a couple of houses that DFW is compatible with.  The furniture in these houses have limited use but you might be interested in them.

I've been wanting to create a mod that just adds furniture... to make sure each region has at least some usable furniture... but I haven't gotten to that yet.


At least one person with Jaxonpositioner + cellbuilder sharing a preset would mean, all other just have to install cellbuilder + this preset. And as donttouchme mentioned, it should even be possible to merge them... sounds like a good solution to me. :)

Then i have some problems with punishments, i have no idea if it's because of my setup or this mod or wrong settings. The punishments start with ragdolling and i suspect here is a problem, if i'm fucked after that, my character starts the animation while my owner stands around naked, when i'm finished the owner gets dressed again and then he starts his part of the animation. Had anybody else this problem or any idea?

I've been seeing this to some extent.  Recently I've been seeing the issue with the player going through the animations followed by the slaver doing so.  I don't think this is an issue with my mod, per se but I haven't tracked down exactly what is going on.  I'll have to figure out what is going on and see if there is something I can do about it.  At this time I don't know of any workarounds to it :(.

As for the punishment starting with Ragdolling, that is something I haven't heard of yet but sounds like a problem.  I can't imagine what would be causing that but it sounds like something I will haven't to look into.


Ok, if ragdolling isn't supposed to happen, i'll go a bit more into detail:

Slaver says i need punishment, then i fall to the ground and he starts walking. I'm dragged behind him, constantly falling and trashing again, until at some point he stops and starts to fuck me. If he equips stuff on me, at least i'm not trashing in the air anymore. I thought it was intentional because it really looked like a bad punishment, but i don't really like it. ;)


If intentional or not, i think it would be better to maybe do a ragdoll once if at all, then paralyze the player and be dragged over the ground that way.

Finally @legume: if you couldn't fix your CTDs, this forum is often quite helpful, maybe somebody has a hint if you provide some information? :)

Beside that, it's been a while since it was suggested, but i really second Vershs idea to use his sexual fame framework. The possibilities sound increadible awesome and i would love more mods to use it, afaik until now only slaverun reloaded does.

It's certainly an idea but I really don't know where to start.  It's been happening more often lately but it is quite unpredictable.

When it does happen it is always 5 - 10 minutes after the hour.  But only daylight hours (10 AM - 9 PM or so).  I've only seen it in a city (and once just outside of Riften).  Sometimes it just crashes.  Sometimes it crashes only when I press Escape to bring up the menu.

There is nothing going on in the Papyrus logs so I'm suspicious it isn't script related but more related to some actor being loaded with clothes or items that don't exist.

I've been trying to narrow down which mod is causing the problem but each time I do I come up with a different mod.  Possibly it is one of my base mods.  I'm not terribly familiar with adding/removing mods in the mod manager so it is a little slow but I am getting more familiar with that.

If I can identify which mod is causing the crash I'll know which forum to post the details to.


I didn't mean exclusivly me, but since i could help some people... 

Some questions and some more general hints:

Nothing in papyrus log doesn't mean much with CTDs, sadly. Actually, it's almost never the case that there are useful hints for CTDs, because the reasons are either not logged or it crashes before it can log anything. One good hint would be if you know that at some point during playing a stack dump happened, but that can be a week ago, the log long overwritten but the scripts still broken, in which case you can't really hope that they put useful information into the log either. 

If it happens to an old game that worked fine before and you didn't change anything, that's quite likely the reason. I'm not sure if there is a proper way to fix that, if so i'm definitly the wrong person to ask. I usually just start a new game when it happens to me. A save game cleaner and/or re-installing some mods might help, but... i really don't know.


I've never personally used it, but maybe you find this helpful: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/46913-how-to-debug-ctd/



1. Does it happen on a new game?

2. Are you using MO? 

3. Do you mind losing your save?^^

4. Since it happens only during daytime, any idea which mod could run any scripts only during daytime? 


If 1 is the case, it's rather a mod conflict than a broken script, if 2 is true debugging is easy. I don't know enough about NMM to give any advice there, though.

and now that i think about it, would be great to know how DFWS saves the favored furniture, maybe it would be possible to take that info into a new game too?

DFWS saves furniture as a set of arrays of forms (_aoFavourite...).

One array contains the ID of the furniture itself.

Another array contains the "Region" (or City) the furniture is in.  This allows slavers to treat the furniture as "nearby" even if it is unloaded or out of sight.

Another array contains the "Location" the furniture is in.  While Region is a DFW term, "Location" is an actual game term.  It is like a Region but a little bit more specific.  For example the Whiterun Western Guard Town is in the "Whiterun" Region but there is a "Western Watchtower" location.  This is an intermediate step between region and cell that allows the slaver to walk near the cell before walking to it.  If a location can't be identified for furniture the nearest region is used instead.

Another array contains the "Cell" the furniture is in.  This lets the slaver walk nearby the furniture before trying to walk to it.

I do want to add a mechanism to export these arrays to a text file and importing them into a separate game.  This would allow the possibility of the import files being distributed.  I am pretty sure the JContainers mod can allow this but it will take a bit of time to learn the syntax, implement it, and test it.



I wonder, though... why is it necessary to teach DFW that i like furnitures? Don't zaz furnitures have a keyword or something, so i won't be locked into chairs (as long as i don't sit on them)?

The alternative to having you teach DFW about furniture is to have DFW "search" for new furniture.

This "search" feature (I expect) would be very difficult to implement.  Keep in mind that a "Cell" is about as large as a market square.

One option is to perform the search when furniture is needed.  When the slaver needs furniture it can check all the loaded cells.  One problem with this is searching all objects in the cell for the given keywords isn't terribly quick.  Another problem is there are only about 20 loaded cells available at one time.  A slaver in the lower Whiterun district wouldn't be able to use furniture in or around the Dragon's Reach Dungeon... or likely even anything in the middle Whiterun district... or anyone's home or in the farms outside the city.

An alternative is to have the game periodically search cells for nearby furniture and automatically add them to the list.  This might be possible... and it might be possible to keep track of which cells have already been searched... but even then I suspect the time and lag that would be caused by performing so many searches is not worth it.

Eventually more work can be done to make this much better... it should be possible to export lists and import them into another game... even transfer them to other users... also if I know about all of the furniture of a mod I should be able to make an "add all this mod's furniture" feature... or at least the majority of the mod's furniture.  But that is work that I would need to get to and I don't expect it any time soon.


Happy Gaming,



Not sure if i get this right. What i've read from dontouchme, i thought DFW needs to learn the kind of furnitures, so.. know one pillory and you know all.

What you describes sounds more like, no matter what furniture or if you've been in another one of the same kind before, you'll need to visit them all in all places.


If the first one is possible... why not just add all furnitures in ZaZ? There aren't that much others yet. And even while that changes, it would certainly be easier just to check the frameworks (for keywords rather than every furniture) rather than all mods that place any furnitures in the world. The performance thing is a good point of course, and if you found a way around that i appretiate that a lot, but i don't really get how else you do it then. ;)

If it's not possible without a lot more system stress, nevermind... i'll run around and try all those furnitures. :D

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Ok, if ragdolling isn't supposed to happen, i'll go a bit more into detail:

Slaver says i need punishment, then i fall to the ground and he starts walking. I'm dragged behind him, constantly falling and trashing again, until at some point he stops and starts to fuck me. If he equips stuff on me, at least i'm not trashing in the air anymore. I thought it was intentional because it really looked like a bad punishment, but i don't really like it. ;)


If intentional or not, i think it would be better to maybe do a ragdoll once if at all, then paralyze the player and be dragged over the ground that way.


I was thinking you were being punished and locked in furniture (since that is when I've been seeing the separate sex animation troubles).  From this it sounds as though you're being punished for trying to escape during the leash game.

What is supposed to happen is the slaver says, "Come here slave,"  gives you a few seconds, then shortens the leash to 200 Units, then starts talking to you about the punishment.

A fair bit of work is needed with this:

The "Come here slave" often disappears too quickly... or never appears.  The ragdoll is a result of the slaver expecting you to be nearby but that not happening.

I recommend using a "Minimum leash length" of somewhere between 500 - 700 units to help reduce this problem.

Recovering from ragdoll is also something that I'm continually working on.  I expect there is are ways to ensure the player recovers from the ragdoll experience reliably but it is a matter of finding all the "things" that need to be stopped, and the timing that is needed.  It's come a long way from when I started and eventually I think I'll figure it out but it still needs some work.

There is a "Yank Leash" option in the Debug page of the Devious Framework MCM.  This is meant to recover from "trashing in the air"; however, this isn't terribly reliable either.



I didn't mean exclusivly me, but since i could help some people... 

Some questions and some more general hints:

Nothing in papyrus log doesn't mean much with CTDs, sadly. Actually, it's almost never the case that there are useful hints for CTDs, because the reasons are either not logged or it crashes before it can log anything. One good hint would be if you know that at some point during playing a stack dump happened, but that can be a week ago, the log long overwritten but the scripts still broken, in which case you can't really hope that they put useful information into the log either. 

If it happens to an old game that worked fine before and you didn't change anything, that's quite likely the reason. I'm not sure if there is a proper way to fix that, if so i'm definitly the wrong person to ask. I usually just start a new game when it happens to me. A save game cleaner and/or re-installing some mods might help, but... i really don't know.


I've never personally used it, but maybe you find this helpful: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/46913-how-to-debug-ctd/



1. Does it happen on a new game?

2. Are you using MO? 

3. Do you mind losing your save?^^

4. Since it happens only during daytime, any idea which mod could run any scripts only during daytime? 


1. Yes, it has been happening reasonably reliably on new games.  Maybe 1 in 3 games so I don't think it is a bad script.

2. I'm using Nexus Mod Manager.  I'm rather weary of how mod organizer's virtual file system will complicate the various tools: the Creation Kit, the command line compiler, the body slide tool, the Nifskope tool, etc.

3. I don't want to loose my save although I'm not 100% against it.  Given that it's happening on new games though, I don't think it's an issue.

4. I don't really know a lot about when each of the mods run scripts.  Given it's on the hour I'm guessing it's an update/maintenance script or related to an actor "coming into existence" (i.e. courier or an NPC walking around the city).  And the daytime only is rather confusing.  I can't really think of what it might be but I'll keep trying to narrow it down by removing mods.


That debug crash report looks like it might be terribly useful.  I'll try that and see how it work.

Thanks :).


Not sure if i get this right. What i've read from dontouchme, i thought DFW needs to learn the kind of furnitures, so.. know one pillory and you know all.


What you describes sounds more like, no matter what furniture or if you've been in another one of the same kind before, you'll need to visit them all in all places.


If the first one is possible... why not just add all furnitures in ZaZ? There aren't that much others yet. And even while that changes, it would certainly be easier just to check the frameworks (for keywords rather than every furniture) rather than all mods that place any furnitures in the world. The performance thing is a good point of course, and if you found a way around that i appretiate that a lot, but i don't really get how else you do it then. ;)

If it's not possible without a lot more system stress, nevermind... i'll run around and try all those furnitures. :D

Finding the different types of furniture is easy.

All of that can (and really has to) be done in the script's code.


The trouble is finding where they've been placed in the world.

Finding where they have been placed in the world is possible in the script if I know the ID of each and ever piece of furniture (and the ID of the cells and regions they are in) but that is a bit of work.  It might not be difficult now that I have an example game with many of the furniture IDs added to it already but it would require some testing, it would be mod dependent, and wouldn't work if the mod changed their furniture IDs.

Unless I'm mistaken the only other way to do it is to "scan the area the player is in"... looking at every object in the area, checking for the keywords.  I expect this is a fairly script/lag heavy process so I've been avoiding it.  Only small areas could be scanned and since it is so script heavy the code would need to be developed to not scan any area twice... and maybe perform the scan in the background...

I think it will be better to use the JContainers to export/import a list which I can put on the Downloads section, but this feature still needs to be developed.


Happy Gaming,


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I was thinking you were being punished and locked in furniture (since that is when I've been seeing the separate sex animation troubles).  From this it sounds as though you're being punished for trying to escape during the leash game.

Oh, yes. It's the leash game, i wasn't able to make a single furniture trigger during testing, mostly because i couldn't find one.^^

What is supposed to happen is the slaver says, "Come here slave,"  gives you a few seconds, then shortens the leash to 200 Units, then starts talking to you about the punishment.

A fair bit of work is needed with this:

The "Come here slave" often disappears too quickly... or never appears.  The ragdoll is a result of the slaver expecting you to be nearby but that not happening.

I recommend using a "Minimum leash length" of somewhere between 500 - 700 units to help reduce this problem.

Recovering from ragdoll is also something that I'm continually working on.  I expect there is are ways to ensure the player recovers from the ragdoll experience reliably but it is a matter of finding all the "things" that need to be stopped, and the timing that is needed.  It's come a long way from when I started and eventually I think I'll figure it out but it still needs some work.

There is a "Yank Leash" option in the Debug page of the Devious Framework MCM.  This is meant to recover from "trashing in the air"; however, this isn't terribly reliable either.


From all i know ragdolling is problematic in general, that's why everybody advices to turnn it off in DA. Like mentioned, you could just paralyze the player, i assume that would have a similar but less problematic effect.

Good advice for the minimum leash, though. I'll try. :)

I didn't mean exclusivly me, but since i could help some people... 

Some questions and some more general hints:

Nothing in papyrus log doesn't mean much with CTDs, sadly. Actually, it's almost never the case that there are useful hints for CTDs, because the reasons are either not logged or it crashes before it can log anything. One good hint would be if you know that at some point during playing a stack dump happened, but that can be a week ago, the log long overwritten but the scripts still broken, in which case you can't really hope that they put useful information into the log either. 

If it happens to an old game that worked fine before and you didn't change anything, that's quite likely the reason. I'm not sure if there is a proper way to fix that, if so i'm definitly the wrong person to ask. I usually just start a new game when it happens to me. A save game cleaner and/or re-installing some mods might help, but... i really don't know.


I've never personally used it, but maybe you find this helpful: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/46913-how-to-debug-ctd/



1. Does it happen on a new game?

2. Are you using MO? 

3. Do you mind losing your save?^^

4. Since it happens only during daytime, any idea which mod could run any scripts only during daytime? 


1. Yes, it has been happening reasonably reliably on new games.  Maybe 1 in 3 games so I don't think it is a bad script.

2. I'm using Nexus Mod Manager.  I'm rather weary of how mod organizer's virtual file system will complicate the various tools: the Creation Kit, the command line compiler, the body slide tool, the Nifskope tool, etc.

3. I don't want to loose my save although I'm not 100% against it.  Given that it's happening on new games though, I don't think it's an issue.

4. I don't really know a lot about when each of the mods run scripts.  Given it's on the hour I'm guessing it's an update/maintenance script or related to an actor "coming into existence" (i.e. courier or an NPC walking around the city).  And the daytime only is rather confusing.  I can't really think of what it might be but I'll keep trying to narrow it down by removing mods.


That debug crash report looks like it might be terribly useful.  I'll try that and see how it work.

Thanks :).


Happening in 1/3 of new games sounds really weird. One mod that i know it runs some tasks (configurable) at certain times is Beeing female. For daylight... maybe some kind of weather mod or something? Beside scripts, certain lightning was most often the reason for my crashes. Estimated at least at half more because of my weak hardware than bad modding, but nevertheless.


 If you're ever in the mood to switch to MO... i know CPU uses at least most of those tools with MO, and he really knows his stuff and is always willing to help (even with teamview or something if necessary). Definitly the guy you should ask about that stuff. :) Just maybe not this week, he handed SSX over to a co-worker because he's currently lacking a PC.  :s 


Not sure if i get this right. What i've read from dontouchme, i thought DFW needs to learn the kind of furnitures, so.. know one pillory and you know all.


What you describes sounds more like, no matter what furniture or if you've been in another one of the same kind before, you'll need to visit them all in all places.


If the first one is possible... why not just add all furnitures in ZaZ? There aren't that much others yet. And even while that changes, it would certainly be easier just to check the frameworks (for keywords rather than every furniture) rather than all mods that place any furnitures in the world. The performance thing is a good point of course, and if you found a way around that i appretiate that a lot, but i don't really get how else you do it then. ;)

If it's not possible without a lot more system stress, nevermind... i'll run around and try all those furnitures. :D

Finding the different types of furniture is easy.

All of that can (and really has to) be done in the script's code.


The trouble is finding where they've been placed in the world.

Finding where they have been placed in the world is possible in the script if I know the ID of each and ever piece of furniture (and the ID of the cells and regions they are in) but that is a bit of work.  It might not be difficult now that I have an example game with many of the furniture IDs added to it already but it would require some testing, it would be mod dependent, and wouldn't work if the mod changed their furniture IDs.

Unless I'm mistaken the only other way to do it is to "scan the area the player is in"... looking at every object in the area, checking for the keywords.  I expect this is a fairly script/lag heavy process so I've been avoiding it.  Only small areas could be scanned and since it is so script heavy the code would need to be developed to not scan any area twice... and maybe perform the scan in the background...

I think it will be better to use the JContainers to export/import a list which I can put on the Downloads section, but this feature still needs to be developed.


Happy Gaming,



I see. Sounds like your solution is really the lightest, an import/export list would be great. Especially if we can get a well filled import/export list for cellbuilder as well, a combination of both should be awesome.

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I love this mod. Disappointed to see that there aren't more mods making use of it. I know that I'll be incorporating this in mods... as soon as I get back to releasing mods.


I actually dropped by to ask a quick question about gameplay for the support mod. For the leash game, when the leash-holder tells you to get into something more comfortable, what is it looking for? Is it armor flagged naked by SLA? Cause that didn't seem to change anything last time I tried it, I usually just wind up either stripping nude myself or giving up on changing and telling them to piss off so they'll strip me.


Edit: Actually the SLA flag seems to have worked this time. If it doesn't work in the future I'll let you know. Now, on the other hand, if this isn't what it's looking for please tell me before I make a bigger fool out of myself.

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I love this mod. Disappointed to see that there aren't more mods making use of it. I know that I'll be incorporating this in mods... as soon as I get back to releasing mods.


I actually dropped by to ask a quick question about gameplay for the support mod. For the leash game, when the leash-holder tells you to get into something more comfortable, what is it looking for? Is it armor flagged naked by SLA? Cause that didn't seem to change anything last time I tried it, I usually just wind up either stripping nude myself or giving up on changing and telling them to piss off so they'll strip me.


Edit: Actually the SLA flag seems to have worked this time. If it doesn't work in the future I'll let you know. Now, on the other hand, if this isn't what it's looking for please tell me before I make a bigger fool out of myself.

Yes.  That is more or less what he is looking for.

A player's clothing level can vary from naked => waist "partially covered" => waist covered => chest "partially covered" => chest covered => both "partially covered" => both covered (fully clothed).

Partially covered is representative of the player wearing "sexy" or skimpy clothing in that slot.  This is indicated by the SexLab Aroused (SLA) naked flag being set for the clothing.

The "Slot" for chest and waist clothing can potentially be an issue in this situation.  It is possible to change the slots in the MCM menu.  This is an attempt to support clothing mods which don't use the proper slots for their clothing and armour.  This, however, isn't likely an issue.

The slaver is looking for:



The slaver is looking for the player to be wearing anything less than "both covered" which can be topless, naked from the waist down, or wearing both sexy bottoms and a sexy top.




Happy to hear you're enjoying the mod :).  I can certainly understand why more mods aren't making use of it, though.

It hasn't been especially well tested, although it is getting more use.

It is yet another mod that can complicate things.  Especially if the base features aren't implemented correctly.  I've tried to put a lot of work into do things the right way but there haven't been quite a few things that I've just guessed at.

The documentation for how to everything is still lacking a bit.  In the beginning I tried to come up with documentation for how to use all of the features but lately I've been more working on getting the features stable and fixing bugs and documenting how to use them has fallen by the wayside a little.


If you are looking to use the Devious Framework features there is a documentation/API page:


If you are looking for something specific that it's documented properly or fully let me know and I'll see about adding it to the documentation or otherwise getting you the information you need.


Happy Gaming,


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A small idea - if there is no "sexy" item in the inventory, perhaps the player should have an option to say so to the slaver - so the slaver would provide something revealing/sexy/skimpy to wear. I mean - enslaved player does not have to be naked ALL the time, a very revealing and skimpy outfit for females and humiliating outfit for males can work as well :D

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I've posted about this in the Slaverun Reloaded thread, but I'll post about it here as well, since I don't know where the issue is coming from.


I added this mod to my game as recommended by Defeat, and I have had slaver characters occasionally leash my character (it typically seems to be out of the blue; while in an inn, or even while in dialogue with another character). In every case, I've been able to escape the slaver by managing to kill them...however, just the act of being leashed causes Slaverun to see my character as a slave from then on (rather than a "free woman").


Not sure what the cause is, but it's turned the leash game encounters into more of a nuisance as, even after managing to escape them, my character is treated like a slave by the entirety of Skyrim afterward. 

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I've posted about this in the Slaverun Reloaded thread, but I'll post about it here as well, since I don't know where the issue is coming from.


I added this mod to my game as recommended by Defeat, and I have had slaver characters occasionally leash my character (it typically seems to be out of the blue; while in an inn, or even while in dialogue with another character). In every case, I've been able to escape the slaver by managing to kill them...however, just the act of being leashed causes Slaverun to see my character as a slave from then on (rather than a "free woman").


Not sure what the cause is, but it's turned the leash game encounters into more of a nuisance as, even after managing to escape them, my character is treated like a slave by the entirety of Skyrim afterward. 


This happens because DFW does not remove zbfFactionSlave from your character after leash game ends, and Slaverun uses that faction to recognize enslaved characters. I don't know whether it's intentional or a design flaw, but a simple yet burdensome temporary fix is using the "remove player from faction" option in debug of DFW MCM to remove the zbfFactionSlave from your character after every time you are leashed. I've been meaning to ask Legume about it for quite some time now but kept on disregarding it as a minor inconvenience.

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I've posted about this in the Slaverun Reloaded thread, but I'll post about it here as well, since I don't know where the issue is coming from.


I added this mod to my game as recommended by Defeat, and I have had slaver characters occasionally leash my character (it typically seems to be out of the blue; while in an inn, or even while in dialogue with another character). In every case, I've been able to escape the slaver by managing to kill them...however, just the act of being leashed causes Slaverun to see my character as a slave from then on (rather than a "free woman").


Not sure what the cause is, but it's turned the leash game encounters into more of a nuisance as, even after managing to escape them, my character is treated like a slave by the entirety of Skyrim afterward. 


This happens because DFW does not remove zbfFactionSlave from your character after leash game ends, and Slaverun uses that faction to recognize enslaved characters. I don't know whether it's intentional or a design flaw, but a simple yet burdensome temporary fix is using the "remove player from faction" option in debug of DFW MCM to remove the zbfFactionSlave from your character after every time you are leashed. I've been meaning to ask Legume about it for quite some time now but kept on disregarding it as a minor inconvenience.

This is a bit of a bug and a bit of by design.

More details can be found at this link and in the zbfSlaveControl.psc script.


There is a concept of escaped/not owned slave.  This is a little complicated as it can be set in two factions: zbfFactionSlaveState, and zbfFactionSlave.


Right now I am freeing the player with the zbfSlaveControl.ReleaseSlave() function which only adjusts the zbfFactionSlaveState faction.

I should be adjusting the zbfFactionSlave faction myself.


Even fixing this, however, there is still the question of when does the player transition from the "escaped slave" status to a "free" status.

I think if the player is not freed legitimately she should remain as an escaped slave until she is free of all restraints.

Perhaps I'll make an MCM option to free the player: Never => When Free of Restraints => Upon Being Released.


It shouldn't be too difficult so I'll see about getting this into one of the next two releases.


Thanks for the bug report,


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Even fixing this, however, there is still the question of when does the player transition from the "escaped slave" status to a "free" status.

I think if the player is not freed legitimately she should remain as an escaped slave until she is free of all restraints.

Perhaps I'll make an MCM option to free the player: Never => When Free of Restraints => Upon Being Released.

I can see how it could be tricky to find a solution. In the case of my first encounter with it, it just seemed absurd:


-Speaking to an Innkeeper...suddenly leashed by "Rogue."

-"Rogue" suggests I put away my weapons...and I do.

-Once he turns around, I stab him in the back and leave the Inn while everyone else is freaking out.

-I'm now a slave in the eyes of all of Skyrim. Wait, what?!


Feels like there would at least need to be some "processing" involved before being considered a slave. I didn't so much as lose my equipment. This guy tossed a lasso around a woman who didn't put up for it for more than a minute or so. :lol:

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A small idea - if there is no "sexy" item in the inventory, perhaps the player should have an option to say so to the slaver - so the slaver would provide something revealing/sexy/skimpy to wear. I mean - enslaved player does not have to be naked ALL the time, a very revealing and skimpy outfit for females and humiliating outfit for males can work as well :D


I'm certainly interested in forcing the player into various outfits, however, there are so many to choose from and they all come from downloadable mods.  Trying to support "some set of them" feels like more work that I want to allocate for this feature right now.





Happening in 1/3 of new games sounds really weird. One mod that i know it runs some tasks (configurable) at certain times is Beeing female. For daylight... maybe some kind of weather mod or something? Beside scripts, certain lightning was most often the reason for my crashes. Estimated at least at half more because of my weak hardware than bad modding, but nevertheless.


I think I've tracked down which mod was causing the problem.

I still haven't verified anything, tried to work things out with the mod offer or checked all my options are configured correctly so it could easily be something I am doing wrong with the mod but I haven't had the same problems since uninstalling it.

With the Apachii Hair NPC mod, "ApachiiSkyHair NPC Overhaul - ApachiiHairStylesOnNPCs 2_20" my game would regularly crash on the hour during daylight hours in Whiterun (and other cities).

Since removing this from things seem to be working more smoothly but more testing is still needed.




My character starts the animation while my owner stands around naked, when i'm finished the owner gets dressed again and then he starts his part of the animation. Had anybody else this problem or any idea?

I can't say I've really figured out what is going on with this problem and I'm not sure it will help you but this has helped me.

When a sex event starts Devious Devices checks the animation being played and tried to "correct" the animation if it thinks it doesn't make sense.

This feature can be turned off in the MCM menu under:

"Devious Devices" => "Sex Animation Filter".  There are a couple of options there you might want to try turning off.

Again, I don't know if it will help or what is going on but turning them off has fixed this problem for me.


At least one other mod has the same feature.  From what I remember there is a conflict if they are both turned on.  I think the other mod is Deviously Cursed Loot but I don't know where the MCM options for that feature are.


Hope this helps,


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A small idea - if there is no "sexy" item in the inventory, perhaps the player should have an option to say so to the slaver - so the slaver would provide something revealing/sexy/skimpy to wear. I mean - enslaved player does not have to be naked ALL the time, a very revealing and skimpy outfit for females and humiliating outfit for males can work as well :D


I'm certainly interested in forcing the player into various outfits, however, there are so many to choose from and they all come from downloadable mods.  Trying to support "some set of them" feels like more work that I want to allocate for this feature right now.





Happening in 1/3 of new games sounds really weird. One mod that i know it runs some tasks (configurable) at certain times is Beeing female. For daylight... maybe some kind of weather mod or something? Beside scripts, certain lightning was most often the reason for my crashes. Estimated at least at half more because of my weak hardware than bad modding, but nevertheless.


I think I've tracked down which mod was causing the problem.

I still haven't verified anything, tried to work things out with the mod offer or checked all my options are configured correctly so it could easily be something I am doing wrong with the mod but I haven't had the same problems since uninstalling it.

With the Apachii Hair NPC mod, "ApachiiSkyHair NPC Overhaul - ApachiiHairStylesOnNPCs 2_20" my game would regularly crash on the hour during daylight hours in Whiterun (and other cities).

Since removing this from things seem to be working more smoothly but more testing is still needed.




My character starts the animation while my owner stands around naked, when i'm finished the owner gets dressed again and then he starts his part of the animation. Had anybody else this problem or any idea?

I can't say I've really figured out what is going on with this problem and I'm not sure it will help you but this has helped me.

When a sex event starts Devious Devices checks the animation being played and tried to "correct" the animation if it thinks it doesn't make sense.

This feature can be turned off in the MCM menu under:

"Devious Devices" => "Sex Animation Filter".  There are a couple of options there you might want to try turning off.

Again, I don't know if it will help or what is going on but turning them off has fixed this problem for me.


At least one other mod has the same feature.  From what I remember there is a conflict if they are both turned on.  I think the other mod is Deviously Cursed Loot but I don't know where the MCM options for that feature are.


Hope this helps,



Good to hear that your problems seem to be solved. :)

I'm aware of the DD options, the third one (turn off all checks and stuff) was added  because of my request. ;) It was also my first guess, and it worked once when i turned it off, but after reload and trying again it happened again... not sure if i really turned off everything, though.

Conflict: the other mod is ZAP, but afaik it's somehow solved. Not sure, i tink DD turns it off now by default when you install DD. At least it didn't happen when other mods started sex scenes, so i don't think it's that.


Btw, just in case you stumble over that problem: the "turn everything off" in DD was added because i had problems with creatures, it either blocked playing the animation (and teleported me high over the giant camp) or fucked up the alignment, turning creatures about 90 degrees, really weird. Later i figured out that is because Cursed Loot has it's own library for animations allowed to play when bound, and this stopped working properly in several of my games during playing. Possibly because of stack dumps, not entirely sure about that.


One thought about sexy outfits without any special suggestions, though: some modders allow to use their work without request or special restrictions. If somebody has a good suggestion here, maybe you could just add some of those into the framework. Or a system similar to SLAR where the MCM checks your inventory/items worn and the user can set it to be sexy. Just a thought, though, not that much important to me.

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Btw, just in case you stumble over that problem: the "turn everything off" in DD was added because i had problems with creatures, it either blocked playing the animation (and teleported me high over the giant camp) or fucked up the alignment, turning creatures about 90 degrees, really weird. Later i figured out that is because Cursed Loot has it's own library for animations allowed to play when bound, and this stopped working properly in several of my games during playing. Possibly because of stack dumps, not entirely sure about that.

I cannot count how many times I had queried that bound animation problem in appropriate forums, submitting logs showing just where the screw up started and the consequences, or have tried to estimate how long I spent trying to fix the issues after they started to screw up any particular game, and nobody, nobody, ever said as clearly, or coughed up to there being that separate process, or its being a potential cause of the problems.  angry.gif


But thank you very very much for that bit of info shy.gif   A whole heap of stuff now starts to make sense.... dodgy.gif   And I'll know what not to waste my time on in future!tongue.png 





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Awesome mod. Sadly, when I'm leashed, DFW Support very routinely seems to stop responding at all (no MCM menu and no further action by slaver). I believe I have tracked it down to the "Chance of furniture transfer" feature, but I'm not certain about it yet. Any common cause I may be missing?



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Awesome mod. Sadly, when I'm leashed, DFW Support very routinely seems to stop responding at all (no MCM menu and no further action by slaver). I believe I have tracked it down to the "Chance of furniture transfer" feature, but I'm not certain about it yet. Any common cause I may be missing?



At the end of the leash game the slaver may decide to lock you in nearby furniture (in the same city).


In order for this to work you have to have previously registered furniture as "Favourite Furniture" using the MCM menu.


I would expect the code handles the case where it cannot find any furniture in the city; however, that situation hasn't been tested so it is very possible there are bugs in the code.


1. If you send me a papyrus log file from a game that breaks I might be able to figure out what is wrong.

2. Assuming this is the problem it can be fixed by making sure you have Favourite furniture in the city.

2.a) Slave Girls by hydragorgon should place furniture in every city (I recommend applying the patch from my download page on top of that mod).

2. B) I have created a mod that adds furniture to at least one store in every city.  However, this is not a great solution for a couple of reasons.  It hasn't been tested at all and NPC interaction in stores is limited to the shop keeper which really isn't ideal.


I'll have to test this situation when I can.


Reminder about this store furniture mod.  It hasn't been tested.

Download at your own risk.

I don't have an "install package" for this yet so copy it to your Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data directory.  Delete it to uninstall the mod.


Edit: I don't think this furniture will work.  Most stores are alarmed, so the player will be harassed for trespassing if she is locked up after hours.


Hope this helps,



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Oh, that'll probably be it. I didn't add any furniture at all (btw, is there any way to do it except for "auto-add when locking yourself into it"?). Though I suspect the bug will still be around when owner runs around in the wilderness.

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Oh, that'll probably be it. I didn't add any furniture at all (btw, is there any way to do it except for "auto-add when locking yourself into it"?). Though I suspect the bug will still be around when owner runs around in the wilderness.

No.  I have plans for saving and loading sets of furniture from different mods, but that will take some work.

There are some difficulties with "auto-detecting" furniture so they all have to be manually identified.  Assuming I can get the save & load working that will help but that is still a ways off.

I need to fix this bug regardless but it might not take happen in the wilderness.  Even in the wilderness there is a concept of the "nearest town" which 99.9% of the time reports something.


Regarding the "Store" furniture mod, I suspect that isn't going to work.  Most stores are alarmed, so the player will be harassed for trespassing if she is locked up after hours.

For now slavegirls by hydragorgon is your best bet I think.  Or placing furniture yourself.


Happy gaming,


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I have been trying out this mod for a little while now and I really like the leash game.

Btw, did you consider using the vanilla bounty hunters?

I have not had any crashes or anything, only issue I have is the mod seems to stop working after a while

and at the same time, the support mod becomes inaccessible in MCM.

Haven't found any way around it yet, although the framework

mcm options are still accessible and the shutdown option doesn't seem to do anything.

Sorry, no log files, I'm on Win 10 and I'd have to completely reinstall my game in a different location

plus all the mods then go through all that ini editing etc. in order to create logs and that's just too much


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I have been trying out this mod for a little while now and I really like the leash game.

Btw, did you consider using the vanilla bounty hunters?

I have not had any crashes or anything, only issue I have is the mod seems to stop working after a while

and at the same time, the support mod becomes inaccessible in MCM.

Haven't found any way around it yet, although the framework

mcm options are still accessible and the shutdown option doesn't seem to do anything.

Sorry, no log files, I'm on Win 10 and I'd have to completely reinstall my game in a different location

plus all the mods then go through all that ini editing etc. in order to create logs and that's just too much


I've recently had a user report the mod stops working after the leash holder tries to transfer the player to BDSM furniture but there is no furniture configured in the area.

If there is no furniture in the area, the mod should just try the Simple Slavery release option or just release the player.  It is a bug that the mod stops working and I need to fix that.  Until then...


You can verify this is your problem (and possibly resolve it) if you a) disable the chances of transfer to furniture at the end of the leash game or B) make sure furniture is configured for each area.


It is not really practical for my mod to automatically detect furniture that other mods have placed in the world.  The amount of time scanning for furniture would cause too much lag on the scripts.

In order to "register" a piece of furniture with my mod you have to sit in it and select "Add To Favourite" from the DFW Support MCM menu.  If you have one piece of furniture set in each city or village this should, in theory stop the bug from happening.


Furniture will have to come from a separate mod.  Slavegirls by hydragorgon is the one I have been recommending.  I am working on a few different furniture mods as they have been requested many times.  One for shops, one for Inns, one for public town squares, and one for private homes.  The shops is available but most likely won't work because shops are alarmed and the player will get harassed for trespassing.  I  may have the public town square furniture available shortly.


If this turns out not to be your problem a listing of your quest variables might provide me more information about what is going on.


Happy gaming,


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I have been trying out this mod for a little while now and I really like the leash game.

Btw, did you consider using the vanilla bounty hunters?

I have not had any crashes or anything, only issue I have is the mod seems to stop working after a while

and at the same time, the support mod becomes inaccessible in MCM.

Haven't found any way around it yet, although the framework

mcm options are still accessible and the shutdown option doesn't seem to do anything.

Sorry, no log files, I'm on Win 10 and I'd have to completely reinstall my game in a different location

plus all the mods then go through all that ini editing etc. in order to create logs and that's just too much


I've recently had a user report the mod stops working after the leash holder tries to transfer the player to BDSM furniture but there is no furniture configured in the area.

If there is no furniture in the area, the mod should just try the Simple Slavery release option or just release the player.  It is a bug that the mod stops working and I need to fix that.  Until then...


You can verify this is your problem (and possibly resolve it) if you a) disable the chances of transfer to furniture at the end of the leash game or B) make sure furniture is configured for each area.


It is not really practical for my mod to automatically detect furniture that other mods have placed in the world.  The amount of time scanning for furniture would cause too much lag on the scripts.

In order to "register" a piece of furniture with my mod you have to sit in it and select "Add To Favourite" from the DFW Support MCM menu.  If you have one piece of furniture set in each city or village this should, in theory stop the bug from happening.


Furniture will have to come from a separate mod.  Slavegirls by hydragorgon is the one I have been recommending.  I am working on a few different furniture mods as they have been requested many times.  One for shops, one for Inns, one for public town squares, and one for private homes.  The shops is available but most likely won't work because shops are alarmed and the player will get harassed for trespassing.  I  may have the public town square furniture available shortly.


If this turns out not to be your problem a listing of your quest variables might provide me more information about what is going on.


Happy gaming,




I didn't ask about the furniture as I already guessed from the start that it didn't work correctly, for instance using a pillory would result in the wrong animation, i.e. suspended in wrist irons from the sky. :D

So I avoided using them but didn't know how to disable them.

I do have the hydragorgon mod installed which I like a lot.

I just want to get the mod started again, so can I deactivate the esp's, make a clean save and reactivate later and configure mcm without furniture?



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I didn't ask about the furniture as I already guessed from the start that it didn't work correctly, for instance using a pillory would result in the wrong animation, i.e. suspended in wrist irons from the sky. :D

So I avoided using them but didn't know how to disable them.

I do have the hydragorgon mod installed which I like a lot.

I just want to get the mod started again, so can I deactivate the esp's, make a clean save and reactivate later and configure mcm without furniture?


It looks like there is a question there.  And a few odd statements.

Uninstalling the mod generally works.  There are always complication with trying to clean a save and some people say it really can't be done but I rarely hear reported problems related to it so I would expect it to work.

Reinstalling the mod later and disabling the Furniture Transfer option at the end of the leash game in the MCM will avoid the problem.

...for the most part.


If you call out for help and continually ask the guards/NPCs to help you escape the slaver will get upset with you and punish you.

Punishment starts with a gag and a blindfold... If you are punished again he looks for nearby furniture to lock you into for a whipping punishment.  If you don't have any furniture configured you may encounter the same issue then as well.


I hope this answers your question.


Regarding the wrong animations for the furniture, that sounds rather odd.  Is this something you have seen?  I've used several types of furniture from a few different mods and they all tend to work more or less properly.

Milk mod economy has a bit of conflict with my mod and milk mod locking the player in causing the animations to halt briefly at times.

Furniture in other scenes (especially Captured Dreams quests) can be problematic when my mod locks the player in preventing the other scene from progressing properly.

The Multi furniture (Multi restraint pole and Multi Restraint wall) cycle through all of the animations for those objects.  I haven't figured out how to force those furniture to use a single animation yet.


If you are seeing (what sounds like) multi-restraint animations in the pillory, I suspect something is not setup correctly.


Hope this helps,


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I didn't ask about the furniture as I already guessed from the start that it didn't work correctly, for instance using a pillory would result in the wrong animation, i.e. suspended in wrist irons from the sky. :D

So I avoided using them but didn't know how to disable them.

I do have the hydragorgon mod installed which I like a lot.

I just want to get the mod started again, so can I deactivate the esp's, make a clean save and reactivate later and configure mcm without furniture?


It looks like there is a question there.  And a few odd statements.

Uninstalling the mod generally works.  There are always complication with trying to clean a save and some people say it really can't be done but I rarely hear reported problems related to it so I would expect it to work.

Reinstalling the mod later and disabling the Furniture Transfer option at the end of the leash game in the MCM will avoid the problem.

...for the most part.


If you call out for help and continually ask the guards/NPCs to help you escape the slaver will get upset with you and punish you.

Punishment starts with a gag and a blindfold... If you are punished again he looks for nearby furniture to lock you into for a whipping punishment.  If you don't have any furniture configured you may encounter the same issue then as well.


I hope this answers your question.


Regarding the wrong animations for the furniture, that sounds rather odd.  Is this something you have seen?  I've used several types of furniture from a few different mods and they all tend to work more or less properly.

Milk mod economy has a bit of conflict with my mod and milk mod locking the player in causing the animations to halt briefly at times.

Furniture in other scenes (especially Captured Dreams quests) can be problematic when my mod locks the player in preventing the other scene from progressing properly.

The Multi furniture (Multi restraint pole and Multi Restraint wall) cycle through all of the animations for those objects.  I haven't figured out how to force those furniture to use a single animation yet.


If you are seeing (what sounds like) multi-restraint animations in the pillory, I suspect something is not setup correctly.


Hope this helps,



 I have got the mod running successfully again just by deactivating esp, creating a new save in game, reactivating esp, loading the save then, saving again and reloading that. Forgot to run save cleaning tool but it wasn't necessary as it's all working fine now anyway.

I will keep an eye on the pillory etc. animations for you and post if there is any change.

I am still experimenting with load order to see if it makes a difference on that.


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