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Paradise Halls - Home Sweet Home (SE/LE)

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52 minutes ago, Martianman686 said:

I'm having a little annoying issue I'm hoping you guys might be able to help with. I notice when I have sex with a slave that if they are wearing cuffs that my animation is limited to a single type under the "Zap" category. I use the mod sexlab tools which allows you to select the animation you want the player or npcs to use, and when I try to look at the list there is only one available. I assumed this is part of the Zaz animations or one of the PAHE mods, but even after unticking the "only use restricted animations" or whatever it still only does the Zap animation. If the slave has ankle cuffs or a neck collar then its fine, it seems to only have the limited one animation for when they are wearing wrist cuffs. Does anyone know the fix that allows me to use all the animations available even if the slave is wearing wrist cuffs?

I have found that if you go into SexLab and untick the single animation that keeps being used that your problem will be solved. After a few other animations have been used, my experience is that if I go back into SexLab and tick it back on it only gets the same attention as others (I've had one game that was the exception to this and I had to leave the animation "off" the entire game). If you do this remember to turn it off in the aggressive as well as the "normal" animations.

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1 hour ago, Psalam said:

I have found that if you go into SexLab and untick the single animation that keeps being used that your problem will be solved. After a few other animations have been used, my experience is that if I go back into SexLab and tick it back on it only gets the same attention as others (I've had one game that was the exception to this and I had to leave the animation "off" the entire game). If you do this remember to turn it off in the aggressive as well as the "normal" animations.

Thank you that sounds like a brilliant solution! I don't think the Zap animations are that good compared to the others out there, so I'll just disable them permanently. Great suggestion!

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Anyone having errors with getting HSH to work for the latest SE version (1.6.64)? the whole thing seems to be broken in my game for some reason.
PAHE works fine, AYGAS works too, but not HSH. The MCM refuses to appear, the quest doesn't work. etc.
Specifically, it's regarding the errors relating to scripts like:

[10/07/2022 - 06:55:44PM] Error: Unable to link type of variable "::PHSF_var" on object "Configmenu"
[10/07/2022 - 06:55:44PM] Error: Unable to link type of property "PHSF" on object "Configmenu"
[10/07/2022 - 06:55:44PM] Error: Unable to link type of variable "::PHHSH_var" on object "phhshmigrate"
[10/07/2022 - 06:55:44PM] Error: Unable to link type of property "PHHSH" on object "phhshmigrate"
[10/07/2022 - 06:55:44PM] error: Unable to bind script Configmenu to PHHSHStorage (38008402) because their base types do not match

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17 hours ago, gardelucina said:

A couple of questions, firstly, what do house markers do and do I need more than one? Second, what houses do you use for your slave houses, I'm having trouble find good big places.

First, I don't use the house markers.

Second, here is a list of the places I use:

a) the three Hearthfire houses - do not build out all the furniture when you build them, leave room for "training devices"

b) Dragonsreach - I place the cell upstairs near the door to the Jarl's quarters so it's out of my way when I am not using it - lots of empty space here

c) Vlindrel Hall and the Abandoned House in Markarth - I usually just use the Abandoned House to keep slaves that I intend to train later in Vlindrel Hall so I don't need a house cell token for it

d) The Blue Palace - it has more open space than Proudspire Manor (which I tend to use like the Abandoned House in Markarth); I find the area to the right of the staircase near the door to the Pelagius Wing to be an ideal spot for a house cell; lots of space for things here

e) Hjerim - you can use the Palace of the Kings if space is your bigger concern but I have found that Hjerim is an okay size and layout; its biggest downside is that you can't get it until later in the game. (Don't forget that the Palace of the Kings will be a location at the end of one part of the Civil War; watch out because your slaves will get involved in combat)

f) Riften is the hardest. I've been settling for Haelga's Bunkhouse. Both the Ragged Flagon and the Ratway proper make good locations

g) And, of course, Severin Manor is a good spot if you get it and spend time in Solstheim

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17 hours ago, gardelucina said:

A couple of questions, firstly, what do house markers do and do I need more than one? Second, what houses do you use for your slave houses, I'm having trouble find good big places.


What Psalam said


Additioanlly, if you have space in your load order


Windhelm - Harald's Bathhouse - LL

Whiterun - Home of the Heroes (could get every NPC in Skyrim into that, so can look a bit empty)


Whiterun - East Reach House Basement - LL

Riverwood - Player House in Riverwood - Downstairs  - but be aware that the boundaries encompass parts of Riverwood in error


...and avoid some of the other Riverwood home mods on Nexus - they can look good but spawn bandits in the interior, and the most promising - prison in basement etc - isn't navmeshed properly

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Second time running this mod and ran into a problem that dd not occur in the first run through.

The first run I paralyzed melina took her out of Solitude and duplicated her and took the duplicate to Samir and he took her with NPs.

Now he says:" I don't see any girl. Who are you?" when she is standing right in front of him.


Is this a bug or have I done something wrong?

I have no intention of giving him the original melina and if necessary, I will console it via SSEedit to finish it.

But I hoped that there was a way around this.


OOC I will swap girls just to see then reload.


Addendum: Okay Samir will ONLY respond to the original melina, so I consoled the quest stage and he took teh copy and now my char has a nymphomaniac follower.

Edited by Will55
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone managed to figure out how the prices at the Restless Hunter are being determined? Because I thought for a while I had conclusively figured it out but now I found things that contradict how I thought it works. here are how I believe how it works after playing with this mod after far longer then any sane man should (all these findings are based on slaves with 100 submission obedience, pose, sex/combat stats):


an NPC's level DOES seem to affect selling prices to a degree. You'll get peanuts for anything low level.  Anything level 1  is guaranteed garbage. However at some point it seems to stop affecting selling prices very much. I had level 19 slaves sell for more then level 30 ones of same gender, race and stats.  I'd say higher the level the better the chance to get a good price. never go below level 15.


Forget the shopping list, it's highly inaccurate:


Combat slaves always do good regardless of race and gender. (easily 7000+)


Nord women don't go for nearly as much as you're led to believe (never had a non combat slave going for more then 5000).


Imperial women are generally OK if you keep my remarks about NPC level in mind.


Elder race, orc and Khajit are always trash.


Redguard, Breton and any form of elf woman seems to do good. (go 7000+ quite often)

Edited by Example John
removed enters at end of coment
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2 hours ago, Example John said:

Has anyone managed to figure out how the prices at the Restless Hunter are being determined? Because I thought for a while I had conclusively figured it out but now I found things that contradict how I thought it works. here are how I believe how it works after playing with this mod after far longer then any sane man should (all these findings are based on slaves with 100 submission obedience, pose, sex/combat stats):


an NPC's level DOES seem to affect selling prices to a degree. You'll get peanuts for anything low level.  Anything level 1  is guaranteed garbage. However at some point it seems to stop affecting selling prices very much. I had level 19 slaves sell for more then level 30 ones of same gender, race and stats.  I'd say higher the level the better the chance to get a good price. never go below level 15.


Forget the shopping list, it's highly inaccurate:


Combat slaves always do good regardless of race and gender. (easily 7000+)


Nord women don't go for nearly as much as you're led to believe (never had a non combat slave going for more then 5000).


Imperial women are generally OK if you keep my remarks about NPC level in mind.


Elder race, orc and Khajit are always trash.


Redguard, Breton and any form of elf woman seems to do good. (go 7000+ quite often)


It's probably all in the file attached. 


Forgive me if any of this is teaching Grandpa/ma to suck eggs.


This file is, I think, the relevant source code in 'English'. 


Such files are shown as filename.psc 


This is one of the files you will find in the 'source' folder in the mod's 'scripts' folder


(But only, of course, if you installed the scripts source to start with - some mods allow you to do that as an option, but I can't remember if that applies to HSH or not)


Anyway, there is a ref in phhshauctionscript.psc script to 'economics' and, although I haven't gone through it to check or compare with your assumptions, the file attached is the one that seems to probably do the sums


Best viewer is Notepad++


Hope that helps









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On 10/25/2022 at 5:30 PM, DonQuiWho said:


It's probably all in the file attached. 


Forgive me if any of this is teaching Grandpa/ma to suck eggs.


This file is, I think, the relevant source code in 'English'. 


Such files are shown as filename.psc 


This is one of the files you will find in the 'source' folder in the mod's 'scripts' folder


(But only, of course, if you installed the scripts source to start with - some mods allow you to do that as an option, but I can't remember if that applies to HSH or not)


Anyway, there is a ref in phhshauctionscript.psc script to 'economics' and, although I haven't gone through it to check or compare with your assumptions, the file attached is the one that seems to probably do the sums


Best viewer is Notepad++


Hope that helps








phhsheconomics.psc 9.57 kB · 2 downloads


Breakdown for those who didn't want to read it.


Regular Value = Base Value multiplied by a factor determined by the slave's Submission Score divided by 60 and adding 0.34 to that. And then rounding down the final results to the nearest integer.

Special Value = Base Value multiplied by a factor determined by the slave's Training Factor and then rounding down to the nearest integer


Base Value is based on race, sex, weight, and health, magicka, and stamina scores

-- ((Health/2) + (Stamina/2) + (Magicka/2)) * RaceSexModifer  * WeightMod *  2 -- the 2 is actually OverallValueMultiplier  but as far as I can tell in the code this is hardcoded to 2 and not changed anywhere. 

-- this value is rounded up to the nearest integer


RaceSexModifer -- Select the first item in this list that matches

  1. Vampires are 0.3
  2. Argonian are 0.6
  3. Female Bretons are 1.3
  4. Male Bretons are 0.8
  5. Dunmer are 1.1
  6. Female Altmer are 1.6
  7. Male Altmer are 0.7
  8. Female Imperials are 1.2
  9. Male Imperials are 1.0
  10. Female Khajit are 0.8
  11. Male Khajit are 1.0
  12. Female Nords are 1.0
  13. Male Nords are 1.4
  14. Orcs are 1.2
  15. Elders who have a higher magicka than health and stamina are 1.8
  16. Elders are 0.5
  17. Female Redguard are 1.5
  18. Male Redguard are 1.0
  19. Female Bosmer are 1.3
  20. Male Bosmer are 1.1
  21. Other races (a.k.a custom races) are 1.0


WeightMod -- If the weight is more than 70 or less than 30 then 0.7 otherwise 1.0


Training Factor -- (Submission/60 +0.34) + (Anger Training/200) + (Combat Training/100) + (Sex Training/100) + (Respect Training/150) and rounding up. 

-- Note throughout the code Sex Training explicitly set to 0 with a comment "Cannot get"

Edited by grosaprap
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/3/2022 at 10:01 AM, tinkerbelle said:

Just about any NPC can be made into a slave.  The bigger question is should you do that?  NPCs with quests associated with them should not be enslaved until at least all their quest related things are done.  Generic followers are good slave material.  Special followers aren't good slave material.  I would avoid enslaving unique followers, I'm having a senior moment and can't remember names, Vidja? That buxom dancer NPC.  Those are some NPCs you don't want to enslave.  I've enslaved NPCs like, darn, the gal who sits on the Solitude throne.  Just don't try running the civil war quests.  Immersive Wenches can be enslaved, but the combat training gets a little messy.


When you enslave an NPC, they do die, then come back as a new NPC.  At that point, tell them they are a slave.  One dialogue option is to manage their inventory.  I personally strip them of everything, then give them a collar of leashing, wrist shackles and ankle shackles.  For some I give piercings or plugs.  There is a Paradise Halls Extended (PaHE) addon for Farengar's study which provides some whips, collars of leashing and some shackles, free for the taking.  I don't know why the collar you used is missing its texture.  Zap 7 or 8 and Devious Devices collars work.  Zap 9 might work, but it sounds like there are still a few minor bugs.  Stripping them from the get-go, I don't see them suddenly wearing clothes.  Occasionally they'll sprout shoes, I just take them off with the dialouge, "You're going to wear this" or is it, "I need to give you some things" (you can also take things with this).


"You need to be punished" is the dialouge line mainly to train submission.  The dialogue line, "OK, Slave" is the other main PaHE line.  From there you can train them for respect, tell them they'll be fighting for you, train them for sexual activities and so on.  The dialogues available will change as you train them.  Leaving a PaHE slave tied will automatically train them for submission and posing.  If you told them they'll be fighting for you, it also trains them for combat ... auto-magickly, no logic needed.


It sounds like you have the Home Sweet Home (HSH) mod, a good addon to PaHE. and you have the quest enabled.  I did that quest a couple of times, but prefer to have it off.  After handing in some slaves to the guards at the mines, you'll be chased down by someone and the quest will continue.  Eventually you'll end up at a tavern not far from Ivarsted and you can do more slaver activities freely.  Yep, the guards moving around was only one reason I turned off that quest.


The PaHE forums has some discussions about the meaning of all the dialogues, good luck finding them.  Tying them up at home with iron shackles is a good option to keep them in place while you go adventuring (or gathering more slaves, depending on your computer, for a powerful rig, don't keep more than about 20 at any single place.  Less for mediocre machines).  The collar of leashing and shackles are good options to keep them from running away, otherwise they will eventually try to run.


With HSH you can train one slave and then have that trained slave train another.  Eventually you can make one of the trained slaves a Taskmaster who can be told to have the slaves train each other.  All so you can go adventuring and capture more slaves, until your computer melts from all the scripting going on.  LOL


And You Get A Slave (AYGAS) is another good mod to improve the slaver experience.  With this mod, you can sell slaves, eventually you can buy them, have them enter into fights and gamble on them, have them prostitute themselves in cities and towns.


Everything works great but , for the life of me, I can't figure out how to train "respect".  Please tell me how you do it.

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18 hours ago, Deanevea said:

Everything works great but , for the life of me, I can't figure out how to train "respect".  Please tell me how you do it.

Well, when they reach a certain point of training there will be a new option to tell them to address you properly, or something like that.  The first time a lower level slave will sometimes mouth off to you.  So you get the option to punish them.  After that, they will occasionally forget (or refuse) to use the proper honorifics, so choose the "I though I told you ..." option and punish them.


This only gets them up to a certain point, I think around 60 respect.  Which is adequate for the game's purposes, but you no longer get the cues for punishment.  I vaguely remember other means to raise it after that, but I can't recall them (or if they even exist) but around 60 works for the most part.


This is mainly a Paradise Halls (Pahe) mechanic, I don't remember that Home Sweet Home (HSH) has this mechanic for the PC, so if you've brought them into HSH, then move them back into Pahe and go through the training.  A well trained slave training another slave via HSH will also train the lower level slave up to their level of respect.


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I think every part of home sweet home is working properly except for the "let's you into one of these toys"


they just kind walk around aimlessly for a bit not getting into any of the furniture. After testing everything, the only furniture i managed to get them into is the small horse which I think is more confusing than if nothing worked


any clues what I do about this? Haven't really used HSH much before

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In my experience, you get the best results by getting the slave next to the device that you want them on. I have found that taking them out of HSH with the "time to hit the road" dialogue, walking them next to the device while they follow (them, not my character by the device), then putting them back in HSH with the "you are going to stay here a while" dialogue, followed immediately by the "I'm going to tie you up"/"let's get you onto one of these toys" dialogues has the highest chance (about 90% once I've practiced) of achieving the goal.

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2 hours ago, Psalam said:

In my experience, you get the best results by getting the slave next to the device that you want them on. I have found that taking them out of HSH with the "time to hit the road" dialogue, walking them next to the device while they follow (them, not my character by the device), then putting them back in HSH with the "you are going to stay here a while" dialogue, followed immediately by the "I'm going to tie you up"/"let's get you onto one of these toys" dialogues has the highest chance (about 90% once I've practiced) of achieving the goal.


Dedication Rules!


Oooops!  Wrong thread .... ?

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I wanted to remove a slave but the "free slave" option didnt come up during dialogue. I then tried killing it using sexlab defeat, and now its stuck in an infinite deathloop in my house. I lost the earlier saves in which i didnt try this, but is there any way to literally just delete a slave? I've tried using the kill command and the markfordelete command, but the former doesnt work and the latter gives infinite death messages whilst still having the slave listed.

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15 hours ago, whooptyscoop said:

I wanted to remove a slave but the "free slave" option didnt come up during dialogue. I then tried killing it using sexlab defeat, and now its stuck in an infinite deathloop in my house. I lost the earlier saves in which i didnt try this, but is there any way to literally just delete a slave? I've tried using the kill command and the markfordelete command, but the former doesnt work and the latter gives infinite death messages whilst still having the slave listed.

think musje protected or made essential any hsh slaves to prevent them from killing each other during combat training

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15 hours ago, whooptyscoop said:

I wanted to remove a slave but the "free slave" option didnt come up during dialogue. I then tried killing it using sexlab defeat, and now its stuck in an infinite deathloop in my house. I lost the earlier saves in which i didnt try this, but is there any way to literally just delete a slave? I've tried using the kill command and the markfordelete command, but the former doesnt work and the latter gives infinite death messages whilst still having the slave listed.


22 minutes ago, CliftonJD said:

think musje protected or made essential any hsh slaves to prevent them from killing each other during combat training

If Musje has made it impossible then get CliftonJD to do it for you. Convert the HSH slave back to PAHE and then free her. (In case you've forgotten the dialogue for the conversion is "time to hit the road slave.")

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51 minutes ago, mrtorq said:

i have installed slax but my followers are not using the nearby Slaves  when their arousal hit 75 ,any workarounds ?

Go to the McMenu for HSH. Go to info/options submenu. There is a place to set the followers arousal level for demanding sex of slaves. If you are unhappy with where it is, simply set it lower (I just checked and it can go as low as 30).

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I just have to share this with you all just in case you like me had major lag when trying to transfer from PAHE to HSH or AYGAS or just enslaving took longer than it should. 


(in my case probably my own fault due to my SSE running at around 15gig memory when playing) 




Papyrus Tweaks NG

Things that would take anywhere from 20 seconds to sometimes minutes to happen, are now INSTANT or near to. check it out !! The 

  • Run Scripts On Main Thread

Feature is a LIFESAVER when playing a rather Mod heavy game if you have a PC that is not a potato. 

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On 11/21/2022 at 8:41 AM, kohlteth said:

I just have to share this with you all just in case you like me had major lag when trying to transfer from PAHE to HSH or AYGAS or just enslaving took longer than it should. 


(in my case probably my own fault due to my SSE running at around 15gig memory when playing) 




Papyrus Tweaks NG

Things that would take anywhere from 20 seconds to sometimes minutes to happen, are now INSTANT or near to. check it out !! The 

  • Run Scripts On Main Thread

Feature is a LIFESAVER when playing a rather Mod heavy game if you have a PC that is not a potato. 


I'll have to try that, thanks! ❤️

My game still runs fairly well, but there is room for improvement.  Keep in mind that HSH and Aygas (also mods like PAHE and MME) are very script heavy.

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