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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01MAY2024

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 I want to say the older an NPC got, the more likely they were to remove it themselves.



Oh okay, I'll keep tabs on that then. So far my characters aren't old enough to even die of old age yet, so the immortality has been a moot point. I didn't know they could forgo the immortality later once they've acquired it. That makes me feel better.


On to one more issue I'm concerned with, but we'll see how it goes: I'm now 52 years into my game. First, I'm noticing the ceiling limit for having children is no longer 45 -- I just had a child at age 51, which makes sense considering I'm Immortal. Meanwhile, my character is popping children out like crazy, and I promise I didn't use the "spend time with..." command. Furthermore, the Succubus trait seems to have a high inheritance rate. My fear is by the end game, my Succubus' trait will start populating the world. People will live longer, become harder to kill, and have children at older ages. Thankfully so far the men are not immortal -- I had one who was an Incubi, but he was assassinated.


Having so many of those characters populating the world might stress the game, but I'll try to push it as late as I can as a stress test, lol.


*looks at your screenshot*


Were Fire Emblem characters added in the last update? O.o

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I want to say the older an NPC got, the more likely they were to remove it themselves.


Oh okay, I'll keep tabs on that then. So far my characters aren't old enough to even die of old age yet, so the immortality has been a moot point. I didn't know they could forgo the immortality later once they've acquired it. That makes me feel better.


On to one more issue I'm concerned with, but we'll see how it goes: I'm now 52 years into my game. First, I'm noticing the ceiling limit for having children is no longer 45 -- I just had a child at age 51, which makes sense considering I'm Immortal. Meanwhile, my character is popping children out like crazy, and I promise I didn't use the "spend time with..." command. Furthermore, the Succubus trait seems to have a high inheritance rate. My fear is by the end game, my Succubus' trait will start populating the world. People will live longer, become harder to kill, and have children at older ages. Thankfully so far the men are not immortal -- I had one who was an Incubi, but he was assassinated.


Having so many of those characters populating the world might stress the game, but I'll try to push it as late as I can as a stress test, lol.



If I'm not mistaken, CK2 does eventually begin purging less important characters at a certain threshold, lest the game just get completely overrun trying to keep track of the family of every minor courtier from 700AD on.

does eventually begin purging less important characters at a certain threshold, lest the game just get completely overrun trying to keep track of the family of every minor courtier from 700AD on.

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can i run any of the plugins with AGoT mod?


Check out the FAQ (2nd post at the beginning of this thread). It gives an example on how you can make the Dark World mods work with AGoT that some folks have shared in the past.

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can i run any of the plugins with AGoT mod?



You have to alter the .mod files of the modules you want to use with AGOT to include dependencies = {"A Game of Thrones"} but those mods are not specifically made with AGOT in mind so compatability is not 100% guaranteed.

That said I do use the modules with AGOT and I did not encounter any problems so far.

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if you want me to make a couple screens, i can make em. when i type in harley in character search for al, not jut my own realm, alot of them pop up, and im talking ore than 30. a few neighbouring kings and counts have married her. i have one as my wife, and another as my concubine. but i did give the joker which came later the court jester, is that why it keeps popping up?


No need. I trust you that it's not working as expected. The only thing I can say, is ensure that you're operating off of CK2 2.5.2.


If you are, then I've zero ideas, for as I said, the ai=no and the ai_will_do factor = 0 should both prevent them from ever being able to execute the decision to trigger those events. And the events themselves shouldn't be running at random, as they're set with a is_triggered_only = yes flag.


So if the ai is still executing those things, then I'm at a loss presently.

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*looks at your screenshot*


Were Fire Emblem characters added in the last update? O.o



lol ignore that part, that's a separate mod. See my signature. I like to disable the DW Reborn ReMeDy files and use my own, but only because I'm fine manually typing in charinfo and console codes over and over again.

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*looks at your screenshot*


Were Fire Emblem characters added in the last update? O.o



lol ignore that part, that's a separate mod. See my signature. I like to disable the DW Reborn ReMeDy files and use my own, but only because I'm fine manually typing in charinfo and console codes over and over again.



Story of my life. event Penis.FuckMyRuler69

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Yeah, i am plaing on 2.5.2 with all dlc. figured if i could make screenshots with charinfo active so you could see the events. another thing is, im getting an insane amount of people in my court, currently at a hundred fifty, and i only have one kingdom title, so it should be around 50. and no i am not spamming the intigue events for random characters. every month an average of 5 people join, then 2-3 leave end of the month. though i dont know if that is because of your mod since im playing as a faction i never played as. which brings me to my previous issue, i am playing with when the world stopped making sense mod active too. but it did not happen before the latest update you made. also small qeustion, how do i get belle? i have her on another save, but i cant seem to get her now. do i have to wait for fenris or something?

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Yeah, i am plaing on 2.5.2 with all dlc. figured if i could make screenshots with charinfo active so you could see the events. another thing is, im getting an insane amount of people in my court, currently at a hundred fifty, and i only have one kingdom title, so it should be around 50. and no i am not spamming the intigue events for random characters. every month an average of 5 people join, then 2-3 leave end of the month. though i dont know if that is because of your mod since im playing as a faction i never played as. which brings me to my previous issue, i am playing with when the world stopped making sense mod active too. but it did not happen before the latest update you made. also small qeustion, how do i get belle? i have her on another save, but i cant seem to get her now. do i have to wait for fenris or something?


150 at court!? How many years into the game are you? I'm 82 years in and all my children/vassals court size, at most, is at 40. Aliris said it should kill off less important characters though, so we'll see. I am aware of one way CKII does that is if your court has 75 or more people, more diseases will start to break out, as mentioned in the defines.lua file.

CROWDED_THRESHOLD_MODIFIER = 75, -- How many courtiers in a court to make it crowded and increase chance for disease.


Let me know how your game handles with that court size. You should be getting diseases up the ass. Hey, at least you have Fenris in your game! He must have offed himself in mine, or died somehow early, and before I could realize it, so I was too invested in my save to care, lol.


Edit: I think another issue too is the "groom to heir" ambition -- which is very popular -- increases fertility by 20% while active. This is much stronger than the old "Have a son/daughter," as that ambition is stopped upon the son/daughter's birth, whereas the grooming of an heir can last over a decade. Then you have +25% fertility at max Succubus rank, 15% lvl-4 Stewardship (or 10% lvl-4 diplomacy), and any lustful (20%) and/or hedonist (20%) traits. I think once this mod gets all its features added in, it could use some balancing tweaks. Of course, I want to feel powerful, but I do wonder if these numbers are getting off the charts, lol, but hey, as long as my game isn't crashing, I guess it doesn't matter.

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Hello all,

Yesterday I started a new game with all new DW mod. Great! The jester may be called to court. But here is my question: there is not specific image for this buffoon (ReMeDy_portait), like DW 1.25, is this a mistake on my mod installation? :mellow:


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Yeah, i am plaing on 2.5.2 with all dlc. figured if i could make screenshots with charinfo active so you could see the events. another thing is, im getting an insane amount of people in my court, currently at a hundred fifty, and i only have one kingdom title, so it should be around 50. and no i am not spamming the intigue events for random characters. every month an average of 5 people join, then 2-3 leave end of the month. though i dont know if that is because of your mod since im playing as a faction i never played as. which brings me to my previous issue, i am playing with when the world stopped making sense mod active too. but it did not happen before the latest update you made. also small qeustion, how do i get belle? i have her on another save, but i cant seem to get her now. do i have to wait for fenris or something?


In looking at the "When the World Stopped Making Sense" mod, I see it's a complete overhaul. Unfortunately that means I really can't speak to how well DW will or won't work with it.


The best thing I could recommend would be modifying the mod dependency information in the .mod file to include the World Stopped Making Sense mod.


An example of how it would look is in the FAQ (2nd post of this thread).


Edit: Oh - and I don't think charinfo would be a lot of help. There isn't a bunch of flag slapping going on outside of the Joker. Like I said, if you've ai running the events, then something is simply broken or incompatible.

Hello all,

Yesterday I started a new game with all new DW mod. Great! The jester may be called to court. But here is my question: there is not specific image for this buffoon (ReMeDy_portait), like DW 1.25, is this a mistake on my mod installation? :mellow:


Not a mistake. There are two potential characters you can gain via that event that do have custom portraits, while the others do not. Unless you landed the Joker or Harley, you should just get a random picture for the others.

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Yeah, i am plaing on 2.5.2 with all dlc. figured if i could make screenshots with charinfo active so you could see the events. another thing is, im getting an insane amount of people in my court, currently at a hundred fifty, and i only have one kingdom title, so it should be around 50. and no i am not spamming the intigue events for random characters. every month an average of 5 people join, then 2-3 leave end of the month. though i dont know if that is because of your mod since im playing as a faction i never played as. which brings me to my previous issue, i am playing with when the world stopped making sense mod active too. but it did not happen before the latest update you made. also small qeustion, how do i get belle? i have her on another save, but i cant seem to get her now. do i have to wait for fenris or something?


150 at court!? How many years into the game are you? I'm 82 years in and all my children/vassals court size, at most, is at 40. Aliris said it should kill off less important characters though, so we'll see. I am aware of one way CKII does that is if your court has 75 or more people, more diseases will start to break out, as mentioned in the defines.lua file.

CROWDED_THRESHOLD_MODIFIER = 75, -- How many courtiers in a court to make it crowded and increase chance for disease.


Let me know how your game handles with that court size. You should be getting diseases up the ass. Hey, at least you have Fenris in your game! He must have offed himself in mine, or died somehow early, and before I could realize it, so I was too invested in my save to care, lol.


Edit: I think another issue too is the "groom to heir" ambition -- which is very popular -- increases fertility by 20% while active. This is much stronger than the old "Have a son/daughter," as that ambition is stopped upon the son/daughter's birth, whereas the grooming of an heir can last over a decade. Then you have +25% fertility at max Succubus rank, 15% lvl-4 Stewardship (or 10% lvl-4 diplomacy), and any lustful (20%) and/or hedonist (20%) traits. I think once this mod gets all its features added in, it could use some balancing tweaks. Of course, I want to feel powerful, but I do wonder if these numbers are getting off the charts, lol, but hey, as long as my game isn't crashing, I guess it doesn't matter.


Ill try that out later tonight when ill play again, but they arn't random courtiers, they are all court jesters :\ ill add depenecies later tonight too, see if that fixes it.

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Hello all,

Yesterday I started a new game with all new DW mod. Great! The jester may be called to court. But here is my question: there is not specific image for this buffoon (ReMeDy_portait), like DW 1.25, is this a mistake on my mod installation? :mellow:


Not a mistake. There are two potential characters you can gain via that event that do have custom portraits, while the others do not. Unless you landed the Joker or Harley, you should just get a random picture for the others.



It's ok for Joker, he have got a special image :shy: . but sorry, Harley have no special image :s .


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Hello all,

Yesterday I started a new game with all new DW mod. Great! The jester may be called to court. But here is my question: there is not specific image for this buffoon (ReMeDy_portait), like DW 1.25, is this a mistake on my mod installation? :mellow:


Not a mistake. There are two potential characters you can gain via that event that do have custom portraits, while the others do not. Unless you landed the Joker or Harley, you should just get a random picture for the others.



It's ok for Joker, he have got a special image :shy: . but sorry, Harley have no special image :s .




Harley has a special image. If you're not seeing it, then odds are you've an issue with your Dark World ReMeDy mod.


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Yeah, i am plaing on 2.5.2 with all dlc. figured if i could make screenshots with charinfo active so you could see the events. another thing is, im getting an insane amount of people in my court, currently at a hundred fifty, and i only have one kingdom title, so it should be around 50. and no i am not spamming the intigue events for random characters. every month an average of 5 people join, then 2-3 leave end of the month. though i dont know if that is because of your mod since im playing as a faction i never played as. which brings me to my previous issue, i am playing with when the world stopped making sense mod active too. but it did not happen before the latest update you made. also small qeustion, how do i get belle? i have her on another save, but i cant seem to get her now. do i have to wait for fenris or something?


150 at court!? How many years into the game are you? I'm 82 years in and all my children/vassals court size, at most, is at 40. Aliris said it should kill off less important characters though, so we'll see. I am aware of one way CKII does that is if your court has 75 or more people, more diseases will start to break out, as mentioned in the defines.lua file.

CROWDED_THRESHOLD_MODIFIER = 75, -- How many courtiers in a court to make it crowded and increase chance for disease.


Let me know how your game handles with that court size. You should be getting diseases up the ass. Hey, at least you have Fenris in your game! He must have offed himself in mine, or died somehow early, and before I could realize it, so I was too invested in my save to care, lol.


Edit: I think another issue too is the "groom to heir" ambition -- which is very popular -- increases fertility by 20% while active. This is much stronger than the old "Have a son/daughter," as that ambition is stopped upon the son/daughter's birth, whereas the grooming of an heir can last over a decade. Then you have +25% fertility at max Succubus rank, 15% lvl-4 Stewardship (or 10% lvl-4 diplomacy), and any lustful (20%) and/or hedonist (20%) traits. I think once this mod gets all its features added in, it could use some balancing tweaks. Of course, I want to feel powerful, but I do wonder if these numbers are getting off the charts, lol, but hey, as long as my game isn't crashing, I guess it doesn't matter.


Ill try that out later tonight when ill play again, but they arn't random courtiers, they are all court jesters :\ ill add depenecies later tonight too, see if that fixes it.



I've just run a couple decades. I've not been able to repeat your issue in the slightest. No crazy court jesters appearing all over the place, only the one Harley I selected. No weird overflow of my court. It was regularly between 25 - 35 people, with nothing I'd consider abnormal. A search across all other NPCs in the game showed no one with their own Harley, nor a Joker. So I'm not seeing where the ai can run things.


Unfortunately since I can't recreate it, I'm out of ideas.


EDIT: I did notice a localization error though in testing it. So it was helpful in that regard. :)

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So i added WtWSMS as a dependency, however i realised the custom portraits also dont work unless i pick werewolf. so i went into the inteface folder, and i only have 4 things in there. what do i do? also you never awnsered me about belle, i managed to get her once, and she was pretty amazing and id like to know how to get her again. anyway ill be playing now to see if my court floods with jesters again.



edit: forgot link

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To your belle 'problem'.

I never even thought about recruiting belle before and I never tried.

But according to the event files you have the option to 'drink at the lodge' where the player can get belle to talk about her curse, get seduced and after sex get recruited.

The event chain seems to be one time only, meaning you can't repeat what you missed or make things different a second time in the same playthrough.

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To your belle 'problem'.

I never even thought about recruiting belle before and I never tried.

But according to the event files you have the option to 'drink at the lodge' where the player can get belle to talk about her curse, get seduced and after sex get recruited.

The event chain seems to be one time only, meaning you can't repeat what you missed or make things different a second time in the same playthrough.


Weird, it happened on a new game, where i havnt even discovered the town. she just randomly popped up saying something along the line "hey theres news of monsters in your area, mind if i stay and help hunt em"

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Where can I preview how the remedy pack avatars look?


If you have Photoshop, or another .dds supported art program, you can open the included mod's .dds files in the gfx folder. The mod's portrait traits will point to these frames when inserting them into the game. These are the ones currently included:










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To your belle 'problem'.

I never even thought about recruiting belle before and I never tried.

But according to the event files you have the option to 'drink at the lodge' where the player can get belle to talk about her curse, get seduced and after sex get recruited.

The event chain seems to be one time only, meaning you can't repeat what you missed or make things different a second time in the same playthrough.


Weird, it happened on a new game, where i havnt even discovered the town. she just randomly popped up saying something along the line "hey theres news of monsters in your area, mind if i stay and help hunt em"


The monster hunters are not in the fairy tale module.

If I remember right they have not (yet?) reappeared from their old 1.25 days so that means you are using the unofficial patch that was posted on the front page.

Monster hunters from the old version are unpredictable. Every 2 years it is checked whether a monster hunter appears at the court or not and it could be one of many hunters including Rayne, Selene, Claire (Angel), ...

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Hello all,

Yesterday I started a new game with all new DW mod. Great! The jester may be called to court. But here is my question: there is not specific image for this buffoon (ReMeDy_portait), like DW 1.25, is this a mistake on my mod installation? :mellow:


Not a mistake. There are two potential characters you can gain via that event that do have custom portraits, while the others do not. Unless you landed the Joker or Harley, you should just get a random picture for the others.



It's ok for Joker, he have got a special image :shy: . but sorry, Harley have no special image :s .




Harley has a special image. If you're not seeing it, then odds are you've an issue with your Dark World ReMeDy mod.





Incompatibility! DW ReMeDy mod is not compatible with DW Reborn Hentai Mod. When i you DW ReMeDy with ou DW Reborn Hentai Mod, I can see Harey specific image. :huh:

I was happy with DW Hentai Mod, but I like DW ReMedy work... :(


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Incompatibility! DW ReMeDy mod is not compatible with DW Reborn Hentai Mod. When i you DW ReMeDy with ou DW Reborn Hentai Mod, I can see Harey specific image. :huh:

I was happy with DW Hentai Mod, but I like DW ReMedy work... :(



The DW Reborn Hentai mod is not a mod I've created, nor do I provide support for it, and since I don't use it, I don't sweat trying to remain compatible with it. Sorry.



To your belle 'problem'.

I never even thought about recruiting belle before and I never tried.

But according to the event files you have the option to 'drink at the lodge' where the player can get belle to talk about her curse, get seduced and after sex get recruited.

The event chain seems to be one time only, meaning you can't repeat what you missed or make things different a second time in the same playthrough.


Weird, it happened on a new game, where i havnt even discovered the town. she just randomly popped up saying something along the line "hey theres news of monsters in your area, mind if i stay and help hunt em"


The monster hunters are not in the fairy tale module.

If I remember right they have not (yet?) reappeared from their old 1.25 days so that means you are using the unofficial patch that was posted on the front page.

Monster hunters from the old version are unpredictable. Every 2 years it is checked whether a monster hunter appears at the court or not and it could be one of many hunters including Rayne, Selene, Claire (Angel), ...



Yeah, it sounds like JesusKreist nails it.


Soul Cleave, I do not provide support for the Dark World 1.25 version of the game. And if you're using the 1.25 version, along with the Reborn mods, then the resulting mess is yours and yours alone.

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