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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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Yes and no.

It now works, the ... culprit was Christianity Mod.

Two staggering things to think about, at least for me.

Number One the mod caused no problem whatsoever when not paired with CK2+ but your portrait. Only when all three mods came together it raised the same issues as only CK2+ and the portraits did.

Number Two the mod does not change portraits in the first place. At least to my knowledge that is...


Making sure Christianity Mod was loaded before the portraits by adding it to the dependancies 'fixed' the issues. The crash at "processing flags" also vanished with the inclusion into the dependancies.

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So I went digging through old files and found a bunch of  event photos that don't seem to be linked to any events pre-mod split up. There's a lot of masturbation ones with multiple variations that I assume would be picked at random on a decision to make things less repetitive?

There's also a ton relating to supernatural stuff with vampires sucking on people(in more ways than one), a dozen variations of werewolves boning bitches and omega males and a lot of Harley sex.

Please tell me these plans were not canceled and will one day make it back into the mod.

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Yes and no.

It now works, the ... culprit was Christianity Mod.

Two staggering things to think about, at least for me.

Number One the mod caused no problem whatsoever when not paired with CK2+ but your portrait. Only when all three mods came together it raised the same issues as only CK2+ and the portraits did.

Number Two the mod does not change portraits in the first place. At least to my knowledge that is...


Making sure Christianity Mod was loaded before the portraits by adding it to the dependancies 'fixed' the issues. The crash at "processing flags" also vanished with the inclusion into the dependancies.


That's very strange, because Christianity Mod doesn't do anything with portraits. I've never used CK2+, but looking on the wiki I found this:


Catholic and Orthodox religions are united as Chalcedonian Christianity in the Old Gods and Charlemagne bookmarks. The schism only occurs after the millenium if the right events occur prior to that, and can be prevented should a Patriarch Supreme be anointed.



I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's causing it to freak out. I'll add a "not compatible with CK2+" note to the readme for the next release of Christianity Mod. (Which won't be soon, as Stellaris has eaten my life.)

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Yes and no.

It now works, the ... culprit was Christianity Mod.

Two staggering things to think about, at least for me.

Number One the mod caused no problem whatsoever when not paired with CK2+ but your portrait. Only when all three mods came together it raised the same issues as only CK2+ and the portraits did.

Number Two the mod does not change portraits in the first place. At least to my knowledge that is...


Making sure Christianity Mod was loaded before the portraits by adding it to the dependancies 'fixed' the issues. The crash at "processing flags" also vanished with the inclusion into the dependancies.


I looked through the Christianity mod and yea I don't see anything that would conflict with my mod necessarily, except maybe the trait text files in the common folder. Given time, I could probably isolate the culprit file/s, but it's just so difficult to ask for compatibility when you're running three demanding mods simultaneously. I'm not touching that mess, lol. Besides, I'm kind of burnt out on DW at the moment as I wait for additional content.


I'm actually quite shocked DW, CK2Plus, AND the Christianity mod can even work together whatsoever, regardless of portraits. I imagine the old DW mod before Reborn would have had even more issues due to its inclusion of religion.

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As said when I used Dark World (including the portraits) with Christianity Mod and without CK2+ it caused no issue whatsoever so I did not even thought about it causing the problem when a third mod got involved.

Both Dark World (minus portraits) and Christianity Mod cause no issues when only paired with CK2+. When both are together and CK2+ is involved the only very minor thing I noticed is the doubling of the new congeniality traits introduced via VIET in the Ruler Designer. But since that (seems to) not affect the game itself in any way as I'm yet to find a live example with 2 of the same trait that issue can very well be ignored as 'mere visual bug'.

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So, kinda off topic but not completely. after i saw the post of ck2plus, i wanted to give that mod a shot(with DW:R) so i downloaded it yada-yada, i launched, it flashed then crashed. no notification nothing. tried using just ck2pus, did it again. tried my usual mods, works as usual. anyone have fought this demon before? And Dew, i was thinking, since some mods (ck2plus and wtwsms) used stuff from other mods(permision) i thought maybe you could ask the creator of Mythos for permission to use some werewolf and vamp events?


edit: tried turning turning recent DLC off too, conclave n horselords

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I use all DLC, CK2+, and all Dark World mods. I even frankensteined some of rebuild into the official mods. I have yet to have a single complication appear other than like 20 or so Harley Quins and Jokers, along with that every female getting all three whore traits. Though I believe that's a flaw with rebuild or a flaw with the pre-split up.

I also have some of Sketchy's mods and did a playthrough with the Assassin's Creed mod.

So if it's CK2+ related, it must be conflicting with another mod, not Dark World.

PS. @Dew, did you see my question about the old pictures I dug up?


So I went digging through old files and found a bunch of  event photos that don't seem to be linked to any events pre-mod split up. There's a lot of masturbation ones with multiple variations that I assume would be picked at random on a decision to make things less repetitive?

There's also a ton relating to supernatural stuff with vampires sucking on people(in more ways than one), a dozen variations of werewolves boning bitches and omega males and a lot of Harley sex.

Please tell me these plans were not canceled and will one day make it back into the mod.



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First off i love the mod!  I played the 1.25 a while back and was very impressed.


I see now that a new version is in the works.  Is there any reason to switch to this one yet or should i use the 1.25 patch?


Just curious what the advantages are for Reborn aside from compatibility with some of the other mods such as AGOT.

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Just curious what the advantages are for Reborn aside from compatibility with some of the other mods such as AGOT.

Compatibility with Conclave, I guess.

Think it's going to be a while before it has anywhere close to the level of content that 1.25 has.



So then if i just want to play without Conclave and no other mods 1.25 is the best option.


I did manage to get the Rebuild going but it seems all the portraits are messed up. Harley ends up the joker and a lot of others are just black with a number.

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Dark World 1.25 is last officially tested with CK2 2.4.5.

The actual version of CK2 is 2.5.2.


If you use the actual version (if you have it enabled on steam you do) but use a Dark World 1.25 it is not necessarily "the best option".


Yeah i think im going to go with the Rebuild version.


Right now i have CK2 2.5.1


Dark World Rebuild

Dark World Lilith 1.31

Dark World Core 1.34

Dark World Futura 1.29

Dark World Remedy Portraits


I had to make a custom DDS file to get the portraits working correctly since the new Remedy mod expanded them.


I also changed the dependencies for Rebuild to the new version numbers


So far (with limited testing) everything seems to be working good WITH Conclave.


No crashes, buildings all work, all the events ive tested for Harley, the bordello, Slavery, Lilith etc all work fine.


If anyone has any tips for the best setup using the Rebuild mod ide love to hear them in case ive missed something.


BTW if anyone wants my DDS file of the portraits ill upload it with permission from the mod authors.

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Dark World 1.25 is last officially tested with CK2 2.4.5.

The actual version of CK2 is 2.5.2.


If you use the actual version (if you have it enabled on steam you do) but use a Dark World 1.25 it is not necessarily "the best option".


Yeah i think im going to go with the Rebuild version.


Right now i have CK2 2.5.1


Dark World Rebuild

Dark World Lilith 1.31

Dark World Core 1.34

Dark World Futura 1.29

Dark World Remedy Portraits


I had to make a custom DDS file to get the portraits working correctly since the new Remedy mod expanded them.


I also changed the dependencies for Rebuild to the new version numbers


So far (with limited testing) everything seems to be working good WITH Conclave.


No crashes, buildings all work, all the events ive tested for Harley, the bordello, Slavery, Lilith etc all work fine.


If anyone has any tips for the best setup using the Rebuild mod ide love to hear them in case ive missed something.


BTW if anyone wants my DDS file of the portraits ill upload it with permission from the mod authors.


I wouldn't mind having it.

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Hey Dew, when you get on, I just wanted you to know it's happening. I'm already on it and I haven't even started an actual damn game yet! Business before pleasure.




That's awesome.


Also - my apologies all for not getting an update out this weekend. Work on-call and FO4: Far Harbor have taken up a lot more of my time than normal.

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Dark World 1.25 is last officially tested with CK2 2.4.5.

The actual version of CK2 is 2.5.2.


If you use the actual version (if you have it enabled on steam you do) but use a Dark World 1.25 it is not necessarily "the best option".


Yeah i think im going to go with the Rebuild version.


Right now i have CK2 2.5.1


Dark World Rebuild

Dark World Lilith 1.31

Dark World Core 1.34

Dark World Futura 1.29

Dark World Remedy Portraits


I had to make a custom DDS file to get the portraits working correctly since the new Remedy mod expanded them.


I also changed the dependencies for Rebuild to the new version numbers


So far (with limited testing) everything seems to be working good WITH Conclave.


No crashes, buildings all work, all the events ive tested for Harley, the bordello, Slavery, Lilith etc all work fine.


If anyone has any tips for the best setup using the Rebuild mod ide love to hear them in case ive missed something.


BTW if anyone wants my DDS file of the portraits ill upload it with permission from the mod authors.



Does your DDS file fixes the Black Portrait with a Number issue? Because I have that currently and its just unfortunate! Yeah I'm also using a recent CK2 version as well, which seems to be the issue here. Also was the bad dog event removed?

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Thanks for this, I like the idea, and it offered a night of intrigue.


That said, the features, even with the mods, are too unreliable to make what is effectively the vanilla game 'fun'. I was hoping for some interesting dynasties and perhaps some World of Darkness style bloodlines.


My first character, who I just reloaded the start of each time, was a female Duke of an English province. She ended up fighting a Werewolf after it showed up in her lands, though I don't what the requirements are to trigger it, and was raped and fell pregnant. "Cool, I thought. Not the vampire bloodline I want, but I can work with this.". Sadly, the child was no werewolf, and after reloading to see if it was random, the best I could manage was a kid that was 'strong'. Even grown up there was nothing special about them.


Reloaded her, and this time never got the werewolf event, and instead got the 'Ball' that seemed to allow us to invite what I assume is an undercover vampire to my court. Despite becoming friends and lovers with this person, there was never any follow up, and they even aged and died with my Duchess. So, I was sad to find this a dead end. The most interesting thing that happened to this ruler was she was captured by a rival King, and he raped her in her cell, but the 'trait' was broken.


I built the brothel, red light district, alchemists, and slave market, and these never did much beside help me earn more gold.


On my final attempt, I used the mods, and made her a Vampire to start with. Shortly after the Werewolf kingdom was founded somewhere on the map. No clue where, otherwise I might have made a vampire next to them to see if there was any interplay. Sadly, despite being a vampire, she succumbed to illness and died.



Am I just doing something wrong?


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Thanks for this, I like the idea, and it offered a night of intrigue.


That said, the features, even with the mods, are too unreliable to make what is effectively the vanilla game 'fun'. I was hoping for some interesting dynasties and perhaps some World of Darkness style bloodlines.


My first character, who I just reloaded the start of each time, was a female Duke of an English province. She ended up fighting a Werewolf after it showed up in her lands, though I don't what the requirements are to trigger it, and was raped and fell pregnant. "Cool, I thought. Not the vampire bloodline I want, but I can work with this.". Sadly, the child was no werewolf, and after reloading to see if it was random, the best I could manage was a kid that was 'strong'. Even grown up there was nothing special about them.


Reloaded her, and this time never got the werewolf event, and instead got the 'Ball' that seemed to allow us to invite what I assume is an undercover vampire to my court. Despite becoming friends and lovers with this person, there was never any follow up, and they even aged and died with my Duchess. So, I was sad to find this a dead end. The most interesting thing that happened to this ruler was she was captured by a rival King, and he raped her in her cell, but the 'trait' was broken.


I built the brothel, red light district, alchemists, and slave market, and these never did much beside help me earn more gold.


On my final attempt, I used the mods, and made her a Vampire to start with. Shortly after the Werewolf kingdom was founded somewhere on the map. No clue where, otherwise I might have made a vampire next to them to see if there was any interplay. Sadly, despite being a vampire, she succumbed to illness and died.



Am I just doing something wrong?


No, you are not doing anything wrong. At the moment werewolf only has a hunt event and the trait. vampire is just the trait. The werewolf kingdom is random(or so it seems, always a different area).


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No, you are not doing anything wrong. At the moment werewolf only has a hunt event and the trait. vampire is just the trait. The werewolf kingdom is random(or so it seems, always a different area).



Even the hunt event isn't too detailed. Dew's busy with real life stuff and the new game that came out. Once he has free time he'll probably post something to add-on to something.

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Hey Dew, when you get on, I just wanted you to know it's happening. I'm already on it and I haven't even started an actual damn game yet! Business before pleasure.



Where did you get that picture? ME WANT


Nvm found out what it was supposed to be a mod of. Now I'm conflicted as to support the modding of CK2 or Stellaris

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