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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01MAY2024

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Thank you for being pissed.

If you do not want suggestions on how your mod could be improved at all please write so on the modpage.

Same please if you do not want to hear from things that may or may not be a bug.




I see that one of the buildings is a wizard tower -- I don't recall this being in the older versions. Do you have plans to expand on this?


The old wizard tower from Dark World 1.25 was only a single level, provided 0.5 tax and 3 learning.

Your recalling needs to be enhanced :P



Heh. If you seriously think that response of mine was one where I was pissed, then you obviously haven't been following long.


It is a regular mantra of mine that folks should be comfortable making changes that they feel really strong about themselves, which isn't a pissed thing, it's a very valid and fair response. You'll also see where many folks do indeed customize it for their own tastes.


And if you're bothered by the fact that I responded mimicking your language - which I didn't find offensive - yet you do find offensive, then from my perspective - you're the one with the issue.


So, my recommendation for you, which I'll clearly post here - if you can say "don't know about you..." without the intention of being a dick. Then you should allow the same for me. If you cannot - then, well, then to that I say fuck you. Which is still said without anger. More with a sad, disappointment instead.

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I expected Fenris to have the goal of finding a female to make his bitch and thus finding a male to be a failure.

If you insist of Fenris not caring at all if he rapes a female or murders a guy, fine. Maybe believable if Fenris RPG like decided to annually spice up his eternal life by getting an adrenaline kick. But you yourself mentioned mere men are far inferior so the adrenaline kick he gets from either is meager at best.



I wouldn't deny that it is a meager adrenaline kick at best.


But also consider this. We're talking about an event that is hidden from the character. Why exactly would you be interested in fleshing out an event that you'll never see directly, outside of the fact that he may one day hit someone in your court? With the normal CK2 game, if someone targets one of your players in your court for something, there is a very high chance that you'd never see anything at all besides a death message. We're talking about taking 1 day out of 365, and simulating a result. Since we're already limiting the scope of the most powerful werewolf in the game to being able to only 'hunt' one day in 365, how is it unreasonable to assume that he's not successful?


And this is where it comes back to you having the freedom to change it how you desire. If you are interested in building out complex if / then / when type events that you or no one else would ever see - then by all means invest your time in such endeavors. I feel like that would be a great use of your time if that is what you really desire.


I'm focusing on rolling out more content that is of direct impact to the character, while things like the annual Fenris hunt gives me the ability to have him make his mark on the world, slowly but definitely - which makes sense since you've other NPC's doing the same regularly in CK2. And once again - we're talking him having one night a year of automatic success.


Meanwhile - your normal werewolf, who's fighting the beast within will end up hunting more frequently. A normal werewolf (player included) may end up killing or sowing their oats more than once a year, however, those have risks and failure potentials that the Fenris hunt doesn't have for one primary reason. That reason is because the player, if they play as a werewolf would be involved in the hunts. So the hunt events are actually written in mind for players first. They're just also allowed to be used by the npc werewolves. If I didn't have the player werewolf hunting, then I wouldn't have half the options that there are.


EDIT: I'll answer the one obvious question then - which would be why not have Fenris just use the normal werewolf hunts. The answer to that is Fenris is on an entirely different level than every other werewolf. So instead of adding a bunch of code to all of the normal werewolf hunt options that would account for just how much more of a bad-ass Fenris is, it's easier to just set one up. And let's keep in mind the big difference here. Normal werewolves generally hunt to try and keep the beast within at bay, and avoid going feral. Fenris isn't slave to the beast within. He hunts just to be a grade A dick.

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I tested out the new Court and Commerce mod, and ran all the other sub-mods with it, and everything seemed to work perfectly -- No errors, and no mistakes that I see on the building names/descriptions (I checked just because you mentioned). Great job!


I see that one of the buildings is a wizard tower -- I don't recall this being in the older versions. Do you have plans to expand on this?


Thanks for the test feedback. I believe it was called Wizard's Lab previously, but it was in there. I've always had some plans on expanding it, although my intentions for it now are a little different from my original plans.

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1. No I did not follow you for years, month or even weeks. And honestly I do not care. Your response sounded pissed, if you were, are or will be feeling that way is not of relevance.

2. You directly assumed the flaws and/or logic error I encountered was a direct attack at your ability to mod. Just a heads up, it is not.

3. I decided to issue a suggestion about how the event could be improved instead of silently fixing it for myself and I get more or less hammered for that behaviour? You seriously want to punish suggestions?

4. Your obvious question is only obvious and/or relevant in your head. Never ever was that question asked or even implied, still you answer that 'obvious question'.

5. Double posts are not allowed. Tripple posts even less.

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1. No I did not follow you for years, month or even weeks. And honestly I do not care. Your response sounded pissed, if you were, are or will be feeling that way is not of relevance.

2. You directly assumed the flaws and/or logic error I encountered was a direct attack at your ability to mod. Just a heads up, it is not.

3. I decided to issue a suggestion about how the event could be improved instead of silently fixing it for myself and I get more or less hammered for that behaviour? You seriously want to punish suggestions?

4. Your obvious question is only obvious and/or relevant in your head. Never ever was that question asked or even implied, still you answer that 'obvious question'.

5. Double posts are not allowed. Tripple posts even less.


Let me help you out. I don't care if you like me. I do wish you health, and prosperity. Those two don't need to go hand in hand. I already said I wasn't pissed, and I used the same language you used towards me. If that bothers you, once again - I don't care.


I didn't assume you attacked my mod. My assumption was that you wanted me to do something that I won't be doing. So I responded mentioning both why I won't be, and encouraging you to explore adding it yourself if you like.


If you feel like you were hammered, you may want to step back and verify the age requirement for this site. If you're somehow an adult who feels hammered because of a reply in a forum, then I'd like to officially extend a welcome to the Internet age. May my post be the worse you ever come across if it has bothered you so much.


I've no idea where you're going with #4, and I don't really care. Same thing with #5.

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EDIT: I'll answer the one obvious question then - which would be why not have Fenris just use the normal werewolf hunts. The answer to that is Fenris is on an entirely different level than every other werewolf. So instead of adding a bunch of code to all of the normal werewolf hunt options that would account for just how much more of a bad-ass Fenris is, it's easier to just set one up. And let's keep in mind the big difference here. Normal werewolves generally hunt to try and keep the beast within at bay, and avoid going feral. Fenris isn't slave to the beast within. He hunts just to be a grade A dick.





4. Your obvious question is only obvious and/or relevant in your head. Never ever was that question asked or even implied, still you answer that 'obvious question'.

5. Double posts are not allowed. Tripple posts even less.

I've no idea where you're going with #4, and I don't really care. Same thing with #5.




Aha ...

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EDIT: I'll answer the one obvious question then - which would be why not have Fenris just use the normal werewolf hunts. The answer to that is Fenris is on an entirely different level than every other werewolf. So instead of adding a bunch of code to all of the normal werewolf hunt options that would account for just how much more of a bad-ass Fenris is, it's easier to just set one up. And let's keep in mind the big difference here. Normal werewolves generally hunt to try and keep the beast within at bay, and avoid going feral. Fenris isn't slave to the beast within. He hunts just to be a grade A dick.





4. Your obvious question is only obvious and/or relevant in your head. Never ever was that question asked or even implied, still you answer that 'obvious question'.

5. Double posts are not allowed. Tripple posts even less.

I've no idea where you're going with #4, and I don't really care. Same thing with #5.




Aha ...



Ah, I see. I'm going to guess that you're upset and thus not comprehending things.


Prior to the EDIT section that you quoted, I provided some information on my approach to Fenris's hunt and werewolf hunts.


After posting and having read it, I realized that a question that could easily arise out of what I posted could be "Why not just have Fenris use the normal werewolf hunts?" Instead of waiting to see if someone raised that question or not, I went ahead and addressed it.


If for some reason you find that answering potential questions before they're asked is wrong - then I can't help that. I can only imagine that you may also find it painful to realize that the edit and additional explanation wasn't meant only for you, but for anyone who read and could have wondered it.


When I'm explaining my approach, I figure that more person than the one I'm responding to will read it. I would assume you have the same intention - otherwise you'd be wiser to take you pissing match to the direct mail system instead of choking up the thread with it.


End result - you allowed your feelings to get hurt. That wasn't my intent, yet at the same time, it is not my job to coddle you and bring you back to your happy place. You can either get over it, or not. You control your happiness, not I.

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I made a suggestion how an event could be enhanced/improved/altered and you deliberately shut that down to 'do it myself if I don't like it'.

Later you implied I made that suggestion to more or less force you to do something you absolutely won't do ever.

You are overthinking things and assume meanings which are neither present nor implied. First notice about impending paranoia.

And in the meantime you talked to me in an insulting tone.

Pro tipp: saying you do not mean it has absolutely no relevance if you refer to an insult. If you do not mean to insult someone than don't do it.

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I may be dumb but I can't get this to work at all, I have the latest updates to both this mod and ck2, only dlc i'm missing is conclave and its cosmetic stuff. I extrated the files and moved them to the ck2 mod folder in documents, I moved the "MOD file" out of the main folder into the ck2 mod folder. It shows the core mod and sub mods when I open the game and select them but when it launches none of them work. My only guess is a missing zip folder all the other mods have but I just don't know.

Edited by imptrooper
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I made a suggestion how an event could be enhanced/improved/altered and you deliberately shut that down to 'do it myself if I don't like it'.

Later you implied I made that suggestion to more or less force you to do something you absolutely won't do ever.

You are overthinking things and assume meanings which are neither present nor implied. First notice about impending paranoia.

And in the meantime you talked to me in an insulting tone.

Pro tipp: saying you do not mean it has absolutely no relevance if you refer to an insult. If you do not mean to insult someone than don't do it.



Don't like the way something works in the mod - you can always change it yourself. If you view that as being shut down, then you're free to view it that way. Others have asked where, they can tweak something, you choose to be hurt and tramped on.


I did not imply that you tried to force me. You offered something, I'm not doing it. I view it as a waste of time. You apparently don't view it as a waste of time. You're entitled to your opinion, and I am to mine. There are those who would think I'm right, and there are those who would think you're right, while others would think we're both wrong.


You're the one over thinking things. I was providing replies in an open context, and considering what kind of questions may arise from it. You know, like many others do. Ever read a FAQ section on a new site or mod? Well those are where someone thought about what questions people may ask and they proactively answer them. Then, over time, those areas do indeed grow based on common questions. My seeing that my explanation left the opening for a fair question, and then answering isn't new, abnormal, or paranoia. In my line of work, it's actually considered professionalism to head off questions before someone may need to ask them.


You view me as insulting. So what. I view you as insulting now. We've crossed the threshold of misunderstanding to your being little more than a troll in the mod thread.


Pro Tip: l don't care what you think. If you feel insulted, so what. It wasn't my intent, and I don't feel the need to change my response. I explained my stance, you don't like it, and you don't have to.

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I may be dumb but I can't get this to work at all, I have the latest updates to both this mod and ck2, only dlc i'm missing is conclave and its cosmetic stuff. I extrated the files and moved them to the ck2 mod folder in documents, I moved the "MOD file" out of the main folder into the ck2 mod folder. It shows the core mod and sub mods when I open the game and select them but when it launches none of them work. My only guess is a missing zip folder all the other mods have but I just don't know.



I'm a little confused by what you put, but I'll take a stab at helping.


If you're using Windows, the mods should all be extracted to the folder at the following location:

*****Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod



Once extracted, you should have a folder and matching file name that ends in .mod in the mod folder.


So, for example, inside of ******Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod you would have something like:


Dark World Core (folder)

Dark World Fairy Tales (folder)

Dark World Core.mod (file)

Dark World Fairy Tales.mod (file)


Is it something like that for how it looks for you?

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Sorry about the confusion, I mentioned the Wizard Tower because it had changed from a Lab to a Tower. In my mind, the change seemed significant (IE Lab being an alchemy/potion/experiment kind of place, and a tower being a summoning/magical/worshipping sort of building) but I didn't want to imply that this was Dewguru's intention. I couched the question in very generic terms, and I apologize.


Thank you for your reply, Dewguru, keep up the good work.

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Sorry about the confusion, I mentioned the Wizard Tower because it had changed from a Lab to a Tower. In my mind, the change seemed significant (IE Lab being an alchemy/potion/experiment kind of place, and a tower being a summoning/magical/worshipping sort of building) but I didn't want to imply that this was Dewguru's intention. I couched the question in very generic terms, and I apologize.


Thank you for your reply, Dewguru, keep up the good work.


One of the changes from a lab to a tower allows it to be more visible. That's why when you build the later stages of the building, you end up with a prestige bonus as well from the renown that comes with having these mysterious men and women at your beck and call.


And if things cooperate with me this time around, it'll be different from the Alchemy Shop that's in the cities. So your mind may have been on target. We're just going to have to see.

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Good to see you're back at it. The satisfaction of working on something overcomes the scope :D


I was downloading the current build and had a thought I thought I'd drop out:


If you take werewolf bitch/omega or vampire thrall it might be prudent to spawn a creature to take advantage of that intent. Fenrir seems to always appear on the other side of the world :D

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Looking forward to seeing your mod for Stellaris -- any ideas on what you'd be doing for it?  It's such a different game from CK2 that it'd probably need an entirely different take on what makes a good sexualized mod.


I'll have to play it some to get a good idea. But since they're using the same engine as CK2, and they've begun releasing some details, it's pretty apparent that there will definitely be some capability.


I'll probably start much smaller in scope as well. Although having 'diplomatic' relations with other alien species seems like a good starting point.


If it's really easy for me to get into, I'll also likely do something with a definite Mass Effect influence, since I enjoyed the 2 9/10ths of the them. :) Plus there's a lot of material to pull from in that regards.

Good to see you're back at it. The satisfaction of working on something overcomes the scope :D


I was downloading the current build and had a thought I thought I'd drop out:


If you take werewolf bitch/omega or vampire thrall it might be prudent to spawn a creature to take advantage of that intent. Fenrir seems to always appear on the other side of the world :D


I'm not fully done with Fenris. I've considered that if the player plays as a werewolf themselves, that he'd be likely to stop by and ensure the player understands the pecking order in the Werewolf world. And if the player plays as a bitch, I would foresee a similar interaction that would be more degrading.


When I add Vlad, if the player starts as a Vampire, I'd look for a similar interaction, although with less chest beating and dick wagging.


The above will probably be a little later though as I'll be fleshing out more of the hunt options for players.

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I'm not fully done with Fenris. I've considered that if the player plays as a werewolf themselves, that he'd be likely to stop by and ensure the player understands the pecking order in the Werewolf world. And if the player plays as a bitch, I would foresee a similar interaction that would be more degrading.


When I add Vlad, if the player starts as a Vampire, I'd look for a similar interaction, although with less chest beating and dick wagging.


The above will probably be a little later though as I'll be fleshing out more of the hunt options for players.



Interesting ideas and a fair point. I'm sure many prefer to play as the werewolf/vampire rather than have them causing trouble about your realm.


I was trying out a game using the newer material, you are randomly assigned various physical traits now rather than choosing?


In that very game I lucked out and had Fenris near by so was able to invite him to court. Curious to see what that'll do. ;)


Also a Stellaris mod possibility? Interesting....

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As far as I've seen Fenris is not supposed to be at the players court. If he is at a court the player conquers he flees the court.

He inevitably overthrows the current ruler, depending on the weakness of the ruler it takes him somewhere between 10 and 1 years.

Fenris does not take orders from puny little Dicksleeves :P

So it seems you only lucked out in finding/causing a bug ;)

It seems like this overthrowing the ruler is chosen when he spawns so expect Fenris to leave to the court you recruited him from, but as the liege and not as courtier.

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He is no female werewolf bitch and anything else is bound to die. Werewolves, vampires, devine entities, himself ...

Weird as it sounds it is working as intended eventwise, whether the event is written OK or not is a discussion we already had and dewguru meant yes.

We can change it if we don't like it :P

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As far as I've seen Fenris is not supposed to be at the players court. If he is at a court the player conquers he flees the court.

He inevitably overthrows the current ruler, depending on the weakness of the ruler it takes him somewhere between 10 and 1 years.

Fenris does not take orders from puny little Dicksleeves :P

So it seems you only lucked out in finding/causing a bug ;)

It seems like this overthrowing the ruler is chosen when he spawns so expect Fenris to leave to the court you recruited him from, but as the liege and not as courtier.


He can be invited, the issue comes when he should be ready to do the overthrow part, if he's in a player's court, he's supposed to opt to leave himself (self banish) and then trigger his take over chain. In theory anyway.


Same thing if the player imprisons him, he'll attempt to escape, potentially inducing some fatalities in the process (although he can fail).

BTW I experienced a bug where Fenris killed himself .3.


Did you notice what led to him killing himself? I know in 1.29 it was very possible for him to kill himself right out of the gate. That part was fixed (in theory) in 1.30. At the same time, he does enough killing that it is possible I've another area I need to add a self-filter at.

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Looking at posting a small update later tonight.


Dark World Core (to add the missing werewolf/vampire child inheriting trait check and more), Dark World Creatures of Night (compatibility tweak to work with the updated Core), and Dark World Court and Commerce (compatibility tweak to work with the updated Core).



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Did you notice what led to him killing himself? I know in 1.29 it was very possible for him to kill himself right out of the gate. That part was fixed (in theory) in 1.30. At the same time, he does enough killing that it is possible I've another area I need to add a self-filter at.


 i am quite certain he randomly got depressed trait and committed suicide, unless, you are certain, that he cant get that trait.


also, gods work on them frequent updates. cant wait for new content to flow

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