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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01MAY2024

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fertility = -0.90 # Vegetable sex? Really?... H-Hey, get back in bed, now!


For tonight's twisted thought, I'd like to offer...


Think of it more like the middle ages version of today's blow-up dolls, just warmer.

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fertility = -0.90 # Vegetable sex? Really?... H-Hey, get back in bed, now!


For tonight's twisted thought, I'd like to offer...


Think of it more like the middle ages version of today's blow-up dolls, just warmer.



My great grandmother is eternally young at the ripe age of 156. She'd be perfect. I'm still hoping she will wake up from her vegetable status. I wonder if she'll crash my game when she passes age 255.


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hey bro sub ?

i want to tell you about a bug in portraits i am using  ver 2.5.2 with all dlc and all dark mods u made the portrait number is 21 and it doesn't show right !


Portrait #21, according to Dew's latest .dds file, is empty. That shouldn't be showing for you.



If that's showing up, one culprit is you tried resuming an old save file with parts of a new mod, such as my above incapable sub-mod on an existing save. Any new mod introducing changes to traits will shuffle the portraits around, since the traits get confused which frame to point to. Are you sure portrait 21 is the only one showing up? I imagine there's more if that one is showing up at all.

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Btw Dew, not sure if this is helpful, but I saw your popup on the blood moon ceremony of a vassal inviting the player:



I'm a vassal to the Byzantine Emperor -- he's a Succubi -- although he's not a member of my dynasty, so I'm surprised I received an invite. I clicked the button and nothing really happened, so I don't really think I necessarily agreed or disagreed to the invitation.

Also, I'm noticing my vassals spam blood moon celebrations seemingly every chance they can. In bigger kingdoms, this is a problem, because they're spamming the +5% peasant sacrifice option. Pretty much my entire kingdom has +5% rebellion risk, except my demesne territories because I'm wise enough to hold off on the sacrifices:



I feel like either the rebellion risk needs to be lowered to maybe 2-3%, or the frequency the AI calls upon the event should be lowered. Or maybe once an AI reaches immortality, have them stop the peasant sacrifices altogether, since the peasant sacrifice event is redundant at that point, other than for free prisoner executions.

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Btw Dew, not sure if this is helpful, but I saw your popup on the blood moon ceremony of a vassal inviting the player:




I'm a vassal to the Byzantine Emperor -- he's a Succubi -- although he's not a member of my dynasty, so I'm surprised I received an invite. I clicked the button and nothing really happened, so I don't really think I necessarily agreed or disagreed to the invitation.


Also, I'm noticing my vassals spam blood moon celebrations seemingly every chance they can. In bigger kingdoms, this is a problem, because they're spamming the +5% peasant sacrifice option. Pretty much my entire kingdom has +5% rebellion risk, except my demesne territories because I'm wise enough to hold off on the sacrifices:




I feel like either the rebellion risk needs to be lowered to maybe 2-3%, or the frequency the AI calls upon the event should be lowered. Or maybe once an AI reaches immortality, have them stop the peasant sacrifices altogether, since the peasant sacrifice event is redundant at that point, other than for free prisoner executions.



There are no pop-up events for players who get invited to NPC blood moons. I always assumed that folks would control it and not end up under someone who qualified. If that's going to be a regular occurrence, I may need to rethink things.


Regarding the frequency issue, I'll take a look at it. On one hand, you're asking me to trim folks from properly worshiping Lilith, but on the other hand, I can see where it could get crazy, mixed with immortality and everything.

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There are no pop-up events for players who get invited to NPC blood moons. I always assumed that folks would control it and not end up under someone who qualified. If that's going to be a regular occurrence, I may need to rethink things..



It's difficult to control once vassals get more power, because they start sending their daughters off to get hitched, which I have no control over. I believe the AI for men also value my succubus daughters more, maybe due to their inheritable traits or attractiveness, but that could be my imagination.


As far as the revolt risk goes, I think even lowering it by just 1% could be huge, because when a player crushes a revolt, it gives -4% nationwide. With the peasant execution at 5%, that means even after a crushed revolt, every territory would be sitting at 1% revolt risk, which doesn't seem like much, but when the kingdom gets bigger, that's a 1% dice roll for every territory.

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There are no pop-up events for players who get invited to NPC blood moons. I always assumed that folks would control it and not end up under someone who qualified. If that's going to be a regular occurrence, I may need to rethink things..



It's difficult to control once vassals get more power, because they start sending their daughters off to get hitched, which I have no control over. I believe the AI for men also value my succubus daughters more, maybe due to their inheritable traits or attractiveness, but that could be my imagination.


As far as the revolt risk goes, I think even lowering it by just 1% could be huge, because when a player crushes a revolt, it gives -4% nationwide. With the peasant execution at 5%, that means even after a crushed revolt, every territory would be sitting at 1% revolt risk, which doesn't seem like much, but when the kingdom gets bigger, that's a 1% dice roll for every territory.



Yes, but in my opinion - if you're offing the masses every year, then folks should revolt. So I'm not certain about changing the percentage at this point. Let's see if reducing the odds of the ai enacting their own blood moon events levels things out somewhat.


Besides, there are other ways to reduce revolt risk, and back in 1.25 it was lower and I raised it because I never, not once got a revolt to trigger, which wasn't the intention. You gain power through the ritual, therefore there should be some risk associated with it. Having to slap down locals that you may be offing seems like the most obvious one to me.


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Let's see if reducing the odds of the ai enacting their own blood moon events levels things out somewhat.



Yea, if we can get the AI to reduce its chances of firing off their blood moon event, that would be sufficient.


If that can't be done, if the AI could be given a good excuse to keep firing off the event continuously, it would trick the player into thinking the AI is behaving rationally. Right now, when the AI is at max rank, the AI is just sticking themselves with a fork, since all they're getting out of the event are +5% revolts. For example, maybe at max rank, additional rituals give a small short term bonus, like +1 diplomacy until xx.xx.xxxx, similar to the carousing bonuses. Of course, if you do that, set the expiration date no more than a year, because knowing how the AI is, they'll stack that to infinity. They never miss a beat on firing that blood moon event, lol.

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Let's see if reducing the odds of the ai enacting their own blood moon events levels things out somewhat.



Yea, if we can get the AI to reduce its chances of firing off their blood moon event, that would be sufficient.


If that can't be done, if the AI could be given a good excuse to keep firing off the event continuously, it would trick the player into thinking the AI is behaving rationally. Right now, when the AI is at max rank, the AI is just sticking themselves with a fork, since all they're getting out of the event are +5% revolts. For example, maybe at max rank, additional rituals give a small short term bonus, like +1 diplomacy until xx.xx.xxxx, similar to the carousing bonuses. Of course, if you do that, set the expiration date no more than a year, because knowing how the AI is, they'll stack that to infinity. They never miss a beat on firing that blood moon event, lol.



In theory the reason to keep having them is the piety gain, as that fuels the spells, so as I add more in, it'll make more sense from that perspective.

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Are there any extensive plans set in stone for Creatures of the Night? If not I was wondering why not just make it a general mythical creature mod? You already got Elves, Orcs, and Kitsunes. You might as well put them all in one mod seeing as I'd think people who wouldn't want vampires and werewolves also don't want Orcs and Elves.

Again, not a demand disguised as a suggestion. Just my two cents that you're free to disregard.

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In the changelog, you mentioned that that DWCore supports the 130 slots from ReMeDy's template pack.

Pardon the confusion, but do I need to have ReMeDy's mod installed alongside your sub-mod?


Or has the sub-mod already been updated to support the new number of slots?

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In the changelog, you mentioned that that DWCore supports the 130 slots from ReMeDy's template pack.

Pardon the confusion, but do I need to have ReMeDy's mod installed alongside your sub-mod?


Or has the sub-mod already been updated to support the new number of slots?


You need to have the sub-mod titled Ck2DarkWorldReMeDyCustomPortraits_130.7z, which basically is my mod, only Dew converted it to make it compatible with his mod. If you try to use the version of my mod in my signature as a sub-mod with Dew's mod, you won't see his portraits. Of course it's worth noting you don't NEED the sub-mod at all. In fact, what I do is I don't even use Dew's sub-mod and I just use my own version, and if I want to see people with portraits, I'll add them via console myself to better tailor my experience.


Dew's sub-mod has been updated to support 130 slots, so yea, it's an extension of my most updated version.


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In the changelog, you mentioned that that DWCore supports the 130 slots from ReMeDy's template pack.

Pardon the confusion, but do I need to have ReMeDy's mod installed alongside your sub-mod?


Or has the sub-mod already been updated to support the new number of slots?


You need to have the sub-mod titled Ck2DarkWorldReMeDyCustomPortraits_130.7z, which basically is my mod, only Dew converted it to make it compatible with his mod. If you try to use the version of my mod in my signature as a sub-mod with Dew's mod, you won't see his portraits. Of course it's worth noting you don't NEED the sub-mod at all. In fact, what I do is I don't even use Dew's sub-mod and I just use my own version, and if I want to see people with portraits, I'll add them via console myself to better tailor my experience.


Dew's sub-mod has been updated to support 130 slots, so yea, it's an extension of my most updated version.




Yea, I loaded the game with just the template pack + Dew's content, and the additional portraits worked.

Thanks for the info!

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Hey ReMeDy can you can hand a hint how I can make the portrait actually show up when CK2+ is loaded as well?

The trait appears but the picture does not change.


You're saying you want to run CKII+ with the Dark World portraits, or just CKII+ stand-alone with the original portrait mod in my sig? I'm straight up better off doing a compatibility patch for you because it would be faster to do it than explain it. No joke, lol. Once Dew or CKII+ releases an update though, it might break it, so you'd need to stay on top of the updates, but at least the patch might give you an idea how it's all done.

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I'm posting the question here because I'm using Dark World.  :D


Okay, here's the compatibility patch file. It was easier than I thought -- just had to add CK2Plus as a dependency to the Dark World ReMeDy Portrait mod file. Run this mod file instead of the usual one. You can just delete the old one. Don't run both at once.


Because it's just a .mod file, you should never have to update it, unless Dew or CK2Plus's directory folders change their name, in which case you'll have to update the name it points to.


Of course, as inherent with my portrait mods, the scars, blinded eyes, red dots, scars, and multiplayer purple vignette gfx's are disabled. Notably in CK2Plus, the blinded gfx was replaced by a blindfold, so consequently that is disabled in its place (I guess CK2Plus's developers agree with me when I say the old blinded gfx looks awful, lol). It's that CK2Plus blindfold gfx that always conflicts with my portrait mod, since CK2Plus attempts to introduce its own interface files to accommodate it, which is why the Dark World portraits need to have the dependency set to override CK2Plus's interface files.

Dark World ReMeDy Custom Portraits CK2Plus Compatible.zip

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Something fishy is going on.

With that second dependancy after the core CK2 hangs itself at "processing flags" again like in "ye olde times". At every start.

With the first dependancy (core) removed or the dependancy splitted in two lines the game loads but:


it does not work.

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Something fishy is going on.

With that second dependancy after the core CK2 hangs itself at "processing flags" again like in "ye olde times". At every start.

With the first dependancy (core) removed or the dependancy splitted in two lines the game loads but:


it does not work.


Are you running any other mods that might conflict with portraits? To be safe, try disabling everything except the DW Reborn mods and CK2Plus. Make sure your folder names exactly match "Dark World Core" and "CK2Plus." If the .mod file is hanging up, then maybe it can't find one of those folders. Make sure you're also using the latest DW Core mod (CK2DarkWorldCore_134.7z).


Other than that, for some reason it's working fine on my end, and I've got everything else disabled also except the DW mods and CK2Plus. Maybe also try disabling Futanari and Fairy Tales, since I don't use those.

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