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Hello, I have two questions that I was hoping someone might know the answer to.


First question: I noticed that you are recommending the use of the Ordinator, which certainly did spare me plenty of Vram, but it partially struck down on the luster of the skin. Is it more sensible to let Ordinator optimize everything else and leave the skins in this mod untouched?


Second Question: I still have neck seam being noticeable and I was wondering what texture blender am I supposed to use. I am currently using the UUNP skin that is in the pack and I was wondering if that means using the UNP texture blender. Even so, I recall trying it before and I get a handful of different .png to blend. Which one should I blend to just fix the neck?



Ordinator works for some people. I tried it because I'm using a 1GB video card but I didn't like it either. I turn a few effects off, everything else at medium, and keep textures on high.


Neck seem -

There are a lot of ways to approach the problem. The best way is to match the head mesh and body mesh (try using the head mesh that is installed with this mod).

Sometimes you can find the right body weight that fits in Bodyslide. Just running bodyslide can fix it sometimes.

The neck seem shouldn't be a problem if you pick the right body and it installs correctly. I load on top of CBBE so I picked the Clams of skyrim body. If I used UNP I'd have picked the Special body.

Sorry, can't help with texblend. I really don't see how blending textures is supposed to fix a gap between mesh files anyway.

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Grey Cloud -

I took your advice. :)

That SKSE issue just about made me give up. If that old hat was going to be a problem then I had to change my approach at moding. I went back to basic mod install creation rules; load mod, enter game, test thoroughly, exit game, install the next mod. Repeat, rinse, etc..

It has been so long I was blown away at how fast everything loads through the SKSE when it's all stock. WOW! Less than 1 second. The Ram load on this thing always did amaze me. I was often first in the server on first person shooter map changes.

I got quite a bit loaded like this. I tested out a home I wasn't sure of and a few companions. All is still going well and stable. But, I'm getting impatient because it's starting to look like I will be able to load all the mods I need to run my current save game. So, I load it all and let LOOT sort it out. :)

Long story short, I can play on but it is the BeeingFemale mod that is unstable. It's been a long road of testing this mod. It seems to work better/crash less if I keep the stress off of it; only one pregnancy at a time, fewer cum filled partners to track, etc.. Once the children are born their off the grid and the stress is gone. It makes fast travel really unstable though. I really wanted that one to work with this one. I mentioned before that it had proven unstable and the author was starting a new job. I thought I had stabilized it though because I made progress with it and I had found other problems. I hope the author comes back long enough to stabilize it someday. I love the emersion of it and the use of belly physics.

Anyway, I'm going back to playing without it for now and have to make some decisions on what to play now. All this was centered around pregnancy. I'm going to have to try it with a Fem PC. I think I can turn the effects off for NPC's and that should keep the stress down. I'm a long way away from a Fem PC setup though. I haven't tried to build a fem face in over a year. Any suggestions? And, don't say Racemenu or ECE. LOL

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Hello, I have two questions that I was hoping someone might know the answer to.


First question: I noticed that you are recommending the use of the Ordinator, which certainly did spare me plenty of Vram, but it partially struck down on the luster of the skin. Is it more sensible to let Ordinator optimize everything else and leave the skins in this mod untouched?


Second Question: I still have neck seam being noticeable and I was wondering what texture blender am I supposed to use. I am currently using the UUNP skin that is in the pack and I was wondering if that means using the UNP texture blender. Even so, I recall trying it before and I get a handful of different .png to blend. Which one should I blend to just fix the neck?



Ordinator works for some people. I tried it because I'm using a 1GB video card but I didn't like it either. I turn a few effects off, everything else at medium, and keep textures on high.


Neck seem -

There are a lot of ways to approach the problem. The best way is to match the head mesh and body mesh (try using the head mesh that is installed with this mod).

Sometimes you can find the right body weight that fits in Bodyslide. Just running bodyslide can fix it sometimes.

The neck seem shouldn't be a problem if you pick the right body and it installs correctly. I load on top of CBBE so I picked the Clams of skyrim body. If I used UNP I'd have picked the Special body.

Sorry, can't help with texblend. I really don't see how blending textures is supposed to fix a gap between mesh files anyway.



Thanks, I appreciate the response. So you are saying that I should have instead kept textures at "high" when optimizing rather than "minimum", yes? 


And I will definitely take a look into bodysliding. Chances are, that would be the case. I am using the UUNP special so should I be using body slide for that?

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Thanks to Evans3rd, I no longer suffer from seam neck syndrome. Turns out only a few particular skin maps produce seamless view, while others clash and result in uncomfortable viewing pleasure. It still seems the hand section struggles to connect, resulting in an invisible gap there. Bodyslide doesn't seem to quite answer it since I ran it through the UUNP special for hands with the proper preset but no good came from it. Could Wryebash be responsible? 


Now, another issue came to my attention when observing the way light reflects off the body. 



Notice how only patches of the skin would turn bright. Pixel-ish, isn't it? I'm rather confused to what may be causing this particular lighting problem. Couldn't be ELFX, could it? 



EDIT: Another thing I always wanted to ask was the maps you have to pick for this all-in-one pack. Are all (normal, specular, etc.) a necessity to be picked or was the intention to only to have one map included while the other categories are left as "don't install"?

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You took my advice? Good grief man, ease back on your medication! Even I don't take my advice.


Glad it's finally starting to look good. I've seen Beeing Female related problems on other threads. The mod's not my type of thing - I'm still getting to grips with being male. One of the things I do with my mods is check for any that do scans and wherever possible either reduce the scan frequency or the radius. For example, SL Aroused has a default scan radius of something like 96ft so I halved it. The associated Monitor Widget scans every 10 secs which I find ok. My point is that a lot of mods are doing things behind the scenes which take up resources so they bear watching and tweaking.


Try playing as a Futa - best of both worlds. I have the 'Become the King of Skyrim ' mod installed but not started. My plan is to become 'The Once and Futa King'. (Not sure if the joke works outside of the UK).


As for a face, I use Racemenu and wouldn't know where to start without it but I'm not that fussy about looks. You could try stealing the face of an NPC. You know about textures and meshes and whatnot.


I'm really impressed with this Dames of Skyrim series. I've got all 3 installed now and they all look great. I still can't believe that I've only just found it after the countless googles for NPC overhauls and makeovers, youtube vids, forum threads, etc, etc. There are 51 NPCs in S1 and the same number in S2. He doesn't give a number for S3 but it must be similar given the files sizes.  He does a CBBE version too. There are no Argonians or Khajiits yet.


I'm still running all over Skyrim without CTDs.

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Hello, I have two questions that I was hoping someone might know the answer to.


First question: I noticed that you are recommending the use of the Ordinator, which certainly did spare me plenty of Vram, but it partially struck down on the luster of the skin. Is it more sensible to let Ordinator optimize everything else and leave the skins in this mod untouched?


Second Question: I still have neck seam being noticeable and I was wondering what texture blender am I supposed to use. I am currently using the UUNP skin that is in the pack and I was wondering if that means using the UNP texture blender. Even so, I recall trying it before and I get a handful of different .png to blend. Which one should I blend to just fix the neck?



Ordinator works for some people. I tried it because I'm using a 1GB video card but I didn't like it either. I turn a few effects off, everything else at medium, and keep textures on high.


Neck seem -

There are a lot of ways to approach the problem. The best way is to match the head mesh and body mesh (try using the head mesh that is installed with this mod).

Sometimes you can find the right body weight that fits in Bodyslide. Just running bodyslide can fix it sometimes.

The neck seem shouldn't be a problem if you pick the right body and it installs correctly. I load on top of CBBE so I picked the Clams of skyrim body. If I used UNP I'd have picked the Special body.

Sorry, can't help with texblend. I really don't see how blending textures is supposed to fix a gap between mesh files anyway.



Thanks, I appreciate the response. So you are saying that I should have instead kept textures at "high" when optimizing rather than "minimum", yes? 


And I will definitely take a look into bodysliding. Chances are, that would be the case. I am using the UUNP special so should I be using body slide for that?


"So you are saying that I should have instead kept textures at "high" when optimizing rather than "minimum", yes?" -


That is what I do. You have to play around with it and figure out what works for your video card and you. Skyrim is different. Trial and error is all that works with low end cards.


Bodyslide - If you run a batch build on armor or clothing you choose that body and the shape you picked with it in the upper left corner. I think they are at the top of the list by default but the names should look familiar. Do this if your cloths and armor don't fit. Filter out only what you want to change first. 

The center build button is for the main body in game. Make sure you have the right body and shape selected. You can use the sliders to adjust just about everything and then save when your done. Check out the videos. It's not a huge learning curve.




billymandy -


"Thanks to Evans3rd, I no longer suffer from seam neck syndrome. Turns out only a few particular skin maps produce seamless view, while others clash and result in uncomfortable viewing pleasure. It still seems the hand section struggles to connect, resulting in an invisible gap there. Bodyslide doesn't seem to quite answer it since I ran it through the UUNP special for hands with the proper preset but no good came from it. Could Wryebash be responsible? " -


No, Wryebash isn't the problem.

It's possible you have the wrong hand mesh but if the feet look good then you probably have the right set. I'd start there. It may be possible to fix it by making the wrists fat or skinny in Bodyslide but till you get some experience playing with it that can be frustrating and lead to mod reloads often. LOL

A pic might help.


That lighting looks pretty good to me. Unless you can run the best everything from textures to card FX it doesn’t really look smooth. ENB helps.

"EDIT: Another thing I always wanted to ask was the maps you have to pick for this all-in-one pack. Are all (normal, specular, etc.) a necessity to be picked or was the intention to only to have one map included while the other categories are left as "don't install"?" -

That is another one of those video card and user preferences. I proffer the stress of good textures over spectral effects and mapping so I run high on textures but use normal or no maps because my card doesn't do lighting well.

What I mean is that my card is limited and of all it's abilities it does well with large textures, relatively speaking. It doesn’t handle lighting effects well though. I could fight that and go with 2k textures run on medium and punch up the effects and light maps. But, till I get a new card I'm not going to see sun beams reflect off dust moats through the trees, the moon reflect off the lake at night, or lighting in the windows at night. It would run like a slideshow if I tried and everything would look only half done. The color is good, the textures are full, but I have to live without spectral reflections and light maps. Everything has a flat finish, no shine.


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Grey Cloud -

"You took my advice? Good grief man, ease back on your medication! Even I don't take my advice."

LOL I know. I don't either, take my own advice that is.


"One of the things I do with my mods is check for any that do scans and wherever possible either reduce the scan frequency or the radius." -

We think alike there. Lanterns of Skyrim scans every 5 sec. by default. I set it to 90 sec.. There is a lot of that to be found in the MCM. Can save a lot of CPU time. That setting in Aroused is better left bigger if you want to use the dragon lust orgies. But, probably not worth the system stress now that I think about it. I turn Aroused off when I'm not using it. Vyxenne mentioned something she uses that sounds more direct. You bring everyone together.


Futa and Dames of Skyrim? I'll look into it. I'm not running any races ATM. I was using the Lunari.


" 'The Once and Futa King'. (Not sure if the joke works outside of the UK)." -

Only to a avid reader like me. LOL


I was set on another Catness running on all four paws again but without the CK I'm limited and kind of lost. That’s partly why the pregnancy mod thrilled me, I had a reason to play a male again. LOL

I've done well with just a few extra sliders and colors in the past but I haven't set anything like that up in a long time. I'll take some time, check these things out, look around, and keep working on this setup. 80 + active mods again already and stable on a save that has to be dirty as hell by now. :)



“The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.”
T.H. White, The Once and Future King

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What would cause the vaginas to stop moving on a select few women randomly? It would work but later in game would not. No changes to game at all, as in no new installs or removal of mods, just play.


The only event worth mentioning is I would get the occassional freeze from some c++ error.


Any help would be appreciated.

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this mod doesn't install bijin right? you have to already have it installed and then check the bijin during the install right?


Yes, that's correct to best of my knowledge. I installed every prerequisite first and then installed AIO but some things didn't get changed and I had to manually copy some dds and nif files over the proper folder but no biggie.

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What would cause the vaginas to stop moving on a select few women randomly? It would work but later in game would not. No changes to game at all, as in no new installs or removal of mods, just play.


The only event worth mentioning is I would get the occassional freeze from some c++ error.


Any help would be appreciated.

would it help if i posted my mod list and load order?

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What would cause the vaginas to stop moving on a select few women randomly? It would work but later in game would not. No changes to game at all, as in no new installs or removal of mods, just play.


The only event worth mentioning is I would get the occassional freeze from some c++ error.


Any help would be appreciated.



It is a collision issue. It is shared by all collision issues. It doesn’t work 100%. When I know I have everything running smooth it only works about 90% of the time but when the system starts LAGing and crashing, it can be like 50% of the time. With the C++ error I'm guessing it is at quite frustrating levels ATM (Working less than 50%?). It seems that some loads be better than others. When I have VRAM problems just restarting can make a difference.

You need to find the conflict or cause of that C++ error. Is there a mod that you noticed a performance difference when you started using it? Big performance drops can indicate a broken mod or install. If you read back a few pages you'll read about the countless hours we spend looking for the source of these problems.

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this mod doesn't install bijin right? you have to already have it installed and then check the bijin during the install right?


Yes, that's correct to best of my knowledge. I installed every prerequisite first and then installed AIO but some things didn't get changed and I had to manually copy some dds and nif files over the proper folder but no biggie.





This mod adds the body with an animated pussy, Jennifer, and the last page has some small popular mods that add some things. Except for Jennifer, and after you choose a body and all its options, the options you are selecting are body replacers and require the mod to be installed before this one.

I have a lot of followers and many of them don't have a body replacer in this install. I gave a not so detailed description on how to do it manually a little ways back. If you can move files it's not hard.

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Grey Cloud -

I've loaded all the Bijin mods again and they work fine. I have no face or hair issues anywhere they overlap with "BTRH Waifu" but if you don't do the bundle install there are plug-in .esp files so you can turn them on and off individually. The only problem I have now is I can't decide if I like the Bijin or BTRH Lydia best.  


Lesson learned -

I will never start a new install again without individual load and test of all utilities. Apparently, that SKSE issue has been haunting me from the beginning. Now that it works right I can actually find the issues. It's like a new machine again... Ooops! Famous last words. LOL

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Hello, I have two questions that I was hoping someone might know the answer to.


First question: I noticed that you are recommending the use of the Ordinator, which certainly did spare me plenty of Vram, but it partially struck down on the luster of the skin. Is it more sensible to let Ordinator optimize everything else and leave the skins in this mod untouched?


Second Question: I still have neck seam being noticeable and I was wondering what texture blender am I supposed to use. I am currently using the UUNP skin that is in the pack and I was wondering if that means using the UNP texture blender. Even so, I recall trying it before and I get a handful of different .png to blend. Which one should I blend to just fix the neck?



Ordinator works for some people. I tried it because I'm using a 1GB video card but I didn't like it either. I turn a few effects off, everything else at medium, and keep textures on high.


Neck seem -

There are a lot of ways to approach the problem. The best way is to match the head mesh and body mesh (try using the head mesh that is installed with this mod).

Sometimes you can find the right body weight that fits in Bodyslide. Just running bodyslide can fix it sometimes.

The neck seem shouldn't be a problem if you pick the right body and it installs correctly. I load on top of CBBE so I picked the Clams of skyrim body. If I used UNP I'd have picked the Special body.

Sorry, can't help with texblend. I really don't see how blending textures is supposed to fix a gap between mesh files anyway.



Thanks, I appreciate the response. So you are saying that I should have instead kept textures at "high" when optimizing rather than "minimum", yes? 


And I will definitely take a look into bodysliding. Chances are, that would be the case. I am using the UUNP special so should I be using body slide for that?


"So you are saying that I should have instead kept textures at "high" when optimizing rather than "minimum", yes?" -


That is what I do. You have to play around with it and figure out what works for your video card and you. Skyrim is different. Trial and error is all that works with low end cards.


Bodyslide - If you run a batch build on armor or clothing you choose that body and the shape you picked with it in the upper left corner. I think they are at the top of the list by default but the names should look familiar. Do this if your cloths and armor don't fit. Filter out only what you want to change first. 

The center build button is for the main body in game. Make sure you have the right body and shape selected. You can use the sliders to adjust just about everything and then save when your done. Check out the videos. It's not a huge learning curve.




billymandy -


"Thanks to Evans3rd, I no longer suffer from seam neck syndrome. Turns out only a few particular skin maps produce seamless view, while others clash and result in uncomfortable viewing pleasure. It still seems the hand section struggles to connect, resulting in an invisible gap there. Bodyslide doesn't seem to quite answer it since I ran it through the UUNP special for hands with the proper preset but no good came from it. Could Wryebash be responsible? " -


No, Wryebash isn't the problem.

It's possible you have the wrong hand mesh but if the feet look good then you probably have the right set. I'd start there. It may be possible to fix it by making the wrists fat or skinny in Bodyslide but till you get some experience playing with it that can be frustrating and lead to mod reloads often. LOL

A pic might help.


That lighting looks pretty good to me. Unless you can run the best everything from textures to card FX it doesn’t really look smooth. ENB helps.

"EDIT: Another thing I always wanted to ask was the maps you have to pick for this all-in-one pack. Are all (normal, specular, etc.) a necessity to be picked or was the intention to only to have one map included while the other categories are left as "don't install"?" -

That is another one of those video card and user preferences. I proffer the stress of good textures over spectral effects and mapping so I run high on textures but use normal or no maps because my card doesn't do lighting well.

What I mean is that my card is limited and of all it's abilities it does well with large textures, relatively speaking. It doesn’t handle lighting effects well though. I could fight that and go with 2k textures run on medium and punch up the effects and light maps. But, till I get a new card I'm not going to see sun beams reflect off dust moats through the trees, the moon reflect off the lake at night, or lighting in the windows at night. It would run like a slideshow if I tried and everything would look only half done. The color is good, the textures are full, but I have to live without spectral reflections and light maps. Everything has a flat finish, no shine.



I decided to tinker with Body Slide again and noticed a rather odd result when attempting to influence the slider in order to fix the arm seam issue. With preview window open, I tried to test response by pulling the belly size (and apparently everything else as well). The result was no change at all. I believe I installed UUNP special as my texture, but when using Unified UNP as the Outfit/Body and addressing changes, no changes came. 


I allowed the animated mod to overwrite bodyslide. Was that the reason why? Or perhaps I was choosing the wrong outfit/body? 


Edit: Nevermind, it is very subtle changes that require a great deal of close up to notice. In that case, would you know which option to slide to allow the arms and hands to connect in order to fix the gap? I can't seem to find it and arms are already at 100% in the current preset I use. 


Edit 2: I noticed that the wide gap is not so much the part to connect arm and hand needing fixing as much as it is the skeleton itself seemingly set uncomfortably. I did not allow this mod pack to overwrite XPMSE. Was I supposed to do so?


http://prntscr.com/bauilk (Back)

http://prntscr.com/bauitg (Front)


The difference is noticeable. I would have thought she just had long arms, but turning around shows that the hands are just...put in the wrong place.

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Grey Cloud -

I've loaded all the Bijin mods again and they work fine. I have no face or hair issues anywhere they overlap with "BTRH Waifu" but if you don't do the bundle install there are plug-in .esp files so you can turn them on and off individually. The only problem I have now is I can't decide if I like the Bijin or BTRH Lydia best.  


Lesson learned -

I will never start a new install again without individual load and test of all utilities. Apparently, that SKSE issue has been haunting me from the beginning. Now that it works right I can actually find the issues. It's like a new machine again... Ooops! Famous last words. LOL


is it just moving files? i thought there was some blending as well? i think that's what skerrs ppl...

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Did Mod Organizer mess up somewhere, or do I just not know how their profile system works. Moved to a new laptop installed MO and of course this mod.


First profile uses UUNP Special Body > Setup A > Reduced Jiggle > Zeroed Sliders preset from AIO 3.3.  Everything works fine no problems.


For second profile I switched preset only. UUNP Special Body > Setup A > Reduced Jiggle > 7B Clevage preset from AIO 3.3. Breast move fine, Butt moves fine. But there is no collision on movement in vagina.


So I'm a bit confused about it. Did MO mishandle the 2nd profiles installation of AIO 3.3 or is the Zeroed Sliders preset required for working collision on the female vagina.

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Thanks for the great quote from T.H. White. Nice summation of my philosophy. It had inspired me to use my 'Grey Cloud' signature. (I shouldn't be GC on this forum GC is my serious head). Not sure there were sewers in post-Roman Britain though....


Remind me what the SKSE problem was, please.


For some unknown reason, yesterday and today my quick-saves have been quick. They've not been this quick since very early game. They've been taking longer than a regular save and I dared not do anything until I was certain it had finished. Today I've been hitting Q5 while I've been walking and running and it's 2 second pause and on we go.


Things are going so well that I've been toying with re-installing this mod but I decided that I may as well wait for the new version to arrive.


Two quick points: With Immersive Gender Change you can make NPCs Futa. The 'orgy' mod Vyxenne mentioned was Mass Matchmaker. There is a little mod called SexLab Shout(?) which is basically just a shout which sends everyone in earshot into action.

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billymandy -

I can't see your pix, there too dark, but after reading your reply bodyslide may not be needed to fix this.

"Edit 2: I noticed that the wide gap is not so much the part to connect arm and hand needing fixing as much as it is the skeleton itself seemingly set uncomfortably. I did not allow this mod pack to overwrite XPMSE. Was I supposed to do so?" -


It's a bit risky to overwrite things but as long as you remember doing it then you can always reinstall the original set if things get even worse. I hesitate because you may be using the old set for something that the new set won't work well with but my experience with this mod so far has been nothing but improvements. The typical disclaimer applies though, this may not be the results you experience.

I highly recommend you reinstall this mod and let it overwrite with everything it wants to but have a plan to uninstall and get all the overwritten files back if things go badly. I use MO so I didn't even know it added things like this till I started reading questions about the skeleton. I did notice after installing this mod that many animations and skeleton related things did improve. When I was younger I'd have put it together and noticed it automatically. LOL  I don't know what all a skeleton does. It's not something I have gotten into moding at all or even tried to understand beyond the basics of why we need them. So, I honestly don't know that a skeleton can or does cause that gap in the wrist. But, in my experience, when you have problems and doubts, use all that the mod provides because there is probably a reason they included it. 

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Grey Cloud -

I've loaded all the Bijin mods again and they work fine. I have no face or hair issues anywhere they overlap with "BTRH Waifu" but if you don't do the bundle install there are plug-in .esp files so you can turn them on and off individually. The only problem I have now is I can't decide if I like the Bijin or BTRH Lydia best.  


Lesson learned -

I will never start a new install again without individual load and test of all utilities. Apparently, that SKSE issue has been haunting me from the beginning. Now that it works right I can actually find the issues. It's like a new machine again... Ooops! Famous last words. LOL


is it just moving files? i thought there was some blending as well? i think that's what skerrs ppl...



I honestly don't understand the question. I'm not moving files. I just installed the three Bijin mods with the BTRH mod. I'd had a lot of trouble with that several pages back. I was chasing a bunch of conflicts and bad installs. Going back to the old tried and true method of load and test each mod is the only way to do it, even when you think your as good at this as I do. LMAO!!!


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Did Mod Organizer mess up somewhere, or do I just not know how their profile system works. Moved to a new laptop installed MO and of course this mod.


First profile uses UUNP Special Body > Setup A > Reduced Jiggle > Zeroed Sliders preset from AIO 3.3.  Everything works fine no problems.


For second profile I switched preset only. UUNP Special Body > Setup A > Reduced Jiggle > 7B Clevage preset from AIO 3.3. Breast move fine, Butt moves fine. But there is no collision on movement in vagina.


So I'm a bit confused about it. Did MO mishandle the 2nd profiles installation of AIO 3.3 or is the Zeroed Sliders preset required for working collision on the female vagina.


"or is the Zeroed Sliders preset required for working collision on the female vagina." -

Well, I know you don't have to zero the set for collision to work. In fact, I lengthen the labia a little in bodyslide and it works fine.


Collision doesn't work 100% of the time but I can get it to work about 90%. Several things I've found that help get collision working again;

Exit the cell and re-enter.

Change partners.

Try exiting to desktop and reload the save.

Place this mod after all other HDT related mods in your load order.

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Grey Cloud -

I've loaded all the Bijin mods again and they work fine. I have no face or hair issues anywhere they overlap with "BTRH Waifu" but if you don't do the bundle install there are plug-in .esp files so you can turn them on and off individually. The only problem I have now is I can't decide if I like the Bijin or BTRH Lydia best.


Lesson learned -

I will never start a new install again without individual load and test of all utilities. Apparently, that SKSE issue has been haunting me from the beginning. Now that it works right I can actually find the issues. It's like a new machine again... Ooops! Famous last words. LOL

is it just moving files? i thought there was some blending as well? i think that's what skerrs ppl...

I honestly don't understand the question. I'm not moving files. I just installed the three Bijin mods with the BTRH mod. I'd had a lot of trouble with that several pages back. I was chasing a bunch of conflicts and bad installs. Going back to the old tried and true method of load and test each mod is the only way to do it, even when you think your as good at this as I do. LMAO!!!

oic. i thot u meant creating hdt pussies for any npc. like as in if you wanted to create one for an npc not covered by this mod. apparently u can by moving mesh files but you also (have to?) blend the colors.

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