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Maybe you guys can put me on the straight and narrow...I am probably missing something.


*possible spoilers*


I started a new toon...and got the quest that I should investigate the things happening at Whiterun.  I go to where the quest is indicated, which

is the Jarl of Whiterun, himself and all the other around him dont advance the quest.  I've looked all over, but the quest marker seems to be

centered on the Jarl.  Very frustrated!


Any help would be good.  (You can send me a mail if its too revealing a clue. )



Graham C.

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Maybe you guys can put me on the straight and narrow...I am probably missing something.


*possible spoilers*


I started a new toon...and got the quest that I should investigate the things happening at Whiterun.  I go to where the quest is indicated, which

is the Jarl of Whiterun, himself and all the other around him dont advance the quest.  I've looked all over, but the quest marker seems to be

centered on the Jarl.  Very frustrated!


Any help would be good.  (You can send me a mail if its too revealing a clue. )



Graham C.


Not sure if relevant but if you are using Live Another Live and have NOT been near Helgen and therefor not completed the "Unbound" quest, some other quests and events may be bugging, even vanilla ones. As you need to speak with jarl of Whiterun very early in the main quest and there is a scene for it, it might be trying to start the scene but as you aren't at the correct stage of the quest, it cannot proceed. You could try to visit helgen and see if it works after you get the "Unbound" quest completed.

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It would be nice to have an option to set Whiterun to fully enslaved to have it as background without having to go through the full quest.

Also the ability to enslave Whiterun and other cities as a Free Female would be nice.


Edit: this has done a good job in general of fixing many of the issues I had with the original. Also I have a few ideas for perhaps an alternate Free Female plotline

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Uploaded the new version:


i recommend a clean save or a savegame where slaverun reladed hadn't been installed, as i changed a couple of old things too.


The last week i spend hunting some bugs with freezing and crashing sexlab calls in my MO profile. The result was in the smallest profile possible the bugs are not there and in my small profile, where things like SOS and a HDT Bodyslide armor are, there are sometimes freezes , but i have them also for example with cursed loot, so it isn't slaverun, but a problem with my profile. As i simplified the sexlab calls to hunt those bugs, i will problably make them more specific again in the future.


I also added an option in mcm to skip sexlab calls, if you got stuck at a specific sex scene.


The new content is mostly for the male player story, only very little additions for the female parts.

A lot of text corrections made by noelleis are now in the mod, but i also added lot of new lines with my bad english, which will be corrected in the next version (i hope). I will try to not edit the old stuff anymore :D


oh, and it is open city mod compatible now (just 5 or 6 lines code for that).


I also added some mod events, which can be used in simple slavery and deviously enslaved to send the player to whiterun for the first enslavement or for some reminder lessons that  she still is a slave  :P



RegisterForModEvent("SlaverunReloaded_ForceEnslavement", "OnForceEnslavement")




So, my next step will be continue the female story to a new city

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What would the penalties be for running away in the mod?

At the moment there are no penalties,

only thing the mod forces (if not disabled in the menu) that the player dont't wear some armor (6 slots) in the enslaved locations


there was some idea to let the player not leave whiterun anymore, but i don't like such restrictions, even it would be more realistic

so you can do some slaverun quest, leave the city, do what ever you like in skyrim , then come back and continue with the slaverun quest

You could make all tasks that Zaid gives you run on a timer and when you've finished all the quests, he'd always give you some random petty task every time.

So if you do these:

- don't finish the quest/task on time

- run away and get caught by slave repo mercenaries

- run away, but later return to zaid

- remove slave restraints

- remove brandings

- other

you get punished proportionally and get worse restraints, etc

If you do finish quests, like a good slave, later on Zaid may even give you a cut of up to *cough*thesda 25 PERCENT!!! bet*cough* for finished tasks. Like bring him 300 gold and he'll give you 30-75 gold lol.


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Thanks for the update!


I still can't seem to get any devices attached to me, other NPC's get them, but my character doesn't.
Also, whipping scenes at the crosses seem to always get stuck, I lose control of my character as if a scene is about to start, but then nothing happens and I need to reload a save.

I tried it with a new character but the results were the same.



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Maybe you guys can put me on the straight and narrow...I am probably missing something.


*possible spoilers*


I started a new toon...and got the quest that I should investigate the things happening at Whiterun.  I go to where the quest is indicated, which

is the Jarl of Whiterun, himself and all the other around him dont advance the quest.  I've looked all over, but the quest marker seems to be

centered on the Jarl.  Very frustrated!


Any help would be good.  (You can send me a mail if its too revealing a clue. )



Graham C.


Not sure if relevant but if you are using Live Another Live and have NOT been near Helgen and therefor not completed the "Unbound" quest, some other quests and events may be bugging, even vanilla ones. As you need to speak with jarl of Whiterun very early in the main quest and there is a scene for it, it might be trying to start the scene but as you aren't at the correct stage of the quest, it cannot proceed. You could try to visit helgen and see if it works after you get the "Unbound" quest completed.


Thanks.  I'll give it a try.  :cool:

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Your newest version changes something, that makes Hadvar get stuck on a building. When he is riding his horse through Helgen in the beginning scene. I tried to play it through, but without Hadvar at the chopping block your character gets stuck, and you cant progress.


I tried a lot of different scenarios, but the only one that fixed it was disabling Slave run. Then every thing progressed as usual.  


[EDIT] I am using jcs Skyrim if that means anything.

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I updated my version. Now I get a CTD whenever I try to get into dragonsreach 


did you make a clean save? or tried with a savefile where slaverun hadn't been installed at all?


It was both, though eventually It worked on both



I had the same issue, first time using Slaverun Reloaded but I started experiencing CTD once leaving Dragonsreach to question Belethor.  I can't get into his store without crashing.  I'll try to provide a log next time, but my logs are already full of invalid stuff due to long gameplay on that save :P

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Getting an CTD when trying to do the task at Belethors.


After the dialog, when it seems teh sex scene with Bart is about to begin, the game crashes.

I tested initiating a sex scene with Bart through other means right before this and that works fine, so something is going wrong in the mod. Also as others have said, I'm an unwilling slave but no slave shackes or anything ever appeared on my character


Papyrus log attached


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So far, I love the Domme (|FemDom) path so far, more on that later..


when I choose the  'Fuck off moron.." Path, which I'm ALWAYS inclined to do ;)  after I go see Zaid, I can't get in the branding device (yes I have things set up as instructed, I think so far)  it shows My char standing outside a lil but from device, and notifications like mad saying I need to put someone in it.. criminal or slave to be exact..s


Also, I did not see anything that merge you're way better revision of Slaverun in any version of Deviously Enslaved...from v1.04 to v8.04 & v10.1  BUT I do see the engagement with ori-version tha is un'clickable'...fuck I'll screen shot in a sec and upload..so you see what I say..



I did however also play the  'Don't you know who I am ..'   I must say..so far so good, except for a few things in dialog & notifications (minor stuff I think) but as Dovakiin, "I am DOMME!"  I have no 'master'  


also a lil advice fron RL Domme, Mistress & Master require capital M's from the subservient, from those wishing ill will, lowercase is applied.. ;)

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A suggestion that might be more "immersive"

Imo it doesn't have much sense that for example Proventus Avenicci doesn't mind his daughter becoming a slave

That Battle-Born or Graymane clans doesn't mind their daughters becoming slaves

that Amren, Nazeem or Ulfbert doesn't mind their wives are now a free fuck for everyone

that companions doesn't mind their shield sisters becoming enslaved

that Jarl doesn't mind Irileth becoming a slave even if she served him loyally for years and she is one of his most trusted subordinates.


What could be made is a citizen of Whiterun status for a female - which would grant her "safety" for as long as she follows some rules (pay taxes for example).


Slaves could be coming from outside of town - captured bandits, forsworn, stormcloak or thalmor soldiers for example. Player gets paid a hefty sum for every captive delivered for training.

Might have more sense because this is supposed to be slave trading business - then where is the income if no slave would ever be sold?  ;)

Whoring business in a town where you got a free fuck on every corner wouldn't be very "effective" i'd wager :lol:



There could be some quest to check if such female citizens are following the rules - punishment would be possible if they don't.

Or there might be some way to convince them to submit willingly (you got a dialogue like that in those rumors in starting quest).

Or frame them in some crime that would result in their enslavement.


A female dom player content could be around becoming such citizen and completing some tasks that would ensure your "safety".

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Following your logic, it makes no sense that (this is my actual situation) the Dragonborn who already slayed Alduin, saving the World, who already destroyed Harkon, saving the Sun, who already killed Miraak, saving Solstheim too, who protected Whiterun from Dragons, who is the Harbinger of the Companions, Thane of the city, Main Chief of the Thieves Guild with total influence on the city, who restored the Evergreen, who aided Amren, the GrayManes, Carlotta, Ysolda, Farengar and many others ... could be left as slave by everyone above, Jarl included.


As I already wrote several time ago to Waxenfigure, in fact, the entire slavery thing is a no sense looking at it from an "immersive view".


But, my old idea could have more sense:

- Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of Lust, took control of citizens' minds, forcing the Jarl to make laws (Enforcers) to have any type of sex, orgies and so on in Whiterun.

- Dremoras could be the new "agents" inside Dragonsreach's dungeon to maintain Sanguine's control over females' minds. (Like a collar tool).

- There are several ways to achieve the control. One good is the one you yourself (with Fishburger) showed us into Sex Slaves. Electrical force.

- Btw, there could be a sort of "connection" between "Sanguinerun" and SexSlaves.


- The Dragonborn could try to:

1. Agree with Sanguine and help him to expand his influence in other cities. (It's almost the line of a domme female).

2. Disagree but becoming succubus (mind control) and do the same plus a lot of sex abuse. (It's almost the line of a enslaved female).

3. Disagree with violence and force, making alliances with female Companions, attacking the Dremoras, freeing the city.


Each one of the three options will lead to big "DLC type" series of quests, expecially the latest one. (For example: Enslaved - forced to several bad thing - rebellion - escape - search for allies - prepare a plan - steal inside the city - attack enemies and destroy them - free the city).



Bug report:

I dont' know if it is only by my side but I suffered of several "overmelding" of sex acts. I mean: I was raped by one guard - During the action appears the message that another one NPCs is "going to rape slave Nicole" and then the two actions go at the same time, messing out everything, swapping actors, stuttering and so on.

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Following your logic, it makes no sense that (this is my actual situation) the Dragonborn who already slayed Alduin, saving the World, who already destroyed Harkon, saving the Sun, who already killed Miraak, saving Solstheim too, who protected Whiterun from Dragons, who is the Harbinger of the Companions, Thane of the city, Main Chief of the Thieves Guild with total influence on the city, who restored the Evergreen, who aided Amren, the GrayManes, Carlotta, Ysolda, Farengar and many others ... could be left as slave by everyone above, Jarl included.


As I already wrote several time ago to Waxenfigure, in fact, the entire slavery thing is a no sense looking at it from an "immersive view".


But, my old idea could have more sense:

- Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of Lust, took control of citizens' minds, forcing the Jarl to make laws (Enforcers) to have any type of sex, orgies and so on in Whiterun.

- Dremoras could be the new "agents" inside Dragonsreach's dungeon to maintain Sanguine's control over females' minds. (Like a collar tool).

- There are several ways to achieve the control. One good is the one you yourself (with Fishburger) showed us into Sex Slaves. Electrical force.

- Btw, there could be a sort of "connection" between "Sanguinerun" and SexSlaves.


- The Dragonborn could try to:

1. Agree with Sanguine and help him to expand his influence in other cities. (It's almost the line of a domme female).

2. Disagree but becoming succubus (mind control) and do the same plus a lot of sex abuse. (It's almost the line of a enslaved female).

3. Disagree with violence and force, making alliances with female Companions, attacking the Dremoras, freeing the city.


Each one of the three options will lead to big "DLC type" series of quests, expecially the latest one. (For example: Enslaved - forced to several bad thing - rebellion - escape - search for allies - prepare a plan - steal inside the city - attack enemies and destroy them - free the city).



Bug report:

I dont' know if it is only by my side but I suffered of several "overmelding" of sex acts. I mean: I was raped by one guard - During the action appears the message that another one NPCs is "going to rape slave Nicole" and then the two actions go at the same time, messing out everything, swapping actors, stuttering and so on.



I actually respect your opinion about the logic behind slaverun, and the immersion based upon your exploits. I kind of started looking at things in a different light though.... because that very thought was cheapening a lot of the rape/slavery/forced situations.


The way I have grown to look at the Dragonborn, and the vanilla quests in general, is that most of what you have done, has been at the behest and order of another. You have not charged in, like a knight in shining armor valiantly rescuing the citizens of Skyrim from mortal peril off of your own back. You begin the game, canonically as a prisoner. You did not choose to go to Helgen, you were dragged there in chains. You were then all but ordered to go and tell Whiterun about the dragon, you had no choice in the matter, you were forced.


On and on through the quest, You are reacting to the orders and commands of others. You are played, as a puppet, either through guilt, subterfuge, lies, manipulation or command, throughout the entire thing. If it isn't the Jarls and shopkeeps, or mages or thieves... then its the Daedric Deities that are playing you as their little errand girl/boy.


The Dragonborn is the indentured  servant to the realm, You are their muscle, their courier, their entertainment.... You have little say in the matter, you just go and do what you are told.... and when you look at it that way, then the way you are treated in Slaverun, and a lot of LL mods on top of that, become a lot less immersion jarring


That being said... I do love your ideas in regards to a more dominant roll in the mod

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Following your logic, it makes no sense that (this is my actual situation) the Dragonborn who already slayed Alduin, saving the World, who already destroyed Harkon, saving the Sun, who already killed Miraak, saving Solstheim too, who protected Whiterun from Dragons, who is the Harbinger of the Companions, Thane of the city, Main Chief of the Thieves Guild with total influence on the city, who restored the Evergreen, who aided Amren, the GrayManes, Carlotta, Ysolda, Farengar and many others ... could be left as slave by everyone above, Jarl included.

such character is a perfect candidate for dom female pc.


Seriously - high level character that probably killed several hundred loosers who dared to stand in her way - what result would there be if you tell her that from now on shes supposed to be your fuck toy?

Tbh - previous skyrim hero who got similar achievements to yours (Talos) became an emperor of all known world... and you're supposed to submit because two idiots say so?



little "bug" for male gameplay:

- Belethor dialogue is kinda female only (he calls you a "miss" etc)

- I see no point in male player calling Zaid a "master". Simple employer-employee relation would have much more sense - so simply he should be your "Boss" not a "master".




I would never understand why that cloak spell is needed. if you set outfit of some NPC he / she wont ever equip different clothes unless you order them to. I mean SetOutfit() function, not Equip / UnequipItem(). If item is only unequipped it gets equipped again each time player changes cell (for example if you enter Dragonsreach and then leave - each NPC would have its normal clothes equipped again).

But if you change outfit to naked then they will stay naked until you (or some other mod theoretically) would order them otherwise.


So imo whole that cloaking spell could be removed, replaced by SetOutfit run on form list of citizens.

1) it would be more reliable - right now you got female NPCs equipping and unequipping items all the time.

2) this cloaking spell produces quite a bit of papyrus activity - which probably have some impact on game stability.

3) if someone has a mod that introduces new npc inside of a city then make a "reminder" dialogue that would change outfit of such NPC - similar to that existing one "woman, this city is now under slavery law... blah blah".

You can make it that one of the items that would be worn by your NakedOutfit would have a keyword attached

the simply make conditionals WornHasKeyword(YourOutfitKeyword) == 0 && GetSex == Female


Imo it would be simpler and more reliable.

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