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NMM from 0.52.+to 0.70.+ ( important info, help, tips & tricks)

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I imagine that could take a massive amount of time to install those mods if you don't already have them. I am assuming that this also downloads (Nexus mods) as well in order. That is a tall deal and quite a feat for NMM to do.


With the non nexus mods I assume you are talking about having downloaded them and installed them before correct? They aren't being uploaded to Nexus for others to download with the profile provided?


As for the use of profile sharing I believe there will be people like Gopher, or perhaps GamerPoet that will upload their profile for the video series that they just created since both of them basically use Nexus mods for their videos.


ON the Hundereds of mods in the correct order and correct way. Couldn't they create a profile following some of what they see from others as they would already have the mods installed? I have taken so much from various tutorials in Skyrim that I have created my own from those and I am sure others have as well. Not for the noob but a newer member could start playing with this with a new profile correct?




It can take a lot of time to download and install the mods but it is not a big problem because the process doesn't require the user's attention. You can watch a movie or go to the shop while it's doing that. (This is in theory, I don't know if it will be actually implemented this way and I haven't tested it this way also, but it seems this is the way it will work.) 

But it is still a work in progress, there is no point in going into details because they might change and it also doesn't feel appropriate.

I'm just going to say that I feel quite optimistic about it and I'm not the type that gets optimistic easy :-)

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I'm not the type that gets optimistic easy :-)

That's for sure :P


If it does work as you think it will it will be a major game changer for those that are newer. They can get experienced complete builds for various game play options with a click (or a few) buttons.




It has a bigger benefit - it is a backup of a working setup. Not just a backup of files.

(You can upload your profiles as a not-shared, private backup)

Imagine after months and months of tweaking you manage to achieve the perfect mod setup. You can upload this profile and continue experimenting with no worries about breaking stuff because you can always revert back. Even if your hard drive fails, even if for some reason all your local backups get destroyed. Because NMM will follow exactly the install order and will install the mods exactly with the choices you made and will sort the plugins exactly the same, you can quite easily and with no effort at all revert to this perfect setup. That's the main reason I'm so optimistic about this. 

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Does that mean you have to re-download all those mods again, if you already have some in the virtual folder that is? (however this might also be too early to know for sure)


Now this might be cool if it checked the modslist.txt(or NMM equivalent) and only downloaded the non listed mods. That would be a very good addition to this.



That's the main reason I'm so optimistic about this.

It has been said that NMM copied the "profiles" idea (to some extent of course not the actual process) from MO. This ability they are working on will set NMM well apart from MO. Especially for those that just want to play the game and not fool with customizing the mods and merging scripts and all that.

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Does that mean you have to re-download all those mods again, if you already have some in the virtual folder that is? 


That's not exactly how it works. 


You download a mod - "mod.zip". The file is now in the Windows Downloads directory.

Open NMM, click the big green plus, select Add from file and select the zip file. This will do 2 things:

1. It will add the mod in your mod list with grey color.

2. It will make a copy of mod.rar to it's Mods directory.

If you install this mod in any of your profiles it will install it in the Virtual Install and it will create the symlinks in the game's data folder. If you deactivate but not uninstall it it the VI will stay and the symlinks will be removed. If you uninstall it the folder in VI will be removed but the mod will still be listed in NMM (again in grey), the zip file will stay in the Mods folder and can be installed at any time. 

So what is important is that the mod's archive file (mod.zip) exist's in the NMM's Mods folder. Nothing else matters. 

Well, except the name. 



When you download a profile shared by somebody NMM will check the mods listed in the profile - if they exist in it's Mods directory as archives.

If the mod exists it will be installed (if needed) and activated. This means that if the user had downloaded and added (not installed, simply added) a mod NMM will activate is as part of the profile. The archive name needs to match.

If the profile says that the mod is "cool_mod_1c_WIP_alpha.rar" then NMM will search for "cool_mod_1c_WIP_alpha.rar" in it's Mods folder and will install it, using the same install options (if applicable) that the profile says should be used, and putting it's esp file in the correct place in the load order.


Now this is still in beta and they might decide to change it. I hope they do not.


This functionality opens a lot of possibilities outside of "playing Skyrim like Gopher".  For example a friend is struggling with making their mods work correctly. You can download their profile, fix it and have them download the fixed profile back. 

Or people are afraid to install mods with complicated dependencies. So you provide links to the mods to download and add to NMM with no risk whatsoever and then download and activate a profile that will install everything correctly. 

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Version 0.61.18 is out


Warning: This version requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )

Impact: Minor
Type: Hotfix

  1. Fixed NMM installer not prompting for the install folder when the program was already present on the system.
  2. Fixed crash when intercepting external changes made to the loadorder file.
  3. Fixed a forced random crash issue with the progress bar.


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Version 0.61.19


Fixed support for the latest Fallout 4 beta version.
Fixed issue preventing the Get Mod Updates and Get Missing Download IDs from properly working.


For details about this version read here.


Ignore this update!



Also if you are not using the Survival beta of FO4 - ignore 0.61.20 



If you don't play FO4 beta you should simply ignore any update that comes in the next few days.

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I also did basic test on NMM 0.61.18



1. Upgrading NMM 0.61.17 to 0.61.18 went flawless

2. Installation of the full manager was flawless as well as all mods

3. Moving VirtualInstall (using NMM's Tools) to another location went flawless

4. Fixed NMM installer not prompting for the install folder when the program was already present on the system. (had no problem with it so can't say if it is fixed)

5. Fixed crash when intercepting external changes made to the loadorder file. (had no problem with it so can't say if it is fixed)

6. Fixed a forced random crash issue with the progress bar.

7. Added support for Fallout 4 version 1.5 beta or higher. (Don't have FO4 so can't comment)

8. NMM will now properly recognize the official Fallout 4 DLCs as such. (Don't have Fo 4 so can't comment)

9. Fixed a few crash issues where NMM was unable to link a mod file.

10. Fixed crash when purging mod links.

11. Fixed crash when the system prevents NMM from interacting with the plugins and loadorder files.

12. Fixed issue where switching to a profile didn't load the saved scripted installer options.

13. Fixed issue where NMM could randomly add files to the profile it was switching from.

14. Fixed issue where NMM was assigning the same DownloadID to mod files sharing the same ModID.

15. Supported tool Bodyslide will now be referred as such (instead of "Bodyslide [version number]").

16. ""Reinstall mod" is still buggy. Don't use this command. Rather "Uninstall mod" and then install it using big green tick in the left side of the panel.

17. NMM is still slow when its dealing with large size mods and heavy scripted mods, but I hadn't had any freezing or crashing of the manager .


As prinyo said. Stick to this version.. no need to upgrade to newer ones unless you play FO4.

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Very interesting news about NMM development

(it's not new, dated April, 21, but still...)


We’re currently in the process of adding new features into Nexus Mod Manager.

1. What we are aiming for with NMM is a piece of software that will make the installation, management and visibility of mods incredibly easy and open. You see a mod you like on our site, you click ‘Download with NMM’ and have it seamlessly downloaded, unpacked and placed in the right location with minimal fuss. Don’t like the file, then click to uninstall and NMM will go through and ensure that all remnants of that file are removed and your game functions exactly as it did previously. We’ve not really scratched the surface of advanced modding techniques yet, but we’ll get there once we’ve sussed out the simple stuff!

2.Our current tests involve the new ‘Profile backup and sharing’ functionality. Here a user can save their mod profile and have it backed up on the Nexus Mods site. This profile can either be kept as a personal backup, available only to yourself, or it can be shared with other users, allowing them to download any mods they’re missing from your profile and have it setup exactly how you have it (including scripted installer options, installation order and load order). The result being they can play their game with the exact same mods and options as yourself.


I'm sure that many of you are familiar with this project and prinyo wrote about this (see upper posts), but I'm thrilled with it and would love to know your opinion and experience if you a part of that project. Thank you.



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Alright, yesterday I found out that my old NMM client (.56) don't alert me for the mod updates :blink:  (I haven't played Skyrim "properly" for a couple of months, just launch the game to test some stuff then quit), so I've decided to backup everything and go for the new NMM version.


I'm assuming that is better to uninstall everything then reinstall again (instead of trust in the direct NMM update) and your guide will be a time saver, Prince :D Thanks!

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NMM 0.61.21 is out


Warning: This version requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )

Impact: Minor
Type: Hotfix

  1. Fixed Fallout 4 1.5 issue that could cause plugins to become disabled when changing a plugin load order.


This version is only for FO4 1.5 players.  Skyrim players doesn't need to upgrade.


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Alright, yesterday I found out that my old NMM client (.56) don't alert me for the mod updates :blink:  (I haven't played Skyrim "properly" for a couple of months, just launch the game to test some stuff then quit), so I've decided to backup everything and go for the new NMM version.


I'm assuming that is better to uninstall everything then reinstall again (instead of trust in the direct NMM update) and your guide will be a time saver, Prince :D Thanks!


Thank you.

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NMM 0.61.22 is out


Warning: This version requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )

Impact: Minor
Type: Bugfix

  1. Fixed mod update check and get missing downloaded functions.
  2. Fixed a few load order and plugins file interaction related crashes.
  3. NMM will now add Fallout 4 DLCs to the Plugins.txt file.

Note: Always save your current profile(s) before doing upgrade.


Download: my OP under NMM - downloads (Virus free rar installers): or you can go directly to Nexus: http://www.nexusmods...ds/modmanager/?

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I have NMM installed.. I tried to configure loot and it shows the other active games however not Fallout 4. Is there a .txt for Fallout 4 yet? No big deal I can handle it if it is.


Also no matter how I tried it woudln't work without trying to hijack my entire computer. It refused to accept only one game active and wouldn't wouldn't work without the NMM links being allowed (this I understand). So now I am afraid that when I try to install any mods from Nexus the NMM will again jump up and hijack my computer and intercept the mods being downloaded. I can fix it one way by linking MO to where the virtual folder is for the game but would rather have all my games managed by one manager at a time. I read before there was a way to do this but can't find it now. :(

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ritual - sorry to hear you have a problem with NMM latest version. Officially, LOOT didn't came up with support for FO4 but there is a LOOT optimization tool I found on Nexus. See if this can help you. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5310/?


About your second problem - Your problem with NMM accepting only one game is related to having two mod managers. But there is a post made by prinyo about configuring  your browser to be able to multiple scan. I did a test of latest NMM today (haven't had a chance to post my report yet because I just woke up) and NMM scanned my computer well and accepted presence of only one game, Skyrim.


Will try to find that post from prinyo for you or you can try to PM him.

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Not sure about how the browser and multiple scan would help me but I seem to remember that post. I also remember a post somewhere where you can turn off NMM updates for games. If I can turn it off then I can solve my problem. Another solution I guess is to uninstall the other games where there is only one game that it can see. Not as pleasant but doable. I believe it is only looking for the exe or reg file.

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Not sure about how the browser and multiple scan would help me but I seem to remember that post. I also remember a post somewhere where you can turn off NMM updates for games. If I can turn it off then I can solve my problem. Another solution I guess is to uninstall the other games where there is only one game that it can see. Not as pleasant but doable. I believe it is only looking for the exe or reg file.


Oh, my apologies... It looks like I misunderstood your second problem. Sorry.


As for turning off Updates, see the picture. (disable the box in red box)




NMM settings has been stripped off and rearranged. There were much more options in earlier NMM 0.61+ versions which has been removed and/or replaced under other setting options under "Tools". This is the only option for enabling/disabling checking for updates. i guess it includes both, updates for manager and games.



There are two persons who reported issues on Nexus about FO4 updates.

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Although this is not thread for FO4 support if you have issues with Fallout 4 ver 1.5.157, here is suggestion made by nexus officials:


If F4 is updated to the latest beta patch, there's nothing we can do about it, you can just revert to the last F4 official patch opting out of the beta one (and making sure it gets removed).
If you're already on the stable game patch, then this is the usual behaviour of the F4 launcher (messing up modding), the only way around it is to start NMM, making sure your mods are installed and plugins active and then launch F4 through NMM (so that it will protect your modded game from bethesda messing it up).
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Not sure about how the browser and multiple scan would help me but I seem to remember that post. I also remember a post somewhere where you can turn off NMM updates for games. If I can turn it off then I can solve my problem. Another solution I guess is to uninstall the other games where there is only one game that it can see. Not as pleasant but doable. I believe it is only looking for the exe or reg file.


Oh, my apologies... It looks like I misunderstood your second problem. Sorry.


As for turning off Updates, see the picture. (disable the box in red box)

attachicon.gif2016-05-06 03_07_18-Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.22) - Skyrim.png



NMM settings has been stripped off. There were much more options in earlier NMM 0.61+ versions. This is the only option for enabling/disabling checking for updates. i guess it includes both, updates for manager and games.



There are two persons who reported issues on Nexus about FO4 updates.


Your post photo shows me what I need. I suppose I can turn off the NMM links useage for individual games through this panel and turn off updates if needed in the future as well. you understood me pretty well I was not clear. I didn't want the game to auto update or connect and setup my other games. Only Fallout 4. Don't want it to touch anything else. That photo you give me should work for my needs. Provided it works. Dam NMM keeps on demanding to have administration privileges.. the hell if I am going to let that happen.



Although this is not thread for FO4 support if you have issues with Fallout 4 ver 1.5.157, here is suggestion made by nexus officials:


If F4 is updated to the latest beta patch, there's nothing we can do about it, you can just revert to the last F4 official patch opting out of the beta one (and making sure it gets removed).
If you're already on the stable game patch, then this is the usual behaviour of the F4 launcher (messing up modding), the only way around it is to start NMM, making sure your mods are installed and plugins active and then launch F4 through NMM (so that it will protect your modded game from bethesda messing it up).


I updated twice from NMMs updater recently and am on the most current one and it works fine so far. I am not heavy in mods and only use it for Fallout 4.

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ritual - I'm glad if i could help. Some time ago, you described me very well when saying that i have a problem with misunderstanding and misinterpreting people's post sometimes. That's true. It mostly happens when I'm in the middle of doing some projects or being tired. At present and recently (2 weeks), I have been very occupied with some Sims 3 and Skyrim projects and my mind has difficulty to properly "register" the problems outside my projects. That's why I'm lately avoiding reading and answering troubleshooting posts. Don't want to misdirect people.

Thanks for supporting me always and lifting me up when being down. You are true friend.

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