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NMM from 0.52.+to 0.70.+ ( important info, help, tips & tricks)

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NO problem it is the truth... This is coming from someone that does a lot of support with various mods and created a few tutorials myself and understand the commitment and work required to pull off such an project correctly.


If this is any encouragement for the NMM team and Fallout 4. Someone I know just showed me a screenshot of their NMM with a mountain of mods. Can't say who this is but this person loved MO for their mods and also had some problems getting MO to work for their Fallout game and stated to me NMM worked flawlessly for them (Fallout 4).

I have been finally able to install MO but somethings still isn't quite right on my end being I understand MO pretty much like the back of my hand. This brings a question which only a few NMM experts might be able to answer. Can I turn off the NMM links for download with manager in NMM so that it won't start up when clicking download with manager for a game that I am not managing with NMM? (for example Skyrim with MO and Fallout 4 with NMM). I really enjoy the download with manager option.



I think that you can. But, you have to set your NMM for FO4 only. There are two ways of doing it:

1. Install fresh NMM and when it starts to search for games, tick FO4 and then click on "Stop searching". After that , press "Go" and NMM will lead you directly to FO4 mods site and install all groups.

2. The second option is if you have already installed NMM with Skyrim on, just click on big blue circle arrow in the right upper corner "Change mod game". Then click on "Rescan installed games". NMM will start to skan your computer for all games that it supports. When NMM finds FO4, you just tick on it and voila. The next time when you load NMM you'll get a small menu box: Load Skyrim and Load FO4. Then you chose FO4 (only) and check the box with "Remember this option" (or something like that.)


Thanks I think that will work.  If I go this route I will let you know how it worked with two managers. (different games of course.)

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ritual - thanks. I'm curious how it's gonna work. NMM supports multi game profiles. So I remember when my father had Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim. Every time when he loaded NMM, it gave him and option/menu box of the installed games. He only needed to press desired one and the manager loaded all the mods for that game. Beside that, one more good thing in NMM is; once you're in the manager, you don't have to leave it in order to change your game profile, There is a icon at the bottom of the left side of the panel "Switches the mod manager's view". Click on it you get a menu of the games you might wan to go...

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Can I turn off the NMM links for download with manager in NMM so that it won't start up when clicking download with manager for a game that I am not managing with NMM? (for example Skyrim with MO and Fallout 4 with NMM). 


You should be able to do that per browser. For example Chrome would open NMM and Firefox would open MO.

You need to tell the browser what to do with the "nxm" links.


This is an example how to change the settings in the FF's options:



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A new reports on NMM 0.61.13 and Wrye bash


1. In order to avoid disabling Skyrim.esm after running "rebuild patch.0" in Wrye bash ran through the Manager, it is suggested to close the Manager before running named operation in wryebash.

2. "Maria Eden prostitution" and "Maria Eden slavery" "Quisk start" mods also disabling Skyrim.esm in NMM file after running Wrye bash "rebuild patch.0". To avoid it, do not install "Quick start".

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After several days of trying to recover from my failed attempt to use backup (which now end with having 2 different NMM's - a new one for FO4 and pre-0.61 for Skyrim) there are some ideas about working with the new versions.


1. Usually it is good idea when a backup is restored to completely delete the content that will be overwritten. This gets rid of files that are not present in the backup. Say you installed 3 mods after the backup was made and you suspect some of them is breaking.

This is not the case with the new NMM anymore (especially if Skyrim is on a smaller hard drive). Deleting the game directory will not clear the space for the backup as most of the files are still in the virtual install folder. 

This means: if the game is 50GB and virtual install is 50GB and there are 10GB free space on the drive after you delete the game directory in order to put the backup there you will need additional 40 GB to do that.


This will put you in a situation do decide which of the two you want to keep - do you keep the virtual install folder, download the game from Steam and use NMM to recover (which should be possible) or do you remove the virtual install and use the backup so the game runs fine and then try to deal with NMM. It seems both of those choices will be wrong.


2. Always keep several identical copies of your profiles (if you use profiles) as backups. There are situations where NMM will "forget" some of the mods that are active within the profile. If you don't have such identical profiles you can end up in a situation where "everything is broken"


3. Keep in mind that at the moment the new NMM is a fragile thing that relies on too many factors to be exactly the way it expects in order to function properly. Even the smallest problem can end up in a dramatic situation (Yes, for me spending 6-7 hours reinstalling 250 mods qualifies as dramatic :-))


4. The conclusion from point 3 is that in most cases if it breaks in some way it is better to file a bug report or ask instead of trying to fix things by yourself. 



P.S. The bug report I filed

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I'm playing Skyrim via Mod Organizer and I just started to play Fallout 4. What's the deal with NMM? What should I do and how to install it?


Different manager. Supports Fallout 4 in many ways better than the current MO2.

Your info on how to use NMM is in the OP. There are videos on the web as well to help you get a grasp on the various functions of NMM if you desire. I would strongly advise you to read/watch up these tools to get a good understanding because NMM is very different in function and execution of the mods from the way MO handles the files and your experiences with MO and Skyrim. Not worse, just different. Understanding how to get what you want done with a mod manger is the key to being successful in usage of that manager regardless of what manager it might be.


There are very few people I suspect ( or at least have seen  ) using NMM here with Fallout 4 however I am confident that they (those that post here) will try to help you and can help you with the basic functions of NMM to get you up and running at least. Perhaps you can give some feedback on NMM / Fallout 4 issues (if any occur) as you use NMM and Fallout 4. :D.

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I'm playing Skyrim via Mod Organizer and I just started to play Fallout 4. What's the deal with NMM? What should I do and how to install it?


Different manager. Supports Fallout 4 in many ways better than the current MO2.

Your info on how to use NMM is in the OP. There are videos on the web as well to help you get a grasp on the various functions of NMM if you desire. I would strongly advise you to read/watch up these tools to get a good understanding because NMM is very different in function and execution of the mods from the way MO handles the files and your experiences with MO and Skyrim. Not worse, just different. Understanding how to get what you want done with a mod manger is the key to being successful in usage of that manager regardless of what manager it might be.


There are very few people I suspect ( or at least have seen  ) using NMM here with Fallout 4 however I am confident that they (those that post here) will try to help you and can help you with the basic functions of NMM to get you up and running at least. Perhaps you can give some feedback on NMM / Fallout 4 issues (if any occur) as you use NMM and Fallout 4. :D.



Perfect explanation ritual. Thank you. You ninja'd me :D:P  But you explained much better then I probably would.

Helvon - do as this wise man said and we would appreciate your feedback in this area if it won't be a trouble to you. :)


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I'm playing Skyrim via Mod Organizer and I just started to play Fallout 4. What's the deal with NMM? What should I do and how to install it?


Different manager. Supports Fallout 4 in many ways better than the current MO2.

Your info on how to use NMM is in the OP. There are videos on the web as well to help you get a grasp on the various functions of NMM if you desire. I would strongly advise you to read/watch up these tools to get a good understanding because NMM is very different in function and execution of the mods from the way MO handles the files and your experiences with MO and Skyrim. Not worse, just different. Understanding how to get what you want done with a mod manger is the key to being successful in usage of that manager regardless of what manager it might be.


There are very few people I suspect ( or at least have seen  ) using NMM here with Fallout 4 however I am confident that they (those that post here) will try to help you and can help you with the basic functions of NMM to get you up and running at least. Perhaps you can give some feedback on NMM / Fallout 4 issues (if any occur) as you use NMM and Fallout 4. :D.



Perfect explanation ritual. Thank you. You ninja'd me :D:P  But you explained much better then I probably would.

Helvon - do as this wise man said and we would appreciate your feedback in this area if it won't be a trouble to you. :)




And the members here can help you with the setup, updates, and installation of mods (basic mod installation not mod specific) as well as any custom settings (INI etc) that might be needed or instructed as this is quite different if you use the MO way for Skyrim. ;).

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A new reports on NMM 0.61.13 and Wrye bash


1. In order to avoid disabling Skyrim.esm after running "rebuild patch.0" in Wrye bash ran through the Manager, it is suggested to close the Manager before running named operation in wryebash.

2. "Maria Eden prostitution" and "Maria Eden slavery" "Quisk start" mods also disabling Skyrim.esm in NMM file after running Wrye bash "rebuild patch.0". To avoid it, do not install "Quick start".



Updated info:


the latest, Maria-v2-00-20160214-010457 version do not causing above mentioned issues, only Maria-v2-00-20160211-220701.  Do not overwrite or upgrade the previous version. You'll experience many bugs in the game. Install the "Good version" on the new created NMM profile and new game and delete existing MEP profile if created.

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I'm just about to start a new game. After deactivating all mods I noticed some residue as follows:


Meshes: SL and Beeing Female

Textures: SL and Beeing Female

Interface: Beeing Female

Tools: Some leftovers from FNIS


To be fair both BF and SL were used for testing in the earlier version of NMM where it wasn't correctly returning to a previous version, so it may just be that. I'll delete the folders and activate then deactivate agin to see what happens with V61.13




Looks like it was a hangover from the older NMM, no traces were left with v61.13. I'll leave this posted with the original message in case someone else runs into it




Did a test with a clean install (then deactivate) and was still left with Tools directory from FNIS and some meshes. Uninstall from all profiles still seems to leave them behind though tbh I doubt if it would cause any problems, it's just untidy

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I'm just about to start a new game. After deactivating all mods I noticed some residue as follows:


Meshes: SL and Beeing Female

Textures: SL and Beeing Female

Interface: Beeing Female

Tools: Some leftovers from FNIS


To be fair both BF and SL were used for testing in the earlier version of NMM where it wasn't correctly returning to a previous version, so it may just be that. I'll delete the folders and activate then deactivate agin to see what happens with V61.13




Looks like it was a hangover from the older NMM, no traces were left with v61.13. I'll leave this posted with the original message in case someone else runs into it




Did a test with a clean install (then deactivate) and was still left with Tools directory from FNIS and some meshes. Uninstall from all profiles still seems to leave them behind though tbh I doubt if it would cause any problems, it's just untidy


Thanks for report Slorm. As an addition to your report about "Uninstall from all profiles" I can confirm that this command behaves weird - it does not remove some esp files from uninstall mods and also leaves some orphan files too in Data folder.


Also -


1. "Reinstall mod" also doesn't work well or at all sometimes. The "best bugs" about this function was: Manager would show mod as reinstalled but after reopening the manager, the mod will be displayed as not installed and/or will reinstall the mod but when finish, the mod will remained as uninstalled.

This bug is happening only if have multiple profiles and it doesn't happens always. So, it is recommended to recheck your mod after doing this operation.

2. Downloading very large files ( 1 K ) is still problematic. The manager will often report "Incomplete". Continuing the operation mostly fix this. The good news is that NMM team works on supporting download on 2 K large files.


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I'm playing Skyrim via Mod Organizer and I just started to play Fallout 4. What's the deal with NMM? What should I do and how to install it?


Different manager. Supports Fallout 4 in many ways better than the current MO2.

Your info on how to use NMM is in the OP. There are videos on the web as well to help you get a grasp on the various functions of NMM if you desire. I would strongly advise you to read/watch up these tools to get a good understanding because NMM is very different in function and execution of the mods from the way MO handles the files and your experiences with MO and Skyrim. Not worse, just different. Understanding how to get what you want done with a mod manger is the key to being successful in usage of that manager regardless of what manager it might be.


There are very few people I suspect ( or at least have seen  ) using NMM here with Fallout 4 however I am confident that they (those that post here) will try to help you and can help you with the basic functions of NMM to get you up and running at least. Perhaps you can give some feedback on NMM / Fallout 4 issues (if any occur) as you use NMM and Fallout 4. :D.



Perfect explanation ritual. Thank you. You ninja'd me :D:P  But you explained much better then I probably would.

Helvon - do as this wise man said and we would appreciate your feedback in this area if it won't be a trouble to you. :)




And the members here can help you with the setup, updates, and installation of mods (basic mod installation not mod specific) as well as any custom settings (INI etc) that might be needed or instructed as this is quite different if you use the MO way for Skyrim. ;).



I installed NMM 0.61.13 for FO4 without any problems thanks to the video from first page. :) I downloaded and installed only few mods:

1. Texture Optimization Project

2. Stuttering and Memory patch ENBoost

3. Unofficial Fallout 4 PerkPoster Patch

4.M82a3 AMR

5. Fallout 4 Bug Fixes and Tweaks presented by SOT Team


NMM installed all this mods correctly and I haven' had any problems.


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New tip - "Reinstall mod" troubleshooting


Checking the NMM vulnerability I found one very "weak spot" in NMM 0.61.13 when it comes to "Reinstall mod" command.



I have "Npc clones - Follower and marry" mod that contains several esps. Before I run "Reinstall mod" command, I disabled one esp in "Plugins" from the named mod. After that I ran "Reinstall mod" and NMM froze every time when trying to do this operation reporting "changed mod's order" and it wasn't able to reinstall the mod. So, if your NMM freezes after running "Reinstall mod", check your "Plugins" to see if the mod is present and enabled.


ALWAYS check your "Plugins" list after installing/uninstalling/disabling/reinstalling certain mod and NEVER  run "Reinstall mod" without checking if that particular mod is listed and activated.

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ETAC (expanded towns and cities) 13.9 Download issue


This version is only 407 MB big, but downloading via NMM for ordinary users is impossible. Here is the author's explanation:


If the file you're getting isn't ~400MB for main files or ~40MB for patches, you're not getting a complete file. Per winterlove...

If you are using the Nexus's Content Delivery Network to get files (and I think non-Premium users can only use this, sadly) then for large files you sort of need to wait (an hour or so, maybe longer?) for the Nexus to seed it's CDN servers with the new content.

PREMIUM MEMBERS: You can try picking a different server (switch the download location) which should allow you to get a complete file.

NON-PREMIUM MEMBERS: You'll either have to try back a little later (at which point it will - hopefully - be fine.) Or wait for me to get the file mirrors posted, which I'll do as soon as my Nexus uploads have finished.


I used "Download Manually" option and the mod installed normally.

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I wish to learn more about NMM and FO4. If this thread supports only Skyrim game, do you have any suggestion where can I find support for me and other FO4 players?

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Helvon - agree with ritual 100%. I personally do not play FO4 so I can't help you with this. You still have several options:

- post your questions here hoping that someone will answer you

- post your question on main LL thread under Fallout 4 section

- post your questions on Nexus for FO4 support

- all above and ritual's suggestion

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In time if there are many Fallout 4 or other games needing support this thread might get promoted to the main tutorials thread :).


I truly wish somebody and/or more people will be involved in discussion and sharing experiences with FO4... especially those who using NMM.

Too bad that FO4 doesn't attract me at all... on contrary.... :(

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