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NMM from 0.52.+to 0.70.+ ( important info, help, tips & tricks)

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Hey E.P I finally found out what was causing my specific issue, despite my initial thoughts that it wasn't, my results concluded that in fact my hard drive where the mods were located was failing slowly so now I have a new hdd on order and have moved all my mods to my ssd and using the uninstall all feature does not cause me any issues anymore, so this is for anyone else who has a similar issue to me, use SeaTools and check your hard drive out, seriously it just might save your sanity.


Thanks for your reply. I'm glad that you fixed your problem.

So, I guess the post I made ( http://www.loverslab.com/topic/52647-nmm-061-important-info-help-tips-tricks/?p=1508858)was right about it. ;)

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Rebel M. -

Have no worries my friend. :)  We all making mistakes. After you rejected that possibility I was little disappointing in me for not being able to provide adequate answer. How ever, all is fine in your game and I'm glad that NMM is working. :)

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Tip for NMM and Win 10 (upgrade) users



If you want to upgrade your OS (Win 7, Win 8.1) on Win 10:


- do your files back up on separate partition or other storage like USB or external HDD

- download offline Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1

- uninstall your NMM

- do Win 10 upgrade

- install NMM again


The side effect of the upgrading your OS is that your Microsoft .Net framework might stop working or will work with errors (not necessarily). If you experience such a thing, reboot your PC, start your OS in Safe mod and reinstall MNF.


How to enter in the Safe mod: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/start-your-pc-in-safe-mode


As I did many research, upgrading your OS to Win 10 is not recommended in 90% of cases, although, if you do, you might not have any compatibility issues between NMM and Win 10. If you have none, consider yourself very lucky. It is better to install fresh new Win 10 OS. Chances that your NMM and MNF will not work correctly are minimal or none.


Win 10 users might check this site which offers many tips for optimizing Win 10 for better Skyrim running and playing.


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NMM 0.61.16 is out


Warning: This version requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )

Impact: Minor
Type: Tweaks&Fixes


  1. NMM will now properly install mod archives where the root folder is "interface".
  2. Fixed a crash when trying to uninstall a plugin that's no longer present.
  3. NMM will now provide better feedback when a "Delete Mod" fails.
  4. Fallout4 game mode will now interact with the Fallout4Custom.ini instead of the default one.
  5. The version column will now properly show both the local and the online version, separated by a "/".


Download: my OP under NMM - downloads (Virus free rar installers): or you can go directly to Nexus: http://www.nexusmods...ds/modmanager/?

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(testing was done with 151 mods and 139 plugins on Windows 7 Professional 64)



Since the latest version doesn't have major  fixes, I did a basic test:


1. Upgrading from 0.61.15 went flawless

2. Installation of full version went flawless

3. (re)Installation of all mods went flawless

4. NMM will now properly install mod archives where the root folder is "interface". (fixed)

5. Fixed a crash when trying to uninstall a plugin that's no longer present. (Can't confirm because I had no problem with it)

6. NMM will now provide better feedback when a "Delete Mod" fails. (fixed)

7. Fallout4 game mode will now interact with the Fallout4Custom.ini instead of the default one. (Can't confirm because I have no FO4)

8. The version column will now properly show both the local and the online version, separated by a "/". (fixed)


From now on NMM placing "?" at the end for mods in cases that:

- aren't downloaded from Nexus (not necessarily for every mod, NMM will display black colored "?"))

- when mod's author didn't provide (correct) info file or no info file at all (NMM will display black colored "?")

- when mod is outdated or doesn't have version number (NMM will display blue colored "?")

- when mod doesn't exit on Nexus any more. (NMM will display black colored "?")


Warmly recommend for upgrade.


Note: Always save your current profile(s) before doing upgrade.

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Guest Helvon

Came by to say that I don't need help for FO4 any more. Lost interest for the game. No need for NMM too. Thanks for provided help. :)

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I wanted to use the multiple profiles but if you say it's buggy wait hoping that the new version is better.


Yeap, many users reported big issues when using multiple profiles. I think they will fix it in 0.60.6 version. When it comes out, I will test it and  let you guys know. :)



Thanks to test this and keep us up to date on various developments.

And I thought to be the only one to use yet NMM. :lol:



LOL, thank you. I'm using MO too, but rarely and with limited mods installed since I'm learning how to use it. It looked so much easer when started to learn, but as I progressed I discovered how dumb I am. :)

Therefore I focused on NMM that doesn't have such a great possibilities as MO, but I'm at least less stupid to use it. :)



I use MO more than I use NMM (which currently after the folder upgrade of NMM is 0 lol) so if you have any questions there is a thread here which I watch (in sig from AwfullArchdemon) and of course for you Elf Prince.. the "other location" which I have created myself :P. we can work on getting you more up to speed. Both programs are pretty much the same, The main difference is NMM linked folder to install the mods keeping the data folder clean when you remove the files (I believe that is) and MO uses a "virtual folder" which is ran at the time the program is started. Which then places the mods you selected etc into the game folder and remove them when you shut down MO. The differences in working the managers are based on these two main differences. The Virtual folder is the reason for he more complex often confusing aspect that many used to NMM have using it. Once you start to understand that process well the rest starts to fall in place.


Me I am a dummy so much so from using MO that I have a hard time understanding what is going on with NMM.. :blush:


Oh and those that believe MO is needed because other "managers' mess up the data folder. Generally so long as there isn't a bug in the game this isn't the case. Even Gopher states that he has not had to reinstall his game ever and he has to install and uninstall massive amounts of mods testing and creating videos for his viewers. Proper understanding and use of a mod manager results in a nice clean and tidy main folder

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Thanks for your input ritual.

NMM is getting better and better. When I had to reinstall Skyrim, it was because of my misdoings and wrong manipulation with mods, not because of NMM. I'm testing a lot of mods too; doing a lot of installs and uninstalls and so far NMM is doing pretty good job. Once one learn how NMM works and if follows instructions, can't fail.


NMM's Virtuall install is getting better and better. Switching between profiles is almost perfect. Removing mods form (some) profiles works great too but it's taking some "manual" work.

To be honest, if NMM would get worst and worst I would drop it and switch to MO. But, so far, I have no reason to do it because NMM is progressing from good to better.

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Thanks for your input ritual.

NMM is getting better and better. When I had to reinstall Skyrim, it was because of my misdoings and wrong manipulation with mods, not because of NMM. I'm testing a lot of mods too; doing a lot of installs and uninstalls and so far NMM is doing pretty good job. Once one learn how NMM works and if follows instructions, can't fail.


NMM's Virtuall install is getting better and better. Switching between profiles is almost perfect. Removing mods form (some) profiles works great too but it's taking some "manual" work.

To be honest, if NMM would get worst and worst I would drop it and switch to MO. But, so far, I have no reason to do it because NMM is progressing from good to better.


From what I read it is getting better and better as well. I agree so long as it works for you keep NMM. It is currently the only manager that is advisable for Fallout 4 as MO has some serious issues still. :(. It will get there like NMM.


A mod manager is chiefly suppose to handle mods, installations and removal. If it does that solidly and reliably then it is a good mod manager. The rest is just added features which mean nothing if the core component isn't great. Like a car that won't run or rarely runs and needs lots of time in the shop but has heated seats and power windows. Not as good as a stripped down car that has went years since a last repar when you need something reliable to get you to point A to point B . ;).

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New tip: Skyrim NMM and SSD/HDD


Since some Skyrim Players, NMM users having a problem with installing mods on SSD via NMM I did some research and this is what i found out:


Several Skyrim and NMM gurus recommend to install Skyrim game on SDD and NMM and mods on HDD. In that case, Skyrim will not lose on speed and NMM will install mods correctly and they will be installed on SDD in Skyrim directory.

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New tip: Skyrim NMM and SSD/HDD


Since some Skyrim Players, NMM users having a problem with installing mods on SSD via NMM I did some research and this is what i found out:


Several Skyrim and NMM gurus recommend to install Skyrim game on SDD and NMM and mods on HDD. In that case, Skyrim will not lose on speed and NMM will install mods correctly and they will be installed on SDD in Skyrim directory.



This was correct with the "old" NMM but not with the current 0.61. versions. The key now is the "Virtual Install" folder.


The new NMM puts the actual files in it's install directory (virtualinstall) and only symlinks (shortcuts) into the Skyrim's data directory.

If Skyrim is on an SSD but the virtual install is on an HDD this will still make the  game slower - alsmost as if all of it was on the HDD. Because all the mod files, including textures, have to be actually opened from the HDD. 

With a modded Skyrim the big hit on the loading times comes from all the files that all the mods add. If you put those files on an HDD then the gain from having the game itself on an SSD will be extremely small and practically unnoticeable. 

Basically putting Skyrim on an SSD but the virtualinstall on an HDD is a waste of precious SSD space. 

If for some reason you can't run NMM on the SSD then simply move everything to the HDD and use the SSD for something else.


Here is a screenshot from the internet: http://i.imgur.com/X4mWasA.png


If you have the game on an SSD - then put the VirtualInstall folder on the same drive. The other two can be on an HDD with no problems.


This is valid for all the games that NMM supports.


This way you get all the benefits from the SDD speed but preserve it's space by putting the other files into an HDD.



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thanks for your comment Prinyo.

Well, I don't have SSD so I can't approve or disapprove their statement. I spent 2 hours searching about this topic and I found that four of them saying the same thing. All informations about SSD/HDD and NMM are dated from last year (September and above months). And they were talking about SSD with 250 GB and above.


I would surely test it if I would have SSD but, I can't afford one. :(

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I have updated my previous post. 

There are several "NMM folders" and the most important is the VirtualInstall. Maybe when people talk about "NMM folders" they mean different things.

I have about 300 hours of gameplay - Skyrim, Oblivion, FO4 with the SSD setup and the "new" NMM and I never had a problem with it. 


I haven't seen bug reports that can surely be connected to an SSD issue. 

So the optimal setup is - the game and VirtualInstall on the SSD, the mod directories - on the HDD. :-)

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I have updated my previous post. 

There are several "NMM folders" and the most important is the VirtualInstall. Maybe when people talk about "NMM folders" they mean different things.

I have about 300 hours of gameplay - Skyrim, Oblivion, FO4 with the SSD setup and the "new" NMM and I never had a problem with it. 


I haven't seen bug reports that can surely be connected to an SSD issue. 

So the optimal setup is - the game and VirtualInstall on the SSD, the mod directories - on the HDD. :-)


Exactly!!! this is what i was trying to say. I apologize if it didn't sounded so. :)


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New tip: What to do when "Reinstall mod" doesn't work


For some reason some mods that aren't uploaded to Nexus don't work properly sometimes when selecting "Reinstall mod" from menu. Is it the error from mod's author side or the NMM's, I wouldn't know but I just got two mods that didn't work when chose "Reinstall mod" command.



If you pressed "Reinstall mod" and the mod stayed grayed in your NMM category but NMM shows it as active in your "Plugins" list, the mod is not reinstalled. In that case, right click on that mod and choose "Uninstall or Delete" + "Delete mod permanently" as it is showed on the picture below. Then, Simply install the mod again.

If you got a notice that "Mod exist in VirtualInstall" folder, overwrite: Yes/No, chose "Yes".



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New tip: What to do when "Reinstall mod" doesn't work


For some reason some mods that aren't uploaded to Nexus don't work properly sometimes when selecting "Reinstall mod" from menu. Is it the error from mod's author side or the NMM's, I wouldn't know but I just got two mods that didn't work when chose "Reinstall mod" command.



If you pressed "Reinstall mod" and the mod stayed grayed in your NMM category but NMM shows it as active in your "Plugins" list, the mod is not reinstalled. In that case, right click on that mod and choose "Uninstall or Delete" + "Delete mod permanently" as it is showed on the picture below. Then, Simply install the mod again.

If you got a notice that "Mod exist in VirtualInstall" folder, overwrite: Yes/No, chose "Yes".


attachicon.gif2016-04-21 09_59_40-Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.16) - Skyrim.png


This begs the question. If someone has a large mod that twill take a ton of time to download or that mod is no longer available how do you get it from NMM safely if possible so that you can properly reinstall the mod. For example with MO I open the Downloads folder, find the file and drag it out then I can reinstall it. How do you get the file in NMM?


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ritual - "permanent" mod deletion doesn't delete the mod from VirtualInstall folder. It is deletion from the Manager. This operation deletes mod's id and all info from that mod so that deleted mod will be treated as "new" mod. Once deletion is completed, all you have to do is press big green cross on the left side of manager's panel, browse to your mod and add it to NMM and then install it. You can rightclick on desired mod and choose "Install and activate" or by clicking on big green tick on the left side of NMM panel. NMM will place it in the same category as before but you have to run LOOT and FNIS (if mod requires it) so that it will be placed in the same place in load order as before athough LOOT 8.+ doesn't do that always correctly when it comes to esp files; only em files.


If you don't choose "Delete mod permanently", but "Uninstall or delete from active profile" the mod is treated as deactivated from the mod category but it is active in "Plugins" so it can be used by the other Player's profile if you have created one. Therefore, permanent deletion is meant to be for use only for Single profile unless you want it to be removed from all profiles.


Sometimes, but very rarely, "Delete mod permanently" command deletes mod from VirtaullInstall mod too, but only those downloaded from Nexus site via "Downloading using NMM" option on Nexus. I think it's the bug. Therefore it is always good to make a copy of your installed mods and to manually download large mods in size from Nexus. In that case your mods are "protected" from accidental permanent deletion from VirtualInstall that NMM does sometimes.

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Cool so in order to keep your mods safe.. you could copy (run script for backup and update) your virtual folder. Then even if there is a bug you always have a up to date current copy of your mods. However most of the time just deleting the mod is safe. Then you can go to your backup if your actual virtual folder has the mod missing :). Also if totally messed up you still have the "source" from the downloads ready :)


MO does the same thing .. that is unless you go to the downloads tab (section where your downloaded mods are) and delete it there. Then it is gone. Also a small chance to "delete all" not a bug but a selection on the same panel as the delete option. One can end up deleting 100gbs of mods they have stored there. Again not a bug ... however dangerous none the less.

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Cool so in order to keep your mods safe.. you could copy (run script for backup and update) your virtual folder. Then even if there is a bug you always have a up to date current copy of your mods. However most of the time just deleting the mod is safe. Then you can go to your backup if your actual virtual folder has the mod missing :). Also if totally messed up you still have the "source" from the downloads ready :)


MO does the same thing .. that is unless you go to the downloads tab (section where your downloaded mods are) and delete it there. Then it is gone. Also a small chance to "delete all" not a bug but a selection on the same panel as the delete option. One can end up deleting 100gbs of mods they have stored there. Again not a bug ... however dangerous none the less.


Exactly. :)

Backing up you mods using NMM's backup and (I recommend) manual back up of your mods folder is the MUST DO in order to spare yourself from troubles that can appear and if want your NMM to work as you want it. :)

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NMM 0.61.17 is out



Warning: This version requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )

Impact: Minor
Type: Support for Fallout 4 version 1.5 and more tweaks and bugfixes

  1. Added support for Fallout 4 version 1.5 beta or higher.
  2. Added new "Import profile's Load Order' button to the profile's submenu.
  3. NMM will now properly recognize the official Fallout 4 DLCs as such.
  4. Fixed a few crash issues where NMM was unable to link a mod file.
  5. The login form will now always show on top of the NMM window.
  6. Fixed crash when purging mod links.
  7. Fixed crash when the system prevents NMM from interacting with the plugins and loadorder files.
  8. Fixed issue where switching to a profile didn't load the saved scripted installer options.
  9. Fixed issue where NMM could randomly add files to the profile it was switching from.
  10. Fixed issue where NMM was assigning the same DownloadID to mod files sharing the same ModID.
  11. Supported tool Bodyslide will now be referred as such (instead of "Bodyslide [version number]").

Note: Always save your current profile(s) before doing upgrade and do a backup


Download: my OP under NMM - downloads (Virus free rar installers): or you can go directly to Nexus: http://www.nexusmods...ds/modmanager/?

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