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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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This mod does not include skeleton and you should use XPMSE.

Thanks. I was about to come back here and say I answered my own question after trying out the latest beta, but thanks for the reply. :)


You have a great mod here, CEO. I think I'll wait for the full version because I need to look at the control scheme again - all I was able to do was move Lydia around and do some missionary stuff. What I saw looked good and I will definitely be using this when the new version drops.

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I wanted to say also that this latest is Frameworked so it can take scenes from other developers. While it can support any number of actors I don't have a casting mechanism yet for over 2 (it will come soon) so it's limited at that for now. It's just two types of files now a Module.xml and a scene.xml for each scene. I'll make a minimal module in the next few days with descriptions of what the fields do if anyone wants to try to make something. The scene.xml is stable at the moment, the module xml is a little wonky but since it's just a single document it shouldn't be to hard to modify it for further changes.



Thanks Kinky as always for the feedback!


In terms of the animations for undressing I see your point, I'll see what I can do but they are position sensitive so I'd have to flip them and rexport them as another batch + do some kind of tie in to the start frame, wouldn't be to bad. I've learned that in almost all cases animations can never be really gender neutral in terms of intimacy without looking very weird so it makes sense what you are suggesting.


The new system can switch out animations for gender but the issue is time animating and the innevitable HKX limit. It's not really close yet but the more variations and gender swapping that comes into the animations will hit a ceiling in time so the one's that could benefit the most would be good candidates. I'm trying to segment the module out into plugins so people can choose what they want for the day when the HKX limit is hit. The plan is that it's hit with many small plugins so at least users can make decisions based on their preferences in content to address the HKX cap.


I'll be looking into making eventually a Female + Female intended swap pack that works like a plugin and I'll start with your suggestion.


As a note I'm still on your idea for orgasming whenever. It's the intention of the Quick Bar, which will be a small bar you can bring up as a 3rd menu. It will work differently in that you install plugins for the quick bar, so you could install the cum whenever plugin and you'd have that ability then in any scene. (By install I mean paste a line of xml into a document, the plugins will be xml segments that you copy and paste in.)






Thanks PipDude!


I see your point, two approaches: I could use graphics for the buttons themselves, ie: playstations X O Box and triangle but not showing the actual bound key or I supposed I could make a series of graphics for all DXScanCodes.


I have a strange belief in terms of usability that it's always going to be equally challenging regardless of complexity, (with in reason) that even if it was brought down to one single button, trouble shooting and difficulty reports would still pop up around the same pace, but I am interested in the professionalism of the presentation and I think it could have a nice spot in some cases, as looking sleek and official. I'll look into some tests for it and see what comes up.


I might make a bool that's turned on at installation in the quest script. Tutorial mode like any game has nowadays that has some additional information to get started until disabled. When disabled it would revert back to how it is now, maybe with some extra info on the presses to look more pro. I'll focus on that a little later though.




The hud key is going to bring up overlays on the top left of the screen that show live information, you'll be able to cycle through them with the hud key, or turn it off and on. I'm working on some toasters too for key events. While most likely not very usefull in the long run I want a spank damage toaster to pop up with a diagram showing soreness post spank etc. just cuz. Things like that as well as tracking arousal, body stats, tightness. X-Ray like in some animated movies would be possible too like you suggested, nice idea, it could play in with tightness. The hud would be customizable though / completely disabled if you didn't want it.



I'm going to pack OSA with a bunch of simple "Modders Resources" that OSA will use also but I'm making easy events to interact with it. For example debug.notification and Messagebox get a lot of use in mods but I'd like to make a series of text notifications/output that look a little more classy and can be customized more, for different text output effects. Any other UI tools that can enhance Skyrim I'll tack on to OSA.

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Tested and it seems that undress anim and one sex transition cause freezes. I don't remember wich one but it's always the same anims. All others animations are smooth. The new UI is beautiful. 


I don't need to use alt + - all the time now since it's way easier to know what to do. The thing is, players just need to know what is the base keys.


Tested with M/F M/M F/F and it works fine. The UI recognizes when a male is a sub or when a female is a dom. 

Sometimes the UI is mistaken about the dom/sub but it's just a display issue. 


Maybe you can use the MCM menu just for show the base controls? A simple "How to use" like the screenshot you provided previously.

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Congrats for releasing 1.08 Demo before page 100. I tried it a bit. It's impressive.


1.08 final release will definitely be something else due to the new menu. Not only does it make navigating way easier but it's also easier for us to give you feedback on which button doesn't work.


ps : it's not exact that the female char is always dom. In fact the character you are playing is always dom.


feedback :


- "unstraddle her body and move to the side" doesn't work when the female (sub) character is laying on her back. it makes the mod stop. it works when the female is on her tummy.

- at some point the "unstradle her legs" and "straddle her legs" have the same icon

- unequip weapon shows animation but doesn't unequip weapon




checked it several time

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The new demo is looking great so far!

It really is easier than all that modifier + key pressing used to be. 

One thing about the font though, is there any way to make it more visible against light backgrounds? 

The menu text is hard to see sometimes, especially against snow. Maybe make a black outline for that?

And under FX there's two Face|Dim options.

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Firt of all sorry if you understood me earlier but i have to say this after you mentioned animation limit coz i feel like i have to explain it better.


You dont need new animations for that, so they wont reach limit. All you need is ability to switch role but keep position of actors during undressing. If im not mistaken actor 1 can be dom or sub, same goes for actor 2 and so on. At some point you are giving them this roles.

So in female on female scenario:


1. Actor 1 (Female) Dom is undressing Actor 2 (Female) Sub and plays existing animations

2. Tab pressed controls change to Actor 2, actors switch dom and sub roles (actor scaling/resizing if neccesary - like with sos)

3. Actor 2 (Female) Dom is undressing Actor 1 (Female) Sub and plays existing animations

4. On next tab for actor 1 / on standing adore asign starting roles to both actors (if neccessary)


So the only thing you need and dont have it at the moment is step 2.

If you cant do it i have another idea about how to do it.


With this you also have M/M covered with perfect alignment.


Simple solutions are best ones and save a lot of time for better things :)


Speaking of simple: Diablo 2 had help and it opened popup window with this description:




You can do something similar for your tutorial idea.



Also one more thingie about asigning roles.


With same gender actors is it possible to auto asign dom role to taller actor?

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So im not sure its worth spending a lot of time building a system similar to what Skyrim uses only to show 3 buttons. In this i excluded Start(Num0) and end(NumDel) because if someone makes their mod use 0sex scenes (start and end with scripts) then its not important for user to know what key to press to start and end the scene.


Instead of Skyrim way i would suggest Diablo 2 way of help with controls which is lot easier to implement and doesnt require for users to alt tab out of the game and they have quick access to info they are looking for.



The Diablo 2 way would do the job. I don't think that adding the buttons would take much room or be very difficult. But, the Diablo 2 way does have the benefit of being easy to just throw in. I can say that that type of solution is considered a relic of the 90s in UX circles. It's a slightly more convenient manual and still requires users to basically stop using the app/game. The way Skyrim does it, I don't think users realize that they're learning hotkeys even during their first play. And once they learn them, they don't notice that the letters are still there.



I'll make a minimal module in the next few days with descriptions of what the fields do if anyone wants to try to make something. The scene.xml is stable at the moment, the module xml is a little wonky but since it's just a single document it shouldn't be to hard to modify it for further changes.


It seems like animators are in short supply. But, there are many modders making various quests that include NSFW scenes. I wonder if it would help buy-in from modders to have some kind of simple demo romance quest showing how 0S could be integrated into a more broad-focused mod.



I see your point, two approaches: I could use graphics for the buttons themselves, ie: playstations X O Box and triangle but not showing the actual bound key or I supposed I could make a series of graphics for all DXScanCodes.

I think that the second approach is the way to go. The symbols-for-keys-unknown approach wouldn't really be different than how it already is.
The majority of the codes could be covered by one graphic in flash with a dynamic text field since they are just letters and symbols from the character set. You might have to make a handful of custom ones for things like "tab", "space", "up arrow" (or you could simply disallow keys you don't want to deal with). [You can make the graphic change size based on the text it is given. So, you would really only need one graphic that could accommodate all possible key options. Let me know if you need an example of how that works pulling textfield size and applying to button width, etc.]


I have a strange belief in terms of usability that it's always going to be equally challenging regardless of complexity, (with in reason) that even if it was brought down to one single button, trouble shooting and difficulty reports would still pop up around the same pace, but I am interested in the professionalism of the presentation and I think it could have a nice spot in some cases, as looking sleek and official. I'll look into some tests for it and see what comes up.


I'm sure it's true that there will always be an abundance of troubleshooting requests no matter what. But, was lessening troubleshooting ever the goal of making a UI? I mean, you already knew all of the hotkeys and the troubleshooting requests were already coming in. So, why bother? :)


I think that a goal of making the system approachable to first time users goes hand-in-hand with going through the extra step of making a framework. If the idea is to encourage use of 0S in other mods, the usability of 0S within other peoples mods is important.



I might make a bool that's turned on at installation in the quest script. Tutorial mode like any game has nowadays that has some additional information to get started until disabled. When disabled it would revert back to how it is now, maybe with some extra info on the presses to look more pro. I'll focus on that a little later though.

That could work. A first time user would have no idea, for example, that 4,5,6,8 are the directional buttons. So, a simple graphic legend showing that on startup or something would help. If it were the arrow keys on the keyboard or d-pad on a gamepad, you probably could get away with not having that instruction as it would be the first thing everyone tries. But, then, 7 is select? Most people would try spacebar, enter, ctrl keys, etc. first.


The hud key is going to bring up overlays on the top left of the screen that show live information, you'll be able to cycle through them with the hud key, or turn it off and on. I'm working on some toasters too for key events. While most likely not very usefull in the long run I want a spank damage toaster to pop up with a diagram showing soreness post spank etc. just cuz. Things like that as well as tracking arousal, body stats, tightness. X-Ray like in some animated movies would be possible too like you suggested, nice idea, it could play in with tightness. The hud would be customizable though / completely disabled if you didn't want it.

Cool. You have the skills to make those well. I think it will add a lot to the system. Agreed that user needs to be able to turn them off. Some people will be immersion purists and screenshot artists.
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My only suggestion so far is the menu keep returning to the first possible menu. Eg when undressing in any of the categories one by one, it always returns to the "Hold him/her affectionately". In the future, can it be made so it stays in the undressing line item? :)


edit: Also sometimes it's hard to tell when you start moving between several actions several menu actions deep, to know which button which brings me back to the previous position. Perhaps a small <--- back arrow next to the icon will tell me, "Don't press that one again if you want to try another option, because you'll just yoyo back and forth"


edit 2: Is there a way for the menu to choose my own version of the unscaled schlong (the scaled one looks like I have a third sword, I could hurt someone with that)? Or do I have to dig through one of the XMLs to not scale the schlong?


Great menu system btw, also love the graphics of the buttons heh.

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Pipdude and Kinky thanks for these ideas and feedback.


I'm going to try a mix of both ideas. Initial thoughts are a tutorial mode like in a final fantasy intro that has a D2 style overlay right when you start the scene showing all the keys, which can be disabled perm when no longer needed. A second tier will keep a sleeker display of the key presses while the mod is in use which can also be disabled. The idea for one button with text fields is very simple, thanks I didn't think of that, accurate key presses just like Skyrim should be relatively simple to pull off in that case. Not a top priority but I'll do it after 1.08 is on Nexus.


The issue I would have to figure out the logistics for is that OSex is just a module for OSA so it would need to be an overlay that could instruct on any mod it was loaded in over.


I see what you mean Kinky, it's a nice idea I think I can do that. It might bother me that it snaps the actors into their new position where I'd like the whole thing to be seamless, maybe a transition at that scene which makes the actors change position (role) through animation, like a seamless actor swap.




On the note of getting modders interested, I want it but I have 0 interest from mod developers, just a few animators so far. Besides the mod being in heavy development changes lately the biggest issue is this I think:


The system can do pretty much anything with just a little code, the issue is I don't really know where to start, for example I could add in niche features but it might not serve anyone that might be interested.


I was hoping for a dialogue where mod developers might talk to me about potential things they would like and I could make it possible, there's just so much it could do but I feel like I'm not going to get anywhere throwing out random features to make it more interactive for mod developers that might not be what they want. That's why most of my development is just on realism features of the scenes and not so much on integration into Skyrim.


Also I find people are in the Sexlab mentality and they are looking for features that Sexlab favors where OSA brings a different style and possibilities to the table, in some ways it requires a different approach, and the open ended side of it most likely requires planning with me to make ambitious goals happen. Most likely not difficult I would just need to know the goals and where to focus development.


I think your suggestion is best, and I'll do that. Once 1.08 is out I'll throw together some small quests that use OSA to show some of the potential, that people can reference at least and see how it's put together. I do have combat stuff in the works which will be more accessible and less time to make which might get people interested. I haven't made any quests since I started this project so I can apply my new papyrus knowledge to put some small cool things together.


Relieved over all, feedback seems very positive and I think this is the one.1.07 development sucked and I think it's over now, I'll have time for fun new stuff instead of endlessly struggling making this a framework. Of course Pipdude I owe you for that in showing me how to get this project on it's feet and all the positive things your help and ideas has brought to it. I'm making a special gold calamari award just for you and will put you on full top billing for this project for your contributions, help and input, unless you have ambition as a politician or something and don't want to be associated with it. You are awesome.



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My only suggestion so far is the menu keep returning to the first possible menu. Eg when undressing in any of the categories one by one, it always returns to the "Hold him/her affectionately". In the future, can it be made so it stays in the undressing line item? :)


edit: Also sometimes it's hard to tell when you start moving between several actions several menu actions deep, to know which button which brings me back to the previous position. Perhaps a small <--- back arrow next to the icon will tell me, "Don't press that one again if you want to try another option, because you'll just yoyo back and forth"


edit 2: Is there a way for the menu to choose my own version of the unscaled schlong (the scaled one looks like I have a third sword, I could hurt someone with that)? Or do I have to dig through one of the XMLs to not scale the schlong?


Great menu system btw, also love the graphics of the buttons heh.




Thanks for this feedback!


It's not really intended but you can change the settings if you want in my module file: (I'm exploring ways to make this customizable through the UI but I'm not there yet atm.)


go here:




open module.xml


I use an abreviated cock system measurement "ocock" which is just the shaft (The first gen) and scrotum everything else is set to 1.0 (Base and the rest of the gens).


This is the starting auto scale:


<modify actor="0">
<cmd id="oheight" val="123.834412"/>
<cmd id="cocksuite" scrotum="1.5" shaft="1.75"/>
change scrotum and shaft in there
Then find <blendsuite>
<default scrotum="1.5" shaft="1.75"/>
<bj scrotum="1.5" shaft="1.4"/>
default is the size used throughout, bj is the size used during blowjobs.
I agree that in some of the more niche scenes it's kind of like you are going down a tunnel and you can feel stuck and it's not fun having to get back. In the next version I'm going to make "NO" (cancel) which is num 1 interact with the Nav Panel. When you hit cancel it will return you one step to the nearest base position. So you can just spam cancel until you get back to some place manageable. AI nav will come with some short cut tools to make this easier also. 
The undressing scenes are technically a new scene that reroutes back to the scene you started from so it has to redraw the menu everytime and it's hard for me to record that data not knowing what the destination will be. I'll see what I can do though, I'm sure there's some way for actions intended to loop back to have it save the menu and not redraw it, I'll look into it and thanks for the suggestion!


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One thing I would like to see is something like Spouses Enhanced using this mod as a base. I can write dialog, do a little scripting, and I know how to add voice files to actor lines, but, like you, I wouldn't know where to start.  :unsure: I'm willing to help out anyway I can, but I do not have 3DMax and have no animation experience, so it'd have to be doing something else.

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The system can do pretty much anything with just a little code, the issue is I don't really know where to start, for example I could add in niche features but it might not serve anyone that might be interested.


I think that it already fits a lot of mods as-is. I suspect that the issue isn't so much you needing to tweak it to fit niches as much as it is that modders simply don't know how to use 0S in their mod.


A demo mod showing it being started with dialogue would probably go a long way. Maybe showing how to make the results of an 0S scene change a variable that then alters an NPCs dialogue. Simple interactions like that between run-of-the-mill quest building and your mod.




Also I find people are in the Sexlab mentality and they are looking for features that Sexlab favors where OSA brings a different style and possibilities to the table, in some ways it requires a different approach, and the open ended side of it most likely requires planning with me to make ambitious goals happen. Most likely not difficult I would just need to know the goals and where to focus development.


Yeah. I think there have developed certain genres of modded gameplay that different mods work better for. For instance, male players interested in females are divided along playing as a male character seeking NPC females or playing as a female character and watching them "get into trouble" in the wild world of Skyrim.


Players that like playing as a character that loses control probably get everything they need out of Sexlab.


But, look at the traffic and props your mod has generated. There are clearly others interested in a different model. And that undoubtedly includes modders. So, you just need to give them the info they need to build with.


Sexlab has a nice wiki for modders showing them how to start/run things. A demo and wiki (for implementation rather than animating) might be all you need to get modders using 0S.


[All that said. Another issue could be the emergence of Fallout 4. A lot of the people gearing up to make new quests/mods are thinking about Fallout 4 now. So, that might take away from the number of people even in the market for a sex mod to use in their new mod idea right now.]




Relieved over all, feedback seems very positive and I think this is the one.1.07 development sucked and I think it's over now, I'll have time for fun new stuff instead of endlessly struggling making this a framework. Of course Pipdude I owe you for that in showing me how to get this project on it's feet and all the positive things your help and ideas has brought to it. I'm making a special gold calamari award just for you and will put you on full top billing for this project for your contributions, help and input, unless you have ambition as a politician or something and don't want to be associated with it. You are awesome.


No shame in my game. You can credit it to my real life name: Donald J Trump. ;)


Seriously, though. I give 10 cents here and there. The credit belongs to you.








This action calls for some Mortal Kombat styled points scored animations.

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CEO i like what you said about ideas of UI and plugins system.

But as i mentioned keep things simple to primary avoid getting yourself drained since you are only one working on this.


But to help with that i will mention author of Amorous Adventures. You can try to contact him here on LL and see if he would be willing to adapt his mod for 0sex. It has been mentioned to him few times already but i think he said he has no API? to do it.

That mod is really great and would get the wheel rolling for 0sex mod development as well.

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On the note of getting modders interested, I want it but I have 0 interest from mod developers, just a few animators so far.


I am not an animator, which is why I'm watching this thread.


We need to know four things:


1.  What script call/function is required to trigger the start event (currently  < numpad 0 > in 1.06).


2.  What script call/function is required to break the animation chain (currently numpad . > in 1.06).


3.  What is required in order to enter the animation chain at a point other than its default her-back-to-his-chest standing.


4.  Outside of firing the animations directly in our scripts, is there a way to call the animations without the GUI being included?  (Sorry for the irony, I realize what you've been rightly focused on lately.)  This would allow us to make our own interface or force a specific sequence without user control.


Experienced modders already know how to use dialogue and AI package script fragments.  Inexperienced modders should start with the CK wiki tutorials before tackling animation triggers or external function calls.  If your papyrus source is open or you provide a little documentation, most of us will be able to figure these things out with little or no help.  If I knew the scripts to reference and functions to call, I could trigger them from spells, dialogues, activators, horse dismounts, shouts, chair sitting, idle markers, NPC proximity, whatever.  If there are no API-like functions to call, I'd just do sex checks for dom/sub and call the animations directly from my own scripts.  The only reason I haven't started is because I still have a couple month's work to do on the next version of my own mod before I try to incorporate some of the spanking funner things I can imagine into it.


We are used to the CK wiki, where functions and events are defined like a standard language reference (sometimes with code examples, so we can better understand any parms that have to be passed).  Any documentation like that would be helpful.  If the XML includes settings for male arousal and scaling, a list of the settings would be cool, but not critical.  We could experiment to figure it out.  Frankly, I'd rather hear you're animating than documenting.


Once you've decided a version is stable, try to make things modders have to touch like function calls or animation slots/names backwards compatible in future versions.


I wouldn't be worried about FO4 yet.  Its time will come, although I would be surprised if it ever sees Skyrim-like popularity.  I'm currently only interested in it because its physics engine is much more stable than HDT.


One thing I should mention:  OS is so functional it doesn't have a great need for support mods.  It's easy to get the ball rolling with a hotkey, so users can simply invent their own scenarios on the fly.  However, for immersion's sake, I'd like to be able to employ some of its features in a non-default implementation that relies on triggers that aren't hotkeys.

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i would very much so like if the hud was off like sexlab, you could only use the hotkeys that work when the animations happen, so if a key is used during a game like 'p' in the normal game the function is to open up the magic inventory, when you activate the 0S mod, the normal function deactivates and what ever function from the mod you want to use for that specific hotkey should be enabled, without the normal function interrupting.

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Migal thank you this is very helpful.


The next time I post a build of the mod I can have the api you mentioned and documentation of use for the first 3 points at least and I will do that.


The 4th point I had almost there in 1.07 but will need some time to bring it back in 1.08.


An issue I face is that I know stability of the calls in the api is important but I have a lot of plans that I'd like to get to for OSA so I'm going to release at least two tiers of commands that can initiate a scene. The first will be a basic start and end that I will make an effort to only change if absolutely needed and the second set will be for development features that might require some rewriting as advancements are made.


For more advanced config I'll be following the same format 1.07 was starting to use: Sendmodevent will trigger the scene and can take some configuration options like start scene, actor roles etc, with no extra document needed.  Basically I want to be able to progress post releasing an API and I'll do the best I can to keep it stable but I need one that is more open ended for me to optimize and develop on.


For more advanced complex stuff a string will be added to the sendmodevent that is a path to an xml file location which has additional overrides and instructions for the scene, the xml would be per one unique scene but it could also be used as a template for a certain type of scenes that are all similar.


Mainly I was planning on using this approach in 1.07 for "Sequential mode" where a mod developer could put in exactly what they wanted the scene to do, but with xml giving more power I'm planning other features hopefully where dialogue and custom menus can be defined in the mod developers xml for that scene also. For example if the scene is choreographed by the developer they can play dialogue and options at certain times that can play out the scene in different ways. It will have a bunch of other stuff like esg overrides in their equipslots and what they redress into, and in time other tie ins to Sexdentity, flags you can set for certain thresholds to display dialogue or do things also.


The last paragraph is a little bit away but I can have the basic most important API stuff the next version/demo I post.


Thank you for this information!


For bigger future plans:



The mod will store it's own data of relationships etc. What happens in the scene can influence this and the scene will be able to process how the actors felt about the scene which can influence further scenes, they will be able to deny certain actions or have sections of the mod turned off depending on their sexdentity and relationship. The data will be mostly just recorded and developers will be able to read it and process it however they want for their scenes. I plan to make a flag also that locks an NPC out from the player trigger key to make questing around a sexual relationship have more reward.


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