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Screenshot Discussion Thread


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I apologize in advanced, since it's impossible to know what your vision is for this character.


Her forehead is just to large, and I guess it's due to the hairstyle.

The eyes are to far apart from each other. And the gap between the eyebrows and the eyes is just to large as well.


And just to be clear, these things are not a personal preference thing.

It just happens that it was the first thing my eyes saw, because it really stands out.

I was like :o (okay, not that extreme, but you get my point)


Her mouth is just perfect. Although personally I think her lips are to big, but that is just a personal taste thing I guess.

Another thing I noticed, she is very skinny. So in the 4th pic, her muscles (is it called biceps?) looks just weird.

Maybe it's the lightning, or the pose that does it.


Overall, she looks amazing.

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Ah-HA! One last question (sorry, I know I ask a lot of these) - I don't recognise which mod/s some of those are from ("EC shirt" & torso, chain armour etc.), where are they obtained? :)


And no worries at all! ^_^


EC stuff http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48652/?

DG shoulders http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64699/?

Assault pauldron http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42292/?

And there is stuff from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20415/?

The rest, I have no clue.

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If there's anything else people can think of to do with her let me know. 

Going to have to redo her profile so starting a new game with her saved Citrus facegen model.









I apologize in advance, but that nose and underlip look very weird to me. They are too big, and they make her face really imbalanced.



Don't apologize, was looking for critical feedback.  I'll adjust a little and see what it comes out like.  Thanks!


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I've been lurking for a bit to see if this thread would go south, which it did for a little, but it's nice to see that things quickly recovered. :)


Anyway, here are some screens that I'd like some brutal honesty on:


For this set, I had no specific goal in mind. Just messing around with F.E.P, so fire away.













As for this one, I've been trying to make a barbarian Bosmer instead of the usual "Bosmer are always archers" jimmie jam.









Also, I'm looking for more ENB presets/lighting mods. The indoor lighting in my above screens is a little on the dark side. 


The first one: she looks to be in a constant state of surprise. maybe lower the brows just a bit, or raise the rest of the face to them. overall, she is pretty tho.


and number two: bigger eyes, they seem incredibly small compared to the rest of her head.

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This picture was my favorite.  There's not much to say except maybe to do some sculpting on the nose and chin from what I'm seeing in the first picture of Valenria, but its so minor that it really may not be worth it unless you want to do more super up close shots.  


I'm getting ready to import a follower I made for myself, but I want to load her jslot first to do some tweaking. She has an issue with certain expressions, namely angry faces, where the area right below the bottom lip (labret) creates a hole. So besides that which needs fixing, before re-exporting the face to update the follower, I would like to see if there's any other improvements to be made.



I think she looks good from what I can see.  The hair does get in the way like GrimReaper said so maybe a shot of her without hair would be good.  Other than that, I got nothing.  


I've been lurking for a bit to see if this thread would go south, which it did for a little, but it's nice to see that things quickly recovered. :)


Anyway, here are some screens that I'd like some brutal honesty on:


For this set, I had no specific goal in mind. Just messing around with F.E.P, so fire away.


Also, I'm looking for more ENB presets/lighting mods. The indoor lighting in my above screens is a little on the dark side. 


It would be helpful to know what you were doing with the facial expressions or maybe do some shots with no facial expressions.  Can't really critique the face while the face is expressing something.  Too many moving parts that might not be in that spot normally if that makes any sense.  


The bosmer looked okay, but maybe some closer shots of the face would be helpful.  


As far as ENB presets go, what exactly do you look for in an ENB?  If you just want a brighter interior, that might be achieved just by tweaking it, assuming you like the ENB you have and want to keep it.  Tweaking it might be less of a pain than trying all the multitudes of presets to find what you want.  








I like this shot.  Good DOF on it, but some of the other shots could use some DOF (like the first shot) and don't have any.  Can you change the X/Y values of your focus point with your DOF via the GUI?


I usually do that when the background is plain, just not very attractive, or when I want to make my character the focus point.  


If you can do that with your DOF, give it a shot and see if you like it or not.  

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This picture was my favorite.  There's not much to say except maybe to do some sculpting on the nose and chin from what I'm seeing in the first picture of Valenria, but its so minor that it really may not be worth it unless you want to do more super up close shots.  









I like this shot.  Good DOF on it, but some of the other shots could use some DOF (like the first shot) and don't have any.  Can you change the X/Y values of your focus point with your DOF via the GUI?


I usually do that when the background is plain, just not very attractive, or when I want to make my character the focus point.  


If you can do that with your DOF, give it a shot and see if you like it or not.  



I don't play as Val anymore. She's a follower. The nose definitely needs work doing to get rid of those jaggies, but I'm too lazy to do that. lol


As for the DoF. Yeah, I can change the X/Y values for the focus point. Every shot I take has a DoF and non-DoF version and I decide on which one I prefer before upload. The DoF for the first shot, I didn't like at all.


Thank you Ao2thend. :)

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I don't play as Val anymore. She's a follower. The nose definitely needs work doing to get rid of those jaggies, but I'm too lazy to do that. lol


As for the DoF. Yeah, I can change the X/Y values for the focus point. Every shot I take has a DoF and non-DoF version and I decide on which one I prefer before upload. The DoF for the first shot, I didn't like at all.


Thank you Ao2thend. :)



Oh. I remember you saying that about the DOF once upon a time. 


Alright, well then carry on!   :D

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Maybe give her a bald head if the thing you want to show is the face? Depending on what hairstyle you use, the face but especially the forehead can look pretty skewed without it actually having weird proportions. It's not that she should run around with a bald head of course, just for tweaking the face or showing it to others, because hair can get in the way of seeing things. I've noticed some issues with KS Hairdos for example, where most hairs give the impression that the forehead is either too short or too long because they tend to have a weird hairline.


From your shots I'd say the eyes could be a bit lowered and that they are a bit too... thin? I'd reduce the width of the eyes a bit and move the eyelids a bit further apart. Or just chose other eyes, from my experience those are pretty hard to work with. Also the lips could be a tiny bit lower, I think.

I usually start my characters off bald to work on the face, but I suppose it would of helped to do the same when asking for improvements. I like her eyes the way they are, but I will definitely look at adjusting the lips since I already need to fix the gap problem. Thanks for the suggestions.


For your character, I'm with Reek in that Anime faces aren't my thing for this game, (I do like the style though) but she looks good so far. Nothing stands out to me that needs improvement that I can see from the shot.



I'm getting ready to import a follower I made for myself, but I want to load her jslot first to do some tweaking. She has an issue with certain expressions, namely angry faces, where the area right below the bottom lip (labret) creates a hole. So besides that which needs fixing, before re-exporting the face to update the follower, I would like to see if there's any other improvements to be made.



I think she looks good from what I can see.  The hair does get in the way like GrimReaper said so maybe a shot of her without hair would be good.  Other than that, I got nothing.

I will keep it in mind for next time, since that hair is very obstructive when trying to view her face.




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Think i might be getting used to this Symmetry lark..


Also Zarozinia is my fave char atm..here's a close up.

bash away chaps and chapesses.




The most striking feature to me is her lips, and I like how they're parted slightly to show the teeth (something I do with a few of my own characters). Their shape and dark color contrasts well against the pale skin too, but at the same time, I can barely make any distinction to her nose; all I see are nostrils. Could just be a combination of skin tone, ENB, and lighting though.

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Ah-HA! One last question (sorry, I know I ask a lot of these) - I don't recognise which mod/s some of those are from ("EC shirt" & torso, chain armour etc.), where are they obtained? :)


And no worries at all! ^_^


EC stuff http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48652/?

DG shoulders http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64699/?

Assault pauldron http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42292/?

And there is stuff from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20415/?

The rest, I have no clue.



Thanks! ^_^


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I'm going to be releasing this follower in a few weeks. I already have a few people helping me take screenshots for the release so I probably won't be able to actually apply any of the suggestions I get here, but I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys think:



More images:









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I'm going to be releasing this follower in a few weeks. I already have a few people helping me take screenshots for the release so I probably won't be able to actually apply any of the suggestions I get here, but I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys think:



More images:


She's a cute. Personally I'd just lower her jaw a bit to make it stand out a bit more.

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Hope I'm not going too far away from the spirit of the thread by posting shots from the Racemenu screen, it looks like everyone is also commenting on the look of characters and I appreciate candor.


I'm working on a new character and for the most part I'm really pleased with her. However, I feel like she's missing something... I have a tendency to over-tweak my characters and ultimately messing them up rather than improving them. So, I'm cool with any input as I'm at a crossroads here. haha


She's a Redguard going for a Middle-Eastern/Indian/Exotic look. She may be fine, I'm certainly not expecting perfection.


Here's some notes on the screenshot: her skin tone looks great with the racemenu face-light, however she get's very dark in normal play with my ENB, even in places where my main character looks great. 









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Hope I'm not going too far away from the spirit of the thread by posting shots from the Racemenu screen, it looks like everyone is also commenting on the look of characters and I appreciate candor.


I'm working on a new character and for the most part I'm really pleased with her. However, I feel like she's missing something... I have a tendency to over-tweak my characters and ultimately messing them up rather than improving them. So, I'm cool with any input as I'm at a crossroads here. haha


She's a Redguard going for a Middle-Eastern/Indian/Exotic look. She may be fine, I'm certainly not expecting perfection.


Here's some notes on the screenshot: her skin tone looks great with the racemenu face-light, however she get's very dark in normal play with my ENB, even in places where my main character looks great. 









Ok, in my opinion, the nostrils are a bit too big, mouth is also too big (Most Indian/Middle-Eastern girls I have met don't have lips that thick). You should also adjust the slope of the brows to make her look less angry.

Hope this helps !

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Fantastic, thank you!






Hope I'm not going too far away from the spirit of the thread by posting shots from the Racemenu screen, it looks like everyone is also commenting on the look of characters and I appreciate candor.


I'm working on a new character and for the most part I'm really pleased with her. However, I feel like she's missing something... I have a tendency to over-tweak my characters and ultimately messing them up rather than improving them. So, I'm cool with any input as I'm at a crossroads here. haha


She's a Redguard going for a Middle-Eastern/Indian/Exotic look. She may be fine, I'm certainly not expecting perfection.


Here's some notes on the screenshot: her skin tone looks great with the racemenu face-light, however she get's very dark in normal play with my ENB, even in places where my main character looks great.









Ok, in my opinion, the nostrils are a bit too big, mouth is also too big (Most Indian/Middle-Eastern girls I have met don't have lips that thick). You should also adjust the slope of the brows to make her look less angry.

Hope this helps !

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Up for criticism number 2.

Can anyone here teach me how to take better combat screenshots ? (What fov , animations, poses, angle to use ? or just general tips about the locations, and enemies)






















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Hope I'm not going too far away from the spirit of the thread by posting shots from the Racemenu screen, it looks like everyone is also commenting on the look of characters and I appreciate candor.


I'm working on a new character and for the most part I'm really pleased with her. However, I feel like she's missing something... I have a tendency to over-tweak my characters and ultimately messing them up rather than improving them. So, I'm cool with any input as I'm at a crossroads here. haha


She's a Redguard going for a Middle-Eastern/Indian/Exotic look. She may be fine, I'm certainly not expecting perfection.


Here's some notes on the screenshot: her skin tone looks great with the racemenu face-light, however she get's very dark in normal play with my ENB, even in places where my main character looks great. 









 Maybe lower the eyes on her a bit. Other then that, I doubt anybody made one availabe, but a Bindi would look really nice on her. On another note; somebody make a Bindi race-menu overlay. :blush:

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