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Help me make her less generic please !


Both her eyebrows, as well as her eye lids give her a tired expression. I can see you were attempting that 'world hardened' look by narrowing the eyes and raising the pupils a bit. I would try moving the bottom lids down to open them up some, and adjust the angle of her brows; raising the outer edge to make her look less sleepy.


All in all, she looks like she'll be a sexy, matured woman.

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Alright, guys. 

I want to hear your opinions about my character (all of you known her very well). Why you hate something, what should i improved and etc.




I would take off the ponytail and then examine the face.  I've had many characters in the past who had a hairstyle that covered up their blemishes and when I removed the hairstyle I would notice what I thought I needed to improve.  


As far as what's wrong with her?  Its hard to tell with a picture that far away from the face.  A few close ups would be helpful.  



Help me make her less generic please !


I would try not to make her face so expressive until I used facial expressions.  Without any expressions, she should just look bored or like she's staring at something.


That's my two cents folks.   

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Well. I always enjoy some criticism on my terrible screens. I've got a trio of chars to show, one pic for each [three for siana, couldnt find just 1 decent one].they're rather bad screens true but im not the best and my constant change of ENB may be unnattractive. but bear with me. NSFW warning


Maira the youngest





Siana the middle sister


VsWVtiy.png CV3txA8.png AMskzsC.png



And Basara. The eldest.




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Ok, I followed Kaos' suggestions, and this is the result.












Something still seems off about the face, but I can't really tell exactly what.

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Discussion thread! Back from vacation and it's nice to see my lovely girl again. Any opinions, tips, advice on her?







The textures are really really flat, which make her look very lifeless. Her facial proportion is off: the nose should be lower, and nose bridge should be narrower. Also, you should decrease your "nose forward" value. Finally, her eyes are too close to each other, please fix that. Everything else look okay though.


Some screens. Bring The Flak!!


from an older ENB







Elder Blood ENB

































I cannot see your pictures. What host are you using ?


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Her facial proportion is off: the nose should be lower, and nose bridge should be narrower. Also, you should decrease your "nose forward" value. Finally, her eyes are too close to each other, please fix that. Everything else look okay though.

I kinda have to butt in here and point out that different people have different facial proportions IRL.




Excuse the "WHAT IS THIS? A PICTURE FOR ANTS?" small-ness of the text in the first pic. And notice her close-set eyes in the second pic.


I don't see anything unrealistic about the proportions in Broken's pic, some people do indeed have large noses and/or close-set eyes. The pic's not to my personal tastes but that's just me, and nor does it appear to be entirely to your tastes either which is also 100% fine, but you're telling them "you should do this" and "please fix this" when there's nothing broken in the first place aside from the flat skin texture. That's not constructive criticism, that's telling them they should follow your own ideal for how someone should look. Not everyone's a perfect waifu.


Pointing out if something's not to your taste is totally within the point of this thread, telling them to actually accommodate your taste is not.

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@asenasen: so I took your criticism to heart and made some slight adjustments. I think she came out better than ever:








side note, I always felt she had a brooding look(which is what I like on my characters, probably because brooding is the same look I have on my own face).

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I kinda have to butt in here and point out that different people have different facial proportions IRL.




Excuse the "WHAT IS THIS? A PICTURE FOR ANTS?" small-ness of the text in the first pic. And notice her close-set eyes in the second pic.


I don't see anything unrealistic about the proportions in Broken's pic, some people do indeed have large noses and/or close-set eyes. The pic's not to my personal tastes but that's just me, and nor does it appear to be entirely to your tastes either which is also 100% fine, but you're telling them "you should do this" and "please fix this" when there's nothing broken in the first place aside from the flat skin texture. That's not constructive criticism, that's telling them they should follow your own ideal for how someone should look. Not everyone's a perfect waifu.


Pointing out if something's not to your taste is totally within the point of this thread, telling them to actually accommodate your taste is not.


So, what's the point of posting pictures for criticism if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism ? I offered my opinions on what I think can improve his character. Yes, it is totally biased, but, whether he follows them or not is entirely his decision. I didn't trash his character or anything, so you can't really blame me for "destructive criticism". Also, I didn't tell him to make a 10/10 character. I just want to see a more naturally proportional face. Yes, the two examples you give are real people, but who would you want to look at ? Tom Cruise or them ?


@asenasen: so I took your criticism to heart and made some slight adjustments. I think she came out better than ever:








side note, I always felt she had a brooding look(which is what I like on my characters, probably because brooding is the same look I have on my own face).

Awww, that smoothness is killing me...I wish my vertex edit is still working so I can achieve that :(

Btw, she went from having a "your-existence-leaves-a-bad-taste-in-my-mouth" look to a "I-disapprove-with-your life-choices" (I like to make jokes, so pardon me if that was offensive) look. Definitely better :P

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Discussion thread! Back from vacation and it's nice to see my lovely girl again. Any opinions, tips, advice on her?




I'd experiment with different eyes, and a lower saturated eye color. Secondly, I'd use or customize a face normal map with a bit more depth to it. Pre-made face normal maps I'd suggest are from SG, Real Girls, or navetsea/thepal.



Well. I always enjoy some criticism on my terrible screens. I've got a trio of chars to show, one pic for each [three for siana, couldnt find just 1 decent one].they're rather bad screens true but im not the best and my constant change of ENB may be unnattractive. but bear with me. NSFW warning


Maira the youngest





Siana the middle sister





And Basara. The eldest.





Your characters have some very nice colors to them, and you could go to places that would play in harmony with the vibrancy your characters have. Aether Suite to me is pretty boring, but there are spots there that would be less dry than the constant grey studio backdrops(ettorg above your post did so), that could provide some nice contrast. When taking images of your characters, even when you blur the background out, depending on what was in the background when it was blurred, can add a certain feel to the portrait itself, with colors guiding your eyes around.


I don't have any criticisms or suggestions for your characters at all, though. You made the tattoos work, especially for Maira.


Some screens. Bring The Flak!!



I love characters like this. She's hardened yo, and got the body and face to prove it. Skyrim ain't friendly out there and she looks like she handles it. I'm also biased cause of the muscle, too. I think the dryness of the skin textures fit well, the scaring on her face, and the short hair similar in color to her body was a nice and fitting choice. The glow and gaze of her eyes wraps her whole demeanor up just right. The body tattoos on her I think take away from her, though, and I'd personally would do without them. 

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So, what's the point of posting pictures for criticism if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism ? I offered my opinions on what I think can improve his character. Yes, it is totally biased, but, whether he follows them or not is entirely his decision. I didn't trash his character or anything, so you can't really blame me for "destructive criticism". Also, I didn't tell him to make a 10/10 character. I just want to see a more naturally proportional face. Yes, the two examples you give are real people, but who would you want to look at ? Tom Cruise or them ?

How am in "full defensive mode" when the criticisms weren't directed at me, and i was interjecting due to a specific part of your post, not the presence of criticism in general? Moreover, you're making a sliding scale argument with "if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism" when i've made only one single post on the matter.


I never said you were trashing his character. My objection was with the tone and language of your post (""should" do this", etc.), because it comes across like you're telling him to make these changes, not just suggesting it. There's no problem with you having a bias, of course we all have a bias. And granted, maybe i pushed it a tad with the waifu remark, i do sometimes overdo stuff like this. But my issue was it sounded like you were forcing that bias upon him. If that wasn't your intention, i do apologize, but it's a matter of how your wording's coming across.


To better explain it, "if i can make a suggestion", "i personally would", "you could try", that sorta stuff makes it a lot more clear that it's a personal suggestion based on your personal tastes. Whereas "you should" is more of a direct order, and there's no "should" to be found here, no-one "should" do anything.

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So, what's the point of posting pictures for criticism if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism ? I offered my opinions on what I think can improve his character. Yes, it is totally biased, but, whether he follows them or not is entirely his decision. I didn't trash his character or anything, so you can't really blame me for "destructive criticism". Also, I didn't tell him to make a 10/10 character. I just want to see a more naturally proportional face. Yes, the two examples you give are real people, but who would you want to look at ? Tom Cruise or them ?

How am in "full defensive mode" when the criticisms weren't directed at me, and i was interjecting due to a specific part of your post, not the presence of criticism in general? Moreover, you're making a sliding scale argument with "if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism" when i've made only one single post on the matter.


I never said you were trashing his character. My objection was with the tone and language of your post (""should" do this", etc.), because it comes across like you're telling him to make these changes, not just suggesting it. There's no problem with you having a bias, of course we all have a bias. And granted, maybe i pushed it a tad with the waifu remark, i do sometimes overdo stuff like this. But my issue was it sounded like you were forcing that bias upon him. If that wasn't your intention, i do apologize, but it's a matter of how your wording's coming across.


To better explain it, "if i can make a suggestion", "i personally would", "you could try", that sorta stuff makes it a lot more clear that it's a personal suggestion based on your personal tastes. Whereas "you should" is more of a direct order, and there's no "should" to be found here, no-one "should" do anything.


Thanks for the English lesson. Fine, I'm very sorry for my bad wording in previous posts.

Now, Broken Mirror, if you don't want to follow my suggestions, it's okay. Every waifu is beautiful in her own way.

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So, what's the point of posting pictures for criticism if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism ? I offered my opinions on what I think can improve his character. Yes, it is totally biased, but, whether he follows them or not is entirely his decision. I didn't trash his character or anything, so you can't really blame me for "destructive criticism". Also, I didn't tell him to make a 10/10 character. I just want to see a more naturally proportional face. Yes, the two examples you give are real people, but who would you want to look at ? Tom Cruise or them ?

How am in "full defensive mode" when the criticisms weren't directed at me, and i was interjecting due to a specific part of your post, not the presence of criticism in general? Moreover, you're making a sliding scale argument with "if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism" when i've made only one single post on the matter.


I never said you were trashing his character. My objection was with the tone and language of your post (""should" do this", etc.), because it comes across like you're telling him to make these changes, not just suggesting it. There's no problem with you having a bias, of course we all have a bias. And granted, maybe i pushed it a tad with the waifu remark, i do sometimes overdo stuff like this. But my issue was it sounded like you were forcing that bias upon him. If that wasn't your intention, i do apologize, but it's a matter of how your wording's coming across.


To better explain it, "if i can make a suggestion", "i personally would", "you could try", that sorta stuff makes it a lot more clear that it's a personal suggestion based on your personal tastes. Whereas "you should" is more of a direct order, and there's no "should" to be found here, no-one "should" do anything.


Thanks for the English lesson. Fine, I'm very sorry for my bad wording in previous posts.

Now, Broken Mirror, if you don't want to follow my suggestions, it's okay. Every waifu is beautiful in her own way.



If English isn't your first language, maybe say that instead of "Thanks for the English lesson." As given the previous back and forth, that statement could be taken as passive-aggression in context, instead of your possible sincere apology.

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If English isn't your first language, maybe say that instead of "Thanks for the English lesson." As given the previous back and forth, that statement could be taken as passive-aggression in context, instead of your possible sincere apology.

Looking at the whole post, i daresay it is indeed meant to be passive-aggressive, which is way uncalled-for.

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Discussion thread! Back from vacation and it's nice to see my lovely girl again. Any opinions, tips, advice on her?







I'd experiment with different eyes, and a lower saturated eye color. Secondly, I'd use or customize a face normal map with a bit more depth to it. Pre-made face normal maps I'd suggest are from SG, Real Girls, or navetsea/thepal.



Well. I always enjoy some criticism on my terrible screens. I've got a trio of chars to show, one pic for each [three for siana, couldnt find just 1 decent one].they're rather bad screens true but im not the best and my constant change of ENB may be unnattractive. but bear with me. NSFW warning


Maira the youngest





Siana the middle sister





And Basara. The eldest.





Your characters have some very nice colors to them, and you could go to places that would play in harmony with the vibrancy your characters have. Aether Suite to me is pretty boring, but there are spots there that would be less dry than the constant grey studio backdrops(ettorg above your post did so), that could provide some nice contrast. When taking images of your characters, even when you blur the background out, depending on what was in the background when it was blurred, can add a certain feel to the portrait itself, with colors guiding your eyes around.


I don't have any criticisms or suggestions for your characters at all, though. You made the tattoos work, especially for Maira.


Some screens. Bring The Flak!!



I love characters like this. She's hardened yo, and got the body and face to prove it. Skyrim ain't friendly out there and she looks like she handles it. I'm also biased cause of the muscle, too. I think the dryness of the skin textures fit well, the scaring on her face, and the short hair similar in color to her body was a nice and fitting choice. The glow and gaze of her eyes wraps her whole demeanor up just right. The body tattoos on her I think take away from her, though, and I'd personally would do without them. 


Thanks, Basara is my current in use char [using her to try and complete the legacy of the dragonborn museum] So I'll likely mainly get screens of her. I want to try and get a bloody field of bodies and such to sort of emphasize that her head isn't screwed on right. Theres a bit of a story behind them all. Siana is the medium. Meant to keep Maira and Basara in check/sealed away Maira was innocent and sort of just wanted magic to simply change her height [her height is scaled down to 0.90 of normal] Basara is just batshit after traversing the realms of the Aedra and Daedra gaining power.


EDIT:I forgot to mention, while its slightly noticable Basara also has tattoos. but hers are of runic nature. I plan to show them in a screenshot soon

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Back on track now, people... :)

If you're looking to make changes, a place to start might be to adjust the tints (facial tinting colours, "Cheek Colour", "Nose Colour", "Lip Colour", etc.) - something seems up with those, the splash across the nose & lips is quite a bright shade of pastel red. Colour in the face is a really good idea (even with bare skin, most people have pigment colouring), so you're on the right track, but perhaps have a play around with some more mellow options to see if you like the result. :)

I don't want to let this thread die, as I'm not delighted on the alternative one.
@ao2thend: remember when you said something about Jann's nose in your critique about a week ago? Well, I had smoothed the nose as best as I could at the time, but I never shared any image updates(sorry about that). So, here they are - same exact face, just under various lighting conditions and custom enbpalettes:


She's the same, just after attempted nose jaggy smoothing.
Anyone is welcome to critique or say whatever they feel.
edit: next time I'll post up shots that aren't just portraits

This character is awesome, Taskmaster! ^_^

@asenasen: so I took your criticism to heart and made some slight adjustments. I think she came out better than ever:


side note, I always felt she had a brooding look(which is what I like on my characters, probably because brooding is the same look I have on my own face).

... still awesome! :D



Help me make her less generic please !


Ok, I followed Kaos' suggestions, and this is the result.


Something still seems off about the face, but I can't really tell exactly what.

Something I would look at would be (of all minor things) the end of the nose. The area across the top of the tip & nostrils is fine, but then across the base of the nostrils & whatever that space between them is called (?) looks a little pinched & unnaturally sharp-edged.
(*That's actually something which is often seen on characters whose players have tried with varying degrees of success for an anime-flavoured look, & that does tend to add to a sense of uniformity or "sameness" amongst them - which I think might be the sense that you yourself are getting when you look at your character & think "generic", yes? Yet when I look at the rest of your character, that does not seem to be the look you are trying to create, which thus tends to draw my eye to those things which seem out of place here. Does this sound about right?) :huh:
While the lips seem a little clenched or pursed (*the profile shot shows that the lower lip is noticeably undershot, which might be adding to this look from the front. Try moving the Vanilla "Chin Forward" slider forward just one or two increments & see if you like it), which suggests inner thought/tension, the expression in the eyes & brow seems empty of thought or emotion. This may also be contributing to the sense of of genericism you feel. You could try playing around a little with the "Brow height", "Eye Angle", and "Eyelid height" sliders if you wanted to adjust this. :)



So, what's the point of posting pictures for criticism if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism ? I offered my opinions on what I think can improve his character. Yes, it is totally biased, but, whether he follows them or not is entirely his decision. I didn't trash his character or anything, so you can't really blame me for "destructive criticism". Also, I didn't tell him to make a 10/10 character. I just want to see a more naturally proportional face. Yes, the two examples you give are real people, but who would you want to look at ? Tom Cruise or them ?

How am in "full defensive mode" when the criticisms weren't directed at me, and i was interjecting due to a specific part of your post, not the presence of criticism in general? Moreover, you're making a sliding scale argument with "if you just go full defensive mode after each criticism" when i've made only one single post on the matter.

I never said you were trashing his character. My objection was with the tone and language of your post (""should" do this", etc.), because it comes across like you're telling him to make these changes, not just suggesting it. There's no problem with you having a bias, of course we all have a bias. And granted, maybe i pushed it a tad with the waifu remark, i do sometimes overdo stuff like this. But my issue was it sounded like you were forcing that bias upon him. If that wasn't your intention, i do apologize, but it's a matter of how your wording's coming across.

To better explain it, "if i can make a suggestion", "i personally would", "you could try", that sorta stuff makes it a lot more clear that it's a personal suggestion based on your personal tastes. Whereas "you should" is more of a direct order, and there's no "should" to be found here, no-one "should" do anything.


Thanks for the English lesson. Fine, I'm very sorry for my bad wording in previous posts.
Now, Broken Mirror, if you don't want to follow my suggestions, it's okay. Every waifu is beautiful in her own way.


Your English is fine. ^_^


(*Also - "waifus" are scary) :unsure:


Any everyone needs to take a step back and STOP taking crap so freaking personal!!  This is a screenshot discussion thread, so don't post stuff here if you are sensitive.  Likewise, make the "suggestions for improvement" in a friendly tone.

What he said! B)


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So I followed FastestDogInTheDistrict (are you involved in dog racing or something?:D) and fixed her chin, nose forward, brows heigh, both upper and lower eyelids height, as well as iris size and height to compensate the changes. What do you guys think ?

Also, thanks a lot FastestDog ! :cool:










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If you're looking to make changes, a place to start might be to adjust the tints (facial tinting colours, "Cheek Colour", "Nose Colour", "Lip Colour", etc.) - something seems up with those, the splash across the nose & lips is quite a bright shade of pastel red. Colour in the face is a really good idea (even with bare skin, most people have pigment colouring), so you're on the right track, but perhaps have a play around with some more mellow options to see if you like the result. :)


Thank you for your suggestion. I will try to play around. :)

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