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Radiant Prostitution 3.2.2 (29-Oct-2015)

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Wraith, what must be done to bind sexlab foreplay function to the sex activities, so a foreplay will be played before a vaginal and an anal sex?


The mod actively suppresses the foreplay scenes for all prostitution jobs. To change this, you'd have to edit the script that builds the animation thread, which is mf_handler if I recall correctly. Search for "leadin", that's the internal name for foreplay content.

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Wraith, what must be done to bind sexlab foreplay function to the sex activities, so a foreplay will be played before a vaginal and an anal sex?


The mod actively suppresses the foreplay scenes for all prostitution jobs. To change this, you'd have to edit the script that builds the animation thread, which is mf_handler if I recall correctly. Search for "leadin", that's the internal name for foreplay content.



i dont have american Version, all my script compiles fail. we had this before with the 500g for the gangbang home visit.


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I've been using this awesome mod for several months without any problems, but tonight on a new game/save, my PC finally got the Home Delivery quests and when ever she goes back to the inn to get her share of the gold I CTD. This has never happened before. I wish I could produce a papyrus log, but I've mentioned before on other threads that activating them in my .ini is an automatic constant CTD. I was told it was more than likely because I have a lot of heavily scripted mods.


Everything goes well with my PC's client at his home, it's just the accepting of the gold. Once I get the quest complete from the owner of the Bannered Mare that's when I crash. Any idea what's going on? I don't have any other prostitution mods or mods that have their own prostitution thing on the side. The only other two mods I have installed that associate with inn-keepers are Realistic Needs and Diseases for asking to fill a bottle or waterskin or just buy water and Loan Sharks. Walking around, hooking, and calling it a day are not a problem with this inn-keeper.


Thanks in advance.



EDIT: It fixed it's self. I logged back on, went behind the counter of the inn, because one of those asshole Battle-Born keeps raping my PC after night fall, and spoke with the owner far away from him and I DID NOT CTD. Perhaps the two mods were starting up at the same time and caused the crash. Either way, my PC has progressed to the Mysterious Notes quests with no problems. :D *knock on wood*

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I had both active and passive solicitation and my PC happened to be approached by a bandit for paid sex. Unfortunately, I chose to accept the deal and when the dialog closed to go "somewhere more private", the bandit resumed its aggressive stance and I had to kill him. Now it seems the mod is stuck, I can't finish the service (obviously) and it won't let me pick another client either actively or passively. I tried the panic button, but it didn't make any difference.


Anyway, this is the mod! I had it installed once, then removed it due to script paranoia, then I had to bring it back because the game just isn't as fun without it.Thanks!


(btw this playthrough has none of that tampering I mentioned above, I'm playing it with a stable set of mods from the start).

to fix: turn in your currents prostitution session and start a new one. i've had this happen with guards and the 'devine punishments for arrow to the knee line' mod.



Yeah, I had figured it out, that was an amazingly simple fix. Thanks, I love this mod!

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Hey, I just wanted to share another issue I had that wasn't directly related to the mod, but to general sexlab configuration.


WARNING: Possible spoiler ahead!


When doing the giant camp quest, everything went fine until I reached the actual giants, then - nothing happened. I even used the dialog to approach the giants, but they just answered "GGrrrrrrrr!" and then, nothing.

I figured I needed to activate creature animations in Sexlab for this quest to work. It should have been obvious from the description page on random quests ("Most of these feature bestiality in some form") but since I had creatures enabled in FNIS and several creature animations, I thought I was ok. Turns out sexlab starts with creature animations toggled off by default and I hadn't yet changed that. I then had to also reload SLAL animations to include those that had creatures.


This is an easy "debug" but I assume more people could overlook this, especially if they're not really interested in creature animations in general and thus leave them off, but would still want to complete this quest. Maybe the description page could be more explicit on this, clearly stating that for these random quests to work, creature animations have to be enabled in sexlab. Maybe also mention this in requirements, as some people would install FNIS without the creature pack and ignore creatures altogether, which is possible but, then, these random quests would still happen and be impossible to finish (unless, in the case of the giants, you decline the job - apart from this, I also tested the companions quest but not any other(s) so I can't say if it's possible to decline them all).


Again, great mod, WS!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there anyway to change the chances that one dialogue comes up rather than some other one?  Like having 1 dialogue come up 50% of the time and 2 others 25% of the time?  Is it just a variable to change or is it all random.


Edit: Nevermind I just added more in the creation kit and deleted some of the ones I didn't want.

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The height of hilarity is when you're working a job at an inn and you hear one of the bards start singing: "I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes." 


I have this and Defeat installed. Of the two, I prefer this one for solicitation. It seems to have better results with the NPCs, with less internal tinkering. So I rely on Defeat for the other awesome things it does and use this for culling extra cash. I also like that RP lets you leave the inn to look for clients. Even with Populated Towns some of the inns get pretty sparse traffic. 


Interestingly, some areas seem more 'active' than others. Windhelm's Candlehearth Hall went from being a depressing, quiet place where everyone sat around to a hoppin' brothel full of life and music. The bartender will tell you Susanna the Wicked is just a flirt but she lies! 

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Is there anyway to change the chances that one dialogue comes up rather than some other one?  Like having 1 dialogue come up 50% of the time and 2 others 25% of the time?  Is it just a variable to change or is it all random.


Edit: Nevermind I just added more in the creation kit and deleted some of the ones I didn't want.

You can use the GetRandomPercent condition on dialogues. A dialogue with GetRandomPercent<=30 would only qualify to be selected 30% of the time, for example. However, since these random rolls will be independent for each dialogue, it's up to you to ensure they don't all fail their rolls simultaneously and leave the dialogue tree with no selection path. For this reason, it's a good practice to leave at least one of the dialogue options available 100% of the time, by not using GetRandomPercent on it.



Where would you edit the "Are you looking for a good time?" dialogue cooldown?  


Alter the duration of the mf_Satisfaction and mf_Disatisfaction spells. Or you could just be cheeky and enter+exit a building, NPCs get their active spell effects purged when you move to a different cell than them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i gave sanctified amulet of dibella to serana and now can't take it back, it keeps reappearing in her inventory no matter how many times i take it back either by trade things menu or console removeitem. how can i stop this from happening?

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Hi, @WraithSlayer!


Do you know how to add NPCs to the innkeeper faction, making them give you quests from this mod? I used creation kit and added the innkeeper faction and merchant faction (both with 0 rank) but the dialogues don't appear when I speak to them. I also added the LocTypeInn to the building they are, but it didn't work. Any ideas?

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Hi, @WraithSlayer!


Do you know how to add NPCs to the innkeeper faction, making them give you quests from this mod? I used creation kit and added the innkeeper faction and merchant faction (both with 0 rank) but the dialogues don't appear when I speak to them. I also added the LocTypeInn to the building they are, but it didn't work. Any ideas?


In game activate console near the npc, then select the npc.  Type addtofaction 0005091B 0 .  That'll add them to jobinnkeeper faction and should be enough to trigger radiant prostitution dialogue.   (fingers crossed)



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Hi, @WraithSlayer!


Do you know how to add NPCs to the innkeeper faction, making them give you quests from this mod? I used creation kit and added the innkeeper faction and merchant faction (both with 0 rank) but the dialogues don't appear when I speak to them. I also added the LocTypeInn to the building they are, but it didn't work. Any ideas?

In game activate console near the npc, then select the npc. Type addtofaction 0005091B 0 . That'll add them to jobinnkeeper faction and should be enough to trigger radiant prostitution dialogue. (fingers crossed)

Yes, it worked! Thank you! :D

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  • 1 month later...

I have a little problem, I talk to the innkeeper, I choose prostitution and he will give a dialogue giving instructions, after that nothing else happens, as if he had not hired me, I've used this mod before in this same version, and usually he gave me clothes to work And the normal prostitution quest continued, but not now. (Sorry for my bad English)                                                                                                                                                                               

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i wanted to understand the money system.

By default, a blowjob gives 50 gold in the beginning. That is 40 basis and 10 female player bonus.

even if experience and step are both zero, there must be speech 10 for the 20 a nord has at the beginning.

therefore a blowjob should give at least 60 gold and not 50. and do you really start experience unlearned and step 1 start not as 1 but as zero ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, man! I've been trying to make this compatible with Bruma, but the NPCs there all have custom factions, so adding the proper vanilla faction to the innkeepers doesn't cause the RP dialogue to appear. Shoot me a message if you are interested in helping, but I probably won't be getting it until next weekend as things stand right now.


Hi, @WraithSlayer!

Do you know how to add NPCs to the innkeeper faction, making them give you quests from this mod? I used creation kit and added the innkeeper faction and merchant faction (both with 0 rank) but the dialogues don't appear when I speak to them. I also added the LocTypeInn to the building they are, but it didn't work. Any ideas?


In game activate console near the npc, then select the npc.  Type addtofaction 0005091B 0 .  That'll add them to jobinnkeeper faction and should be enough to trigger radiant prostitution dialogue.   (fingers crossed)




In the CK, just add selected NPCs to JobInnkeeperFaction, and good to go.

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I would like to disable the home delivery quest where a stranger shows up with another prostitute and you have a competition. I pretty much have 0 knowledge of the creation kit ( i do have it though) Can anyone walk me through it?


You don't need CK for this, as the quests in RP are registered through a JSON file you can edit.


The file is \Data\MF_RP_Quests\MR_RP, open it with a text editor of your choice and find the line that contains 0x650bb. Delete the entire line and save the file, then launch the game, and reload quests in RP's MCM. If you did everything right, the total quests counter should decrease by one, and the competition quest will no longer be drawn.

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Hey, man! I've been trying to make this compatible with Bruma, but the NPCs there all have custom factions, so adding the proper vanilla faction to the innkeepers doesn't cause the RP dialogue to appear. Shoot me a message if you are interested in helping, but I probably won't be getting it until next weekend as things stand right now.


Hi, @WraithSlayer!


Do you know how to add NPCs to the innkeeper faction, making them give you quests from this mod? I used creation kit and added the innkeeper faction and merchant faction (both with 0 rank) but the dialogues don't appear when I speak to them. I also added the LocTypeInn to the building they are, but it didn't work. Any ideas?


In game activate console near the npc, then select the npc.  Type addtofaction 0005091B 0 .  That'll add them to jobinnkeeper faction and should be enough to trigger radiant prostitution dialogue.   (fingers crossed)




In the CK, just add selected NPCs to JobInnkeeperFaction, and good to go.


  1. NPC has faction JobInnkeeperFaction
  2. NPC has keyword JobInnkeeper
  3. Player is not in the middle of another prostitution job

If all those conditions are true, then the Bruma NPCs will have RP dialogue.


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I would like to disable the home delivery quest where a stranger shows up with another prostitute and you have a competition. I pretty much have 0 knowledge of the creation kit ( i do have it though) Can anyone walk me through it?


You don't need CK for this, as the quests in RP are registered through a JSON file you can edit.


The file is \Data\MF_RP_Quests\MR_RP, open it with a text editor of your choice and find the line that contains 0x650bb. Delete the entire line and save the file, then launch the game, and reload quests in RP's MCM. If you did everything right, the total quests counter should decrease by one, and the competition quest will no longer be drawn.



It worked, thank ya much.

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