Halstrom Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 PrideSlayers FOMM here on LL in the downloads section
Varithina Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Nexus mod manager, though I am thinking about having a go with mod organiser, though as I just bought about 6 new games doing anything but play them is not high on my to do list.
josenightbreed Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 MO For FNV MO for Skyrim MO for FO3 Mo for Oblivion
Mondo80 Posted May 29, 2015 Posted May 29, 2015 MO For FNV MO for Skyrim MO for FO3 Mo for Oblivion Mine automatically goes to skyrim. How did you get it to work on the other 3?
Guest endgameaddiction Posted May 29, 2015 Posted May 29, 2015 http://www.loverslab.com/topic/47548-new-vegas-best-mod-manager/ Scroll to the bottom.
Anatriax Posted May 29, 2015 Posted May 29, 2015 MO For FNV MO for Skyrim MO for FO3 Mo for Oblivion Mine automatically goes to skyrim. How did you get it to work on the other 3? Install it directly into the folder for each game. It will automatically read what .exe is in the same directory, and designate itself for that game. It will also automatically recognize which script extenders are there (ie: skse, fose, nvse, obse) You must install MO for each game that you have installed. So, once for Skyrim, once for Oblivion, once for Fallout 3, once for Fallout: New Vegas.
Symon Posted May 30, 2015 Posted May 30, 2015 Fallout3 - Wrye Fash Oblivion - Wrye Bash Morrowind - Wrye Mash
Womb Raider Posted May 31, 2015 Posted May 31, 2015 Most people use FOMM, I used to use it myself but found that it just created a ton of issues. I've been using Mod Organizer and haven't run into any major conflicts or game breaking problems since.
Anubis93 Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 I use MO for Skyrim, Oblivion, and FO3, but I couldn't get MO to work well with FNV. So I just made the switch recently to FOMM Fork on the nexus and Wyre Flash and everything has been running fine with no issues.
Anatriax Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 I use MO for Skyrim, Oblivion, and FO3, but I couldn't get MO to work well with FNV. So I just made the switch recently to FOMM Fork on the nexus and Wyre Flash and everything has been running fine with no issues. http://wiki.step-project.com/User:EssArrBee/FalloutNewVegas If you can't get MO to work with New Vegas after setting it up like this guy does, then there is a major issue.
Arcturus7777 Posted June 12, 2015 Posted June 12, 2015 If you mean what do I do besides using a mod manager, then.... I do not drop Esp's or meshes or textures or anything into the Data/ directory. I compress them and install them with the mod manager. I do not add mods called 4577main. I change the name to something I will actually know what is like Joes armor 2.0 I do not install updates called update 2.1 I change the name to Joes armor update 2.1 Do the above so if I will know what the mod is 2 months 6 months forever from now.
Vault77Dweller Posted June 18, 2015 Posted June 18, 2015 I use Mod Organizer, even if it feels like I'm trying to squeeze blood out of a stone. I'd recommend Prideslayer's FOMM for begginers and MO for those who know how New Vegas works. And I don't mean the kind of "I know how to make a bitching Steak Marinade" knowledge, I mean like "I can tell what part of a car isn't working just by listening to its engine" kind of knowledge.
Tentacus Posted July 2, 2015 Posted July 2, 2015 Mod Organizer I can't even imagine going back to FOMM. The virtual structure is very rarely a problem Really only with Nifskope, and the advantages are HUUUUUUGE. I use Mod Organizer, even if it feels like I'm trying to squeeze blood out of a stone. I'd recommend Prideslayer's FOMM for begginers and MO for those who know how New Vegas works. And I don't mean the kind of "I know how to make a bitching Steak Marinade" knowledge, I mean like "I can tell what part of a car isn't working just by listening to its engine" kind of knowledge. I think a newb should try to acclimate to MO right away. No point in learning shit you just have to unlearn later. There are good MO tutorial videos on Youtube. I'd like to clarify that I was a loyal FOMM user for years and think it's a good tool. MO is just better.
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