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Phage and Eridane initiation



Passed :cool:


In koldun and Shaman Den  we should wait 1-2 hours beetween the scenes and when Eridane returns back to Phage and PC the quest   ends normally


  • Protector of Life : Investiguating (find clues about the strategy of East Empire Compqny executives). Done. Not tested.
  • Protector of Life : Zenoby must die ! (find clues about the strategy of East Empire Compqny executives). Done. Not tested.

I completed them 1 day ago.

  • Calling the old gods : Final quest : Shub Niggurath and Khairado invocation. I hope to made a 8 NPC party scene. Project. Warning : Zenoby will be sacrificed.
  • Ravena must leave (Forgotten valley, HagRock Redoubt). Rewriting. Warning ! Rape and Slavery ! Not working for now !


can't hardly wait



Thanks a lot for a wonderful adventure! Big Up!


So, no problems for protector of life quests ?


And for cyrodill geographic ?


Your help is very usefull, you know ! I can make fixe in real time !


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Is there any way to avoid Zenoby and Anexia following the PC (player character) after completion of Protectors of life : For the Tribes quest? I had to kill  and disable them via console.  Imho the problem is that they don't follow the PC to Koldun and Shaman cave they get stuck at the bottom of the hill leaading to the cave.... It says that Zenoby must be in cage and get sacrificed soon but  nothing happened.




P.S.: In Cirodiil Geographic scene doesn't start properly from stage 140-170  (Bring Nera to Ethane's favorite place).


Arlwyn  has no dialogue option  when having founded a note in mercenary corpes .


Those were the problems in my case.



BTW Arlwyn Eri and Phage are stuck now. They stay and applause even after sleeping for more than 1 hour. Moreover when PC approaches them a debug window shows up: "Phage and Eridane are Here OK "

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>I modified the initiation. No spriggans gangbangs. I set a falmer as an hunger (Namira), and a werewolf for Hircine. The spriggan avatar will be for Kyne.

The wolf initiation. To become shaman.

By the way, there's a conflict with Untamed here, the Avatar wolf becomes part of your pack during the Initiation, but never spawns when calling them and all - but it's stored by the mod (it's in the MCM menu for example). Could cause bugs ?

>Forsworns attacking things in the ground ???? It the first time I eard that... I dont know.  Its during the radiant defense ? The Markarth soldiers are stored in a separated cell....

No. They do it ALL THE TIME. Anywhere, anytime. They've been doing it since the first time I played the mod (the first time I went to Karthspire) but they do it also in the Valley Redoubt, at Hag Rock, where Ascula is, and so on. They are detecting something, and if it's a load order thing or a conflict, I've no idea what could cause things like that.

>Initiation : Ehtrane one or with the spriggans ?

What ?

>Katalia is usually in the Marses village, or in the youngs cave. She have a sleep package for this.

Except she's not. She's nowhere.

>Sometimes, I got that problem. I will disable the trigger.


>Eridane quest is at lost valley redoubt. You should wait she go back in her home before talking to her...

That's where I speak to her. And speaking to her sends me across the map in slow-walk mod, without being able to do anything.

I'm really starting to believe that some condition in one of the main quest can make the mod go haywire. Everything started to fuck up when I had to prepare for the shaman initiation (except the attacking-the-ground thing), and the girls never showed at the initiation, and I had to skip it. You've got a lot of animations triggered by dialogues, other by timing, other by scripts...You should look at that. There's no reason I can't startquest through the console (and only for the mod's quests, none of the others) if the mod script isn't borked by something... 

Speaking of possible incompatibilities, you should take Bloody Cannibalism away from the recommended mods, it crashes the vanilla Namira quest at Reachcliff.

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ameryl ?

Arlwyn, you mean ?


Arlwyn :)


BTW Arlwyn Eri and Phage are stuck now. They stay and applause even after sleeping for more than 1 hour. Moreover when PC approaches the glowing tree situated in the centre of the den a debug window shows up: "Phage and Eridane are Here OK ".


I used "recycleactor" on both of them they moved to their home places but it seems that AI is still bugged. Phage stands at the forge in Karthspire camp  and applause seeing PC ...


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>I modified the initiation. No spriggans gangbangs. I set a falmer as an hunger (Namira), and a werewolf for Hircine. The spriggan avatar will be for Kyne.

The wolf initiation. To become shaman.


By the way, there's a conflict with Untamed here, the Avatar wolf becomes part of your pack during the Initiation, but never spawns when calling them and all - but it's stored by the mod (it's in the MCM menu for example). Could cause bugs ?


>Forsworns attacking things in the ground ???? It the first time I eard that... I dont know.  Its during the radiant defense ? The Markarth soldiers are stored in a separated cell....

No. They do it ALL THE TIME. Anywhere, anytime. They've been doing it since the first time I played the mod (the first time I went to Karthspire) but they do it also in the Valley Redoubt, at Hag Rock, where Ascula is, and so on. They are detecting something, and if it's a load order thing or a conflict, I've no idea what could cause things like that.


>Initiation : Ehtrane one or with the spriggans ?

What ?


>Katalia is usually in the Marses village, or in the youngs cave. She have a sleep package for this.

Except she's not. She's nowhere.


>Sometimes, I got that problem. I will disable the trigger.


>Eridane quest is at lost valley redoubt. You should wait she go back in her home before talking to her...


That's where I speak to her. And speaking to her sends me across the map in slow-walk mod, without being able to do anything.


I'm really starting to believe that some condition in one of the main quest can make the mod go haywire. Everything started to fuck up when I had to prepare for the shaman initiation (except the attacking-the-ground thing), and the girls never showed at the initiation, and I had to skip it. You've got a lot of animations triggered by dialogues, other by timing, other by scripts...You should look at that. There's no reason I can't startquest through the console (and only for the mod's quests, none of the others) if the mod script isn't borked by something... 


Speaking of possible incompatibilities, you should take Bloody Cannibalism away from the recommended mods, it crashes the vanilla Namira quest at Reachcliff.




ameryl ?

Arlwyn, you mean ?


Arlwyn :)


BTW Arlwyn Eri and Phage are stuck now. They stay and applause even after sleeping for more than 1 hour. Moreover when PC approaches them a debug window shows up: "Phage and Eridane are Here OK "




- The wolf scene :

Again.... its the hook.

And the wolf is Ethrane one. :P


- I never got that problem with Forsworns... only with Sansa chanteclair when she's in the valley.


- Eridane quest :

Where the player gone ?  It will help me to find wich quest is in cause.

In fact, I dont really need the player for the scene... I can fix that by removing disable controls script... Just a follow Eridane objective will be enough.

I will rewrite this in this way.


You can startquests the core quests by dialogues.... others have getinfaction conditionnals at stage 0 and 10 usually.


- Bloody cannibalism.


Lynx2k10, on 17 Apr 2015 - 1:45 PM, said:snapback.png


Delzaron, on 17 Apr 2015 - 1:40 PM, said:snapback.png

ameryl ?

Arlwyn, you mean ?


Arlwyn :)


BTW Arlwyn Eri and Phage are stuck now. They stay and applause even after sleeping for more than 1 hour. Moreover when PC approaches them a debug window shows up: "Phage and Eridane are Here OK "


WHAT THE HELL ???? They sleep and apllause ?

Can you show me that ?

Eri and Phage have default packages : they should go back home...

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- The wolf scene :

>Again.... its the hook.

>And the wolf is Ethrane one. :P

So what ? What can be done ? It's borking the whole things from this moment.

>- I never got that problem with Forsworns... only with Sansa chanteclair when she's in the valley.

What are you speaking of ?
(Je sais pas à quoi tu réponds là)

>- Eridane quest :

>Where the player gone ?  It will help me to find wich quest is in cause.

>In fact, I dont really need the player for the scene... I can fix that by removing disable controls script... Just a follow Eridane objective will be enough.

>I will rewrite this in this way.

I don't know, after 15 minutes of slowly walking I got bored and reloaded.

>You can startquests the core quests by dialogues.... others have getinfaction conditionnals at stage 0 and 10 usually.

I can't start half the shaman quests, even with the console, and I AM a shaman - it triggered the other half.

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Je deteste ecritre en frqncais avec un qwerty...


- Les parjures dingues : je te parle q toi... ce bug m'intrigue.


- Mis a part les cores quests, il ne devrai pas y avoir de problemes pour les lancer via console.... as tu fait la ceremonie ?


- Je vais reecrire la quete d'eridane


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ameryl ?

Arlwyn, you mean ?


Arlwyn :)


BTW Arlwyn Eri and Phage are stuck now. They stay and applause even after sleeping for more than 1 hour. Moreover when PC approaches them a debug window shows up: "Phage and Eridane are Here OK "


WHAT THE HELL ???? They sleep and apllause ?

Can you show me that ?

Eri and Phage have default packages : they should go back home...



I used "recycleactor" on both of them they moved to their home places but it seems that AI is still bugged. Phage stands at the forge in Karthspire camp  and keeps clapping. Perhaps it's due to using  Spectator Crowds and Guards (http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/347-wip-spectator-crowds-and-guards-oct-28th-2013/) ...



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I cant leave the forgotten Valle now, I get stuck in eternal loading screens everytimer I try to exit to skyrim or use a teleportation spell like "teleportation to the reach marses outpost" Help please!

Curious... people someti;es meet CTD, but not eternal loading screens.



how do i start the quest a dance with werewolfs

By talking to Segeste, or by using the console for now.

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Thanks, but it will not be good.

  • We need to stay close to Forsworns
  • We need boobs and nudity...

Here, we are far from shamans.


For example, the MaidenRaven one was pretty good...


I dont know if there is a topless falmer armor, for example...

The slave egyp outfit will be very good for sexy vampires...




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