...0... Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 NSA is doing it again... http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/16/us-usa-cyberspying-idUSKBN0LK1QV20150216 I'ts mainly countrys in middle east asia and africa. Almost all HDD manufactors involved without knowing(they say).
Earen Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 THEY ARE WATCHING MY PORN Sadly, but even open sourced drivers can't help sometimes, as there always can be a person who will make an intentional mistake. Was referring to 'heartbleed' issue in openSSL
BurgerBum Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 your point is? telling us about it wont change much, that would only make us act like we're being watched, which changes our behavior as humans. they can go ahead and watch. im not saying ''i dont have anything to hide so why shoudl i care'' i do care. i care alot. and i want them to stop. but what the fuck are they goign to do to me downloading mods for a game and talking pervy with my significant other? yes its an invasion of privaacy but why would they care about what im doing. x'D
Lagoon0654 Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 That poor agent. I have over 20gb of furry porn. He'll/she'll probably resign.
Cynical Misanthrope Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 your point is? telling us about it wont change much, that would only make us act like we're being watched, which changes our behavior as humans. they can go ahead and watch. im not saying ''i dont have anything to hide so why shoudl i care'' i do care. i care alot. and i want them to stop. but what the fuck are they goign to do to me downloading mods for a game and talking pervy with my significant other? yes its an invasion of privaacy but why would they care about what im doing. x'D It's exactly this kind of mentality that lets them do, what they do. If none reacts, things will just get worse. Will you still feel the same, the day when they install cameras in every room, in every home? Or when you are not able to say and express what you want anymore? When games, movies, music, books, magazine and similar one day is heavy, if not totally controlled? Maybe get a chip implanted, so they can watch your every move? You maybe think it's nonsense, and far fetched, but we are already on the way to become slaves under another total fascist regime, thanks to the mentality as yours.
prideslayer Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Almost all HDD manufactors involved compromised without knowing(they say). There's no reason to think the HDD manufacturers were complicit. If they were, and it was ever leaked by an insider (as it would be), they'd be ruined. The NSA found a way to get a payload onto drive firmware after the machine is compromised (not at the HDD mfg plant or anything) which is clever and interesting, but nothing the average person needs concerned with. Once you've been compromised, you get the doublefantasy package. If you're deemed "interesting enough" you get the grayfish package, which is the one that hijacks the drive firmware in order to prevent easy removal. The important thing for people concerned is this: You still need to get the initial "infection" through normal channels involving human intervention -- running the initial malware.
bjornk Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Better be careful what you say in front of your TV, if you have one of those "smart" ones. http://www.businessinsider.com/samsung-smarttv-voice-recognition-privacy-fears-2015-2
Darkwisdom Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 You mean with Tor, VPN services and numerous proxies? I doubt they can find me. IF they can, it's not like I do anything illegal. Maybe some pirated roms from some 20 year old games.
Darkwisdom Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 What would REALLY happen: You need more than one password.
Chaos63 Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 Well, I'd better put all those terrorist schemes on hold then.
nonusnomeni Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 holy crap i must urgently change my plan for world domination
...0... Posted February 18, 2015 Author Posted February 18, 2015 Start buying old furniture and type writer from 30 years ago. Back to old games table top. All electronics from my home removed No phone or comeputer. Old fashion coffee grinder. Back to old ways, back to nature. I dunno when time comes but at some day when all is connected i disconnect You laugh fine but i have my limit on how far i go with smart AI and computer devices. Already have no smartphone and register nowhere on the internet. Man 20 years ago i thought it would all develop differently. Sure back then i read a lot about how computers become dominant in society but still. NSA-Criminals-Mocrosoft-Appel-Google-Facebook-goverments other large companys collecting data try manipulate you. Big brother is watching you(Orwell knew in 1948 already frightning) is so close and come into your living room soon rather then late. Or walking with all your devices on streets and they just scan you everywhere and exactly know what your and doing and where you go. Even further into future they make profiles of every minute of your life frightingly smart AI start predicting everything for you or say he become this or that or some evil power gonne use you as slave. They will invate your body with tiny robots and manipulate your brain and you dont even know it will happen mark my words. My prediction is around 2030 we will see a totall nightmare scenario where AI will take over and only hand full dictate all rules on planet earth.
FetishSergal Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 Sometimes it seems to me that whatever I say, and I've said FUCK NSA millions of times already, goes in through one ear and out of the other, I said it on the internet I said it on the phone and you know what else? DON'T STOP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING JUST CAUSE THEY'RE SNOOPING! Double your activities and empower others to do the same, do so in spite and against them, see if they have the balls to start putting masses of people in bars over stuff. We are controlled by FEAR, these tactics wouldn't work on animals, you can snoop on pigs all day long and they will still shit everywhere and have sex all day with eachother, what are you going to do to your pigs? Kill them? Where you gonna get meat from? They have to live with it Keep doing what you're doing and remember Mohammad day (look it up) do the same tactic. Thing is, even if you do a disconnect, they will know where to find you by that small glimpse of darkness in a world of electronic light, why not be part of this world and try to win the rat race? You already know what you're up against if that comforts you, now you just have to find a way in beating the system or living with it If this turned out to be a destructive power it would turn around on them, it's the law of karma that says it takes one tree to make thousands upon thousands of matches, but one match to burn thousands upon thousands of trees, I don't think military men and researchers like NSA or DARPA will do anything without realizing that there can be consequences, everything is heading towards sustainability and to some sort of symbiosis, some sort of compromise, without that USA wouldn't have half of its allies, because it feels the need to impose exceptionalism, yet it has to live with the fact that if it did do anything it would have to cease trade, USA is a trading force above all. That's the golden rule why we don't kill eachother in society, so that we can all enjoy our freedoms and we can cooperate to earn lots of money, they shouldn't be putting people into unmanageable debt, if you took away a persons car because of his debt, how would he drive to work to pay it off? That's the whole idea of debt is that you could pay it off, you're not going to hinder a slave from doing so, you would aid the slave somehow, we're already slaves, so what? Try living a non slave life, you would still have to return to civilization to buy certain products.-
BAB PEEG Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 your point is? telling us about it wont change much, that would only make us act like we're being watched, which changes our behavior as humans. they can go ahead and watch. im not saying ''i dont have anything to hide so why shoudl i care'' i do care. i care alot. and i want them to stop. but what the fuck are they goign to do to me downloading mods for a game and talking pervy with my significant other? yes its an invasion of privaacy but why would they care about what im doing. x'D It's exactly this kind of mentality that lets them do, what they do. If none reacts, things will just get worse. Will you still feel the same, the day when they install cameras in every room, in every home? Or when you are not able to say and express what you want anymore? When games, movies, music, books, magazine and similar one day is heavy, if not totally controlled? Maybe get a chip implanted, so they can watch your every move? You maybe think it's nonsense, and far fetched, but we are already on the way to become slaves under another total fascist regime, thanks to the mentality as yours. Calm down there son, did you forget your tinfoil hat?
SquallPT Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 your point is? telling us about it wont change much, that would only make us act like we're being watched, which changes our behavior as humans. they can go ahead and watch. im not saying ''i dont have anything to hide so why shoudl i care'' i do care. i care alot. and i want them to stop. but what the fuck are they goign to do to me downloading mods for a game and talking pervy with my significant other? yes its an invasion of privaacy but why would they care about what im doing. x'D It's exactly this kind of mentality that lets them do, what they do. If none reacts, things will just get worse. Will you still feel the same, the day when they install cameras in every room, in every home? Or when you are not able to say and express what you want anymore? When games, movies, music, books, magazine and similar one day is heavy, if not totally controlled? Maybe get a chip implanted, so they can watch your every move? You maybe think it's nonsense, and far fetched, but we are already on the way to become slaves under another total fascist regime, thanks to the mentality as yours. Calm down there son, did you forget your tinfoil hat? lol Usually i don't comment these subjects, but when i see threads like these, people get really paranoid around here. Must be the porn " The government will never find my porn stash! "
Cynical Misanthrope Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 -Snip -Snip I'm not sure if it's just pure ignorance or stupidity with your replies. Every week congress (and not only in U.S.A) has to deal with countless of amendments. More and more surveillance laws gets passed, and more and more surveillance cameras and other spy equipment gets installed everywhere. People should be able to communicate without fearing that others are listening in don't you think? Personally I am convinced that people who have access to communication, free from surveillance grow, feel better. And that leads to a better and more humane world together. The freedom to be who you are increases, and it becomes all the more easier to strive to become who you want to be. I'm certainly not a conspiracy theorist. In fact, I don't need to, when the evidence is in front of your eyes. Just because I don't believe in a single word of a corrupted politician or what controlled media tells me, doesn't mean I am a conspiracy theorist either. Maybe you don't have anything to hide, I certainly do not. But that doesn't mean I will sit back, and shove food into my mouth and pretend that everything is alright. To be honest, thanks to people like you, I have started to give up. People who makes fun of other people, when they actually fight for your side. Don't think for a second that "this wont happen to me" because it will. It may already had happen without your knowledge.
Yami X Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 It makes no difference to me if they're watching nothing outside of death is stopping me HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
bjornk Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 You'd probably want to think twice before buying a Lenovo product from now on. Computer maker Lenovo has been forced to remove hidden adware that it was shipping on its laptops and PCs after users expressed anger. ... According to security experts, it appears that Lenovo had given Superfish permission to issue its own certificates, allowing it to collect data over secure web connections, known in malware parlance as a man-in-the-middle attack. If someone went to, say, the Bank of America then Superfish would issue its own certificate pretending to be the Bank of America and intercept whatever you are sending back and forth," said Prof Woodward. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31533028 Lenovo: 'Yes, we shipped PCs with malware pre-installed that compromises your security' http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/2396023/lenovo-yes-we-ship-pcs-with-malware-pre-installed-that-compromise-your-security In order to put adverts in encrypted pages, Superfish installs a “root certificate” on users’ computers. Typically, when a user visits an encrypted page over an HTTPS connection, like an e-commerce or banking website, their computer uses the certificate of the page they’re viewing to encrypt the connection, hiding it from eavesdroppers. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/feb/19/lenovo-accused-compromising-user-security-installing-adware-pcs-superfish
BruceWayne Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 And people wonder why we banned politics...
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