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Plus I'm constantly adding new mods - which means if I had profiles, every time I switch characters, I'd have to update every profile to now include the new added mods. It wouldn't be tough to do, but it would be as annoying as heck and ultimately isn't any different then toggling off esp. files in Data Files.


We should be encouraging more people to manually install mods; I'm not hating on mod organizers, they have their place, but the more independent gamers are, the better. And I think it encourages more people to become mod authors themselves.


Not only is adding mods with a new profile is not tough to do it is in fact embarrassingly simple. 


1) Enable mod(s),

2) Run LOOT

3) If necessary run FNIS,

4) ???

5) PROFIT!!!


MO also takes most of the guesswork out of trying to figure out what order mods should be installed in AND even lets you know when a mod is overwriting other mods or if it itself has been partially overwritten.


On your second point I have no idea whether or not having everyone do everything manually leads to more people taking up modding but I can tell you that we very much should not be encouraging people to go manual.  Have you seen the tech support forum here?  Have you seen the support threads (like this one) both here and on Nexus?  Skyrim is an unstable house of cards and even some of the most fundamentally simple mods can break it if installed incorrectly. 


Here's a question:  Do you use a skeleton replacer?  I ask because I just looked at the file structure in the .zip for XP32 MSE and there are nearly 90 folders that I imagine you would need to pick the correct assets from for a manual install.  I can't even imagine how long that would take or, more importantly, how easy it would be miss a piece (or add a piece you weren't supposed to).  Skeleton installation is something that people screw up enough when using a mod manager (usually failing to run FNIS AND/OR letting NMM overwrite something they weren't supposed to) and I cannot imagine the volume of issues the site would see if a lot people where trying to do this manually.




On-topic: Under 'My Pack' there's an animal listed that I know for a fact is dead.  Is there any way to remove it from the list?  I'm pretty sure what happened was that it heard 'Mating Call' nearly simultaneously with being mauled to death by existing pack members.

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Not only is adding mods with a new profile is not tough to do it is in fact embarrassingly simple. 


1) Enable mod(s),

2) Run LOOT

3) If necessary run FNIS,

4) ???

5) PROFIT!!!


i gave up on loot. these past few times it has made such obvious fuckups that took all night to conversely unfuck. unfortunately it seems that we will never have a sorter that can actually replace just not being bad.

Better?  I have a small enough load order that the only thing LOOT ever fucks up for me is putting Sexlab and SOS in the wrong order. Which it also only does on one of my two active profiles.  The one thing I've found to be irritating is playing the fun game of "Which mod in my load order has decided to bundle itself with an outdated version of JContainers for no adequately explained reason?".

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I'm guessing there isn't a way for wolves to transition cells? They wont follow me through doors or cave entrances. I have to summon them everytime.


*Edit* Also I'm having a lot of fun with this mod lol. Does the animal pregnancy make your belly bigger at all like SGO?

Untamed doesn't do anything to the belly nod.  Making it totally compatible with most all pregnancy mods.  :)


If you know how to use CK you can have wolves able to open doors and give them the dog ability of lock picking (per se).  I did that with foxes and other critters that are door shy. 

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I'm guessing there isn't a way for wolves to transition cells? They wont follow me through doors or cave entrances. I have to summon them everytime.


*Edit* Also I'm having a lot of fun with this mod lol. Does the animal pregnancy make your belly bigger at all like SGO?

Untamed doesn't do anything to the belly nod.  Making it totally compatible with most all pregnancy mods.  :)


If you know how to use CK you can have wolves able to open doors and give them the dog ability of lock picking (per se).  I did that with foxes and other critters that are door shy. 



Is is just generic wolf race I should edit then?

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I'm guessing there isn't a way for wolves to transition cells? They wont follow me through doors or cave entrances. I have to summon them everytime.


*Edit* Also I'm having a lot of fun with this mod lol. Does the animal pregnancy make your belly bigger at all like SGO?

Untamed doesn't do anything to the belly nod.  Making it totally compatible with most all pregnancy mods.  :)


If you know how to use CK you can have wolves able to open doors and give them the dog ability of lock picking (per se).  I did that with foxes and other critters that are door shy. 



Is is just generic wolf race I should edit then?


yes, in the race itself. :)

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Untamed doesn't do anything to the belly nod.  Making it totally compatible with most all pregnancy mods.  :)


If you know how to use CK you can have wolves able to open doors and give them the dog ability of lock picking (per se).  I did that with foxes and other critters that are door shy. 



doesn't work. at least not when its set via scripting, i used to have it in the follower script but had no effect.


i think it is actually a bug with non-unique actors. if you spawn a death hound like gamur via console, he will transfer across doors with you.

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I'm getting an instant ctd when I cast one with pack. Have all the listed requirements, rest of the mod works fine.

Tried it 3 times now, instant CTD each time. If it is anything to do with It I have 2 wolves and a giant spider following me.

God, I love you. I've reported that bug a few times here and gotten no help... apparently most people aren't seeing it. I took my load order all the way down to the bare minimum and it still happened. Bad news, it will probably also prevent you from taking on beast form, at least it does for me. 


What's your load order? What version of PapyrusUtil and JContainers are you running? I have the latest of both...

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I'm getting an instant ctd when I cast one with pack. Have all the listed requirements, rest of the mod works fine.

Tried it 3 times now, instant CTD each time. If it is anything to do with It I have 2 wolves and a giant spider following me.

God, I love you. I've reported that bug a few times here and gotten no help... apparently most people aren't seeing it. I took my load order all the way down to the bare minimum and it still happened. Bad news, it will probably also prevent you from taking on beast form, at least it does for me. 


What's your load order? What version of PapyrusUtil and JContainers are you running? I have the latest of both...



pap smears please.


(papyrus logs. add as attachments to this forum or msg.)


((ctds never actually show errors at the end of the log, but there may be clues early on during load or whatever))

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I am still experiencing a CTD with the "run with the pack" power. The first time it works fine; after that, CTD. I can't figure it out--this is a new machine, new build, lots of overlap in the load order but nothing that jumps out at me as being a problem. I do have two immersive first person mods (Immersive First Person and Enhanced Camera) and I took those out but no change.


This works fine for everyone else, right? What all have you got in your load order?


Papyrus logs usually are no help but this last time I found this:



[04/05/2015 - 10:12:03PM] OnPlayerCameraState, oldState:3, newState:9

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:09PM] VM is freezing...

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:09PM] VM is frozen

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:10PM] Saving game...

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:10PM] VM is thawing...

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:13PM] ERROR: Cannot call RegisterForSingleUpdate() on a None object, aborting function call


[Headtracking (24000D94)].HeadTrackingScript.OnUpdate() - "HeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 152

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:14PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't add active actor ["wolf" [Actor < (FF000C6D)>]]; already active

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:28PM] VM is freezing...

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:28PM] VM is frozen

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:29PM] Saving game...

[04/05/2015 - 10:12:30PM] VM is thawing...




Could the "onplayercamerastate" mean something?


BTW, awesome interaction between defeat and untamed when you turn on the option for all sex to add the creature to your pack. They get you down, have their way with you, but you get them in the end.



I'm still getting a CTD when I try to run with the pack. I get the swirly FX effect, then pow, that's all she wrote.


So I loaded brand new game with an absolutely minimal load order and sexed every wolf in sight. Same damn behavior. I can't get rid of it.


Here's the load order. Can anyone else see anything in here? Any other suggestions?








What happens in the mod at this point? Any animations playing? Any special effects? This happens whether or not I have ENBoost around.


Papyrus log and load order above. I can produce more logs if that's any help. I wonder if the particular effect you're using at this point is the problem... the other affects play just fine. 

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loving the mod, really great work.  i do have a problem with some of the pack becoming unclickable currently its a troll that i named awhile ago.  i picked up two trolls at the same time named them frick and frack.  frack still works great but frick has no name and he still follows and does pack commands if i shout but i cant directly interact with him. it happen awhile back as well to a fox but he died long time ago.  it might have something to do with arousal and getting a woody it seems that both that were unclickable had raging woodies going on and i couldnt fondle them to help them relieve their burden.


there is also the issue of creatures with the "ff-----" id that the game removes when you zone.  they always stay listed in your pack even though the game has removed them.  is there some way to remove them from your pack list?

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after renaming sometimes the "(a) talk" prompt doesnt come up. but if you walk right up into their faces and hit (A) or whatever that key is equal to on keyboard (i play with xbox controller on pc) it should still pop up.


tried that.  it still acts like they are not there at all.  i disable and enabled the troll still no change.  i just deleted the troll to get rid of the problem.

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So no ideas on the CTD? 


It would help to know what the mod is doing at that point that is different from the other power/shout effects you encounter before then. Are you using a different effect that might be choking the graphics card? Applying a spell or something on the PC that might have been stepped on somehow by another mod? (Though I've seen this on my backup PC which is a different mfr. And my load order is really minimal.)

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my initial thought is no not really, that is controlled by the MGEF in the esp. i could hack it via script, it would reset the next time you reload.


its possible i could maybe catch it before it triggers... i dunno. the game is not very good at dynamicing things that are forms in the esp.

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I think i found a bug using the beast form of the companions.
After using the beast form and raping other people, using the mod "sexlab leveling", my char got listed as a companion in the 'my pack'-tab.

And because of this, i think, i had problems using items like chairs, carriages, lying down using an item. (In Underground Bathhouse and Paradise Valley are a lot of such hotspots to lie down/sit/lean etc. 

I press my 'use'-button on those, my character performs the animation to sit/lie down and immediately comes back up.

I don't really know if it is a small bug with your mod because of the status as werewolf, and therefore performs the 'use'-function twice, or if i should repost this at 'sexlab leveling'.


Either way thank you for reading this. 


And thank you for creating this mod.


(I use NMM and this is my only problem besides the occassional CTD or infinite loading screens)



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lol, wat?


it is theoretically impossible for the word companion to show in my pack, as companion is a faction and that code is GetRace(). Without being able to see this for myself in not sure how Untamed could be causing this off hand. what other mods are in play?

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I seem to have found an issue with the birthing power spawning a copy of the player. It seems to happen when the player character has sex with an npc in werewolf form, the mod treats it as having sex with yourself resulting in being pregnant with a copy of the player. I am unsure if this only occurs in my particular save game, as I found it very peculiar an issue like this hasn't been mentioned before.


Regardless, the mod is absolutely amazing!

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Posted by, F3NR15ULFR I seem to have found an issue with the birthing power spawning a copy of the player. It seems to happen when the player character has sex with an npc in werewolf form, the mod treats it as having sex with yourself resulting in being pregnant with a copy of the player. I am unsure if this only occurs in my particular save game, as I found it very peculiar an issue like this hasn't been mentioned before. Regardless, the mod is absolutely amazing!


What you said is amazing. I think I'm going to become a werewolf right now and do that so I can create an army of ME and RUUUUUU SKYRIM FOREVER! MUHAAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. BEAT THAT Heimskr! Talos aint got shit on this boooYEE!

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