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Windows 10 free update for windows 7 and 8.1!!!


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Simple solution to NSA's...*cough-cough*...I mean...*cough*... Microsoft's endearing privacy policy.  A win10/Linux dual-boot system.  Use windows for innoculous activities (gaming, hmmm...yeah, gaming) and use Linux for private activities.


Well, maybe simple to those who are familiar with Linux.



OOPS!  Just read Ritualclarity's comment.

If win10 can read the partition containing the Linux OS, can it make any sense of the data since Linux uses the ext4 filesystem.  Even so, encrypting that partition can be a possible solution.

My comment was primarily focused on Windows reading another windows partition. Win 10 reading Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.. However it is possible that a simple driver could mean that it could read Linux however. That might be negated if the OS was encrypted. Just a thought. A long time ago I botched an attempt to have two Windows XP running on the same machine. It ended up that the OS on one machine started changing the files and such on the other.. It was crazy. Absolutely crazy.. I don't know what I was did (or at that time even cared lol, just screwing around) but that made me aware that Windows can "see" other OS's especially their own.


Don't use ext4, use reiserfs or xfs, I know that xfs can't be read by any Win.

There isn't a driver to read that (aftermarket or something)?  Also FreeBSD ZFS system should be safe. Atleast as far as I know. Anyway That is too much effort for their data mining. I am sure they will get all the data they could ever process by simple basic setup from Windows 10. (those that don't turn off those features. Hell until I saw it here I didn't even know about ti)

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Back during the early days of Vista, I setup my laptop to dual-boot Vista and Mint.  Linux was able to read/write to window's partition, but not vice versa.  Windows could not recognize the Linux partition and kept prompting me to format it.  This was before Mint added system encryption.


Have not checked with Win7 (eventually I will) and I don't have 8 or 8.1.  Will Win10 be any different?  Eventually I'll find myself getting a new laptop running Win10, but as long as I can encrypt the Linux system files and Home folder, I shouldn't be worried until someone proves otherwise.



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I have a upgrade reserve but I wont upgrade for a while, im weary of compatibility issues with  some old games that may come up. But I definitely want to upgrade for direct x 12


I saw I sa won a review that apps and programs doesn't require reinstallation but Anti-vrirus/ Spyware does. So I Dont want to upgrade just yet either until the subscription for it is almost up. I dont want to pay up extra money just to have the same protection again on my cpu, on a subscription thats not up yet

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Latest results with windows8.1 and windows 10 benchmarks both on AMD/Nvidia showed minor improvements on DX11 so for next year or two(history have learned we get our first real DX 12 after 2 years(maybe))

Result benchmark both cards 980ti and fury about 1 fps improvement over windows 8.1 so no need to change to windows 10 for while :)

CROSS FIRE OR SLI works only if game is DX 12 it still don't work very well for all DX 11 games.

I wait and see what will happen in next 12 months windows 8.1 works fine for me.

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Installed 10 over my 8.1 enterprise last night. Fixed some weird hardware registry problems I was having, so that's good. Haven't seen any new problems crop up, so I'm calling it good for now. Generally happy. Not crazy about the new color scheme or the icons, but I just use windows as a program launcher any way. Don't really care that much about the rest.

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I have a upgrade reserve but I wont upgrade for a while, im weary of compatibility issues with  some old games that may come up. But I definitely want to upgrade for direct x 12


I saw I sa won a review that apps and programs doesn't require reinstallation but Anti-vrirus/ Spyware does. So I Dont want to upgrade just yet either until the subscription for it is almost up. I dont want to pay up extra money just to have the same protection again on my cpu, on a subscription thats not up yet


I did the upgrade from W7 yesterday and everything, I mean everything, is working perfectly. Even better functionality with my laptop's touchpad device. Cool. I did have to take 10-15 seconds to fix an issue with the Windows Store not downloading anything, but it's fixed and working.


All my games are playing fine, even Star Wars Battlefront II and Halo 2 for Vista.

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It is expected to have some problems with the preview versions but it is encouraging that even the disk versions of some of the old games will install. I was concerned for some of those games. It is such a pain to setup a virtual machine or something to get them working.

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I put the preview builds of 10 on a few machines for other people and they all worked great. This laptop, though, was a different story. I kept getting critical errors that locked it up so I couldn't do a damned thing. I tried installing 10 twice with the same results so I did a full recovery of W7.


The final version is working good. Perfect so far.

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So yeah.


I just upgraded to Win10, in the process of course turning off every single choice of sharing information with Windows. Freaking morons that just go for standard stuff thee.


And once it was logged on it remembered my Win7 background, my Fences setup, I started Firefox and it just resumed the session it had before I upgraded, I started utorrent and it just resumed downloading and seeding all of my porn, I fire up Skyrim through Mod Organizer, bit of a jiffy at first because I hadn't downloaded the GeForce driver for WIn10 and it turns out if you try to run it on what an i5 comes built-in on, it lags... just a little bit. ;) Once my 980 got back to life it worked without any effort, and it seems to be working faster as well. My Windows looks exactly like my Win7 did, except now I have things like Cortana.


Color me impressed.


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Is Cortana available world wide, or she's just for the US?

There are only a few countries that have her working in the release. Others will follow. They have to train her to the dialect and humor etc so that she can properly respond to those speaking to her. It is very difficult to train the computer to respond to people using common speech and interactions.

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I got used to having her on my Nokia phone for over a year now so I'm glad to have her on my laptop. And this lappy has a built in mic so it's perfect for conversations with Cortana. Wanna' see something funny? Try to make Cortana and Siri argue. Cortana told me that she didn't know what to think of Siri...their conversations were always one sided. :lol:

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