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[Sims 4] Incest, Teen Romance, Babies For Everyone and more! UPDATED FOR!


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Hello Semajitor,


Thank you for your mod and for the updates. I've read the thread and your comments and responses to questions and again, thank you for you time and patience. Having said that, I feel bad for asking, but as far as I understand, all versions of this mod are updated for GTW and OR expansions.

My question, if I do NOT have any expansion, will the mod still work?

One of your kind posts indicated we could ask for a Base Game version, so, if the mod does not work without expansions, please, I request a Base Game version. I like most of your options (incest, Teen to elder, no jealousy, naked woohoo, poligamy, babies for eveyone), the only one that is not important to me, is the Same Sex Pregnancy.




The mod *should* work just fine if you don't have any expansion content. The only content taken from the expansions are the tent interactions and male pregnancy buffs, so SSP might be the only one to have any noticeable issue without expansions. The game should however ignore those files if you don't have them and truck along normally. If you do have issues with any of the mod files, please let me know. I'm working on a couple of other projects that I plan to have finished very soon, at which point I'll be working on making the original female pregnancy buffs unisex, and making the alien buffs dedicated to aliens, which should make everything 100% base game ready.


@everyone - I just caught something that I had changed in version 2 for SSP that I somehow managed to not save correctly for version 3 in the SSP packages. I'll correct that and re-upload version 3 in a couple of hours here. It's the reason you aren't having babies, and it's the targeted pregnancy bug I haven't worked out yet. So I'm a moron, and I'll have that fixed for you guys soon. The files will be SSP version 3b.

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Hello Semajitor,


Thank you for your mod and for the updates. I've read the thread and your comments and responses to questions and again, thank you for you time and patience. Having said that, I feel bad for asking, but as far as I understand, all versions of this mod are updated for GTW and OR expansions.

My question, if I do NOT have any expansion, will the mod still work?

One of your kind posts indicated we could ask for a Base Game version, so, if the mod does not work without expansions, please, I request a Base Game version. I like most of your options (incest, Teen to elder, no jealousy, naked woohoo, poligamy, babies for eveyone), the only one that is not important to me, is the Same Sex Pregnancy.




The mod *should* work just fine if you don't have any expansion content. The only content taken from the expansions are the tent interactions and male pregnancy buffs, so SSP might be the only one to have any noticeable issue without expansions. The game should however ignore those files if you don't have them and truck along normally. If you do have issues with any of the mod files, please let me know. I'm working on a couple of other projects that I plan to have finished very soon, at which point I'll be working on making the original female pregnancy buffs unisex, and making the alien buffs dedicated to aliens, which should make everything 100% base game ready.


@everyone - I just caught something that I had changed in version 2 for SSP that I somehow managed to not save correctly for version 3 in the SSP packages. I'll correct that and re-upload version 3 in a couple of hours here. It's the reason you aren't having babies, and it's the targeted pregnancy bug I haven't worked out yet. So I'm a moron, and I'll have that fixed for you guys soon. The files will be SSP version 3b.




Version 3b of SSP is up. Sorry for the inconvenience there with the version 1 files that had the sterilizing agent in them. Hope that fixes everything for the moment!

I've been following this mod for awhile and you do a lot putting up with all these request and complaints, just wanted to say thank you Semajitor.

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Am I supposed to download all files? or just pick the ones I want?


The first page write up should answer your question. If you're ready to read someone else's explanation regarding what you need to download, I'll assume you've already read that first page and the readme file Semajitor put up for download.


If you found something on that page or in the readme file confusing, someone might be able to help you with that if you clarify where you're stuck.  :)

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@Semajitor I've had the same problem as Kat did. Thought I'd let you know what I found. Two teen brothers living in the same house had babies together whose genetics were perfect. A teen female had a baby with a teen male who wasn't living with her, and the genetics went awol. They were still identified as the kid's mum and dad, but he looked nothing like either of them.

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Good news everyone, I did identify one mod that was causing the interface shitting itself conflict. It was weird, because it was fine before an update, but the Quadruplet/Quintuplet/Sextuplet mod on ModTheSims seems to be involved in some conflict, that or whatever had some stray files I cleaned up as I sifted through my folder.


I'll recheck to confirm in a minute.

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So not sure if the latest patch (May 4th) screwed anything up, but noticed weird behavior in my game. I originally used the Babies for everyone mod and after the patch Sims would teleport out of bed and leave the covers looking like someone was under them. Also various interactions in the queue would get stuck and not be removed. I removed it and am trying the Same Sex pregnancies with Naked Woohoo. It is doing the same thing only now needs are frozen and won't fill. So not sure if the patch broke something or not.

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@rikudawn - PM what version you need and I'll send you what I have in the archives. Version 1 of was completely broken, so I only have v2 or v3.


@Neodarkside - If needs are getting frozen, that's go to be something with the update, since the mod doesn't affect needs outside of specific interactions. Woohoo should only lower energy and cleanliness, and it should be over time, so it's possible the way the bug you have is working is that it's killing the interaction and the effect is still trying to apply to lower the needs.


It looks like the patch updated a *lot* of interactions and general bug fixes for all of the content in the game, so it's possible that some of those fixes affected the way the interactions work. It definitely made some fixes to the action queue for gardening, and that might be causing the issue you're having. As always my advice is to turn off automatic updates on Origin to avoid patches completely breaking the mod. Until I can get updated XML for the current patch, it will probably have a lot of issues with the update. I'll keep everyone posted as far as getting my hands on the updated files and making updates to the mod.

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@rikudawn - PM what version you need and I'll send you what I have in the archives. Version 1 of was completely broken, so I only have v2 or v3.


@Neodarkside - If needs are getting frozen, that's go to be something with the update, since the mod doesn't affect needs outside of specific interactions. Woohoo should only lower energy and cleanliness, and it should be over time, so it's possible the way the bug you have is working is that it's killing the interaction and the effect is still trying to apply to lower the needs.


It looks like the patch updated a *lot* of interactions and general bug fixes for all of the content in the game, so it's possible that some of those fixes affected the way the interactions work. It definitely made some fixes to the action queue for gardening, and that might be causing the issue you're having. As always my advice is to turn off automatic updates on Origin to avoid patches completely breaking the mod. Until I can get updated XML for the current patch, it will probably have a lot of issues with the update. I'll keep everyone posted as far as getting my hands on the updated files and making updates to the mod.


A temporary solution I found was to force quit any actions that were stuck, and use testingcheats to boost the mood to 'Happy'.


Furthermore, I can confirm that the Quadruplets, Quintuplets, Sextuplets mod is apparently borked to some degree. Whether it be with the game itself due to the update, or incompatability with the update to this mod, it was what was causing an interface screw for me.


I can, on the flipside, say that the Pregnancy Scan and Reseed, Pregnancy Mega Mod v4, Pregnancy Terminator, and Auto-Pause Pregnancy mods all seem to work fine with your mod, Semajitor.

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Thank you so much for updating this so quickly - nice one


I think I may have discovered a bug. It only happens to teens from what I can see. The bladder need remains unfulfilled after going to the loo. The green bar fills, but the gray symbol doesn't go away. This only seems to happen if the need gets low when the teen is flirty.


I am using TtoA_1.5.149.1020v3

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Thank you so much for updating this so quickly - nice one


I think I may have discovered a bug. It only happens to teens from what I can see. The bladder need remains unfulfilled after going to the loo. The green bar fills, but the gray symbol doesn't go away. This only seems to happen if the need gets low when the teen is flirty.


I am using TtoA_1.5.149.1020v3


I've had a similar error with the bladder need staying red, even if the bar fills up, making the game think its critically low.


Saving and quitting to the main menu fixed it on my end but I haven't found out what's caused it. It's only happened to one of my Sims though, and only with the Bladder need that I've noticed.

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Ever since the May 4th patch, a lot of my interactions are broken and borked. Sims are teleporting out of chairs and beds, my Detective interrogations wont finish, as they teleport out of the chair right as it ends. This is the only script mod I currently use. :(


Edit: I'm using SSP_Inc_NoJ_Poly_1.5.149.1020v3b

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I'm having the same issues with the needs bars. Sometimes the whole needs are white and no icons are present and some other times the colors are not showing correctly. Also noticed a few teleporting issues with some interactions.

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We got a new Update in Sims, thats now Version (

Many Mods are Buggy now and this Inteen the same, if i have a normal Love with Men and Women nothing happens, but W & W or W & Teen she Teleports from Bed with the Sleep Icons to outside. Many Scripter working on a update for the new Patch and i think we need a Update for this Mod.

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We got a new Update in Sims, thats now Version (

Many Mods are Buggy now and this Inteen the same, if i have a normal Love with Men and Women nothing happens, but W & W or W & Teen she Teleports from Bed with the Sleep Icons to outside. Many Scripter working on a update for the new Patch and i think we need a Update for this Mod.


I did some testing with this error on my end.  Without the mod in, things behave normally.  With the mod in, everyone (from teen to adult for me) teleports out of bed with default clothes on, and  the ZZZzzz continually coming out of their heads.  Also, the environmental buffs are rather wonky.  3 Sims lined up in the same room, and 2 of the three have the same buffs, the 3rd has buffs that don't match.  *(My Sims home in the living room area always gives the Beautifully Decorated +3 Buff, and the Romantically Decorated +3 Buff)


You've been working real hard at this, so I can live with the errors for a while.



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For everyone getting strange problems that updated to the latest version of the game, the update broke just about every mod under the sun. If you had mods installed when you updated, you will also need to remove the mods folder, then run repair from Origin. If that doesn't fix the normal game, you'll have to do a full re-install. This is the reason I've suggested turning off automatic updates so many times in this thread, to prevent this exact problem from happening.


If your game is already updated, the mod will most likely not function as intended. There is unfortunately not a quick fix to get this thing updated to the current version. XML extracting tools are still not updated for the current patches, so I just have to wait for Fogity to upload the latest extracts for the last patch. I've got the files in binary format already, and I might see if I can tweak the XML extractor to work, but that will depend on how much time I have this week, and how quickly Fogity updates his files.


My sincerest sympathies to everyone that got the update already, and I hope everyone manages to fix their games prior to an update to this mod. If you're still on like I am, and you're getting any super strange problems, please continue to let me know and I'll run testing for those when I do the update to the latest patch.

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@Everyone having teleport issues:


I followed the steps listed here: http://sims4.crinrict.com/en/2014/09/delete-cache-files/after removing my mod folder, and repairing the game, then placing the mod folder back.  With Teen-Adult woohoo, out of 15 woohoo's, I had 1 teleport out.  The buffs are still somewhat wonky, and the woohoo buff sometimes doesn't show after woohoo, but I found if I go to Manage World, and save, and then return to the house, the buff is present.  I'm using TtoA_Inc_NaW_Poly_1.5.149.1020v3.



I saw on the Sims 4 forums, that there may be a new "stuff pack" coming out next week, so I doubt the tools will be updated until after that.  I think right now, work arounds or just accepting the wonkiness for the time being are our best solutions.

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