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RaceMenu V3.2.5B


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Also few assumptions:


- would be cool to display color values in HSL (or HSV?)

- any way to separate character's head shape from it's race (nord face preset looks different on breton)? From what I understand race-specific morphs involved. I can resolve this by exporting nord's head mesh, changing the race to breton, loading preset and importing the head mesh. Would be nice to mix/disable race specific morphs

- change overlays order?

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So I'm on racemenu B15 and haven't upgraded since because something was said about needing to do something with a Chargen.ini.. and there's been no clarification on that since.

Uninstall the beta install the stable, done.


It's just that you can't use old ini files with new dlls.



Ah, you're talking loose files?

A non-issue if I'm using Mod Organizer, right?

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I'm attempting to switch over to RM3 from ECE. I have some questions as I'm not seeing what I expected to.


I use ModOrganizer so my installation is fine. I only have RM3 (+ overlay plugin). I am not running it with any ECE files.

I'm using also XPMS 1.93a instead of 2.33. I run ECE with 1.93a, so I wanted to initially have the same set of sliders to make it easier to match slider settings.


Three questions:

1a) How do I change the Head Morph?

1b) If it's the "Head Shape" option, how do I know which head morph is associated to what? I was expecting to see a filename in the corner, but there isn't.


2) Why are there less Mouth, Nose, and Eye shapes than in ECE?

For example, in ECE I see 28 mouth shapes. In RM, I only see 17.


Update: I see there are "Shape" and "Type" options now. The "Type" option seems to match the ECE selection. But since both options affect the shape, I'm not sure how to get the original ECE shape i'm looking for. Are certain shapes associated with certain morphs?


2b) This spawns a subquestion. Just like with "Shape" and "Type" there are other sliders that seem like they have the same function. For example, "Eye Height" vs "Eye Height 2" and "Eye Width" vs "Eye Spread".


What's the difference? Is one of the duplicates the ECE version? And how do I tell which that is? There doesn't seem to be consistency in the naming convention or the order (some of the #1's are below the #2s).



3) I use SG Female Textures, and in ECE, the Skin Complexion has options for various mole variations on the face. RM doesn't have this. Is this feature missing or is it found elsewhere?



I was hoping to just copy over all the slider settings manually, but these differences are making it look like that's not possible. Or I'm missing something.

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3) I use SG Female Textures, and in ECE, the Skin Complexion has options for various mole variations on the face. RM doesn't have this. Is this feature missing or is it found elsewhere?

The complexion options have nothing to do with SG textures or RaceMenu, those are defined in the Race itself. Likely ECE is changing the race(s) you were using.

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Disregard my last post since I've had time to experiment now and figure some things out. Here are my revised questions and some potential bugs.


Two outstanding questions:

1.) Is the "Head Shape" option the head morph? If so, which one is the ECE morph?

1b.) What about on the Nose, Mouth, and Eyes? Is the Shape the morph? Does one of those options match the ECE version of the Type options?


Figuring out these morphs is probably the main issue I'm having with converting my character. I've matched all the ECE sliders to something in RM, but the morphs aren't matched yet:




2.) Can someone explain the duplicate sliders?

-I can't tell what the duplicates are precisely, and there's some inconsistency which makes it hard to guess. On some of the duplicates, the scaling is different. On others, the morphing has different distortions at extreme values.

-If one set is the ECE sliders, how do I tell those apart from the RM ones? There's some inconsistency in naming as well.



[Attn Expired] Bugs



Load Preset: Bug questions:

a.) Loading presets causes some sliders to not accurately be set (e.g. value of 0.30 becomes 0.31). Is this a known issue?


UPDATE: I tested this some more and it's fairly consistent (at least with my jslot). I set Nose Type=7, Nose Type2 = 1 on a saved preset. When loading the preset, the sliders are set as Nose Type=10, Nose Type2=1.


This looks like a UI pre-population bug, as the face looks fine, until I adjust the slider and realize it wasn't actually displaying Type=10. Still a serious bug though, since this potentially can cause users to lose their settings.


MORE BUGS: I have reproduced this on Nose Type, Mouth Type, and Eye Type. Brow Type is okay on the Sliders tab, but it shows up incorrectly on the Preset tab (Brow Type = -1).


It's not limited to those though, as my earlier text points out issues on other sliders too (e.g. Mouth Depth=0.30 becoming 0.31).



b.) Some hairs don't Load from Preset. Example: Azar Ponytail 08. When I load a preset with that, it ends up loading the last vanilla hair.


Color Wheel: Question

i.) Are there plans to display HSB values? It's really hard to reproduce colors when you don't know what the actual values are.

I was able to compare against the ARGB values, but it's like playing a puzzle game trying to match HSB values to RGB.


Other Bugs (?):

I'm getting some weird bug where it looks like there's a duplicate eyelid over the eye itself:



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1. Export ECE head as .nif somehow

2. Install RM v3

3. Open RM Sculpt mode

4. Import your .nif

5. Have fun.


I think we're stuck in a loop here ;)


How do you export a headmesh without RM installed, or without having to deal with the CK follower creation?

Seems like there is no user-friendly way to do this.

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1. Export ECE head as .nif somehow

2. Install RM v3

3. Open RM Sculpt mode

4. Import your .nif

5. Have fun.


I think we're stuck in a loop here ;)


How do you export a headmesh without RM installed, or without having to deal with the CK follower creation?

Seems like there is no user-friendly way to do this.



I got a decent conversion with just writing down all the ECE slider settings and then attempting to match them in RM. The duplicate sliders make it a little confusing, but they all seem to match up somewhere (not sure if I matched to the right duplicate though, and whether it makes a difference).


My screenshot in my last post illustrates how close you can get with just matching sliders. If someone can clarify the the Mouth Shape, Nose Shape, Eye Shape stuff for me, a perfect match should be possible.




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1. Export ECE head as .nif somehow

2. Install RM v3

3. Open RM Sculpt mode

4. Import your .nif

5. Have fun.


I think we're stuck in a loop here ;)


How do you export a headmesh without RM installed, or without having to deal with the CK follower creation?

Seems like there is no user-friendly way to do this.


Install ECE + RM -> deactivate RM-related esp's -> showracemenu-> sculpt -> export head

Not user-friendly, though


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Install ECE + RM -> deactivate RM-related esp's -> showracemenu-> sculpt -> export head

Not user-friendly, though

Exactly this happens when i do that:



Not only it resets to the "0 sliders head", there's even a neck gap.


Maybe you can document how you make this work, otherwise i assume you didn't do this with the latest versions of these programs.

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Install ECE + RM -> deactivate RM-related esp's -> showracemenu-> sculpt -> export head

Not user-friendly, though

Exactly this happens when i do that:



Not only it resets to the "0 sliders head", there's even a neck gap.


Maybe you can document how you make this work, otherwise i assume you didn't do this with the latest versions of these programs.



the neck gap that's because you have to select the same weight as the head before importing it


don't know how you can load racemenu with a ece head without losing it, was never able to do that

but converting an ece head to citrus in racemenu, that can be done


i don't have zuleika ece preset, but i have the racemenu preset for citrus head






most of time when you import an ece head you get the same result as your pic




after many fails, sofia head got imported


don't know how i made it work, couldn't remake it later when i add more custom npc head to the head folder

was loading the citrus head preset with those paints and hairs if it have something to do with it




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Install ECE + RM -> deactivate RM-related esp's -> showracemenu-> sculpt -> export head

Not user-friendly, though

Exactly this happens when i do that:



Not only it resets to the "0 sliders head", there's even a neck gap.


Maybe you can document how you make this work, otherwise i assume you didn't do this with the latest versions of these programs.



the neck gap that's because you have to select the same weight as the head before importing it


don't know how you can load racemenu with a ece head without losing it, was never able to do that

but converting an ece head to citrus in racemenu, that can be done


i don't have zuleika ece preset, but i have the racemenu preset for citrus head






most of time when you import an ece head you get the same result as your pic




after many fails, sofia head got imported


don't know how i made it work, couldn't remake it later when i add more custom npc head to the head folder

was loading the citrus head preset with those paints and hairs if it have something to do with it






@yatol, guk, I _was_ able to do the trick with RM beta13. Guess why is _was_? IDK


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the neck gap that's because you have to select the same weight as the head before importing it

No no, this is not imported. Only saved the game with ECE, then enabled RM, loaded the game and it looks like this. Always.


Heck this time i even installed ECE with the "compatible" version and loaded the CME preset on a Nord (although the preset is for YGnord, that why it looks a lot uglier).



The "import head" part of RM works absolutely perfect though. I may add that i don't use CITRUS heads and never had a problem, imported heads from follower mods are always 100% identical to the original.


(Kamille Shy, Agatha, May, Loretta)


@yatol, guk, I _was_ able to do the trick with RM beta13. Guess why is _was_? IDK

Okay the earliest RM beta i tried this with was b15. ECE also latest 1.3 update.

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That face with the fangs... i am soo bloody jealous T_T , from what  I know i will never be able to do these faces T_T so I am stuck with race mods.


Well these are some good looking girls guk , good job :)

As i said, the heads themselves are other people's work - i just put the textures, hair, body etc. on them.

Most people are no 3D Sculpt Artists or Slider Wizards, i think that's what the head import is for :)


The girl with the fangs i got from here: tesgeneral. Click "show more" at the bottom, it should be a grey-faced undead with blue demon eyes called "May".

Note that you can give every character fangs with RM3, as i described here.

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1. Export ECE head as .nif somehow

2. Install RM v3

3. Open RM Sculpt mode

4. Import your .nif

5. Have fun.


I think we're stuck in a loop here ;)


How do you export a headmesh without RM installed, or without having to deal with the CK follower creation?

Seems like there is no user-friendly way to do this.


Install ECE + RM -> deactivate RM-related esp's -> showracemenu-> sculpt -> export head

Not user-friendly, though



CharGen has a Papyrus function for Exporting the head, I just need to make a mod that calls it, or someone else can do this, it's actually really easy. You only need the CharGen.dll plugin and CharGen.pex to get this, the morphs and such aren't active without RaceMenu.esp so they don't break ECE.


You can try the above procedure but IIRC RM screws with ECE data, there's an option in CharGen to stop the messing with ECE, it's labeled in the ini file. I haven't tried it, but I added the option to disable all additional morph functionality but still keep sculpt functionality.

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Expired6978, bug report.


Issue: Slider pre-population errors

Severity: Critical (data-related)

Description: Loading a preset causes some sliders to pre-populate with incorrect values. The character will load with the correct values however, and the issue becomes visible when the user adjusts the slider.


Impacted sliders include Mouth Type, Nose Type, and Eye Type. Some non-morph sliders (e.g. Mouth Depth) also have a similar issue, but it's hard to determine if it's the same type of bug (non-morph slider differences harder to visually notice).



Edit: Expired responded to this issue in the other thread.



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F9 i think is only for head import.


When you go to the "Presets" tab, just click on "load preset" at the bottom row. All your pre-3.0 presets will still be there, only difference that it uses a real file browser now instead of the slider.

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F9 i think is only for head import.


When you go to the "Presets" tab, just click on "load preset" at the bottom row. All your pre-3.0 presets will still be there, only difference that it uses a real file browser now instead of the slider.


F9 in the presets tab is Load Preset for me (default Skyrim key bindings).

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Need some assistance on two things. I recreated my ECE character in RM by manually matching sliders, but I'm noticing two issues:


1) The eyelashes don't seem to line up with the eyelid. I read something about that potentially being a bug with the vanilla head meshes, but the CITRUS Head didn't result in fixing that either, so I'm at a loss of why this is happening. I use the Eyes of Beauty mod.


This is Eye Type = 24. Some of the other Eye Types minimize this issue (e.g. Eye Type 0 and 3), but most of them seem to have this issue. I can reproduce this on the default Imperial race female by simply changing Eye Type from 0 to 1.


Update: What I've noticed is the Eyelashes seem to move with the Eye. This can be observed on Eye Type = 1 (everything else default). After the character blinks, the Eyelashes look okay and line up with the Eyelid. But as the character's eyes move around, the Eyelashes move as well and no longer line up with the Eyelid.



2) Below the tip of the nose, there's an odd bulging deformation. I tried some other Head Shape morphs, but the relevant ones (the one that didn't squeeze the nose) still had this same issue. I also couldn't find another Nose Shape morph that looked similar. This is Nose Type = 7, Nose Shape Type 2 = 1.


Not sure what's going on with these two issues, and they're the main thing holding me back from starting a new character with RM.





Unrelated question: Does RM have some key to freeze the character animation so they're not constantly moving around?

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