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RaceMenu V3.2.5B


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Is it possible to morph some other part (beard->pubic on females) with the weight slider? What would be the easiest way to conform it to the _1 and _0 bodies?

Nice work you are doing, will make sculping easier.

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Is it possible to morph some other part (beard->pubic on females) with the weight slider? What would be the easiest way to conform it to the _1 and _0 bodies?


Nice work you are doing, will make sculping easier.

Yes, you make a tri file for that part and give it a morph named "SkinnyMorph" this is the morph that's used by the neck seam, when morphs are applied they are applied to all parts that have that morph.



-Added panning

-Code cleanup



To pan, hold down the button indicated by "Secondary" and drag with right-click.

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Ah, nice. That settles the CTD problem with presets. Although, I can't help but notice the presets don't save the hair morphs. When imported, the hair just reverts back to its default state.

Which hair? If the part is morphable it should be saved and reloaded.


Edit: Nevermind I see the problem, fixing.

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Ah, nice. That settles the CTD problem with presets. Although, I can't help but notice the presets don't save the hair morphs. When imported, the hair just reverts back to its default state.

Which hair? If the part is morphable it should be saved and reloaded.



It's SG hair but I made my own tri for it so it could be on my end. It's weird because it's fine when I reload the save but if I try to import the preset it loads default.


The hair itself is pretty morphable. http://puu.sh/giIo2/e5c935067f.jpg



Edit: Oh, ok I saw your edit too late.



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-Fixed saving sculpt data for parts with no chargen morph path but have regular or race morph paths

-Added second row of buttons to Sculpt mode to accommodate the Secondary button

-CharGen now saves BodyMorph data to preset

-CharGen now loads BodyMorph data from preset

-Added NiOverride Papyrus function for acquiring all BodyMorph keys



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Im not sure if anyone else has had this problem, i tried looking through the tread to find it but i ran out of time around page 14....every time i try to save a preset i get CTD'd. i tried going back to racemenu v3.0 and i am able to save my presets without a problem. i like v3.1, is there an explainition for why im ctding when tring to save my characters and how can i fix it if there is?

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Thanks a lot for adding panning, I'm sure that will prove useful for quite a few people.

Have you thought about adding options to snap the sculpt view to the sides, front, top etc ?

I thought about this when I screwed the offsets for the eyes/mouth/brows when importing my head from 3DS and I moved them back into place ingame (the result was still very decent by eyeballing it but it could stiill help I guess). Not that I want to add more stuff to the ton of work you've been putting in of course, just making suggestions :P

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Tried now 3.0.1B. If i save a preset with F5 i crash. Everything seems fine. Is it a bug or something wrong?

With 3.0.0 all was ok, absolutely no problems.

Bug perhaps? I haven't crashed on preset save.


Try this version:


It may just be remnants of a bug that I already fixed.



Thank you Expired, this works now!

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@Expired6978, i have two feature suggestions:

1. a "reset" button for the facial expression- and overlay tabs (makeup, bodypaint etc).


Example - if you load a preset that doesn't have any bodypaints, the ones from the previously loaded character always persist. Even worse when you don't have the mods from the preset installed, the body/hands/feet turn blue and it is a big nuisance to clean all the slots back to default manually.



2. some way to disable the vanilla feature that controls the character's view direction.


This is already annoying when you open the racemenu, and your character leans back and looks slightly upwards during the idle animation.

But it gets much worse when you try to use poses for screenshots - not just with the XPMS RaceMenu plugin, you can also set a pose before entering RM.

I already made a post about this in the XPMSE thread:



Do you think it is possible to disable Skyrim's feature that causes the character to change view direction when opening the racemenu? Possibly also disable the player controls for that?

Because most poses in RM don't display as intended because of the forced view direction. And even worse, the character often turns his head when i click on the "camera" or "sliders" tab - probably due to input lag, the game registers the mouseclick both on the tab as well as on the background.

This is crucial when making pics like this:


If the character turns his head just once while making the screenshots, the whole series is ruined.

Probably just a small niche of interest, but it would be a large improvement for a few people ;)




TIA for considering this :-)

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@Expired6978, i have two feature suggestions:


1. a "reset" button for the facial expression- and overlay tabs (makeup, bodypaint etc).


Example - if you load a preset that doesn't have any bodypaints, the ones from the previously loaded character always persist. Even worse when you don't have the mods from the preset installed, the body/hands/feet turn blue and it is a big nuisance to clean all the slots back to default manually.

I would actually suggest just deleting those from the preset, since it's plaintext now. Adding a reset button is more work than it's worth; internally when you load a preset they should all be reset. I could maybe add a method to check if the textures exist or not and leave the texture as default if they don't, this would help with loading non-existent textures and getting blue-body.



2. some way to disable the vanilla feature that controls the character's view direction.


This is already annoying when you open the racemenu, and your character leans back and looks slightly upwards during the idle animation.

But it gets much worse when you try to use poses for screenshots - not just with the XPMS RaceMenu plugin, you can also set a pose before entering RM.

You mean when you click and drag the head moves? That's a hardcoded feature, no way to just disable it without actually patching it out assembly level. Patching it out entirely would be easier than re-routing code so that it's controlled off a user-defined variable, but neither case is as simple as just turning it off.

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Is this still going to be called 3.0.1? Seems like a lot of effort to only have it be a 0.0.1 release.

Maybe, it's like 75% bugfixes and 25% features. Might be 3.1, I think leaving it as 3.0.1 will be detrimental to users who are already on 3.0 and assume that 3.0.1 won't be worth upgrading to when the bugfixes alone are worth it.

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How do I fix this?





If you met that person in game, then changed their weight/height in a mod esp, that will happen. you can fix it by putting them either back to their original weight in the mod or via setnpcweight.


I don't know if it will work or not, but I had the same problem and was considering 1) dismissing the follower then saving 2) using a savegame cleaner to remove their data 3) change the weight in the mod 4) reload and reacquire the npc.


If that's not a follower, but is instead the PC, then I dunno.

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Hi there. Latest versions of RM seems to be incompatible with the Ningheim race, whole categories as the Expressions Tab are empty while some of the sliders in other categories are gone. I tried all the versions since the post #436-#472 and all of them gave me the same problem. File #426 is the latest version that work right for me. Vanilla races are ok with all the plugin versions, all the categories and sliders working normally.

Tested on M.O: only with vanilla esm's, Unofficial patches, race-compatibilty,Ningheim race and racemenu.

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