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Crack head instructions for building UUNP armors (oh this aught to be fun as fuck).

Note: right now I'm tired so you'll have to deal with me rambling.


1. Go get some Bodyslide 2 compatitble Armor conversions.

2. Install them in Bodyslide2

3. Start Up Body Slide, 3a - Start Up Outfit Studio

4. Load the UUNP.nif as an outfit (da fuk did u just say)... yeah as an OUTFIT.

5. Load the Bodyslide armor as and outfit and check the box "keep other shapes"

Note: This will end up with UUNP as the top mesh under outfit along with the armor mesh/meshes in the outfit.

6. Delete the CBBE body from the outfit (usually listed as mesh name "BaseShape" or some such shit).

6a: If the Bodyslide package was a TBBP or BBP set then delete the bones "NPC L Breast 1" and "NPC R Breast 1" (or maybe it is 01).

7. Export Current - Export Nif (give it a name).


The real fun begin's here bitchzzzzzz


8. Load UUNP HDT as a reference :blink:

9. Go to the Bone list (top left panel same area where the mesh list is located) and delete all of the bones minus: Breast, Butt, and Belly (should end up with 5 bones when you are done). :wacko:

10. Go back to the mesh list - just so you are showing it ;)

11. Load the nif file you created in step 7 (method in the madness madness in the method). <_<

12. Now, one at a time (starting with the UUNP mesh under outfit) right click the meshes and in the drop down choose "Copy Bone weights" - This adds the HDT bones from the reference to the mesh of the outfit (This method produces the least amount of hdt clipping in game go fucking figure).

13. After all of the meshes in the outfit have the bones copied into them, go to the top and click on the "Slider" button and then "Conform to all" (so close yet now you have to check shit)

14. Check each slider INDIVIDUALLY to make sure the body does not clip thru the armor. (RAGE da fuk thats like 120 sliders.... DAMNIT).

15. After verifying that the body does NOT clip thru the armor for EVERY SLIDER, then click on file and "Save Project As".... by now your are completely tired and want to shoot someone

16. Fill out all the information for the project and save.

Note for 16: You will need to know what the mesh name of the armor is and where it is located in the meshes folder as well as give it a valid name for bodyslide2 usage.






I tried converting CT77 armor, it doesn't get easier then that as base shape is same as uunp. My results were - character missing leg , two body shapes at once (one was using morphs the other not) and finally looks ok but morphs doesn't work.



Got some questions there :


@6a. -> If base armor was HDT do you need to delete bones? Overally if two L/R breast bones exist like : NPC L Breast  NPC L Breast01 - do you need to delete the second one?


@7. I save as nif and exit OS as just loading reference keeps the old mesh list loaded.


@15. Shouldn't something more be done before saving? if i save like that i end up with two bodies. I uncheck "copy reference to output"


-Works that way for normal. Now how to add special to it?




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Why nothing is ever easy...



Crack head instructions for building UUNP armors (oh this aught to be fun as fuck).

Note: right now I'm tired so you'll have to deal with me rambling.


1. Go get some Bodyslide 2 compatitble Armor conversions.

2. Install them in Bodyslide2

3. Start Up Body Slide, 3a - Start Up Outfit Studio

4. Load the UUNP.nif as an outfit (da fuk did u just say)... yeah as an OUTFIT.

5. Load the Bodyslide armor as and outfit and check the box "keep other shapes"

Note: This will end up with UUNP as the top mesh under outfit along with the armor mesh/meshes in the outfit.

6. Delete the CBBE body from the outfit (usually listed as mesh name "BaseShape" or some such shit).

6a: If the Bodyslide package was a TBBP or BBP set then delete the bones "NPC L Breast 1" and "NPC R Breast 1" (or maybe it is 01).

7. Export Current - Export Nif (give it a name).


The real fun begin's here bitchzzzzzz


8. Load UUNP HDT as a reference :blink:

9. Go to the Bone list (top left panel same area where the mesh list is located) and delete all of the bones minus: Breast, Butt, and Belly (should end up with 5 bones when you are done). :wacko:

10. Go back to the mesh list - just so you are showing it ;)

11. Load the nif file you created in step 7 (method in the madness madness in the method). <_<

12. Now, one at a time (starting with the UUNP mesh under outfit) right click the meshes and in the drop down choose "Copy Bone weights" - This adds the HDT bones from the reference to the mesh of the outfit (This method produces the least amount of hdt clipping in game go fucking figure).

13. After all of the meshes in the outfit have the bones copied into them, go to the top and click on the "Slider" button and then "Conform to all" (so close yet now you have to check shit)

14. Check each slider INDIVIDUALLY to make sure the body does not clip thru the armor. (RAGE da fuk thats like 120 sliders.... DAMNIT).

15. After verifying that the body does NOT clip thru the armor for EVERY SLIDER, then click on file and "Save Project As".... by now your are completely tired and want to shoot someone

16. Fill out all the information for the project and save.

Note for 16: You will need to know what the mesh name of the armor is and where it is located in the meshes folder as well as give it a valid name for bodyslide2 usage.






I tried converting CT77 armor, it doesn't get easier then that as base shape is same as uunp. My results were - character missing leg , two body shapes at once (one was using morphs the other not) and finally looks ok but morphs doesn't work.



Got some questions there :


@6a. -> If base armor was HDT do you need to delete bones? Overally if two L/R breast bones exist like : NPC L Breast  NPC L Breast01 - do you need to delete the second one?


@7. I save as nif and exit OS as just loading reference keeps the old mesh list loaded.


@15. Shouldn't something more be done before saving? if i save like that i end up with two bodies. I uncheck "copy reference to output"


-Works that way for normal. Now how to add special to it?


I think BringTheNoise misses some steps and has some unnecessary ones.


Try this:

1.) Get latest BodySlide.

2.) Launch Outfit Studio and "File -> Load Project".

3.) Select the "SliderSets\CT77xyz.xml" file that includes the armor you want to convert, then choose the armor from the drop down.

4.) Do "File -> Load Reference" and select e.g. the Unified UNP HDT template at the top.

5.) "Slider -> Conform All".

6.) Right-click each outfit shape and do "Copy Bone Weights".

7.) (optional) Improve slider quality with the brushes with the sliders in edit mode.

8.) (optional and advanced) Improve weighting quality by selecting a bone in the bones tab and using the brush on it.

9.) Do "File -> Save Project As", change the Display Name to e.g. "UUNP CT77 Armor XYZ HDT" and change the slider data folder so you don't replace the original slider data.

10.) Hit save and use it in BodySlide.


If there are still "Breast01" bones in the bone list after step 6, you can delete them if you want.


Note that doing armor conversions for UUNP Special probably isn't a good idea, as Outfit Studio can only have one shape as a reference, while the Special NIF consists of two shapes.


It would involve some extra steps that can be avoided by simply using UUNP HDT instead, unless you really need Special if the outfit exposes the vagina and you want to get down to business wearing it.

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Thanks for alternative steps Cell !

Yea i use new Bodyslide. With UUNP being part of bodyslide now i was comfortable to take my first steps towards it :]


It is certainly easier to do it your way for the armors with projects ready.


I wanted to try out what is possible with the in game morps, how they work with armors and if i can covert something to it if need be.

I know it is unreasonable to use special for normal armors , its just for those see through garments ;]

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Thanks for alternative steps Cell !

Yea i use new Bodyslide. With UUNP being part of bodyslide now i was comfortable to take my first steps towards it :]


It is certainly easier to do it your way for the armors with projects ready.


I wanted to try out what is possible with the in game morps, how they work with armors and if i can covert something to it if need be.

I know it is unreasonable to use special for normal armors , its just for those see through garments ;]


Special has two shapes, the "UUNP" body and the "Labia" shape. Since Outfit Studio only loads the "UUNP" body shape as a reference, you have to open up your NIF from the ShapeData folder once you're done converting and copy the "Labia" shape from the original UUNPSpecial.nif to your NIF using NifSkope (CTRL+C on NiTriShape, CTRL+V on Scene Root).

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So I've been using this for a while and I'm curious about something.

Is there a way to convert the CT77 Bodyslide Armors where they recognize the UUNP shapes/sliders?  As it stand it only recognizes a few.

Or alternatively is there a set of armors for the UUNP bodyslide set?

Edit: Alternatively I could read the post above. *facepalms self*

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1.) Get latest BodySlide.

2.) Launch Outfit Studio and "File -> Load Project".

3.) Select the "SliderSets\CT77xyz.xml" file that includes the armor you want to convert, then choose the armor from the drop down.

4.) Do "File -> Load Reference" and select e.g. the Unified UNP HDT template at the top.


I'm trying to adapt the Silverlight for BodySlide armor. The project loads well enough, and looks like this after step 3:



When I load the Unified UNP HDT reference however, it appears shifted away from the armor:



How can I fix this?

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When I load the Unified UNP HDT reference however, it appears shifted away from the armor:

Try this:


Shape -> Move Shape -> Old CBBE to Vanilla Offset



PS: t3h0th3r beat me while i opened OS for this ;)


It's probably the same with all CB++ conversions

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First of all, thanks for releasing this. There are a few things I don't get when reading the description(which is a bit vague in some areas).


"Unified UNP HDT PLUS is identical to the UNP version except it calls on a UN7B skin set"


As far as I know, they use the same textures or am I wrong? The difference in this case is that HDT+ comes with a separate vagina part.

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Difference is that UN7B / UUNP HDT+ have a 3D-modeled vagina with anatomical details.

UNP / UUNP only have rudimentary labia with a pussy texture on top.


Oh I see. Where do I get the texture for it then?

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UN7B has SG and Fair skin compatible textures. Also don't forget with UUNP HDT+ you don't get pussy collision, that's only with UUNP Special (which features 3d modeled vagina like HDT+ but also has a HDT.xml that enables collision with SOS or so).

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Thanks t3h0th3r and guk, I was able to align the UUNP body with the armor. Oddly, I had to move each shape twice. But it looks okay.


Now I'm stuck when saving the project. A messagebox appears "Unweighted Vertices", "At least one vertex does not have any weighting assigned to it. This will cause issues and you should fix it using the weight brush. The affected vertices have been put under a mask. Do you want to save anyway?" I googled that message and found this topic, but am too dense to understand the directions given.


- I click No

- I disable textures

- I select "each mesh and look in the weight painting tab see where the masked spots are, they'll be grayed out" but have no idea what a "grayed out masked spot" looks like.


The only dark shape I see are the silks at the hip, but those do get weight-painted when I select the NPC Pelvis bone. Any clarification on what I need to look for?


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you can go to brush > invert mask and then all weighted vertices should be dark and the unweighted grey. either paind the grey stuff according to the surrounding colors or do anoter "copy selected weights" from that spine weight.

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hmm Maybe I am doing something wrong, for my sliders to have no effects what so ever on the armor when it comes to the .TRI files. Do they go in the same folder as the armor?


Yes. There's still a bug in RaceMenu for some armors, so they only move the body in them instead of everything. Expired fixed it already, but not released yet.

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hmm Maybe I am doing something wrong, for my sliders to have no effects what so ever on the armor when it comes to the .TRI files. Do they go in the same folder as the armor?


Yes. There's still a bug in RaceMenu for some armors, so they only move the body in them instead of everything. Expired fixed it already, but not released yet.


Alright sounds good.

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what textures are you using and what is not working? BS 2.3 contains a TexBlend that can be used to make any textures compatible. Be aware that TexBlend per default modifies your installed textures (also applies when using MO). Textures that are made compatible to special are still usable for any non-Special Bodies (with the exeption of UUNP HDT+/UN7B).

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you can go to brush > invert mask and then all weighted vertices should be dark and the unweighted grey. either paind the grey stuff according to the surrounding colors or do anoter "copy selected weights" from that spine weight.


Thanks for your continued patience t3h0th3r, it paid off. I was able to make it work as per your description. It did take me a couple of hours to figure out just where and in which order one needs to click in BodySlide though. It's a powerful application but is rather peculiar in its UI style. Anyway, thanks! :)

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Dumb question - is there a way to disable the texture compression and -resizing in UUNP TexBlend?

I tested this on Fair Skin Complexion UNP, and reducing the normal maps from 4K to 2K is not a good idea.



edit: and i just read some more about UUNP special - i assume there's no way to use it without the Havok Object mod? From my knowledge that's the only thing that ruins a stable HDT PE setup.

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Dumb question - is there a way to disable the texture compression and -resizing in UUNP TexBlend?

I tested this on Fair Skin Complexion UNP, and reducing the normal maps from 4K to 2K is not a good idea.



edit: and i just read some more about UUNP special - i assume there's no way to use it without the Havok Object mod? From my knowledge that's the only thing that ruins a stable HDT PE setup.


Compression is already disabled. Open the body definition files inside the TexBlend folders and change 2048 to 4096.

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I see, thanks.

Now there's just the mystery why all textures edited with UUNP TexBlend are of smaller file size than the original:


65,537KB - original 4K FSC diffuse map

49,153KB - UUNP special edit of the same


This also happens with SvarogNL's Fitness Blender, but not with the original Texture Blender by Caliente. Any ideas?

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I see, thanks.

Now there's just the mystery why all textures edited with UUNP TexBlend are of smaller file size than the original:


65,537KB - original 4K FSC diffuse map

49,153KB - UUNP special edit of the same


This also happens with SvarogNL's Fitness Blender, but not with the original Texture Blender by Caliente. Any ideas?


Maybe mipmaps are disabled with TB.

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