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i'm probably just being an idiot but i can't get the quest to start with the jarl. i talk to her and there isn't any new dialogue options, just the regular ones with an arrow over her head. any idea what i'm doin wrong?


edit: nvm got it working, jus me bein an idiot. cool mod btw


You cannot talk to the Jarl until you get to level 15 (for your own good).  I will remove this restriction if there is enough interest in doing it in god mode.



My first time through when everything was new fifteen wasn't enough. I was playing on whatever is right above expert, and was totally, beautifully wiped out. It was very exciting.



Ya, that restriction was remove a long time ago.  It can only be done reasonably at about level 25.




That sounds right.

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My first time through when everything was new fifteen wasn't enough. I was playing on whatever is right above expert, and was totally, beautifully wiped out. It was very exciting.

At some point i want to introduce an actor that will help you pass the starting quest - even on very low level character.


My current record is starting quest completed on level 7 char legendary difficulty (tho she was 13 by the time it was completed). But that was with huge help of SneakTools mod and that girl being a vampire like the most of my characters  :lol:

(both allow you to instantly kill an enemy that you sneak upon from behind)

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I was just wondering. Is this mod compatible with the new sexlab already? Because when i updated through fniss it spit out that it missed about 203 animations. They are renamed according to the sexlab thread but will this cause any issues and is there a way to fix them yourself? I'm currently using the "Loose" version (as i Always do) so maybe i can find it somewhere there.


I think this was NSAP problem with SL 1.60 and not Miaslair. It was said on NSAP thread the duplicate was harmless.


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Firstly, this post is obviously all my own opinion, to be read and/or listened to or discarded at your own discretion.


I don't know how much of the feedback below you've already received as I haven't read the 334 preceding pages.


As this mod is dialogue-heavy, it needs someone to go through each line with a fine-toothed comb.


Apostrophe usage is very jarring.

  • The cells "Mia's Dungeon", "Mia's Mausoleum" and "Sanguine's Pleasure Palace" are correct, but "Mias Castle" and "Mias Palace" are not.
  • Volkar's dialogue during Dark Possession repeatedly uses "Masters cock" which should be "Master's cock".

There are a number of instances of "you" being used instead of "your" such as in Linda Markie's dialogue. Similarly, there's at least one instance of "your" when "you're" is correct.


Names are misspelled (Volcar instead of Volkar for instance) or in the case of the Jarl's daughter quest, Allison is referred to as Idgrod.


The voices for Niri and Vess change dramatically when you choose to train them. I understand this is probably because the voice actresses didn't record the lines for that part, but it is disconcerting.


The Rescue the Virgin quest was sloppy.


Names need a lot of work in this quest. "Trader 1" and "Trader 2" should really be given unique names or both be called "Trader" because the generic-specific names they have now breaks immersion (as far as that is achievable in a game where you can magically know someone's name because it precedes the subtitles).


Not being lore-friendly is fine, but being actively lore-unfriendly is off-putting.

Nords generally don't have surnames, and if they do have a second name it's a clan name or a "kenning" or by-name, a personal nickname. (c.f. Battle-Born and Grey-Mane clans, Idgrod Ravencrone having the by-name but her husband and children (apart from this mod's Allison) not having it.)

Bryling is a first name, so arriving at her house to find she has a brother Markus who has her forename as his surname is ridiculous.

Likewise, "Firebeard" is a by-name applied to the Solitude steward for his personal appearance, so why does Bucky have it too? The same is true for Erikson Ironhand as a supposed relation to Irnskar Ironhand using a patronymic as a forename and someone else's by-name.


I also encountered a couple of bugs;

I got stuck on the stairs at the part where one loses control of one's character to investigate the wine cask. I was sneaking slowly (I was breaking into someone's house after all) and got snagged on the top step. I reloaded and fixed this by running instead of walking at that point.


Taking Tabitha to the Solitude cart is possibly conflicting with Complete Fast Travel Overhaul as the marker was buried 10 feet underneath the cart and the only way to progress was to use the console to advance the quest.


I haven't done any of the radiant quests for Jenny or Sasha nor anything with Andrew thus no feedback on those.


I did enjoy what I've played so far (apart from how long it takes to run around Mia's Lair even with the teleport spells) and it didn't break, which given how complicated some of the interactions are is commendable. All the mod needs is polish as the mechanics are sound, but unfortunately the lack of polish is the first thing one sees, which is a shame as looking under the hood indicates how much work has gone into this.

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The voices for Niri and Vess change dramatically when you choose to train them. I understand this is probably because the voice actresses didn't record the lines for that part, but it is disconcerting.


Niri and Vess voice acting ends when starting quest is completed. I dont know if that would ever improve as atm i have no contact what-so-ever with either of their voice actresses.

I would love to but without them there is nothing i can do.


The Rescue the Virgin quest was sloppy.


Names need a lot of work in this quest. "Trader 1" and "Trader 2" should really be given unique names or both be called "Trader" because the generic-specific names they have now breaks immersion (as far as that is achievable in a game where you can magically know someone's name because it precedes the subtitles).


The story is: they are just some strangers that you meet in your travels. How on earth you're supposed to know whats their name? It's not like they care to introduce themselves before trying to kill you.


Not being lore-friendly is fine, but being actively lore-unfriendly is off-putting.

Nords generally don't have surnames, and if they do have a second name it's a clan name or a "kenning" or by-name, a personal nickname. (c.f. Battle-Born and Grey-Mane clans, Idgrod Ravencrone having the by-name but her husband and children (apart from this mod's Allison) not having it.)

Bryling is a first name, so arriving at her house to find she has a brother Markus who has her forename as his surname is ridiculous.

Likewise, "Firebeard" is a by-name applied to the Solitude steward for his personal appearance, so why does Bucky have it too? The same is true for Erikson Ironhand as a supposed relation to Irnskar Ironhand using a patronymic as a forename and someone else's by-name.


Throw us a couple of suggestions please and we will consider them. I do have to confess that "lore friendliness" isn't exactly my top priority - mainly because i never bothered to dig very deep into TES lore.


Taking Tabitha to the Solitude cart is possibly conflicting with Complete Fast Travel Overhaul as the marker was buried 10 feet underneath the cart and the only way to progress was to use the console to advance the quest.


It's not our fault that some other mod decides to mess up with vanilla things in the game.

It's OK to use them. It's very not OK to change them.

We do not change them in any way. They shouldn't do it as well.


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I tried resurrecting him. Disable/enable but still the same.. This can't be a mod conflict because on my other character Vernon is fine, I can buy slaves from him, although I can't talk to Volkar after finishing the "Rescue the Virgin" quest. Is there a fix to this? or do I really have to re-do it all?

try loading this plugin

written for whitenoise to help him with his problem - do not install unless you got the same problem (nameless Vernor)




load it, check vernor

if he would be ok - make a save

close the game and remove this plugin




It's the same. He still has no name and cannot be interacted with.

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Hi i just started this quest today and i seem to have run into a problem :) With sasha i have the quest the Sasha needs a new master and i asked her to suck me off and i saw the diauloge to make me her master but couldnt click it before it was gone and Now it wont trigger i tried sending her away and forth multiple times nothing :/ Can someone give me a tip or mabye a quest id? :) 

Edit The girl i cant remmber her name right now but the girl beside the falkreath girl im having the same exact problem now. :(

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Hmmm so i have seem to hit a few bugs

first is i can't find a way to skip dark possession

second i never get the virgin quest ever

third no new dialogue is displaying for either daedras  


There are no (significant) bugs in MIas Lair.  You can skip Dark Possession by just not going to see Volkar.  You don't get the virgin quest without Dark Possession.


There is no new dialog for either Daedra.  Dark Posession is reqaired to talk to Vokar and Vernor has some limited dialog depend on who you have as followers.

I was just wondering. Is this mod compatible with the new sexlab already? Because when i updated through fniss it spit out that it missed about 203 animations. They are renamed according to the sexlab thread but will this cause any issues and is there a way to fix them yourself? I'm currently using the "Loose" version (as i Always do) so maybe i can find it somewhere there.


Fully compatible with 1.60 except that some players are reporting issues with Ecstasy spell.  In this case, there is a patch that disables the verbalizations which seems to add enough extra load for some players to cause CTDs.


You can change the setting in Mcm.


Lowest setting 2 takes about an hour, default setting about 10 hours or so.


So just set it to the setting you like.

Ooooooh! Another derp for me! Was losing hope with the grind each time dude said "You have a long way to go...". At one point I replaced my Cat O Nine Tails with an Ancient Nord Battleaxe out of rage. So, for those who don't know...she can't be killed.


Thanks. Was about to console kill that b*tch. :P



If you guys want this to be realistic, how can you expect to take a normal female and make them a sex slave with a few minutes of beating?  Doesn't make sense to me.  I do my best to make this realistic.  The default settings take about a week of game play which is about right historically.


If you reduce the MCM settings, you can do it in about an hour, but that is hardly realistic in my view.



Ok, thanks for the answer as Always. Btw i didn't know you were the creator of sexlab aroused. Just found that out while i was updating a bunch of mods while i was at it :)


Btw yeah, longer hours are much more fun because "they scream and scream". (OH GOD, why am i reference that terrible game! It's ride to hell btw)


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The voices for Niri and Vess change dramatically when you choose to train them. I understand this is probably because the voice actresses didn't record the lines for that part, but it is disconcerting.


Niri and Vess voice acting ends when starting quest is completed. I dont know if that would ever improve as atm i have no contact what-so-ever with either of their voice actresses.

I would love to but without them there is nothing i can do.


The Rescue the Virgin quest was sloppy.


Names need a lot of work in this quest. "Trader 1" and "Trader 2" should really be given unique names or both be called "Trader" because the generic-specific names they have now breaks immersion (as far as that is achievable in a game where you can magically know someone's name because it precedes the subtitles).


The story is: they are just some strangers that you meet in your travels. How on earth you're supposed to know whats their name? It's not like they care to introduce themselves before trying to kill you.


Not being lore-friendly is fine, but being actively lore-unfriendly is off-putting.

Nords generally don't have surnames, and if they do have a second name it's a clan name or a "kenning" or by-name, a personal nickname. (c.f. Battle-Born and Grey-Mane clans, Idgrod Ravencrone having the by-name but her husband and children (apart from this mod's Allison) not having it.)

Bryling is a first name, so arriving at her house to find she has a brother Markus who has her forename as his surname is ridiculous.

Likewise, "Firebeard" is a by-name applied to the Solitude steward for his personal appearance, so why does Bucky have it too? The same is true for Erikson Ironhand as a supposed relation to Irnskar Ironhand using a patronymic as a forename and someone else's by-name.


Throw us a couple of suggestions please and we will consider them. I do have to confess that "lore friendliness" isn't exactly my top priority - mainly because i never bothered to dig very deep into TES lore.


Taking Tabitha to the Solitude cart is possibly conflicting with Complete Fast Travel Overhaul as the marker was buried 10 feet underneath the cart and the only way to progress was to use the console to advance the quest.


It's not our fault that some other mod decides to mess up with vanilla things in the game.

It's OK to use them. It's very not OK to change them.

We do not change them in any way. They shouldn't do it as well.



"Niri and Vess voice acting ends when starting quest is completed. I dont know if that would ever improve as atm i have no contact what-so-ever with either of their voice actresses.

I would love to but without them there is nothing i can do."


I thought that might be the case. It's a shame, and I'd love it to be otherwise but this situation is to be expected with modding.


"The story is: they are just some strangers that you meet in your travels. How on earth you're supposed to know whats their name? It's not like they care to introduce themselves before trying to kill you."


So how does the player character know that one is called Stella Moritz, and the other two are called Trader 1 and Trader 2?

If this was truly as you've said, they should all be nameless, but that wouldn't work in the game. What you have is a halfway-house, with one of the three named and the other two with a uniquely generic name. If you don't wish to name them then call one Trader and the other Vendor or Assessor. It's the fact that they're called 1 and 2 that's the problem.


"Throw us a couple of suggestions please and we will consider them. I do have to confess that "lore friendliness" isn't exactly my top priority - mainly because i never bothered to dig very deep into TES lore."

I'd say the simplest solution is to remove the problematic bits. Call them Markus, Bucky and Erik, with no surnames or by-names at all. The association between the actors isn't significant to the quest or any future endeavours (as things stand) to require anything further. They're all gathered for a party at Bryling's place, and the player has to deal with them, as simple as that.


"It's not our fault that some other mod decides to mess up with vanilla things in the game.

It's OK to use them. It's very not OK to change them.

We do not change them in any way. They shouldn't do it as well."


This bug report wasn't a complaint and I'm sorry you interpreted it as such. It was to inform you and anyone else searching the internet of the problem.

Complete Fast Travel Overhaul wouldn't do what it does without editing the Solitude cart. It also might be something completely specific to the jumble of files on my drive, and no-one else would experience it, but I thought to raise it in case anyone else gets stuck there.

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Now we´re talking about the three thugs in the hunter´s shack, at the beginning of the quest:

I though of a kind of scenary to improve the quest start, thinking about player being defeated instead of killed by the three thugs, then sent to Vernor to turn the player into another Mia´s sexslave

And later, some other adventurer could come (another "Andrew", maybe ?), kill Mia, and the PC would make the bond with he/she and be the one saying "me next, Master, do me next !!!!"... :D


How difficult is to have the PC behaving like the sex slaves in the castle (dialog and voice) ?


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Now we´re talking about the three thugs in the hunter´s shack, at the beginning of the quest:

I though of a kind of scenary to improve the quest start, thinking about player being defeated instead of killed by the three thugs, then sent to Vernor to turn the player into another Mia´s sexslave

And later, some other adventurer could come (another "Andrew", maybe ?), kill Mia, and the PC would make the bond with he/she and be the one saying "me next, Master, do me next !!!!"... :D


How difficult is to have the PC behaving like the sex slaves in the castle (dialog and voice) ?

careful with what you ask for

because it might happen  ;)


So how does the player character know that one is called Stella Moritz, and the other two are called Trader 1 and Trader 2?

If this was truly as you've said, they should all be nameless, but that wouldn't work in the game. What you have is a halfway-house, with one of the three named and the other two with a uniquely generic name. If you don't wish to name them then call one Trader and the other Vendor or Assessor. It's the fact that they're called 1 and 2 that's the problem.

Stella is named because shes an named unique actor - you might meet her again at some point. We could replace her name temporarily - until you would hear what her name is - but tbh its hardly worth the bother imo.

For traders i guess it shuld be much of a problem to change them to just "Trader"


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If you guys want this to be realistic, how can you expect to take a normal female and make them a sex slave with a few minutes of beating?  Doesn't make sense to me.  I do my best to make this realistic.  The default settings take about a week of game play which is about right historically.


If you reduce the MCM settings, you can do it in about an hour, but that is hardly realistic in my view.


I agree. However, I didn't know this until after 4 hours of whipping her till she's dying, feeding her a hundred apples, having rather consensual sex (they like rape right away?), whipping her till she's dying, feeding her a hundred apples....I was still thinking the quest was gonna update or something. It's not a complaint, just unexpected...and I have Private Needs and RND active. Was eating and drinking and pissing and shitting and sleeping throughout the whole process. Can't tell you how many times Mia raped me in my sleep. :P (poetic justice) I was starting to think I'd need to input another console command or something, or clean my save. This news is rather relieving.


Also, I thought it might be bad to leave until the quest was deemed 'Complete'. Can never be too sure about these things. So in my shoes, I basically moved into that place, and did nothing ever except live, and beat and make love to Mia. (odd combination that) Haven't seen my wife in days. :blush:

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Now we´re talking about the three thugs in the hunter´s shack, at the beginning of the quest:

I though of a kind of scenary to improve the quest start, thinking about player being defeated instead of killed by the three thugs, then sent to Vernor to turn the player into another Mia´s sexslave

And later, some other adventurer could come (another "Andrew", maybe ?), kill Mia, and the PC would make the bond with he/she and be the one saying "me next, Master, do me next !!!!"... :D


How difficult is to have the PC behaving like the sex slaves in the castle (dialog and voice) ?

careful with what you ask for

because it might happen  ;)



Ok, now I am dripping... :lol: , I need to go and think of more things to add, so they might happen too  :D


First brainstorming...: Andrew getting really pissed about you over time (with a mini-quest or something...) and selling you to Volkar IF you didn´t do the Dark Possession quest before. ;)

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Firstly, this post is obviously all my own opinion, to be read and/or listened to or discarded at your own discretion.


I don't know how much of the feedback below you've already received as I haven't read the 334 preceding pages.


As this mod is dialogue-heavy, it needs someone to go through each line with a fine-toothed comb.


Apostrophe usage is very jarring.

  • The cells "Mia's Dungeon", "Mia's Mausoleum" and "Sanguine's Pleasure Palace" are correct, but "Mias Castle" and "Mias Palace" are not.
  • Volkar's dialogue during Dark Possession repeatedly uses "Masters cock" which should be "Master's cock".

There are a number of instances of "you" being used instead of "your" such as in Linda Markie's dialogue. Similarly, there's at least one instance of "your" when "you're" is correct.


Names are misspelled (Volcar instead of Volkar for instance) or in the case of the Jarl's daughter quest, Allison is referred to as Idgrod.


The voices for Niri and Vess change dramatically when you choose to train them. I understand this is probably because the voice actresses didn't record the lines for that part, but it is disconcerting.


The Rescue the Virgin quest was sloppy.


Names need a lot of work in this quest. "Trader 1" and "Trader 2" should really be given unique names or both be called "Trader" because the generic-specific names they have now breaks immersion (as far as that is achievable in a game where you can magically know someone's name because it precedes the subtitles).


Not being lore-friendly is fine, but being actively lore-unfriendly is off-putting.

Nords generally don't have surnames, and if they do have a second name it's a clan name or a "kenning" or by-name, a personal nickname. (c.f. Battle-Born and Grey-Mane clans, Idgrod Ravencrone having the by-name but her husband and children (apart from this mod's Allison) not having it.)

Bryling is a first name, so arriving at her house to find she has a brother Markus who has her forename as his surname is ridiculous.

Likewise, "Firebeard" is a by-name applied to the Solitude steward for his personal appearance, so why does Bucky have it too? The same is true for Erikson Ironhand as a supposed relation to Irnskar Ironhand using a patronymic as a forename and someone else's by-name.


I also encountered a couple of bugs;

I got stuck on the stairs at the part where one loses control of one's character to investigate the wine cask. I was sneaking slowly (I was breaking into someone's house after all) and got snagged on the top step. I reloaded and fixed this by running instead of walking at that point.


Taking Tabitha to the Solitude cart is possibly conflicting with Complete Fast Travel Overhaul as the marker was buried 10 feet underneath the cart and the only way to progress was to use the console to advance the quest.


I haven't done any of the radiant quests for Jenny or Sasha nor anything with Andrew thus no feedback on those.


I did enjoy what I've played so far (apart from how long it takes to run around Mia's Lair even with the teleport spells) and it didn't break, which given how complicated some of the interactions are is commendable. All the mod needs is polish as the mechanics are sound, but unfortunately the lack of polish is the first thing one sees, which is a shame as looking under the hood indicates how much work has gone into this.

Thanks for the feedback.  We love having English majors critique us.  As you mentioned, there is lots and lots of dialog and the idea that someone is going to go through it line by line for grammar errors is pretty unlikely to get done.  We all work day jobs and don't get paid for any of this so we have limited time to spend.  I personally prioritize that limited time on new content.


However, when people point out EXACT lines of dialog that have grammar errors that I can find quickly, I go and fix them right away.


In that regard, I have changed Mias Castle to Mia's Workshop and the other Mias Castle to Mia's Castle.  I also gave the traders names.  As for the rest, I do not have the time to go through that dialog line by line looking for grammar errors that me and several others have already missed once.  If you would like to volunteer, we would certainly welcome the help.



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Thank you! great mod! I didn't like much to have sex slaves, so I ignored this mood until now.


I liked much the "it's a trap" and the dark possession quests. 


I am currently using skyrim just to test mods and continuously start new games, so I had to use TGM to get through the initial quest stages. I loved the idea of the contract with Vokar so much that now I don't want to start a new game to test other mods! :D


I would have loved to: 



have more dialogue after the virgin quest to "commit" to the contract willingly and not to have an armor piece. (maybe it was a bug, but I already found a super daedric armor in the dungeon).

Everything was so great I don't have any other suggestions sorry. maybe just to expand the player submission/slavery parts. maybe leave the possibility to chose to confront Mia at the end or submit to her and her palace as a new slave.






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Thank you! great mod! I didn't like much to have sex slaves, so I ignored this mood until now.


I liked much the "it's a trap" and the dark possession quests. 


I am currently using skyrim just to test mods and continuously start new games, so I had to use TGM to get through the initial quest stages. I loved the idea of the contract with Vokar so much that now I don't want to start a new game to test other mods! :D


I would have loved to: 



have more dialogue after the virgin quest to "commit" to the contract willingly and not to have an armor piece. (maybe it was a bug, but I already found a super daedric armor in the dungeon).


Everything was so great I don't have any other suggestions sorry. maybe just to expand the player submission/slavery parts. maybe leave the possibility to chose to confront Mia at the end or submit to her and her palace as a new slave.



you might like upcoming update very much.


we're not really able to expand volkar content at the moment.


There might be more options for willing submission


Allowing Mia to stay in charge is unlikely - this would complicate too many things.

Technically femdom theme was planned for a while. But there are... difficulties so the progress on that is quite slow i'm afraid.

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Ok I have found something that kinda fix my previous problem (I wouldn't call it a fix though). I tried resurrecting my character via command console and it fixes it, I can talk to Vernon and Dragons again but it sets my character back to default, my skill are back to level 1 although It says otherwise on my screen, my armor rating resets back (I don't know if it messes up with other stats so I don't really recommend it).. That's why I wouldn't call it a fix.

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Firstly, this post is obviously all my own opinion, to be read and/or listened to or discarded at your own discretion.


I don't know how much of the feedback below you've already received as I haven't read the 334 preceding pages.


As this mod is dialogue-heavy, it needs someone to go through each line with a fine-toothed comb.


Apostrophe usage is very jarring.

  • The cells "Mia's Dungeon", "Mia's Mausoleum" and "Sanguine's Pleasure Palace" are correct, but "Mias Castle" and "Mias Palace" are not.
  • Volkar's dialogue during Dark Possession repeatedly uses "Masters cock" which should be "Master's cock".

There are a number of instances of "you" being used instead of "your" such as in Linda Markie's dialogue. Similarly, there's at least one instance of "your" when "you're" is correct.


Names are misspelled (Volcar instead of Volkar for instance) or in the case of the Jarl's daughter quest, Allison is referred to as Idgrod.


The voices for Niri and Vess change dramatically when you choose to train them. I understand this is probably because the voice actresses didn't record the lines for that part, but it is disconcerting.


The Rescue the Virgin quest was sloppy.


Names need a lot of work in this quest. "Trader 1" and "Trader 2" should really be given unique names or both be called "Trader" because the generic-specific names they have now breaks immersion (as far as that is achievable in a game where you can magically know someone's name because it precedes the subtitles).


Not being lore-friendly is fine, but being actively lore-unfriendly is off-putting.

Nords generally don't have surnames, and if they do have a second name it's a clan name or a "kenning" or by-name, a personal nickname. (c.f. Battle-Born and Grey-Mane clans, Idgrod Ravencrone having the by-name but her husband and children (apart from this mod's Allison) not having it.)

Bryling is a first name, so arriving at her house to find she has a brother Markus who has her forename as his surname is ridiculous.

Likewise, "Firebeard" is a by-name applied to the Solitude steward for his personal appearance, so why does Bucky have it too? The same is true for Erikson Ironhand as a supposed relation to Irnskar Ironhand using a patronymic as a forename and someone else's by-name.


I also encountered a couple of bugs;

I got stuck on the stairs at the part where one loses control of one's character to investigate the wine cask. I was sneaking slowly (I was breaking into someone's house after all) and got snagged on the top step. I reloaded and fixed this by running instead of walking at that point.


Taking Tabitha to the Solitude cart is possibly conflicting with Complete Fast Travel Overhaul as the marker was buried 10 feet underneath the cart and the only way to progress was to use the console to advance the quest.


I haven't done any of the radiant quests for Jenny or Sasha nor anything with Andrew thus no feedback on those.


I did enjoy what I've played so far (apart from how long it takes to run around Mia's Lair even with the teleport spells) and it didn't break, which given how complicated some of the interactions are is commendable. All the mod needs is polish as the mechanics are sound, but unfortunately the lack of polish is the first thing one sees, which is a shame as looking under the hood indicates how much work has gone into this.

Thanks for the feedback.  We love having English majors critique us.  As you mentioned, there is lots and lots of dialog and the idea that someone is going to go through it line by line for grammar errors is pretty unlikely to get done.  We all work day jobs and don't get paid for any of this so we have limited time to spend.  I personally prioritize that limited time on new content.


However, when people point out EXACT lines of dialog that have grammar errors that I can find quickly, I go and fix them right away.


In that regard, I have changed Mias Castle to Mia's Workshop and the other Mias Castle to Mia's Castle.  I also gave the traders names.  As for the rest, I do not have the time to go through that dialog line by line looking for grammar errors that me and several others have already missed once.  If you would like to volunteer, we would certainly welcome the help.



Actually, I'm a geologist.


I also can't help myself being a grammar-nazi who wouldn't actually mind going through line by line. How would you like me to volunteer?


I understand the nature of voluntary modding and I salute your ability to create content at all - I don't have the time or drive to learn the skill so if I can help I'll pitch in.



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Actually, I'm a geologist.


I also can't help myself being a grammar-nazi who wouldn't actually mind going through line by line. How would you like me to volunteer?


I understand the nature of voluntary modding and I salute your ability to create content at all - I don't have the time or drive to learn the skill so if I can help I'll pitch in



Loved the line grammar-nazi. 


There is a way with CK to export all the dialog to a text file, However, the best and easiest (although tedious) is to just write down the "grammar deficient" dialog line and post it.  I have most of this dialog running around in my head and can usually spot which of the two dozen quests the line belongs to and can run right in and repair it.


I found one your that should have been you're, but cannot find an "Volcar".

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