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Sounds like same issue I had on a previous version, where if I had a follower that used a non-standard recruitment system the Sex Slaves followers refused to be sent home. In my case I eventually fixed it by moving AFT (which I was using) below in priority of Sex Slaves, that fixed it by keep AFT on the bottom, you might try that with UFO as well, but it's been what feels like a decade since I used UFO so I don't remember how that system worked really.


Note that for me this method fixes the Underground Bathouse followers as well, just keep AFT on the bottom and you don't need the patch that was posted.


UFO is already below Sex Slaves in my loadout at the moment so that's not causing it. Curiously, putting Slaves below it causes me to crash on load, so I don't really know what to make of that. I might just switch over to AFT, honestly. Any thoughts on comparison? Would I be losing anything by moving away from UFO?


Either way, thanks for the response!

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Like I said it feels like a decade since I played UFO so I don't even remember how it worked, just that I didn't like it.


If you switch to AFT follow the follwoing procedure;

Make sure that you are using the latest version of SKSE and put the following values in SKSE.ini you'll want to put in Skyrim/Data/SKSE;






If you crash from the main menu with 1024/384 reduce it to 768/256. For you the most important part is ClearInvalidRegistrations, it means you can uninstall scripts without it damaging your save, but the memory part will stop any CTDs you have almost for good.


Now move to an interior and dismiss all companions you can dismiss. Save into an actual save slot (not a quick or autosave), quit. Uninstall UFO, reload your save, wait a few moments, save into a new slot, quit (try dismissing any followers you couldn't dismiss before). Run Save Game Script Cleaner and choose "FixScriptInstances" and "Clean other", save. Install AFT, and load up your save. Make sure AFT is below all mods that add potential followers, this includes Sex Slaves, any follower mods, Underground Bathouse, etc. You should be able to now use Manage with AFT and take control over the follower, change how they distribute their skills, dismiss them to hang out at a specific location, make werewolves and vampire lords, etc.

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I have a request for next update. Have decided for Mia to follow me after her enslavement. Unfortunately she had one big handicap- she is limited to level 50, what makes her bit useless later into the game. Can you up her limit to lvl 100 like rest of the girls , please.

Gats, you are right.  She was not intended to be a follower in the early releases (you just killed her).


She is now max 100 like the others.  The next release will contain that.


Cool, thanks.

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Like I said it feels like a decade since I played UFO so I don't even remember how it worked, just that I didn't like it.


If you switch to AFT follow the follwoing procedure;

Make sure that you are using the latest version of SKSE and put the following values in SKSE.ini you'll want to put in Skyrim/Data/SKSE;












If you crash from the main menu with 1024/384 reduce it to 768/256. For you the most important part is ClearInvalidRegistrations, it means you can uninstall scripts without it damaging your save, but the memory part will stop any CTDs you have almost for good.


Now move to an interior and dismiss all companions you can dismiss. Save into an actual save slot (not a quick or autosave), quit. Uninstall UFO, reload your save, wait a few moments, save into a new slot, quit (try dismissing any followers you couldn't dismiss before). Run Save Game Script Cleaner and choose "FixScriptInstances" and "Clean other", save. Install AFT, and load up your save. Make sure AFT is below all mods that add potential followers, this includes Sex Slaves, any follower mods, Underground Bathouse, etc. You should be able to now use Manage with AFT and take control over the follower, change how they distribute their skills, dismiss them to hang out at a specific location, make werewolves and vampire lords, etc.



Nice, didn't have the memory section in the .ini, cheers m8! Although I already have SSME & safety load set up, so I dunno whether that's actually going to do anything in all practicality.

The rest of it I've got down pat at this point lol, nearly 200 mods and you'll get used to making clean saves :P



Also, damn it, I walked into and through Dark Possession without knowing what was going on, thinking it would help me train Ami faster since it was taking several hours at the time. Not a happy day there at the end! I will admit, I got duped. I shoulda seen it coming, but I just went on believing in my initial plan that I would simply kill the bastard at the end if it went too far. But lo and behold, he's immortal. Cool. Care to toss me the quest ID so I can reset and pretend it never happened? lol. Or better yet, just let me kill him and take the potion, thereby lifting the need for him to remain as a trainer.


*I just now tested for #yolo purposes and was able to pickpocket the potion, which is pretty badass, if only to find out later that it's essentially the same thing as signing the contract. Also, I read the Bondage Contract in his inventory while pickpocketing for more #yolo purposes, and now I've signed it apparently. I'd really love that reset ID right about now. Also, also, the contract itself was incredibly spiffy, very lawyer-ly; Well done. It does cause me some amount of distress to realize that some women actually fantasize about doing all this to themselves, however. Just saiyan.*




P.s. I'm pretty sure it should be a thing that if you go and do the mini quest with Brelyna at the College it should be made possible to get a polymorph: horse spell that you can then cast on Volkar at the end, to void the contract and dispel the possession. Aka, scratch out his name and write "signed: Volkar, the Daedric Horse of Dickery." With a giant X stamped at the bottom. Possibly a cum stamp. Whatever lol.


Also, would it be feasible to assign one of the four voices to any trained companions for the lines related to this mod like you can for the player in the MCM? Because at the moment it's just lipsync and text. Whether that's just glitched out for me specifically, I'm not sure.


Also, also, I feel like it'd be cool to throw together a quest to find a suitable substitute master/mistress to hang out at the palace and "manage" all your girls (and that one guy, Andrew or whichever) while you're away. Maybe it only becomes available after you've dealt with your situation with Volkar, since you'd essentially be taking his job, training a new master to be a master while you're away being the master's master somewhere else :P




*EDIT* Swapped to AFT, problem's gone. Genius pewds strikes again. Thanks for the suggestion!

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With those SKSE settings you want to get rid of SSME and Safety Load, they are not needed any longer and can infact cause problems, get rid of all memory related addons you have as the SKSE part handles all of it. And for the record I'm now running with about 1200 mods on my list, 600 of which are currently active (many of them merged).


And yeah the idea that women (and some men, it's popular in european gay circles) actually want and do submit themselves to things like that is both horrifying and fascinating. I talked to one girl that was a bit insane, she had actually been trained fully by her former master, who was her father; apparently he bought her mother back in the day from another master and never intended to have a kid, slave got pregnant and when it was a girl he raised her as a slave then kicked her out later as he got too old for his pension to cover two slaves, now she was actively looking for a new master even in another country to move in with and stay permanently shackled up basically, as she didn't have any other way to live. And this is just one such extreme example, I read an article about a gay sex slave who'd been sold to various masters, one of them had him remove all his teeth and get false teeth that could be removed for better blowjobs, and they also had his balls removed at some point and he was okay with it as long as he could serve a master. I saw another girl advertising on a BDSM site looking for a master, ad was basically "18 year old girl that has been trained for 10+ years looking for new master due to previous master being locked in jail, will accept arabic master, but will have to be smuggled out of country due to criminal record" (translation, she's underage and already in the system as an abuse victim) and so on. One of the stories was both uplifting and heartbreaking, was a girl writing about how she and her sister had been living on the streets for most of their lives, now they'd been taken in by an elder gentleman who kept them both as bi sex slaves but fed and clothed them, they were now happier and better off than they'd ever been before.


The idea that so many women fantasises about rape is another thing that's been bothering me, I read a lot of sex stories and a large degree of the rape stories are written by female authors who basically took  the Fifty Shades thing a bit further. I had two girlfriends who fantasised about being raped and asked me about it. Problem is most women's fantasy about rape is just basically a hardcore DS session, I tried writing a story about a rape and showing it to one girl who dreamt about being raped what a real hardcore rape by someone who genuinely didn't give a shit about her (hint; if she survived it woudl take extensive reconstructive surgery) and after that she didn't have too much interest in being raped any longer and never asked me about it again. Most likely the rape thing is just a coping mechanism mixed with BDSM desires, in this day in an urban community the risk of being raped is unfortunately high for young women who like to party, and making it desirable becomes a way to cope with the threat of it hanging over them. Fortunately for them the vast majority of rapers are just losers who just need to get off and opportunistically gets some woman drunk or even assaults her in the park, fucks her and leaves her, it'll leave mental trauma that'll never go away probably but little actual injury, a genuine damaging rape like a male who wants to rape for the express purpose of destroying another human being (and those exist as well) would be gruesomely more damaging and not something anyone not suicidal would dream about as anything but nightmares.


As for Volkar's stuff, I kinda stole it from him when I had him hanging by the shackles and he couldn't do anything to me about it. Yeah I'm kind of a bad slave. Actually my character have more in common with Kratos than random silly girls, I went into the contract thing primarily for the story. Kinda regretting it now as my next character is going to be a lot more vulnerable and she would fit the bill better. It's just hard keeping a straight face saying "yes master, I will be a good girl" when I just killed a god and told a daedric prince to fuck off basically (okay technically I told all of them except Azura and Meridia to fuck off in as brutal a way as possible then slaughtered and ate their followers, Hermaeus Mora - one of the most powerful of them all - twice at that).

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Fish can you please make a cooldown for the bdsm session with volkar of lets say 2 days or a mcm set of cooldown between 1 and 7 days. thanks.


also , as said before, i would appreciate very much, and i am sure i am not the only one, if you can add normal and unnormal npcs to those sessions who want to have a bdsm session with the dragonborn for money too.  that should start already before tabitha quest. volkar would love to watch it.

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 It does cause me some amount of distress to realize that some women actually fantasize about doing all this to themselves, however. Just saiyan.*


And yeah the idea that women (and some men, it's popular in european gay circles) actually want and do submit themselves to things like that is both horrifying and fascinating.


The idea that so many women fantasises about rape is another thing that's been bothering me, I read a lot of sex stories and a large degree of the rape stories are written by female authors who basically took  the Fifty Shades thing a bit further.

I tried writing a story about a rape and showing it to one girl who dreamt about being raped what a real hardcore rape by someone who genuinely didn't give a shit about her (hint; if she survived it woudl take extensive reconstructive surgery) and after that she didn't have too much interest in being raped any longer and never asked me about it again. Most likely the rape thing is just a coping mechanism mixed with BDSM desires, in this day in an urban community the risk of being raped is unfortunately high for young women who like to party, and making it desirable becomes a way to cope with the threat of it hanging over them.


I've been raped for real and it was not nice, not nice at all. I wasn't a "young woman who liked to party" - in as much as on that day I was merely walking home from a friend's house one early evening, alone in London. Not something a 17 year old lass would think was in any way out of the ordinary. I was in a busy city, surrounded by people, I thought I was safe. I was approached by a man in the street, punched in the face and dragged into his car. Driven to a derelict abandoned area, where I was strangled almost to the point of death, beaten up and raped repeatedly for hours. Told throughout the ordeal that it was my own fault. You see, by his logic, wearing the kind of dress I had on (my favourite dress, a white Ra-ra dress, it came to just above my knees) was the reason "girls like me" were a legitimate target for any man to be entitled to do whatever they wanted to. If I didn't like it, why did I dress like that? Never mind the fact that at the age of 17, it's quite normal for a girl to want to look attractive, to wear nice clothes, to look pretty, to even (shock horror) show her knees in the height of the Summer.

Yashmak's were not in fashion, although I feel that even if I'd been wearing one of those, I would probably have been "asking for it" if I'd fluttered an eyelash in a certain way and "provoked" him.

I certainly wasn''t wearing a white dress at the end of it, the dress was almost pure red by the time he finished with me.



I had rape fantasies before that and I have rape fantasies after that. That event didn't change my fantasies. They remain intact, seperate from my real life.

Not that rape fantasies are my ONLY fantasies, but I do still have them.


I reckon the reason many women are into BDSM as a submissive is that we are taught from an early age that sex is wrong. It is something we should never take pleasure from. We feel guilty about sex, guilty about feeling pleasure from sex. If we are forced then there is no guilt, no shame - because then we have no control over what happens to us, we haven't initiated it. We can secretly enjoy the sex forced on us, we aren't branded as "sluts" or "slags" or "women who like to party", we remain "innocent" in it all. For some, this is the only way we can truly enjoy sex without the shame that it is inherently rammed down our throats most of our lives.

Violence in rape fantasies is probably a way to "make-up" for the guilt we feel about the enjoyment we secretly feel, so we need to be "punished" for our enjoyment - again, because we have been made to feel guilt about pleasure.


Fantasy is fantasy, there is no harm in it and fantasy is a wonderful, magical, beautiful thing. Fantasy takes us to places in our minds where we can't go in our real lives.

No-one is ever going to take that away from me.

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Ah, that's really horrible darkminxi. I don't understand rapists myself, I think there must be something seriously wrong with them. I lost my virginity at age 20 (more than made up for it since, let's just say I've lost about 50 kg in the years since and leave it at that) and was rather "sexually frustrated" while still big and clever enough I could have taken what I so much wanted, but it never occured to me. It's why I'm so fascinated by all of these rape fantasies, because I don't think even faced with a girl so drunk she wouldn't remember it after I would ever take the advantage, no matter how desperate I was. Blue balls is the greatest lie ever told, there's no such thing, just a fucking excuse.

Also to clarify, by "girls who like to party" I'm talking about the general rape victim that shows up in the news; young woman out on the town, had too much to drink, got taken advantage of. Is it their fault even when they're being stupid? Fuck no! It's the fucked up world and the people in it.


And yes, I definetly understand the border between fantasy and reality, all too well. I have some twisted fantasies both involving rape, snuff even, and worse. I've had fascinations with incest for a long time (I hope that Forbidden Fruit mod gets finished) but despite having a sister that my friends claim is attractive, when I look at her I don't see a pretty girl, I see my tiny little sister who to me is barely out of grade schoool (never mind that she's closing in on 30 and has a son, it's just elder brother mindset I can't get rid of) who needs to be protected, and I find the idea of her actually having sex to other people even abhorrent (yes I know that son had to have come from somewhere... when we lived at home both I even caught her in the middle of the night walking between her room and the bathroom with cum stains on her legs, I have ngihtmares about that and wanted to kill the guy), never mind anything happening like in the stories I read and hentai I watch. I watch lolicon on the darker nights, but if I ever caugth a genuine pedophile or even one who looked at real life pictures then I'd probably murder the person, and I'm not kidding here. The very idea just fills me with a scary amount of rage, same goes for rapists.


Fantasy is one thing, reality is another, and things like this game and this mod is all about  getting some of that out. So yes if you actually do have rape and enslavement  fantasies then it's pretty great having a mod like this or Sanguine's Debauchery to explore them. Hell I rape some bandit girls occasionally when I play despite my stance on rape, it's all fantasy, and anyone who doesn't understand that...


Despite that, I'm still fascinated with women who have those kinds of fantasies, not in a "what is wrong with them" type of fasciantion you have to understand, more of a "well that is interesting" kind. It may sound incredibly contrary but I don't even think that sligthly insane girl who looked for a replacement master from her father necessarily has something wrong with her that's her own fault, hell maybe he was a good master and taught her to love sex and it's that she wants now. She gave off mixed signals to be honest. But my point still stands that when I gave that realistic rape story to the girl who fantasised about being raped, it kinda killed the fantasy. I don't know today if that was a good thing or not to be honest, maybe it would be better to let her keep it and instead enforce the border between fantasy and reality. At the time I was still kinda inexperienced or I would have offered to try BDSM with her instead, but that's the wisdom you get a decade later.


There's a lot of things other than rape and BDSM I'm fascinated by of course, like the cuckhold people who has deep fantasies about their beloved being taken away from them infront of their eyes, complete with humiliation, or the men who willingly becomes money slaves to dominatrixes, giving them on purpose so much money that they themselves barely get by at all and getting off on that. There doesn't seem to be a real limit to the things people can have fantsies about, and that's what makes it so great, it's not these people (hell even You people and us in general!) I'm fanscianted by as much as the human mind and all of the ways it can go to alleviate the boredom. I believe honestly no true AI replicating a human mind can ever be invented, because machines are not that twisted and flawed, and it's our flaws that make us who we are.


By the way thanks for sharing darkminxi, that was probably not easy, and I deeply apologise if I offended accidentally in any way.


EDIT: Damn I edited that post a lot, just hard to get everything out on such a touchy subject!

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Fishburger67, I'm having the same problem as ZeroRaziel, have a follower, who activates the Dark Possession Quest, I talk to Volkar and he puts her on the Large Cross and then I lose complete control of my character, everything is disabled except for quitting, I cannot interact with Volkar or my companion and I've checked my Papyrus, it's not overloaded, here's the relevant snippt of the log:


[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] Mia cell track Player changed cells to Mia's Dungeon

[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] MIa OnPlayerChancedCells = Mia's Dungeon, slave count 5
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] New Mia CellTrack changed cells to Mia's Dungeon
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] Calling ScanCellOnEnter from OnPlayerChangedCells
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:32AM] SOS SchlongLess: Zahraji entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:32AM] ScanCellOnEnter() name Mia's Dungeon
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:32AM] Cell scan called while disabled
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:34AM] ScanCellForFollower exits with 1 female followers
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:34AM] ScanCellOnEnter() Exits with followers 1, friendly 0, enemies 0 and slavecount 0
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:41AM] Dungeon trigger fired
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:41AM] Loading followers 0
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:41AM] Loaded 0 followers 
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:46AM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (00064962)].PF_StonehillsSirgarCarryLumbe_00064962.Fragment_3() - "PF_StonehillsSirgarCarryLumbe_00064962.psc" Line 9
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:49AM] SOS SchlongLess: Dead Breton Girl entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:50AM] SOS SchlongLess: Dead Redguard Female entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:53AM] SOS SchlongLess: Dead Breton Girl entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] VM is freezing...
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] VM is frozen
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] Saving game...
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] VM is thawing...
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:52AM] Player is male
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:52AM] Male player has bHaveEcstasyActor = TRUE
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Labia timer set to 0.000000, current time is 20.433315
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Setting device to use to 2
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Creating corraledFollowers
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Starting corraledFollowers with 1 followers
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Creating corraledFollowers with 0 followers
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Starting scene 1
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM]  grabPlayerAndCompanions() Have volkar ref Dremora Volkar
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Setting device to use to 3
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Starting Move Companions
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Moving Companions talk
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:09AM] Scene 1 Ends
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:09AM] Stripping player
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:09AM] Stripping player returns
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:10AM] SOS SchlongLess:  entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:11AM] Starting Scene 2 with device to use 3
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:11AM] Moving to Trainer Idle 2
[02/26/2015 - 10:16:46AM] VM is freezing...
[02/26/2015 - 10:16:46AM] VM is frozen


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Fish can you please make a cooldown for the bdsm session with volkar of lets say 2 days or a mcm set of cooldown between 1 and 7 days. thanks.


also , as said before, i would appreciate very much, and i am sure i am not the only one, if you can add normal and unnormal npcs to those sessions who want to have a bdsm session with the dragonborn for money too.  that should start already before tabitha quest. volkar would love to watch it.


Don't understand this cooldown request.  You have to return in 7 days, but you are not required to return any more often.


You can take anyone with you who is a follower already.  At the moment though, you can only do one.  The code is written so that you have to do one single NPC all the way through the process.  It is possible have a "reset" after the slave is trained (5 times with Volkar), but that is not currently implemented and I am working on other non-BDSM content for the next few months.


Running 42e, bsa version. Sasha has a grey face.


I'll reload the BSA with the loose contents and put up an f version soon.  Thanks for pointing this out.


lso, damn it, I walked into and through Dark Possession without knowing what was going on, thinking it would help me train Ami faster since it was taking several hours at the time. Not a happy day there at the end! I will admit, I got duped. I shoulda seen it coming, but I just went on believing in my initial plan that I would simply kill the bastard at the end if it went too far. But lo and behold, he's immortal. Cool. Care to toss me the quest ID so I can reset and pretend it never happened? lol. Or better yet, just let me kill him and take the potion, thereby lifting the need for him to remain as a trainer.

SexSlFemEnslave, but you also need to set SexSlDarkPhase to 0


Also, would it be feasible to assign one of the four voices to any trained companions for the lines related to this mod like you can for the player in the MCM? Because at the moment it's just lipsync and text. Whether that's just glitched out for me specifically, I'm not sure.

Only Jenny is fully voiced and I don't expect that to change.


Also, also, I feel like it'd be cool to throw together a quest to find a suitable substitute master/mistress to hang out at the palace and "manage" all your girls (and that one guy, Andrew or whichever) while you're away. Maybe it only becomes available after you've dealt with your situation with Volkar, since you'd essentially be taking his job, training a new master to be a master while you're away being the master's master somewhere else

Great idea.  I think Aqqh and Darkminxi are working on something sorta like this.

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Fishburger67, I'm having the same problem as ZeroRaziel, have a follower, who activates the Dark Possession Quest, I talk to Volkar and he puts her on the Large Cross and then I lose complete control of my character, everything is disabled except for quitting, I cannot interact with Volkar or my companion and I've checked my Papyrus, it's not overloaded, here's the relevant snippt of the log:


[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] Mia cell track Player changed cells to Mia's Dungeon

[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] MIa OnPlayerChancedCells = Mia's Dungeon, slave count 5
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] New Mia CellTrack changed cells to Mia's Dungeon
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:31AM] Calling ScanCellOnEnter from OnPlayerChangedCells
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:32AM] SOS SchlongLess: Zahraji entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:32AM] ScanCellOnEnter() name Mia's Dungeon
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:32AM] Cell scan called while disabled
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:34AM] ScanCellForFollower exits with 1 female followers
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:34AM] ScanCellOnEnter() Exits with followers 1, friendly 0, enemies 0 and slavecount 0
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:41AM] Dungeon trigger fired
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:41AM] Loading followers 0
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:41AM] Loaded 0 followers 
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:46AM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (00064962)].PF_StonehillsSirgarCarryLumbe_00064962.Fragment_3() - "PF_StonehillsSirgarCarryLumbe_00064962.psc" Line 9
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:49AM] SOS SchlongLess: Dead Breton Girl entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:50AM] SOS SchlongLess: Dead Redguard Female entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:12:53AM] SOS SchlongLess: Dead Breton Girl entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] VM is freezing...
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] VM is frozen
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] Saving game...
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:11AM] VM is thawing...
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:52AM] Player is male
[02/26/2015 - 10:13:52AM] Male player has bHaveEcstasyActor = TRUE
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Labia timer set to 0.000000, current time is 20.433315
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Setting device to use to 2
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Creating corraledFollowers
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Starting corraledFollowers with 1 followers
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Creating corraledFollowers with 0 followers
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Starting scene 1
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM]  grabPlayerAndCompanions() Have volkar ref Dremora Volkar
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Setting device to use to 3
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Starting Move Companions
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:02AM] Moving Companions talk
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:09AM] Scene 1 Ends
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:09AM] Stripping player
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:09AM] Stripping player returns
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:10AM] SOS SchlongLess:  entered schlongless state
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:11AM] Starting Scene 2 with device to use 3
[02/26/2015 - 10:14:11AM] Moving to Trainer Idle 2
[02/26/2015 - 10:16:46AM] VM is freezing...
[02/26/2015 - 10:16:46AM] VM is frozen



From the looks of your log, you went through scene 1 and scene 2 with your follower on the small cross and then chains.  Then, you returned to Volkar after Ecstasy and started scene 3 and then you got hung up.  Is that correct?  Device to use = 3 is the big cross and that is used for scene 3 or as part of choice  thing when you tell Volkar to "She needs to learn a lesson, hang her on the cross and beat her"


As far as the inability to interact with your world, that is intended.  You should be able to move, but you can't click on anything until the scene ends.


It would appear as if the scene itself is hanging, so I need to understand fully what is happening,


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umm hi houers to train sexslave does it mean time i have to train her or it takes to train her and should i finish return jarls daughter before i try train mia ?. i havent get her pleasure herself either so i probably dont get how to train a sexslave it seems XD.when i try to return castle to find allison it crashes tried run fnis and use save game cleaner no use it seems,otherwise i have been really fun and enjoyed your new release :). I am a guy and a single little over 30 and i like when girl/female is at top and controll takin her time to make love and fuck krmh umm at her own leisure  ;).bit strange to admit first but well i think all man like these kind of situations even if they dont admit it openly ;).

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Need help with Jenn Winglow; she won´t stop following me.


I use AFT and there is the "Follower leaves service"-dialouge, after she begs to stay... But she will not leave. I can "rerecruit" and dismiss her, but that doesnt change a thing.


Please help.

It sounds like AFT issue.


Did you move AFT in your load order after you recruited her? Because if you did, the FORMID for AFT follower scripts/stuff isn't the same anymore. Try loading your save without AFT, clicking on stuck on following companion in console and using "evp" command on them, then dismiss her, save and load with AFT again.


Make a backup of your save before you do that, just in case.


Thank you, worked for me (1st i was unable to load the game, but starting a new game and then load the save worked =) )

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umm hi houers to train sexslave does it mean time i have to train her or it takes to train her and should i finish return jarls daughter before i try train mia ?. i havent get her pleasure herself either so i probably dont get how to train a sexslave it seems XD.when i try to return castle to find allison it crashes tried run fnis and use save game cleaner no use it seems,otherwise i have been really fun and enjoyed your new release :). I am a guy and a single little over 30 and i like when girl/female is at top and controll takin her time to make love and fuck krmh umm at her own leisure   ;).bit strange to admit first but well i think all man like these kind of situations even if they dont admit it openly ;).

You can reduce the time to train in MCM to like half an hour.  Doesn't matter when you do it, but it is best to not let them just hang there because they have a script on them while they are hanging the runs every time you change locations (every time the game engine updates AI).



No idea why you are crashing in the castle, but it is not normal.  I go in and out of there lots and never crash.  Best to post your papyrus log as an attachment and I'll see if I can spot something.  Be sure to check the list of bad mods on the main page.   This was done by Sacremas and it is full of good info.


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Follower mods

I was one of the ones that stated I had no trouble using UFO. Sasha, Jenn, and all other problematic followers worked fine.

Not having enough aggravation in my life, and seeing EFF well spoken of (at least it has custom support in SSL),

I gave that a try (beta 4.0). Much to my surprise - I kind of like it. The Force recruit option pretty much eliminates my need for Puppet, which I can uninstall.

The best feature of EFF from my point of view is the stats bars on followers during combat. I can actually see who needs some mana regen or stamina regen jewelry.

Well that was second best. The best part is that it just works with all followers I have tried. That makes two follower mods I can recommend, although I seem to like EFF best.

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Version 4.2f is available


Set Mia to 100 level. 

Re-added new meshes to bsa to fix shasha grey face. 

Fix a bug in Scene 3 for male players


You are correct on the first count fishburger67, I returned to Volkar after she had her ecstasy and then he hung her on the large cross and there it stops.


This turns out to be a bug.  When I was fixing the dialog for male players, I forgot a script to advance the scene.  Download the 4.2f version.

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Felt like writing a one-shot thing loosely based on my time with this mod so far, so obviously some non-con elements, futa, and probably some pretty heinous tense swapping. Nothing too hardcore, it's more towards your happy ending lovey type deal, so if that's your thang here ya go! I'll prolly post it on archiveofourown at some point, obviously with name changes and whatnot if you'd like, but for now, I kinda wanna just leave it here, so I hope it's cool with you fish.



Amalee's Incredibly Private Journal
(Seriously, get out of here anyone who's not me!!)

3rd of Sun's Dusk

Ugh. My feet are killing me! We just rode into town and Remi, our fearless leader, still wants to trudge all the way up to Dragonsreach to turn in some annoying, useless giant bounty! I can't believe her sometimes.. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and I won't lie, that pretty face of hers had more than a little to do with my decision to accompany her small group accross the entire continent, several times over! She just has soooo much energy, and I think she forgets the rest of us just don't have it..

Aranya, her bondmate and I, are going to the Bannered Mare to relax for a while so she can finsh up around town. I really like spending time with Ari, Remi calls her Ari by the way, and I've kinda started to do the same; she's elvish, and comes from a village on the border of Valenwood. I love hearing her tell stories about growing up there. Especially when there's Nirnroot, because the loudest root is the best root, like my Da always said.
I always feel a little self-conscious just being around either of them, they're just so beautiful, especially together.. I wonder sometimes why they brought me along at all. It must be my amazing fighting skills.. NYAH!

*sigh* I did not just write that...

4th of Sun's Dusk

I just woke up. Slept very well despite the stupid ground being made of rock, even through the nest of blankets I made on the floor. The soft moans and giggles those two make all night are almost like a lullaby to me by now. On one hand it keeps me up sometimes, wondering what they're doing, but on the other, I just feel safe knowing I'm not alone.

I heard them talking about a letter that Remi got while she was out last night. Apparently it's something to do with a Jarl's daughter and slavery? Eww.. now that's a quest I hope we don't have to do! Somehow I doubt they'll be able to resist, though, if there's maiden's that need rescuing.. I wonder if they have any sweet rolls? So hungry... NEED SWEET ROLL.

7th of Sun's Dusk

I should've known.. three days later and we're camped under a bush in the middle of Dibella knows where, looking for some slaver's hut. Ugh, the things I do for these two! I suppose it's no worse than having Remi ask me to help her out when Ari was too tired last night... I couldn't say no, of course, she's both adorable and the sexiest thing on the planet when she's turned on. She gets real coy and she has the sweetest voice when she asks me to 'please suck her off?' It's a little intimidating when the best you've ever had was seven and a half, when you try to compare it to her sixteen inch monster. Goddess, it was a struggle to get the tip into my mouth! She actually had to help me stroke the whole thing with one of her own hands. I swear, girl is a monster, she absolutely flooded my throat when she came. I think I nearly drowned... She just said 'thanks', gave me the most disarming smile I've ever seen, and then hopped back into bed with Ari. I don't think it was more than a minute before she was unconscious.

I, of course, am wide awake, my eyes don't feel like they know how to close anymore. What did I just do?

She told me the story once. Apparently her great-great grandfather was a dragon, and all the women in her family after that had the inborn ability to change between... well, you know? I don't have to write it, do I? Ya, I think you know what I mean. Anyway, their power set would change as well. When she has her... her cock out, she can roast bandits with some seriously intense fire magic, and when she's pure girl she's not a bad frost mage either. I guess it's not too hard to see which she prefers if you watch her play with the little flames on her fingers while we're traveling from place to place. And if that wasn't obvious enough for you, just look at her pants, you can't miss it! I certainly don't, not anymore...

Comon Amee.. mind out of the gutter. You've got to get some sleep. We're heading to Windhelm in the morning.

9th of Sun's Dusk

Oh goddess... It was a bad idea to come to Windhelm, as soon as we showed up without a voucher, we were ambushed. It's dark now, I can't see much, I'm writing with a weird chunk of lead I found on a desk while the other two try to find our stuff. We're free for the moment. Even after what just happened to her.. to all of us, Remi actually looks determined. I can see she's in pain from the beatings, and I can't imagine how badly the cuts are stinging after what they did to her, but she looks calm. She saved us, both of us.. she saved me. We would've died in that room, I'm sure of it! But she somehow she fought through the drugs they forced on us and helped Ari and I get untied.

Goddess, the sounds, hearing her scream while I couldn't see.. They had me faced away from them. Part of me is glad, but I.. I wish I could've helped her. We've spent almost an hour now looking for a hidden lever to disable a trap in order to move forward. I'm not much help.. I'm so shaken, I don't know how she does it, especially since she got the worst of it by far! I don't know what to do. I--

They found it. We have to go.


We did it! We killed her! She was totally crazy and she didn't go down easily, but we did it! The evil mastermind behind this whole place. It was awesome! but by Dibella, looking around, I've never seen this many naked girls in the same room before.. I mean, not that I've seen that many to begin with, but the strangest thing is they're all talking to her, trying to get Remi to take them with her. They each have their own approach, but they all mention something about a bond. They sound desperate. I'm sitting at a table watching them now. One of the girls is on her knee's with her hands on Remi's thighs, looking up at her like she's totally ready to suck her dick or something. Goddess, I did that.. I sucked her cock. I feel... I'm jealous. I can't believe it.. I'm sitting here watching someone else suck my friends cock, and I'm jealous.
I think there's something wrong with you Amee...

Ari's just watching them too. I think she's.. I think she's actually a little amused, and she's got her hand down-

Oh. Oh...

10th of Sun's Dusk

In the end Remi decided she wanted to bring the girl from yesterday. Sasha's her name. She's actually nice when you can talk to her normally, but I swear, half the time she just wants to fuck me. I feel so out of my league! Not even a week ago, I'd barely considered sex, and now I've been surrounded by it for hours! I'm sitting on a bed, trying to be as far away from everything as I can, while still being able to see what's going on in case anything happens, but even so, a few of the girls have already come up to me. I'm so dazed I even let one of them crawl onto me and start kissing my neck. I moaned, like, alot.. and I was grinding my hips against her slim and very naked thigh. She pulled my top off and started kissing and teasing my nipples. I just groaned and hugged her against me. I was so wet.. just like I am now. I didn't stop her. I wouldn't have stopped her..

I thought I was straight before I met these two...


On the way back down to the basement Sasha explained, with help from Remi, that she's essentially a sex slave. A sex slave.. my friend has a sex slave. Remi seems adamant that she doesn't consider Sasha a slave, which, I suppose seems accurate enough. It still gives me a weird feeling, though. She's given her a weapon and some armor. Sasha seems to love the sword, and has even been willing to wear the boots and a helmet, but refuses to cover the rest of herself when Remi's around. It's a little embarassing, but after everything I've been through these last few days, I don't have much room left to feel anything!

Remi's talking to a creepy dremora guy right now, and Sasha's just touching herself staring at Remi's butt, so I've had a moment to write this. The lighting is terrible down here, so I don't know how legible I'll be. There's a bad kinda feeling down here, and I don't trust that demon as far as I could throw him, which, I guess isn't very far.

I have no idea what they're talking about over there, but she just looked at me with this weird spark in her eye. I have a bad feeling..

12th dusk

goddess, i- she..
i can't keep my hands still, im shaking so much. shes in the next room checking on ari. i cant see, shes blindfolded me and my ankles are chained to the ground.. my body hurts, my throat is raw from sucking her cock, over and over again. i don't know whats wrong with her, i feel nauseaous. she doesn't want to hurt me, i can feel that much when i remember archerones beatings... that evil bastard. and now Remi, my friend that im fatally attracted to is doing the same thing to me.. the thing that scares me is i cant hate her for it. i just feel... empty. empty and tired. im hiding this behind a dresser in an alcove over there if i can reach... dibella protect me...

15th, i think..

i don't really know how long we've been here. listen to yourself amee, still saying 'we'.. try as i might, i still cant hate her for what shes doing to me. she only hits me when i refuse now. my throat feels better at least. she spent an entire day kissing every inch of my body and touching me gently like nothing was wrong. i was on the edge for so long i almost begged her to let me cum. that fact alone frightened me. im scared of what her touch does to me.

shes been pleasuring me alot lately, its been easier since shes started focusing on me. she came in earlier today and i could feel her lips were cooler than normal, so i wasnt surprised when i felt her press her pussy against mine, grinding slowly, gauging my reaction. i flinched, but when i didnt resist she put her arms around my shoulders and i felt her breath on the back of my neck, like a cool breeze, whispering affirmations. for a few minutes i let my tensions slip and lost myself in the feel of her body pressed against mine, rocking rhythmically until i whimpered her name and spasmed, rubbing myself all over her thighs and anywhere my hips could go. it felt so good.. my afterglow faded slowly, and i just sat there in her arms, refusing to let go of my illusion; i was actually happy. she broke it for me. her lips kissed my neck, just under my jaw, and i felt her fingers trail slowly down the side of my face and off the tip of my chin. "worth it.." she whispered. then she was gone.

17th? Sun's Dusk

She must've seen me writing that last note, because she gave me my journal back this morning. Goddess it feels good to have something normal back in my life. Something I feel sure about. I can't understand my feelings toward her.. On one side, I can't believe what she's done to me. What she IS doing to me, and I don't want to forgive her. But on the other... I can still see and feel the friend I knew when she touches me. And goddess, I can't deny anymore that I love her touch. She can light my nerves on fire with just a few words, and she does, every day; until I'm a quivering, begging mess at her knees, touching myself (which I never used to, but by Dibella I do now!) and sucking furiously on whichever body of hers she presents me with that day.

I had my first dream about her last night. We fucked, ya, and I got just as wet and horny as I always do thinking about her lately. But oddly, most of it was just a dream about the three of us together, happy, watching bandits and trolls and gryphons scramble and throw eachother around to see who could be king of the hill. The two of them together, one with their head on the others shoulder, while I lay contentedly at their feet. I loved the feeling of making them happy; And that thought stuck. If I just gave her what she wanted: me, then she would be happy, and in turn, I could be happy. It was so simple.. I could give myself to her. I wanted to give myself to her, Goddess I wanted to give myself to her. To my surprise, it made me incredibly wet to think that thought.. My hand drifted unconsciously down, and I imagined her pushing slowly inside me, each inch matched by my fingers until there was no more hand to mimic what I wanted. I cried out in frustration, which devolved into a series of moans and whimpers from the back of my throat as I helplessly pummeled the most sensitive spots in my pussy. That's how she found me that morning, crying and whispering her name.

whatever day it is

I was so ready. I wanted the bond. Everything was ready. I wanted to be hers for as long as I could move. I looked up at her from where I was sat on the floor. She nodded and I eagerly wrapped my hand around her length. Stroking slowly, I leaned forward and kissed her leg lightly, just above the knee. She hummed her approval and I trailed my lips sensously all the way up her inner thigh, keeping a slow pace with my hand on her dick. I noticed the tip was tugging up against gravity little by little with every motion. I grinned like an idiot and reached up with my free hand to cup her balls and twirled my tongue in random patterns against them, watching with growing excitement as her cock slowly rose to it's full height. I kept my hand stroking lazily along it's length as I swallowed, looking at it.

This was it! I rose to my knees, wrapped my lips around her tip and looked up at her again. She just had this lopsided grin on her face, and all I got for acknowledgement was a slow mini-thrust into my mouth. I think I might've giggled, or tried to, if her cock wasn't almost the size of my fist. Despite that, I pulled her length down level with me and willed my shoulders forward until my face was pressed against her abs. Her inhale of breath was as long as I took to hilt her entire cock in my throat, and when I looked up, I saw the sexiest expression I'd ever seen looking back down at me. Her eyes were on fire, and I could see she wanted this as badly or more than even I did. Holding on to that thought, I heaved my shoulders back, feeling the entire shaft slide up to the front of my throat. I groaned, and by the sounds she started making, she liked what that was doing to her.

I replaced my hand and started stroking more insistently, taking half of her with my mouth. My hand kept a steady pace, but my mouth sped up to a brutal rhythm, flying along the head, but she loved it and I couldn't stop.. My Mistress was making the bond. Oh, Goddess I wanted it soooo bad. I pulled back so I was just sucking the tip, and managed to swirl my tongue around the head, letting my hand replace the rhythm. She was crying out and bucking against my face already, so when I brought my other hand up and started a few short, quick counter strokes at her base, she lost it. She tried to pronounce something but it got crushed and what came out was somewhere halfway between a purr and a growl as her breathing seized up, and her body tightened into a ball around my head. I could feel her twitching in my mouth, and just before she released, her whole body came loose. She plunged her cock all the way down my throat where she exploded. Pulse after pulse of her extacy surged past my lips, and by the time she finally stopped shaking and moaning, and her aftershocks were starting to fade, I could actually feel my belly swelling a little. I grimaced, dropping a hand to my stomach to cope with the intense stretch I felt there, while she stroked my hair absently.

After a few seconds, I swallowed and blinked. I was still looking up at her face when I started to feel it. A huge, unstoppable wave of lust. I could feel it coming a second before it hit me, and I was excited for what it meant, which only made it worse when it hit me.

I let out a choked breath and shuddered. I couldn't break eye contact with her. She watched every second as my face contorted with need. My skin set on fire with lust as my fingers carressed back up my navel, and settled over my chest, squeezing and teasing every inch of flesh and pinching playfully at the nipples. My other hand found it's way to my quivering pussy; I was already aching so badly for her with everything that had happened today.

I slipped one finger inside and my eyebrows curled with how insufficient that was. I slipped another finger inside and began pressing my palm against my clit, trying to get as deep as I could, all the while looking up at this gorgeous woman that I loved with my eyes. My mouth fell open and I think I started to pant when I saw my own desire and admiration reflected in her eyes. Goddess I wanted her inside me, I wanted to feel her push her huge cock into me and let me make her cum until neither of us could walk straight.

A thought occured to me at that point: she had never been inside me before, my mouth, but never inside me.. I was going to get pregnant. There was no way I could take so much of her and not. And I wanted that, so much. I wanted to be part of her, have her as close to me as I could. That just pushed me harder. I struggled to get my pussy to accept the stimulation of my hand, it felt futile when what I really wanted was right there, but I couldn't have it.

Eventually I managed to find my most sensitive inner core, and with the state I was in, it didn't take long. I could see in her eyes she was waiting for me, and I furiously battered my abused pink sex until I finally had to look away, squeezing my eyes closed and splattering my release all over the ground. She had no intention of letting that be the end of it, though. I almost died of over-stimulation when she immediately flipped me over and plunged the tip of her cock into me, not even two seconds after I'd cum. I let out a choked moan that twisted into a sob as she began to pump into me, increasing inches at a time. I felt her arms hug me around my writhing waist and I wanted nothing more than to roll over and kiss her fiercely. But it wasn't my place, if the mistress decided she wanted to inspect my curves while she fucked me, then I would just have to wait. It was torturous, but I gave her every inch of my sex that I could, in the meantime. I had tears at the corners of my eyes with how badly I wanted to hold her, when eventually she did flip me over, and she did something I hand't expected; she pulled out.

For what seemed like forever she just stared down at me, this adorable cheeky grin on her face until realization hit me. I felt the tip of her dick press against my ass, and after a few seconds of pressure, she slipped inside me with a muffled moan. At that point I actually did cry, overwhelmed by what she was doing to me. As she slowly pushed herself in to the hilt, I clung to her neck whispering "I love you, mistress. I love you, I love you, I love you... Thank you.."

By the time we were done, I couldn't move. I just lay there on the ground staring up at her with half-lidded eyes. It was rare to find a part of me, in or out, that wasn't covered in her cum. And it was at that point that it dawned on me: I was hers. It was done. We could do this every day after for the rest of my life. I had no capacity left for tears so I just smiled up at her, the most content smile that had ever touched my face in my life.

14th of Evening Star

The best part about all this is that I still feel like me. I'm still the quirky girl who likes nirnroot and chasing walruses.. I just love my mistress too. It's kinda like I'm her bodyguard, only.. ya know, more. :)
She has me trained now to respond sexually when she asks me to listen, but otherwise, I'm the same old Amalee I always was!

We did finally get around to telling poor Ulfric about his daughter, Marta. He didn't take that so well, but there's really nothing anyone can do right now.. Mia's dead, Volkar's a horse (my idea!), and the other daedric slave broker's on holiday in Oblivion. Sasha and I fight for Remi's attention all the time, but we get along well enough on the side. My Mistress is fair, like I always knew she was, and she treats us both soooo well! Goddess.. it really doesn't take much to get me wet anymore...

I never did ask Ari what she thought of it all.. Maybe some day! But for now I can feel Mistress Remi's breath on my neck and she's... touching.. me, w---while I write.. She's reading over my shoulder, so I want to say 'I love you' one more time, and I expect now she'll-

"Listen to me.."


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Felt like writing a one-shot thing loosely based on my time with this mod so far, so obviously some non-con elements, futa, and probably some pretty heinous tense swapping. Nothing too hardcore, it's more towards your happy ending lovey type deal, so if that's your thang here ya go! I'll prolly post it on archiveofourown at some point, obviously with name changes and whatnot if you'd like, but for now, I kinda wanna just leave it here, so I hope it's cool with you fish.



Amalee's Incredibly Private Journal

(Seriously, get out of here anyone who's not me!!)



3rd of Sun's Dusk


Ugh. My feet are killing me! We just rode into town and Remi, our fearless leader, still wants to trudge all the way up to Dragonsreach to turn in some annoying, useless giant bounty! I can't believe her sometimes.. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and I won't lie, that pretty face of hers had more than a little to do with my decision to accompany her small group accross the entire continent, several times over! She just has soooo much energy, and I think she forgets the rest of us just don't have it..


Aranya, her bondmate and I, are going to the Bannered Mare to relax for a while so she can finsh up around town. I really like spending time with Ari, Remi calls her Ari by the way, and I've kinda started to do the same; she's elvish, and comes from a village on the border of Valenwood. I love hearing her tell stories about growing up there. Especially when there's Nirnroot, because the loudest root is the best root, like my Da always said.

I always feel a little self-conscious just being around either of them, they're just so beautiful, especially together.. I wonder sometimes why they brought me along at all. It must be my amazing fighting skills.. NYAH!


*sigh* I did not just write that...





4th of Sun's Dusk


I just woke up. Slept very well despite the stupid ground being made of rock, even through the nest of blankets I made on the floor. The soft moans and giggles those two make all night are almost like a lullaby to me by now. On one hand it keeps me up sometimes, wondering what they're doing, but on the other, I just feel safe knowing I'm not alone.


I heard them talking about a letter that Remi got while she was out last night. Apparently it's something to do with a Jarl's daughter and slavery? Eww.. now that's a quest I hope we don't have to do! Somehow I doubt they'll be able to resist, though, if there's maiden's that need rescuing.. I wonder if they have any sweet rolls? So hungry... NEED SWEET ROLL.






7th of Sun's Dusk


I should've known.. three days later and we're camped under a bush in the middle of Dibella knows where, looking for some slaver's hut. Ugh, the things I do for these two! I suppose it's no worse than having Remi ask me to help her out when Ari was too tired last night... I couldn't say no, of course, she's both adorable and the sexiest thing on the planet when she's turned on. She gets real coy and she has the sweetest voice when she asks me to 'please suck her off?' It's a little intimidating when the best you've ever had was seven and a half, when you try to compare it to her sixteen inch monster. Goddess, it was a struggle to get the tip into my mouth! She actually had to help me stroke the whole thing with one of her own hands. I swear, girl is a monster, she absolutely flooded my throat when she came. I think I nearly drowned... She just said 'thanks', gave me the most disarming smile I've ever seen, and then hopped back into bed with Ari. I don't think it was more than a minute before she was unconscious.


I, of course, am wide awake, my eyes don't feel like they know how to close anymore. What did I just do?


She told me the story once. Apparently her great-great grandfather was a dragon, and all the women in her family after that had the inborn ability to change between... well, you know? I don't have to write it, do I? Ya, I think you know what I mean. Anyway, their power set would change as well. When she has her... her cock out, she can roast bandits with some seriously intense fire magic, and when she's pure girl she's not a bad frost mage either. I guess it's not too hard to see which she prefers if you watch her play with the little flames on her fingers while we're traveling from place to place. And if that wasn't obvious enough for you, just look at her pants, you can't miss it! I certainly don't, not anymore...



Comon Amee.. mind out of the gutter. You've got to get some sleep. We're heading to Windhelm in the morning.







9th of Sun's Dusk


Oh goddess... It was a bad idea to come to Windhelm, as soon as we showed up without a voucher, we were ambushed. It's dark now, I can't see much, I'm writing with a weird chunk of lead I found on a desk while the other two try to find our stuff. We're free for the moment. Even after what just happened to her.. to all of us, Remi actually looks determined. I can see she's in pain from the beatings, and I can't imagine how badly the cuts are stinging after what they did to her, but she looks calm. She saved us, both of us.. she saved me. We would've died in that room, I'm sure of it! But she somehow she fought through the drugs they forced on us and helped Ari and I get untied.


Goddess, the sounds, hearing her scream while I couldn't see.. They had me faced away from them. Part of me is glad, but I.. I wish I could've helped her. We've spent almost an hour now looking for a hidden lever to disable a trap in order to move forward. I'm not much help.. I'm so shaken, I don't know how she does it, especially since she got the worst of it by far! I don't know what to do. I--


They found it. We have to go.










We did it! We killed her! She was totally crazy and she didn't go down easily, but we did it! The evil mastermind behind this whole place. It was awesome! but by Dibella, looking around, I've never seen this many naked girls in the same room before.. I mean, not that I've seen that many to begin with, but the strangest thing is they're all talking to her, trying to get Remi to take them with her. They each have their own approach, but they all mention something about a bond. They sound desperate. I'm sitting at a table watching them now. One of the girls is on her knee's with her hands on Remi's thighs, looking up at her like she's totally ready to suck her dick or something. Goddess, I did that.. I sucked her cock. I feel... I'm jealous. I can't believe it.. I'm sitting here watching someone else suck my friends cock, and I'm jealous.

I think there's something wrong with you Amee...


Ari's just watching them too. I think she's.. I think she's actually a little amused, and she's got her hand down-


Oh. Oh...








10th of Sun's Dusk


In the end Remi decided she wanted to bring the girl from yesterday. Sasha's her name. She's actually nice when you can talk to her normally, but I swear, half the time she just wants to fuck me. I feel so out of my league! Not even a week ago, I'd barely considered sex, and now I've been surrounded by it for hours! I'm sitting on a bed, trying to be as far away from everything as I can, while still being able to see what's going on in case anything happens, but even so, a few of the girls have already come up to me. I'm so dazed I even let one of them crawl onto me and start kissing my neck. I moaned, like, alot.. and I was grinding my hips against her slim and very naked thigh. She pulled my top off and started kissing and teasing my nipples. I just groaned and hugged her against me. I was so wet.. just like I am now. I didn't stop her. I wouldn't have stopped her..



I thought I was straight before I met these two...











On the way back down to the basement Sasha explained, with help from Remi, that she's essentially a sex slave. A sex slave.. my friend has a sex slave. Remi seems adamant that she doesn't consider Sasha a slave, which, I suppose seems accurate enough. It still gives me a weird feeling, though. She's given her a weapon and some armor. Sasha seems to love the sword, and has even been willing to wear the boots and a helmet, but refuses to cover the rest of herself when Remi's around. It's a little embarassing, but after everything I've been through these last few days, I don't have much room left to feel anything!


Remi's talking to a creepy dremora guy right now, and Sasha's just touching herself staring at Remi's butt, so I've had a moment to write this. The lighting is terrible down here, so I don't know how legible I'll be. There's a bad kinda feeling down here, and I don't trust that demon as far as I could throw him, which, I guess isn't very far.


I have no idea what they're talking about over there, but she just looked at me with this weird spark in her eye. I have a bad feeling..








12th dusk


goddess, i- she..

i can't keep my hands still, im shaking so much. shes in the next room checking on ari. i cant see, shes blindfolded me and my ankles are chained to the ground.. my body hurts, my throat is raw from sucking her cock, over and over again. i don't know whats wrong with her, i feel nauseaous. she doesn't want to hurt me, i can feel that much when i remember archerones beatings... that evil bastard. and now Remi, my friend that im fatally attracted to is doing the same thing to me.. the thing that scares me is i cant hate her for it. i just feel... empty. empty and tired. im hiding this behind a dresser in an alcove over there if i can reach... dibella protect me...








15th, i think..


i don't really know how long we've been here. listen to yourself amee, still saying 'we'.. try as i might, i still cant hate her for what shes doing to me. she only hits me when i refuse now. my throat feels better at least. she spent an entire day kissing every inch of my body and touching me gently like nothing was wrong. i was on the edge for so long i almost begged her to let me cum. that fact alone frightened me. im scared of what her touch does to me.


shes been pleasuring me alot lately, its been easier since shes started focusing on me. she came in earlier today and i could feel her lips were cooler than normal, so i wasnt surprised when i felt her press her pussy against mine, grinding slowly, gauging my reaction. i flinched, but when i didnt resist she put her arms around my shoulders and i felt her breath on the back of my neck, like a cool breeze, whispering affirmations. for a few minutes i let my tensions slip and lost myself in the feel of her body pressed against mine, rocking rhythmically until i whimpered her name and spasmed, rubbing myself all over her thighs and anywhere my hips could go. it felt so good.. my afterglow faded slowly, and i just sat there in her arms, refusing to let go of my illusion; i was actually happy. she broke it for me. her lips kissed my neck, just under my jaw, and i felt her fingers trail slowly down the side of my face and off the tip of my chin. "worth it.." she whispered. then she was gone.









17th? Sun's Dusk


She must've seen me writing that last note, because she gave me my journal back this morning. Goddess it feels good to have something normal back in my life. Something I feel sure about. I can't understand my feelings toward her.. On one side, I can't believe what she's done to me. What she IS doing to me, and I don't want to forgive her. But on the other... I can still see and feel the friend I knew when she touches me. And goddess, I can't deny anymore that I love her touch. She can light my nerves on fire with just a few words, and she does, every day; until I'm a quivering, begging mess at her knees, touching myself (which I never used to, but by Dibella I do now!) and sucking furiously on whichever body of hers she presents me with that day.


I had my first dream about her last night. We fucked, ya, and I got just as wet and horny as I always do thinking about her lately. But oddly, most of it was just a dream about the three of us together, happy, watching bandits and trolls and gryphons scramble and throw eachother around to see who could be king of the hill. The two of them together, one with their head on the others shoulder, while I lay contentedly at their feet. I loved the feeling of making them happy; And that thought stuck. If I just gave her what she wanted: me, then she would be happy, and in turn, I could be happy. It was so simple.. I could give myself to her. I wanted to give myself to her, Goddess I wanted to give myself to her. To my surprise, it made me incredibly wet to think that thought.. My hand drifted unconsciously down, and I imagined her pushing slowly inside me, each inch matched by my fingers until there was no more hand to mimic what I wanted. I cried out in frustration, which devolved into a series of moans and whimpers from the back of my throat as I helplessly pummeled the most sensitive spots in my pussy. That's how she found me that morning, crying and whispering her name.









whatever day it is


I was so ready. I wanted the bond. Everything was ready. I wanted to be hers for as long as I could move. I looked up at her from where I was sat on the floor. She nodded and I eagerly wrapped my hand around her length. Stroking slowly, I leaned forward and kissed her leg lightly, just above the knee. She hummed her approval and I trailed my lips sensously all the way up her inner thigh, keeping a slow pace with my hand on her dick. I noticed the tip was tugging up against gravity little by little with every motion. I grinned like an idiot and reached up with my free hand to cup her balls and twirled my tongue in random patterns against them, watching with growing excitement as her cock slowly rose to it's full height. I kept my hand stroking lazily along it's length as I swallowed, looking at it.


This was it! I rose to my knees, wrapped my lips around her tip and looked up at her again. She just had this lopsided grin on her face, and all I got for acknowledgement was a slow mini-thrust into my mouth. I think I might've giggled, or tried to, if her cock wasn't almost the size of my fist. Despite that, I pulled her length down level with me and willed my shoulders forward until my face was pressed against her abs. Her inhale of breath was as long as I took to hilt her entire cock in my throat, and when I looked up, I saw the sexiest expression I'd ever seen looking back down at me. Her eyes were on fire, and I could see she wanted this as badly or more than even I did. Holding on to that thought, I heaved my shoulders back, feeling the entire shaft slide up to the front of my throat. I groaned, and by the sounds she started making, she liked what that was doing to her.


I replaced my hand and started stroking more insistently, taking half of her with my mouth. My hand kept a steady pace, but my mouth sped up to a brutal rhythm, flying along the head, but she loved it and I couldn't stop.. My Mistress was making the bond. Oh, Goddess I wanted it soooo bad. I pulled back so I was just sucking the tip, and managed to swirl my tongue around the head, letting my hand replace the rhythm. She was crying out and bucking against my face already, so when I brought my other hand up and started a few short, quick counter strokes at her base, she lost it. She tried to pronounce something but it got crushed and what came out was somewhere halfway between a purr and a growl as her breathing seized up, and her body tightened into a ball around my head. I could feel her twitching in my mouth, and just before she released, her whole body came loose. She plunged her cock all the way down my throat where she exploded. Pulse after pulse of her extacy surged past my lips, and by the time she finally stopped shaking and moaning, and her aftershocks were starting to fade, I could actually feel my belly swelling a little. I grimaced, dropping a hand to my stomach to cope with the intense stretch I felt there, while she stroked my hair absently.


After a few seconds, I swallowed and blinked. I was still looking up at her face when I started to feel it. A huge, unstoppable wave of lust. I could feel it coming a second before it hit me, and I was excited for what it meant, which only made it worse when it hit me.


I let out a choked breath and shuddered. I couldn't break eye contact with her. She watched every second as my face contorted with need. My skin set on fire with lust as my fingers carressed back up my navel, and settled over my chest, squeezing and teasing every inch of flesh and pinching playfully at the nipples. My other hand found it's way to my quivering pussy; I was already aching so badly for her with everything that had happened today.


I slipped one finger inside and my eyebrows curled with how insufficient that was. I slipped another finger inside and began pressing my palm against my clit, trying to get as deep as I could, all the while looking up at this gorgeous woman that I loved with my eyes. My mouth fell open and I think I started to pant when I saw my own desire and admiration reflected in her eyes. Goddess I wanted her inside me, I wanted to feel her push her huge cock into me and let me make her cum until neither of us could walk straight.


A thought occured to me at that point: she had never been inside me before, my mouth, but never inside me.. I was going to get pregnant. There was no way I could take so much of her and not. And I wanted that, so much. I wanted to be part of her, have her as close to me as I could. That just pushed me harder. I struggled to get my pussy to accept the stimulation of my hand, it felt futile when what I really wanted was right there, but I couldn't have it.


Eventually I managed to find my most sensitive inner core, and with the state I was in, it didn't take long. I could see in her eyes she was waiting for me, and I furiously battered my abused pink sex until I finally had to look away, squeezing my eyes closed and splattering my release all over the ground. She had no intention of letting that be the end of it, though. I almost died of over-stimulation when she immediately flipped me over and plunged the tip of her cock into me, not even two seconds after I'd cum. I let out a choked moan that twisted into a sob as she began to pump into me, increasing inches at a time. I felt her arms hug me around my writhing waist and I wanted nothing more than to roll over and kiss her fiercely. But it wasn't my place, if the mistress decided she wanted to inspect my curves while she fucked me, then I would just have to wait. It was torturous, but I gave her every inch of my sex that I could, in the meantime. I had tears at the corners of my eyes with how badly I wanted to hold her, when eventually she did flip me over, and she did something I hand't expected; she pulled out.


For what seemed like forever she just stared down at me, this adorable cheeky grin on her face until realization hit me. I felt the tip of her dick press against my ass, and after a few seconds of pressure, she slipped inside me with a muffled moan. At that point I actually did cry, overwhelmed by what she was doing to me. As she slowly pushed herself in to the hilt, I clung to her neck whispering "I love you, mistress. I love you, I love you, I love you... Thank you.."



By the time we were done, I couldn't move. I just lay there on the ground staring up at her with half-lidded eyes. It was rare to find a part of me, in or out, that wasn't covered in her cum. And it was at that point that it dawned on me: I was hers. It was done. We could do this every day after for the rest of my life. I had no capacity left for tears so I just smiled up at her, the most content smile that had ever touched my face in my life.









14th of Evening Star


The best part about all this is that I still feel like me. I'm still the quirky girl who likes nirnroot and chasing walruses.. I just love my mistress too. It's kinda like I'm her bodyguard, only.. ya know, more. :)

She has me trained now to respond sexually when she asks me to listen, but otherwise, I'm the same old Amalee I always was!


We did finally get around to telling poor Ulfric about his daughter, Marta. He didn't take that so well, but there's really nothing anyone can do right now.. Mia's dead, Volkar's a horse (my idea!), and the other daedric slave broker's on holiday in Oblivion. Sasha and I fight for Remi's attention all the time, but we get along well enough on the side. My Mistress is fair, like I always knew she was, and she treats us both soooo well! Goddess.. it really doesn't take much to get me wet anymore...


I never did ask Ari what she thought of it all.. Maybe some day! But for now I can feel Mistress Remi's breath on my neck and she's... touching.. me, w---while I write.. She's reading over my shoulder, so I want to say 'I love you' one more time, and I expect now she'll-


"Listen to me.."


So when does the movie come out? With the ground breaking by "50 Shades", it should be a real winner.

Link to comment

Felt like writing a one-shot thing loosely based on my time with this mod so far, so obviously some non-con elements, futa, and probably some pretty heinous tense swapping. Nothing too hardcore, it's more towards your happy ending lovey type deal, so if that's your thang here ya go! I'll prolly post it on archiveofourown at some point, obviously with name changes and whatnot if you'd like, but for now, I kinda wanna just leave it here, so I hope it's cool with you fish.



Amalee's Incredibly Private Journal

(Seriously, get out of here anyone who's not me!!)



3rd of Sun's Dusk


Ugh. My feet are killing me! We just rode into town and Remi, our fearless leader, still wants to trudge all the way up to Dragonsreach to turn in some annoying, useless giant bounty! I can't believe her sometimes.. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and I won't lie, that pretty face of hers had more than a little to do with my decision to accompany her small group accross the entire continent, several times over! She just has soooo much energy, and I think she forgets the rest of us just don't have it..


Aranya, her bondmate and I, are going to the Bannered Mare to relax for a while so she can finsh up around town. I really like spending time with Ari, Remi calls her Ari by the way, and I've kinda started to do the same; she's elvish, and comes from a village on the border of Valenwood. I love hearing her tell stories about growing up there. Especially when there's Nirnroot, because the loudest root is the best root, like my Da always said.

I always feel a little self-conscious just being around either of them, they're just so beautiful, especially together.. I wonder sometimes why they brought me along at all. It must be my amazing fighting skills.. NYAH!


*sigh* I did not just write that...





4th of Sun's Dusk


I just woke up. Slept very well despite the stupid ground being made of rock, even through the nest of blankets I made on the floor. The soft moans and giggles those two make all night are almost like a lullaby to me by now. On one hand it keeps me up sometimes, wondering what they're doing, but on the other, I just feel safe knowing I'm not alone.


I heard them talking about a letter that Remi got while she was out last night. Apparently it's something to do with a Jarl's daughter and slavery? Eww.. now that's a quest I hope we don't have to do! Somehow I doubt they'll be able to resist, though, if there's maiden's that need rescuing.. I wonder if they have any sweet rolls? So hungry... NEED SWEET ROLL.






7th of Sun's Dusk


I should've known.. three days later and we're camped under a bush in the middle of Dibella knows where, looking for some slaver's hut. Ugh, the things I do for these two! I suppose it's no worse than having Remi ask me to help her out when Ari was too tired last night... I couldn't say no, of course, she's both adorable and the sexiest thing on the planet when she's turned on. She gets real coy and she has the sweetest voice when she asks me to 'please suck her off?' It's a little intimidating when the best you've ever had was seven and a half, when you try to compare it to her sixteen inch monster. Goddess, it was a struggle to get the tip into my mouth! She actually had to help me stroke the whole thing with one of her own hands. I swear, girl is a monster, she absolutely flooded my throat when she came. I think I nearly drowned... She just said 'thanks', gave me the most disarming smile I've ever seen, and then hopped back into bed with Ari. I don't think it was more than a minute before she was unconscious.


I, of course, am wide awake, my eyes don't feel like they know how to close anymore. What did I just do?


She told me the story once. Apparently her great-great grandfather was a dragon, and all the women in her family after that had the inborn ability to change between... well, you know? I don't have to write it, do I? Ya, I think you know what I mean. Anyway, their power set would change as well. When she has her... her cock out, she can roast bandits with some seriously intense fire magic, and when she's pure girl she's not a bad frost mage either. I guess it's not too hard to see which she prefers if you watch her play with the little flames on her fingers while we're traveling from place to place. And if that wasn't obvious enough for you, just look at her pants, you can't miss it! I certainly don't, not anymore...



Comon Amee.. mind out of the gutter. You've got to get some sleep. We're heading to Windhelm in the morning.







9th of Sun's Dusk


Oh goddess... It was a bad idea to come to Windhelm, as soon as we showed up without a voucher, we were ambushed. It's dark now, I can't see much, I'm writing with a weird chunk of lead I found on a desk while the other two try to find our stuff. We're free for the moment. Even after what just happened to her.. to all of us, Remi actually looks determined. I can see she's in pain from the beatings, and I can't imagine how badly the cuts are stinging after what they did to her, but she looks calm. She saved us, both of us.. she saved me. We would've died in that room, I'm sure of it! But she somehow she fought through the drugs they forced on us and helped Ari and I get untied.


Goddess, the sounds, hearing her scream while I couldn't see.. They had me faced away from them. Part of me is glad, but I.. I wish I could've helped her. We've spent almost an hour now looking for a hidden lever to disable a trap in order to move forward. I'm not much help.. I'm so shaken, I don't know how she does it, especially since she got the worst of it by far! I don't know what to do. I--


They found it. We have to go.










We did it! We killed her! She was totally crazy and she didn't go down easily, but we did it! The evil mastermind behind this whole place. It was awesome! but by Dibella, looking around, I've never seen this many naked girls in the same room before.. I mean, not that I've seen that many to begin with, but the strangest thing is they're all talking to her, trying to get Remi to take them with her. They each have their own approach, but they all mention something about a bond. They sound desperate. I'm sitting at a table watching them now. One of the girls is on her knee's with her hands on Remi's thighs, looking up at her like she's totally ready to suck her dick or something. Goddess, I did that.. I sucked her cock. I feel... I'm jealous. I can't believe it.. I'm sitting here watching someone else suck my friends cock, and I'm jealous.

I think there's something wrong with you Amee...


Ari's just watching them too. I think she's.. I think she's actually a little amused, and she's got her hand down-


Oh. Oh...








10th of Sun's Dusk


In the end Remi decided she wanted to bring the girl from yesterday. Sasha's her name. She's actually nice when you can talk to her normally, but I swear, half the time she just wants to fuck me. I feel so out of my league! Not even a week ago, I'd barely considered sex, and now I've been surrounded by it for hours! I'm sitting on a bed, trying to be as far away from everything as I can, while still being able to see what's going on in case anything happens, but even so, a few of the girls have already come up to me. I'm so dazed I even let one of them crawl onto me and start kissing my neck. I moaned, like, alot.. and I was grinding my hips against her slim and very naked thigh. She pulled my top off and started kissing and teasing my nipples. I just groaned and hugged her against me. I was so wet.. just like I am now. I didn't stop her. I wouldn't have stopped her..



I thought I was straight before I met these two...











On the way back down to the basement Sasha explained, with help from Remi, that she's essentially a sex slave. A sex slave.. my friend has a sex slave. Remi seems adamant that she doesn't consider Sasha a slave, which, I suppose seems accurate enough. It still gives me a weird feeling, though. She's given her a weapon and some armor. Sasha seems to love the sword, and has even been willing to wear the boots and a helmet, but refuses to cover the rest of herself when Remi's around. It's a little embarassing, but after everything I've been through these last few days, I don't have much room left to feel anything!


Remi's talking to a creepy dremora guy right now, and Sasha's just touching herself staring at Remi's butt, so I've had a moment to write this. The lighting is terrible down here, so I don't know how legible I'll be. There's a bad kinda feeling down here, and I don't trust that demon as far as I could throw him, which, I guess isn't very far.


I have no idea what they're talking about over there, but she just looked at me with this weird spark in her eye. I have a bad feeling..








12th dusk


goddess, i- she..

i can't keep my hands still, im shaking so much. shes in the next room checking on ari. i cant see, shes blindfolded me and my ankles are chained to the ground.. my body hurts, my throat is raw from sucking her cock, over and over again. i don't know whats wrong with her, i feel nauseaous. she doesn't want to hurt me, i can feel that much when i remember archerones beatings... that evil bastard. and now Remi, my friend that im fatally attracted to is doing the same thing to me.. the thing that scares me is i cant hate her for it. i just feel... empty. empty and tired. im hiding this behind a dresser in an alcove over there if i can reach... dibella protect me...








15th, i think..


i don't really know how long we've been here. listen to yourself amee, still saying 'we'.. try as i might, i still cant hate her for what shes doing to me. she only hits me when i refuse now. my throat feels better at least. she spent an entire day kissing every inch of my body and touching me gently like nothing was wrong. i was on the edge for so long i almost begged her to let me cum. that fact alone frightened me. im scared of what her touch does to me.


shes been pleasuring me alot lately, its been easier since shes started focusing on me. she came in earlier today and i could feel her lips were cooler than normal, so i wasnt surprised when i felt her press her pussy against mine, grinding slowly, gauging my reaction. i flinched, but when i didnt resist she put her arms around my shoulders and i felt her breath on the back of my neck, like a cool breeze, whispering affirmations. for a few minutes i let my tensions slip and lost myself in the feel of her body pressed against mine, rocking rhythmically until i whimpered her name and spasmed, rubbing myself all over her thighs and anywhere my hips could go. it felt so good.. my afterglow faded slowly, and i just sat there in her arms, refusing to let go of my illusion; i was actually happy. she broke it for me. her lips kissed my neck, just under my jaw, and i felt her fingers trail slowly down the side of my face and off the tip of my chin. "worth it.." she whispered. then she was gone.









17th? Sun's Dusk


She must've seen me writing that last note, because she gave me my journal back this morning. Goddess it feels good to have something normal back in my life. Something I feel sure about. I can't understand my feelings toward her.. On one side, I can't believe what she's done to me. What she IS doing to me, and I don't want to forgive her. But on the other... I can still see and feel the friend I knew when she touches me. And goddess, I can't deny anymore that I love her touch. She can light my nerves on fire with just a few words, and she does, every day; until I'm a quivering, begging mess at her knees, touching myself (which I never used to, but by Dibella I do now!) and sucking furiously on whichever body of hers she presents me with that day.


I had my first dream about her last night. We fucked, ya, and I got just as wet and horny as I always do thinking about her lately. But oddly, most of it was just a dream about the three of us together, happy, watching bandits and trolls and gryphons scramble and throw eachother around to see who could be king of the hill. The two of them together, one with their head on the others shoulder, while I lay contentedly at their feet. I loved the feeling of making them happy; And that thought stuck. If I just gave her what she wanted: me, then she would be happy, and in turn, I could be happy. It was so simple.. I could give myself to her. I wanted to give myself to her, Goddess I wanted to give myself to her. To my surprise, it made me incredibly wet to think that thought.. My hand drifted unconsciously down, and I imagined her pushing slowly inside me, each inch matched by my fingers until there was no more hand to mimic what I wanted. I cried out in frustration, which devolved into a series of moans and whimpers from the back of my throat as I helplessly pummeled the most sensitive spots in my pussy. That's how she found me that morning, crying and whispering her name.









whatever day it is


I was so ready. I wanted the bond. Everything was ready. I wanted to be hers for as long as I could move. I looked up at her from where I was sat on the floor. She nodded and I eagerly wrapped my hand around her length. Stroking slowly, I leaned forward and kissed her leg lightly, just above the knee. She hummed her approval and I trailed my lips sensously all the way up her inner thigh, keeping a slow pace with my hand on her dick. I noticed the tip was tugging up against gravity little by little with every motion. I grinned like an idiot and reached up with my free hand to cup her balls and twirled my tongue in random patterns against them, watching with growing excitement as her cock slowly rose to it's full height. I kept my hand stroking lazily along it's length as I swallowed, looking at it.


This was it! I rose to my knees, wrapped my lips around her tip and looked up at her again. She just had this lopsided grin on her face, and all I got for acknowledgement was a slow mini-thrust into my mouth. I think I might've giggled, or tried to, if her cock wasn't almost the size of my fist. Despite that, I pulled her length down level with me and willed my shoulders forward until my face was pressed against her abs. Her inhale of breath was as long as I took to hilt her entire cock in my throat, and when I looked up, I saw the sexiest expression I'd ever seen looking back down at me. Her eyes were on fire, and I could see she wanted this as badly or more than even I did. Holding on to that thought, I heaved my shoulders back, feeling the entire shaft slide up to the front of my throat. I groaned, and by the sounds she started making, she liked what that was doing to her.


I replaced my hand and started stroking more insistently, taking half of her with my mouth. My hand kept a steady pace, but my mouth sped up to a brutal rhythm, flying along the head, but she loved it and I couldn't stop.. My Mistress was making the bond. Oh, Goddess I wanted it soooo bad. I pulled back so I was just sucking the tip, and managed to swirl my tongue around the head, letting my hand replace the rhythm. She was crying out and bucking against my face already, so when I brought my other hand up and started a few short, quick counter strokes at her base, she lost it. She tried to pronounce something but it got crushed and what came out was somewhere halfway between a purr and a growl as her breathing seized up, and her body tightened into a ball around my head. I could feel her twitching in my mouth, and just before she released, her whole body came loose. She plunged her cock all the way down my throat where she exploded. Pulse after pulse of her extacy surged past my lips, and by the time she finally stopped shaking and moaning, and her aftershocks were starting to fade, I could actually feel my belly swelling a little. I grimaced, dropping a hand to my stomach to cope with the intense stretch I felt there, while she stroked my hair absently.


After a few seconds, I swallowed and blinked. I was still looking up at her face when I started to feel it. A huge, unstoppable wave of lust. I could feel it coming a second before it hit me, and I was excited for what it meant, which only made it worse when it hit me.


I let out a choked breath and shuddered. I couldn't break eye contact with her. She watched every second as my face contorted with need. My skin set on fire with lust as my fingers carressed back up my navel, and settled over my chest, squeezing and teasing every inch of flesh and pinching playfully at the nipples. My other hand found it's way to my quivering pussy; I was already aching so badly for her with everything that had happened today.


I slipped one finger inside and my eyebrows curled with how insufficient that was. I slipped another finger inside and began pressing my palm against my clit, trying to get as deep as I could, all the while looking up at this gorgeous woman that I loved with my eyes. My mouth fell open and I think I started to pant when I saw my own desire and admiration reflected in her eyes. Goddess I wanted her inside me, I wanted to feel her push her huge cock into me and let me make her cum until neither of us could walk straight.


A thought occured to me at that point: she had never been inside me before, my mouth, but never inside me.. I was going to get pregnant. There was no way I could take so much of her and not. And I wanted that, so much. I wanted to be part of her, have her as close to me as I could. That just pushed me harder. I struggled to get my pussy to accept the stimulation of my hand, it felt futile when what I really wanted was right there, but I couldn't have it.


Eventually I managed to find my most sensitive inner core, and with the state I was in, it didn't take long. I could see in her eyes she was waiting for me, and I furiously battered my abused pink sex until I finally had to look away, squeezing my eyes closed and splattering my release all over the ground. She had no intention of letting that be the end of it, though. I almost died of over-stimulation when she immediately flipped me over and plunged the tip of her cock into me, not even two seconds after I'd cum. I let out a choked moan that twisted into a sob as she began to pump into me, increasing inches at a time. I felt her arms hug me around my writhing waist and I wanted nothing more than to roll over and kiss her fiercely. But it wasn't my place, if the mistress decided she wanted to inspect my curves while she fucked me, then I would just have to wait. It was torturous, but I gave her every inch of my sex that I could, in the meantime. I had tears at the corners of my eyes with how badly I wanted to hold her, when eventually she did flip me over, and she did something I hand't expected; she pulled out.


For what seemed like forever she just stared down at me, this adorable cheeky grin on her face until realization hit me. I felt the tip of her dick press against my ass, and after a few seconds of pressure, she slipped inside me with a muffled moan. At that point I actually did cry, overwhelmed by what she was doing to me. As she slowly pushed herself in to the hilt, I clung to her neck whispering "I love you, mistress. I love you, I love you, I love you... Thank you.."



By the time we were done, I couldn't move. I just lay there on the ground staring up at her with half-lidded eyes. It was rare to find a part of me, in or out, that wasn't covered in her cum. And it was at that point that it dawned on me: I was hers. It was done. We could do this every day after for the rest of my life. I had no capacity left for tears so I just smiled up at her, the most content smile that had ever touched my face in my life.









14th of Evening Star


The best part about all this is that I still feel like me. I'm still the quirky girl who likes nirnroot and chasing walruses.. I just love my mistress too. It's kinda like I'm her bodyguard, only.. ya know, more. :)

She has me trained now to respond sexually when she asks me to listen, but otherwise, I'm the same old Amalee I always was!


We did finally get around to telling poor Ulfric about his daughter, Marta. He didn't take that so well, but there's really nothing anyone can do right now.. Mia's dead, Volkar's a horse (my idea!), and the other daedric slave broker's on holiday in Oblivion. Sasha and I fight for Remi's attention all the time, but we get along well enough on the side. My Mistress is fair, like I always knew she was, and she treats us both soooo well! Goddess.. it really doesn't take much to get me wet anymore...


I never did ask Ari what she thought of it all.. Maybe some day! But for now I can feel Mistress Remi's breath on my neck and she's... touching.. me, w---while I write.. She's reading over my shoulder, so I want to say 'I love you' one more time, and I expect now she'll-


"Listen to me.."



By the Gods Mug.  You really get Sex Slave lore.  You GROK it.  ("Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed").



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