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The creature thing shouldn't have anything to do with the AddOn thing.

I will take a look on it. There should be an Option in the first MCM Menu to enable/disable creature sperm. But i guess you know it and it doesn't appear anymore - Well, I will take a look.



Ok, just tested it and for me, the creature thing is working. But if you play as a Khajiit or Argonian (or another beast race) you must disable "Lore friendly" in the general Menu

the new Option "Lore Friendly" defines, that the "Beast Races" (= Argonian and Khajiit) can only impregnate the same race... so Khajiit can only become pregnant from other Khajiit and argonian can only become pregnant from other Argonian.

(Beast Races are not Creature Races! Beast Races are by default only Khajiit and Argonian)


Hmm, I can't seem to find that option for creature sperm anywhere.. 


However the human part is working fine, even though it still says "no compatibility" under SexLab in the system tab.

Sperm is added by a SL orgasm event and bf:impregnate is functional. The Lore friendly option is also there and working as intended. 


so the only thing that doesn't seem to work or is missing, is the creature department.. (at least on my end)  :P

did you make any changes to the uploaded archive since yesterday?


btw. i will certainly check out the developer pack, once I've got more time for modding again..  :)

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The creature thing shouldn't have anything to do with the AddOn thing.

I will take a look on it. There should be an Option in the first MCM Menu to enable/disable creature sperm. But i guess you know it and it doesn't appear anymore - Well, I will take a look.



Ok, just tested it and for me, the creature thing is working. But if you play as a Khajiit or Argonian (or another beast race) you must disable "Lore friendly" in the general Menu

the new Option "Lore Friendly" defines, that the "Beast Races" (= Argonian and Khajiit) can only impregnate the same race... so Khajiit can only become pregnant from other Khajiit and argonian can only become pregnant from other Argonian.

(Beast Races are not Creature Races! Beast Races are by default only Khajiit and Argonian)


Hmm, I can't seem to find that option for creature sperm anywhere.. 


However the human part is working fine, even though it still says "no compatibility" under SexLab in the system tab.

Sperm is added by a SL orgasm event and bf:impregnate is functional. The Lore friendly option is also there and working as intended. 


so the only thing that doesn't seem to work or is missing, is the creature department.. (at least on my end)  :P

did you make any changes to the uploaded archive since yesterday?


btw. i will certainly check out the developer pack, once I've got more time for modding again..  :)


That's odd.

No sperm added on my end.

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Hi all, anyone mind helping me out with a slight compile issue? I was making some changes to s few slide number in the scripts and I get a line like:

"my_long_file_path\FWController.psc(1355,14): variable maxSDuration is undefined"

"...cannot add float to a none"

From what I understand, it doesn't look incorrect, but that means I'm missing some reference to "maxSDuration." I got the dev pack with all the source, have skse, sexlab, ect. installed and those scripts in the right place, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.


Edit: Would probably help if I posted the blasted line lol. It's located in FWContoller.psc

Line 1334: float maxSDuration = System.getMaleSpermDuration(SName)
Line 1336: if STime + maxSDuration > Time && (STime+System.cfg.WashOutHourDelay < Time || bShowTravelingSperm==true) && SAmou>=Sperm_Min_Amount_For_Impregnation && System.CheckIsLoreFriendlyMetting(woman, SName)
Line 1355: if STime + maxSDuration > Time && (STime+System.cfg.WashOutHourDelay < Time || bShowTravelingSperm==true) && SAmou>=Sperm_Min_Amount_For_Impregnation && System.CheckIsLoreFriendlyMetting(woman, SName)
Line 1356: float SpermDurationPercent = (Time - STime) / maxSDuration
Line 1420: float maxSDuration = System.getMaleSpermDuration(SName)
Line 1422: if STime + maxSDuration > Time && (STime+System.cfg.WashOutHourDelay < Time || bShowTravelingSperm==true) && SAmou>=Sperm_Min_Amount_For_Impregnation && System.CheckIsLoreFriendlyMetting(woman, SName)
Line 1423: float SpermDurationPercent = (Time - STime) / maxSDuration

Edit 2: SOLVED: Well, maybe I'm lucky... But somehow copying the line from 1334 " float maxSDuration = System.getMaleSpermDuration(SName)" and then putting it on 1354, which is the second instance of a whole bunch of hubbub. Could have sworn it was there to begin with, but I checked the developer pack again and it wasn't there! Here's the whole bit

if bSort==false || c==1
while c>0
float STime = StorageUtil.FloatListGet(woman, "FW.SpermTime", c)
actor SName = (StorageUtil.FormListGet(woman, "FW.SpermName", c) As Actor)
float SAmou = StorageUtil.FloatListGet(woman, "FW.SpermAmount", c)
float maxSDuration = System.getMaleSpermDuration(SName)<----------------------------------- Variable that was giving me trouble
if STime + maxSDuration > Time && (STime+System.cfg.WashOutHourDelay < Time || bShowTravelingSperm==true) && SAmou>=Sperm_Min_Amount_For_Impregnation && System.CheckIsLoreFriendlyMetting(woman, SName)
;FWUtility.ActorArrayAppend(actors, SName)
if bFirst==true
actors=new Actor[1]
actors=FWUtility.ActorArrayAppend(actors, SName)
float[] actorr
while c>0
float STime = StorageUtil.FloatListGet(woman, "FW.SpermTime", c)
actor SName = (StorageUtil.FormListGet(woman, "FW.SpermName", c) As Actor)
float SAmou = StorageUtil.FloatListGet(woman, "FW.SpermAmount", c)
float maxSDuration = System.getMaleSpermDuration(SName) <-----------------------------------Pasting it here too allowed me to compile, was originally not there
if STime + maxSDuration > Time && (STime+System.cfg.WashOutHourDelay < Time || bShowTravelingSperm==true) && SAmou>=Sperm_Min_Amount_For_Impregnation && System.CheckIsLoreFriendlyMetting(woman, SName)
float SpermDurationPercent = (Time - STime) / maxSDuration
float xScale = 1.0
if SpermDurationPercent>0.65
xScale-=SpermDurationPercent - 0.65
if bFirst==true
actors=new Actor[1]
actorr=new Float[1]
actorr[0]=System.GetSpermRelevance(woman, SName) * SAmou * xScale
actors=FWUtility.ActorArrayAppend(actors, SName)
actorr=FWUtility.FloatArrayAppend(actorr, System.GetSpermRelevance(woman, SName) * SAmou * xScale)


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Something is wrong.


Also there seems to be one issue whit NioOveride. My male char do get invisible.


And this lines are spammed in my Papyrus.


[Active effect 11 on  (6411D461)].FWEffectMenstruationBlood.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 11 on  (6411D461)].FWEffectMenstruationBlood.OnUpdate() - "FWEffectMenstruationBlood.psc" Line 14
[01/15/2017 - 07:51:01PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
    [Active effect 10 on  (3600CF0F)].fwabilitybeeingfemale.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 10 on  (3600CF0F)].fwabilitybeeingfemale.OnUpdate() - "FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc" Line 162
[01/15/2017 - 07:51:01PM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type


This happens when I cast the spell on my horse, that I know was pregnant before.


In my Papyrus I did also find this about my horse.


[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM] BeeingFemale Saved Data for: Horse
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM] Current Game Time: 73.938446
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM] -----------------------------------------------------------------
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.LastUpdate :  73.801598
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.StateEnterTime :  72.947701 [23h 46M]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.CurrentState :  3
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.Abortus :  0
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.AbortusTime :  0.000000 [73d 22h 31M]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.UnbornHealth :  100.000000
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.NumChilds :  0
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.Flags :  1
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.PainLevel :  0.000000
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.Contraception :  98.000000
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.ContraceptionTime :  71.634598 [2d 7h 17M]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.NumBirth :  2
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.NumBabys :  4
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.PauseTime :  0.000000 [73d 22h 31M]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:53PM]  FW.LastBornChildTime :  50.883400 [23d 1h 19M]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM]  FW.BornChildFather[0] :  Grelka's Horse
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM]  FW.BornChildFather[1] :  Grelka's Horse
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM]  FW.BornChildTime[0] :  50.863499 [23d 1h 47M]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM]  FW.BornChildTime[1] :  50.883400 [23d 1h 19M]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM] Linked References:  [1089084]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM] Linked Ref Chains: 2
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM] 0:  [429428]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM] 1:  [1089084]
[01/15/2017 - 08:07:54PM] -----------------------------------------------------------------


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The MCM Menu -> Refresh AddOn is buggy. The console command is required for this.

The Refresh AddOn via the menu is still made for the old AddOn System. I forgot to make it compatible with the new system. So everything what the button does is: Disabling and removing all AddOns. This will be fixed soon, untill then it's required to use the console command for this job.


Yes, it's "bf:addon refresh". at the beginning it will say "command not found" - but when you wait for a few seconds it will be rewritten

No dice, waited 5 minutes, nothing.

Started a new game, fired up sexlab and used the console command for bf to refresh.

Sexlab Framework no compatibility.

Don't know whats going on, everything runs fine, no script delay whatsoever.

I hate Skyrim... :P


Same issue here....sexlab framework no compability :@


I have also the problem with Sexlab Framework no compatibility yet


I take a look in the ini file BF_SSL.ini , which looks like it does "something" for sexlab compatibility. I just wanted to delete an empty line as recommended,

but at the end of the file there is





and I have no BeeingFemale.esp ? Maybe that's a problem?




God d..... thanks, I think this will fix all Problems... Creature Sperm, SexLab, Bathing in Skyrim, ....

For some reason it didn't copy the AddOn ini files and made use of my Beta Files .... I will change it soon (maybe tomorrow)


Extract this files into your Skyrim\data\BeeingFemale\AddOn\ directory.


It's not enough to change it from "BeeingFemale.esp" to "BeeingFemale.esm" because the ID's are different, too.


You can change it by yourself as well:


BF_SSL.ini must be:

BF_BathingInSkyrim.ini must be:
This should enable Create Sperm (witch is only enabled when SexLab was detected) and it should make SexLab compatible with BeeingFemale, as well as Bathing in Skyrim
The file size will be the same, so you must enter the console command after you've overwritten the AddOn .ini Files, you you put an empty line in it so the file size will change

About the Animations - Those who got "not compatible" should run FNIS


Today i don't have time anymore to fix the download file - sorry. But I think tomorrow I can upload the changes again.


I've also forgot to put the BeeingFemale.esp into the Developer Pack, for those, who want to change a few things in the .esp


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ok, that did the trick..  :D  ^_^


btw. if i remember correctly, the thing with the animations was also already reported with the last version. it changes when you switch from first to third person view. I think it had something to do with the animations and fnis.. I never had any problems because of that.

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God d..... thanks, I think this will fix all Problems... Creature Sperm, SexLab, Bathing in Skyrim, ....

For some reason it didn't copy the AddOn ini files and made use of my Beta Files .... I will change it soon (maybe tomorrow)


Extract this files into your Skyrim\data\BeeingFemale\AddOn\ directory.


It's not enough to change it from "BeeingFemale.esp" to "BeeingFemale.esm" because the ID's are different, too.


You can change it by yourself as well:


BF_SSL.ini must be:

BF_BathingInSkyrim.ini must be:
This should enable Create Sperm (witch is only enabled when SexLab was detected) and it should make SexLab compatible with BeeingFemale, as well as Bathing in Skyrim
The file size will be the same, so you must enter the console command after you've overwritten the AddOn .ini Files, you you put an empty line in it so the file size will change

About the Animations - Those who got "not compatible" should run FNIS


Today i don't have time anymore to fix the download file - sorry. But I think tomorrow I can upload the changes again.


I've also forgot to put the BeeingFemale.esp into the Developer Pack, for those, who want to change a few things in the .esp



That fix it after i put it in and loaded the game then did the bf:addon refresh then waited a few then saved and reload that save and it all worked.... thanks

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ok, that did the trick..  :D  ^_^


btw. if i remember correctly, the thing with the animations was also already reported with the last version. it changes when you switch from first to third person view. I think it had something to do with the animations and fnis.. I never had any problems because of that.


Well, one solution could be, that i remove the check and mark FNIS as a must have requirement.

When running FNIS a varaible will be attached to the animation, ... and this varaible will be checked from BeeingFemale. If this variable isn't set, the animation option will be disabled.


It can be, that a newer FNIS version is required. I don't know in whitch version the Variable thing was added.

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After playing some sessions today, suddenly beeing attached all kind of magic effects to my player, like laughing, children sound, hunger etc. Showed up in the Magic menu.


On a side note, just wondering why you don't use the latest SKSE version. It has been around for a few years by now, 1.7.3 that is.

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And my char is still getting invisible, seems like BF try to push some female settings on my Male char.


I have this invisible problem, too... but I think it's HDT. Let me guess, you have a CBBE HDT Body?

The player stays visible, but above 30% of the female NPCs are invisible - even the non-unique

And my char is still getting invisible, seems like BF try to push some female settings on my Male char.


I have this invisible problem, too... but I think it's HDT. Let me guess, you have a CBBE HDT Body?

The player stays visible, but above 30% of the female NPCs are invisible - even the non-unique

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How do I disable this info window that is on the up right on my game?


And sperms aren't working, i mean, sex happen and no sperms are registered.


I am using ver 2.8


What Info window? Do you have enabled the "Couple Maker"? This will be removed when you reload the game.


About the "Sperms not registrated" take a look 1 page back.

There is a hot fix you can download. The Fix will be implementated in the main download in the next days

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How do I disable this info window that is on the up right on my game?


And sperms aren't working, i mean, sex happen and no sperms are registered.


I am using ver 2.8


What Info window? Do you have enabled the "Couple Maker"? This will be removed when you reload the game.


About the "Sperms not registrated" take a look 1 page back.

There is a hot fix you can download. The Fix will be implementated in the main download in the next days


I installed the fix, but the bug is not fixed.


I had hentai pregnancy installed before, this can be the problem?

Should i do a clear save?


PS: BF is my fav addon, thank you for your work!

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And my char is still getting invisible, seems like BF try to push some female settings on my Male char.


I have this invisible problem, too... but I think it's HDT. Let me guess, you have a CBBE HDT Body?

The player stays visible, but above 30% of the female NPCs are invisible - even the non-unique


No I use UUNP Special On females and on Males I use SOS full.


It is not the normal issue when your females goes invisible.


It seems to affect my Male character.

Did make one copy of my load in MO and did one new profile and started one new game all runs fine.

Started one female and one male.

Runned around little no fuss in the papyrus at all.

Have saved the logs.


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ERROR: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type


[Active effect 6 on  (0001A67C)].FWEffectMenstruationBlood.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 6 on  (0001A67C)].FWEffectMenstruationBlood.OnUpdate() - "FWEffectMenstruationBlood.psc" Line ?

[01/15/2017 - 06:38:34PM]

A ton of that in my Papyrus and then a ctd. Any ideas on how to fix ?

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The creatures are still not allowed. I disabled the lore friendly option just in case (my char is a nord) and that didn't help. Is there a way to make creatures sperm allow again?


There is one click box, right under the LORE, that says Creature sperm or something like that. Click in that.


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The creatures are still not allowed. I disabled the lore friendly option just in case (my char is a nord) and that didn't help. Is there a way to make creatures sperm allow again?


There is one click box, right under the LORE, that says Creature sperm or something like that. Click in that.


The problem is that "allow creatures sperm" click box doesn't appear in the MCM menu. It was there in the previous versions though.

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The creatures are still not allowed. I disabled the lore friendly option just in case (my char is a nord) and that didn't help. Is there a way to make creatures sperm allow again?


There is one click box, right under the LORE, that says Creature sperm or something like that. Click in that.


The problem is that "allow creatures sperm" click box doesn't appear in the MCM menu. It was there in the previous versions though.



Use the hotfix addon patch, it would be pop up right after you use console command "bf:addon refresh"


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