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Greetings :)



Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing  :D  

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies. 

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day).  Could it be possible to reduce it?  Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course. 


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !


Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)


Hello again,


I have BF running well....I think?  I see everything my widgets are working, well, at least the Current phase, Pregnancy chance and bloody panty when I need to change it during Menstruation period.


I just went through my first set of states since installing and now I'm halfway into the Follicular phase again I think.


My issue is two-fold:


In the MCM menu under the Information tab it states the following:


Current State:  Luteal Phase

Chance to become pregnant:  1%

Time remaining:  -3D 22H 54m & climbing  (NOTICE NEGATIVE NUMBER HERE)


Now my Widget says:  Current state Follicular Phase  1D 22H 22M & climbing as well. (POSITIVE NUMBER HERE)


So am I in the Luteal phase or Follicular Phase?  If I look at MCM I'm in Luteal, and if I look at Widget I'm in Follicular


My 2nd question/issue:  Is the MCM menu under information & Widget for Current state (Bottom left of screen)supposed to show me when I am in the Ovulation stage which it did not do this first time around?  It went from Follicular Phase straight to the Luteal phase apparently skipping the Ovulation stagewhile staying in between 0 & 5% chance to get pregnant the whole time.  Or am I just supposed to know that the Ovulation phase is the final 2 days of the Follicular phase and the 1st 2 days of the Luteal phase?


Or does this signal that I must reset my character and try it all again?


Edit:  Update:  Playing since I posted this, my Widget is telling me that I am in Menstruation Phase yet I am at 86% chance to become pregnant.  Meantime my MCM / Beeing Female / Information is still showing Luteal Phase -13D 20H 54M, (hasn't changed since entering Luteal Phase the first go around), yet it is also showing an 86% chance to become pregnant.


I'll keep playing along until I see someone has answered this.  Maybe it's just reading the wrong Phase in either MCM or Widget?


Sorry that you had problems. This problem is realy realy old and exists since the Beta Version... I thought I've fixed it with some work arounds.

The easiest solution to fix it is Go into the MCM Menu and Reset the Player Stats. But It seems you've already done it :)



Her is what finally worked for me;


I have 86 mods loaded and 79 of those are running. When I added this mod I couldn't get the MCM menu to work unless I started a new game. I was planning to do that after I got this setup running well so I left this mod running and moved on to the next set of installs. I'm not using the Patch mod BTW. It didn't work for me. After adding 5 different Hair with Physics mods my setup got really unstable and trying to go back wasn't working. I've had so much trouble with hair in the past that I made a full copy of my Skyrim folder before attempting to add physics hair. I deleted the Skyrim folder in the Steam directory and replaced it with the copy I had made. When it finished moving over I opened MO and ran NFIS. When I started Skyrim and loaded my last save it went through all the MCM installs and add-ons. Everything is running smooth and I have found no conflicts. The BeeingFemale MCM menu is working fine now. My wife Vilja has a 2% chance of getting pregnant ATM.

Thanks, this is going to be fun.


Ok I think the best solution for the Blank MCM is to make SkiUI refresh the Mod Configuration Menus by installing or uninstalling a mod that has a MCM.


Most Feedback was "I've installed THIS mod, THIS Mod fixed the MCM Menu" everyone download THIS Mod ..... but I think it wasn't the Mod itself, it was more the MCM Menu the mod had. The menu of this mod forces SkiUI to refresh the menu list.

So install a mod that has a MCM and hope it will work, to fix the blank MCM

I have 1 more question if you'd be so kind.....Can I keep Beeing Female in cheat mode and will the states/phases and everything else function in their normal cycles if I keep it in cheat mode or is it when in cheat mode you have to change phases manually?  Why I ask is I'm not sure if after changing something in cheat mode if I go back out of Debugging and back to Low will my changes I made in the cheat still be in effect?

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Greetings :)



Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing  :D  

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies. 

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day).  Could it be possible to reduce it?  Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course. 


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !


Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)





Ty for taking the time to reply.

I have run into a new issue now: After pregnancy ends there is no baby or new actor spawning.

I have these settings turned on:

- NPC have babies 

- NPC Spawns: Actor


I do have many other mods with scripts and cloacks tho (aroused, sexlife, defeat, etc). Could any of these be interfering?

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I have 1 more question if you'd be so kind.....Can I keep Beeing Female in cheat mode and will the states/phases and everything else function in their normal cycles if I keep it in cheat mode or is it when in cheat mode you have to change phases manually?  Why I ask is I'm not sure if after changing something in cheat mode if I go back out of Debugging and back to Low will my changes I made in the cheat still be in effect?



you can stay in cheat mode if you like. Everything should work but you will get many messages.

You can switch back to low informations, too.... once it works, it will keep working :)



Greetings :)



Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing  :D  

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies. 

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day).  Could it be possible to reduce it?  Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course. 


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !


Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)





Ty for taking the time to reply.

I have run into a new issue now: After pregnancy ends there is no baby or new actor spawning.

I have these settings turned on:

- NPC have babies 

- NPC Spawns: Actor


I do have many other mods with scripts and cloacks tho (aroused, sexlife, defeat, etc). Could any of these be interfering?



Well let me think... All I remember was you've played a male character and an NPC become pregnant...


I've never seen an NPC who had a misscarryage.... so I don't think this is the reason.

Gernal -> "NPCs born babies" is enabled

Pregnancy -> "Spawn type (NPC)" is set to actor.... well....

And All I remember you had RS Children installed including the patch for them, right?

Can you upload the log file from the time, when the NPC gave birth?


Does her belly grows? Otherwise it could be again the same bug Alcyone had.... You can try to go into the menu and click on "Reset Player"

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Beeingfemale was working fine for some time.  Then I noticed my SKSE papyrus log going crazy and using GB of space  It repeats the same error over and over like mad.


[05/08/2016 - 03:20:44PM] Error: Cannot call AddOnVisible() on a None object, aborting function call
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.OnOptionSelect() - "FWSystemConfig.psc" Line 2537
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.SelectOption() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 1177
[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (CC000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnOptionSelect() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 159
[05/08/2016 - 03:20:44PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp291"
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.OnOptionSelect() - "FWSystemConfig.psc" Line 2537
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.SelectOption() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 1177
[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (CC000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnOptionSelect() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 159

I tried reseting the mod tried uninstalling.  I can uninstall but then after I remove the mod from my load order and start a new game I can no longer save my game.  I cant do a clean save.  Skyrim crashes as soon as I click save.  I seem to be stuck, does anyone have any ideas?


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Beeingfemale was working fine for some time.  Then I noticed my SKSE papyrus log going crazy and using GB of space  It repeats the same error over and over like mad.


[05/08/2016 - 03:20:44PM] Error: Cannot call AddOnVisible() on a None object, aborting function call
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.OnOptionSelect() - "FWSystemConfig.psc" Line 2537
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.SelectOption() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 1177
[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (CC000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnOptionSelect() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 159
[05/08/2016 - 03:20:44PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp291"
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.OnOptionSelect() - "FWSystemConfig.psc" Line 2537
[BF_Config (17001828)].fwsystemconfig.SelectOption() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 1177
[SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (CC000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnOptionSelect() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 159

I tried reseting the mod tried uninstalling.  I can uninstall but then after I remove the mod from my load order and start a new game I can no longer save my game.  I cant do a clean save.  Skyrim crashes as soon as I click save.  I seem to be stuck, does anyone have any ideas?



I figured out what happened.  I tried making some changes to my sksi.ini and preference file.  followed some things on the crash guide and step.  I changed decal settings that was the biggest change, not sure it is related.  regardless some change I made broke Beeingfemale.  Since I turned off the papyrus logging I did not notice the issue and thought all was ok.  I would leave papyrus logging on if you plan to run many mods at once.  I dont think the issue was really beeingfemales just skyrims but I am watching for it now.  

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Thank you for replying. Yes i set beeing female back to low and halfway through Ovulation i became pregnant. WOOT. Now to watch my belly grow. I have that set to immediate so it will be happening in 1st Trimester. Thanks for everyones assistance on this :)

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Wow i just keep finding little questions to ask.


Im asking this to prevent anything happening to the baby during pregnancy. Im afraid to even travel from city to city or from home to home, at least during the 1st trimester, since the baby can be harmed so easily in the 1st. Does this mean that the only thing i can do is be stuck in my home for at least the duration of the 1st trimester (10 days) if i dont wish to endanger my unborn? Ill have Selene Kate with me like i always do. Im level 58. But she sometimes waits to react until i am hit. Would my baby be able to survive a couple hits anyway until Selene and i take a group of bandits down?

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Thanks aim4it for the quick reply. Selene Kate is a warrior, she will get in the face of anything and everything she is awesome. But you never know hehe. Plus i suppose i could always revert to a previous save if i absolutely had to if anything like miscarriage occured due to an attack. Thanks again for the healing tip. Hmmm Selene Kate heals me often when only slightly damaged...im wondering if her heals might heal the baby as well. I guess only time may tell on that :)

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Just a quick question, if an NPC is in the middle of the phases, i.e. The concraception chance has already been calculated, and I change the chance of getting pregnant that will not take effect until the start of the next set of phases, correct?
A second question, if I have a follower with me and they start this new set of phases with the increased pregnancy chance, will that take effect or do they have to be in a separate cell than me? For example I have two followers, Mjoll and Sofia, I think both of them started a new set of phases, Mjoll's chance of pregnancy jumped to around 65%, but Sofia's didn't, her's stayed at 1%, when this occurred I had Sofia with me, outside following me, but Mjoll was not with me, she was in another cell altogether.
Is there anyway I can force Sofia to start a new set of phases without resetting the mod altogether? I have a pregnant follower which I would not like to loose, but will do so if that is the only way


Edit: Nevermind, I used debug mode to reset each of their individual cycles and it seems to be working now

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Well let me think... All I remember was you've played a male character and an NPC become pregnant...


I've never seen an NPC who had a misscarryage.... so I don't think this is the reason.

Gernal -> "NPCs born babies" is enabled

Pregnancy -> "Spawn type (NPC)" is set to actor.... well....

And All I remember you had RS Children installed including the patch for them, right?

Can you upload the log file from the time, when the NPC gave birth?


Does her belly grows? Otherwise it could be again the same bug Alcyone had.... You can try to go into the menu and click on "Reset Player"



Correct, i have RS children patch installed (comes after main plugin in the load order)

When you refer to log, you mean papyrus log? or is there a specific way to ask the mod to make a log?

In anycase I will probably have to get back to you in a couple of days for the log because i just deleted all my save games and uninstalled some mods to ease the script load.



Belly grows fine and, sometimes, i even had the birth animation working. But no actor spawns (either small baby or child)



PS: Curious fact. I just started a new game and as i was starting to set up all the MCM settings for my mods  beeing female MCM was working wierd. It was slow and "heavy" to try to change any settings (this started when i wanted to disable some "addons" like hungry, etc). I exit the game to find out a huge papyrus log... i mean i had huge papyrus logs before,.. like 1.5mb size... but this one is a guiness record: 3gb!!! I couldnt tell what was happening because nothing could open it (all applications stated that file was too big)

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Can the baby (baby item) attached to PC or NPC eventually grow into a child? How long does it usually take?



Great mod. Couldn't get v2.7 to work so i installed the v2.6 from nexus and then played around with that for a bit. Thinking of upgrading once the black MCM issue is fixed :P

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Can the baby (baby item) attached to PC or NPC eventually grow into a child? How long does it usually take?



Great mod. Couldn't get v2.7 to work so i installed the v2.6 from nexus and then played around with that for a bit. Thinking of upgrading once the black MCM issue is fixed :P

Nope, he wont gonna grow, is item or actor, I preffer actor but the problems are the clothes, only children of the sky had armors but well, they dint looked normal

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Greetings :)



Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing  :D  

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies. 

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day).  Could it be possible to reduce it?  Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course. 


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !


Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)


Hello again,


I have BF running well....I think?  I see everything my widgets are working, well, at least the Current phase, Pregnancy chance and bloody panty when I need to change it during Menstruation period.


I just went through my first set of states since installing and now I'm halfway into the Follicular phase again I think.


My issue is two-fold:


In the MCM menu under the Information tab it states the following:


Current State:  Luteal Phase

Chance to become pregnant:  1%

Time remaining:  -3D 22H 54m & climbing  (NOTICE NEGATIVE NUMBER HERE)


Now my Widget says:  Current state Follicular Phase  1D 22H 22M & climbing as well. (POSITIVE NUMBER HERE)


So am I in the Luteal phase or Follicular Phase?  If I look at MCM I'm in Luteal, and if I look at Widget I'm in Follicular


My 2nd question/issue:  Is the MCM menu under information & Widget for Current state (Bottom left of screen)supposed to show me when I am in the Ovulation stage which it did not do this first time around?  It went from Follicular Phase straight to the Luteal phase apparently skipping the Ovulation stagewhile staying in between 0 & 5% chance to get pregnant the whole time.  Or am I just supposed to know that the Ovulation phase is the final 2 days of the Follicular phase and the 1st 2 days of the Luteal phase?


Or does this signal that I must reset my character and try it all again?


Edit:  Update:  Playing since I posted this, my Widget is telling me that I am in Menstruation Phase yet I am at 86% chance to become pregnant.  Meantime my MCM / Beeing Female / Information is still showing Luteal Phase -13D 20H 54M, (hasn't changed since entering Luteal Phase the first go around), yet it is also showing an 86% chance to become pregnant.


I'll keep playing along until I see someone has answered this.  Maybe it's just reading the wrong Phase in either MCM or Widget?


Sorry that you had problems. This problem is realy realy old and exists since the Beta Version... I thought I've fixed it with some work arounds.

The easiest solution to fix it is Go into the MCM Menu and Reset the Player Stats. But It seems you've already done it :)



Her is what finally worked for me;


I have 86 mods loaded and 79 of those are running. When I added this mod I couldn't get the MCM menu to work unless I started a new game. I was planning to do that after I got this setup running well so I left this mod running and moved on to the next set of installs. I'm not using the Patch mod BTW. It didn't work for me. After adding 5 different Hair with Physics mods my setup got really unstable and trying to go back wasn't working. I've had so much trouble with hair in the past that I made a full copy of my Skyrim folder before attempting to add physics hair. I deleted the Skyrim folder in the Steam directory and replaced it with the copy I had made. When it finished moving over I opened MO and ran NFIS. When I started Skyrim and loaded my last save it went through all the MCM installs and add-ons. Everything is running smooth and I have found no conflicts. The BeeingFemale MCM menu is working fine now. My wife Vilja has a 2% chance of getting pregnant ATM.

Thanks, this is going to be fun.


Ok I think the best solution for the Blank MCM is to make SkiUI refresh the Mod Configuration Menus by installing or uninstalling a mod that has a MCM.


Most Feedback was "I've installed THIS mod, THIS Mod fixed the MCM Menu" everyone download THIS Mod ..... but I think it wasn't the Mod itself, it was more the MCM Menu the mod had. The menu of this mod forces SkiUI to refresh the menu list.

So install a mod that has a MCM and hope it will work, to fix the blank MCM

I have 1 more question if you'd be so kind.....Can I keep Beeing Female in cheat mode and will the states/phases and everything else function in their normal cycles if I keep it in cheat mode or is it when in cheat mode you have to change phases manually?  Why I ask is I'm not sure if after changing something in cheat mode if I go back out of Debugging and back to Low will my changes I made in the cheat still be in effect?


Hello Milzschnitte,


I'm assuming that Beeing Female shouldn't really care if I remove a CHS body Physics mod i installed a long time ago over CBBE (which I now know is incompatible with HDT), and just go about updating to the latest version of CBBE w/Bodyslide 2?


Would Beeing Female even be affected at all as I am in the middle of my pregnancy?  I would think that I should be able to completely uninstall and reinstall a body mod anytime if I chose to, without affecting another mod such as Beeing Female.  Is this thinking correct?  :)

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Greetings :)



Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing  :D  

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies. 

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day).  Could it be possible to reduce it?  Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course. 


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !


Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)


Hello again,


I have BF running well....I think?  I see everything my widgets are working, well, at least the Current phase, Pregnancy chance and bloody panty when I need to change it during Menstruation period.


I just went through my first set of states since installing and now I'm halfway into the Follicular phase again I think.


My issue is two-fold:


In the MCM menu under the Information tab it states the following:


Current State:  Luteal Phase

Chance to become pregnant:  1%

Time remaining:  -3D 22H 54m & climbing  (NOTICE NEGATIVE NUMBER HERE)


Now my Widget says:  Current state Follicular Phase  1D 22H 22M & climbing as well. (POSITIVE NUMBER HERE)


So am I in the Luteal phase or Follicular Phase?  If I look at MCM I'm in Luteal, and if I look at Widget I'm in Follicular


My 2nd question/issue:  Is the MCM menu under information & Widget for Current state (Bottom left of screen)supposed to show me when I am in the Ovulation stage which it did not do this first time around?  It went from Follicular Phase straight to the Luteal phase apparently skipping the Ovulation stagewhile staying in between 0 & 5% chance to get pregnant the whole time.  Or am I just supposed to know that the Ovulation phase is the final 2 days of the Follicular phase and the 1st 2 days of the Luteal phase?


Or does this signal that I must reset my character and try it all again?


Edit:  Update:  Playing since I posted this, my Widget is telling me that I am in Menstruation Phase yet I am at 86% chance to become pregnant.  Meantime my MCM / Beeing Female / Information is still showing Luteal Phase -13D 20H 54M, (hasn't changed since entering Luteal Phase the first go around), yet it is also showing an 86% chance to become pregnant.


I'll keep playing along until I see someone has answered this.  Maybe it's just reading the wrong Phase in either MCM or Widget?


Sorry that you had problems. This problem is realy realy old and exists since the Beta Version... I thought I've fixed it with some work arounds.

The easiest solution to fix it is Go into the MCM Menu and Reset the Player Stats. But It seems you've already done it :)



Her is what finally worked for me;


I have 86 mods loaded and 79 of those are running. When I added this mod I couldn't get the MCM menu to work unless I started a new game. I was planning to do that after I got this setup running well so I left this mod running and moved on to the next set of installs. I'm not using the Patch mod BTW. It didn't work for me. After adding 5 different Hair with Physics mods my setup got really unstable and trying to go back wasn't working. I've had so much trouble with hair in the past that I made a full copy of my Skyrim folder before attempting to add physics hair. I deleted the Skyrim folder in the Steam directory and replaced it with the copy I had made. When it finished moving over I opened MO and ran NFIS. When I started Skyrim and loaded my last save it went through all the MCM installs and add-ons. Everything is running smooth and I have found no conflicts. The BeeingFemale MCM menu is working fine now. My wife Vilja has a 2% chance of getting pregnant ATM.

Thanks, this is going to be fun.


Ok I think the best solution for the Blank MCM is to make SkiUI refresh the Mod Configuration Menus by installing or uninstalling a mod that has a MCM.


Most Feedback was "I've installed THIS mod, THIS Mod fixed the MCM Menu" everyone download THIS Mod ..... but I think it wasn't the Mod itself, it was more the MCM Menu the mod had. The menu of this mod forces SkiUI to refresh the menu list.

So install a mod that has a MCM and hope it will work, to fix the blank MCM

I have 1 more question if you'd be so kind.....Can I keep Beeing Female in cheat mode and will the states/phases and everything else function in their normal cycles if I keep it in cheat mode or is it when in cheat mode you have to change phases manually?  Why I ask is I'm not sure if after changing something in cheat mode if I go back out of Debugging and back to Low will my changes I made in the cheat still be in effect?


Hello Milzschnitte,


I'm assuming that Beeing Female shouldn't really care if I remove a CHS body Physics mod i installed a long time ago over CBBE (which I now know is incompatible with HDT), and just go about updating to the latest version of CBBE w/Bodyslide 2?


Would Beeing Female even be affected at all as I am in the middle of my pregnancy?  I would think that I should be able to completely uninstall and reinstall a body mod anytime if I chose to, without affecting another mod such as Beeing Female.  Is this thinking correct?   :)


if it haves belly weight and no hdt it will work like in old days

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Greetings :)



Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing  :D  

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies. 

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day).  Could it be possible to reduce it?  Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course. 


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !


Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)


Hello again,


I have BF running well....I think?  I see everything my widgets are working, well, at least the Current phase, Pregnancy chance and bloody panty when I need to change it during Menstruation period.


I just went through my first set of states since installing and now I'm halfway into the Follicular phase again I think.


My issue is two-fold:


In the MCM menu under the Information tab it states the following:


Current State:  Luteal Phase

Chance to become pregnant:  1%

Time remaining:  -3D 22H 54m & climbing  (NOTICE NEGATIVE NUMBER HERE)


Now my Widget says:  Current state Follicular Phase  1D 22H 22M & climbing as well. (POSITIVE NUMBER HERE)


So am I in the Luteal phase or Follicular Phase?  If I look at MCM I'm in Luteal, and if I look at Widget I'm in Follicular


My 2nd question/issue:  Is the MCM menu under information & Widget for Current state (Bottom left of screen)supposed to show me when I am in the Ovulation stage which it did not do this first time around?  It went from Follicular Phase straight to the Luteal phase apparently skipping the Ovulation stagewhile staying in between 0 & 5% chance to get pregnant the whole time.  Or am I just supposed to know that the Ovulation phase is the final 2 days of the Follicular phase and the 1st 2 days of the Luteal phase?


Or does this signal that I must reset my character and try it all again?


Edit:  Update:  Playing since I posted this, my Widget is telling me that I am in Menstruation Phase yet I am at 86% chance to become pregnant.  Meantime my MCM / Beeing Female / Information is still showing Luteal Phase -13D 20H 54M, (hasn't changed since entering Luteal Phase the first go around), yet it is also showing an 86% chance to become pregnant.


I'll keep playing along until I see someone has answered this.  Maybe it's just reading the wrong Phase in either MCM or Widget?


Sorry that you had problems. This problem is realy realy old and exists since the Beta Version... I thought I've fixed it with some work arounds.

The easiest solution to fix it is Go into the MCM Menu and Reset the Player Stats. But It seems you've already done it :)



Her is what finally worked for me;


I have 86 mods loaded and 79 of those are running. When I added this mod I couldn't get the MCM menu to work unless I started a new game. I was planning to do that after I got this setup running well so I left this mod running and moved on to the next set of installs. I'm not using the Patch mod BTW. It didn't work for me. After adding 5 different Hair with Physics mods my setup got really unstable and trying to go back wasn't working. I've had so much trouble with hair in the past that I made a full copy of my Skyrim folder before attempting to add physics hair. I deleted the Skyrim folder in the Steam directory and replaced it with the copy I had made. When it finished moving over I opened MO and ran NFIS. When I started Skyrim and loaded my last save it went through all the MCM installs and add-ons. Everything is running smooth and I have found no conflicts. The BeeingFemale MCM menu is working fine now. My wife Vilja has a 2% chance of getting pregnant ATM.

Thanks, this is going to be fun.


Ok I think the best solution for the Blank MCM is to make SkiUI refresh the Mod Configuration Menus by installing or uninstalling a mod that has a MCM.


Most Feedback was "I've installed THIS mod, THIS Mod fixed the MCM Menu" everyone download THIS Mod ..... but I think it wasn't the Mod itself, it was more the MCM Menu the mod had. The menu of this mod forces SkiUI to refresh the menu list.

So install a mod that has a MCM and hope it will work, to fix the blank MCM

I have 1 more question if you'd be so kind.....Can I keep Beeing Female in cheat mode and will the states/phases and everything else function in their normal cycles if I keep it in cheat mode or is it when in cheat mode you have to change phases manually?  Why I ask is I'm not sure if after changing something in cheat mode if I go back out of Debugging and back to Low will my changes I made in the cheat still be in effect?


Hello Milzschnitte,


I'm assuming that Beeing Female shouldn't really care if I remove a CHS body Physics mod i installed a long time ago over CBBE (which I now know is incompatible with HDT), and just go about updating to the latest version of CBBE w/Bodyslide 2?


Would Beeing Female even be affected at all as I am in the middle of my pregnancy?  I would think that I should be able to completely uninstall and reinstall a body mod anytime if I chose to, without affecting another mod such as Beeing Female.  Is this thinking correct?   :)


if it haves belly weight and no hdt it will work like in old days


Right now I don't have a pregnancy scaling body, I just thought that if I uninstalled CHS, because it overwrote my old CBBE version 3.2 and installed the new CBBE HDT body with Bodyslide 2 overwriting my older CBBE 3.2 version that doesn't support belly node scaling that Beeing Female wouldn't care either way and would give me my nude belly scaling body, I'm hoping anyway.  Would that work?  Thanks :)

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Is there a way to disable the eating and stomach noises from this mod?


Yes, its under the Add-ons menu.


i disabled it under add-ons, but the stomach rumblings continue. Any ideas?



I'm guessing you'll probably have to wait till the next pregnancy for the rumbling to stop. As I understand it, ME setup only changes at the start of a new cycle.


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Greetings :)



Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing :D

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies.

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day). Could it be possible to reduce it? Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course.


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !

Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)

Hello again,


I have BF running well....I think? I see everything my widgets are working, well, at least the Current phase, Pregnancy chance and bloody panty when I need to change it during Menstruation period.


I just went through my first set of states since installing and now I'm halfway into the Follicular phase again I think.


My issue is two-fold:


In the MCM menu under the Information tab it states the following:


Current State: Luteal Phase

Chance to become pregnant: 1%

Time remaining: -3D 22H 54m & climbing (NOTICE NEGATIVE NUMBER HERE)


Now my Widget says: Current state Follicular Phase 1D 22H 22M & climbing as well. (POSITIVE NUMBER HERE)


So am I in the Luteal phase or Follicular Phase? If I look at MCM I'm in Luteal, and if I look at Widget I'm in Follicular


My 2nd question/issue: Is the MCM menu under information & Widget for Current state (Bottom left of screen)supposed to show me when I am in the Ovulation stage which it did not do this first time around? It went from Follicular Phase straight to the Luteal phase apparently skipping the Ovulation stagewhile staying in between 0 & 5% chance to get pregnant the whole time. Or am I just supposed to know that the Ovulation phase is the final 2 days of the Follicular phase and the 1st 2 days of the Luteal phase?


Or does this signal that I must reset my character and try it all again?


Edit: Update: Playing since I posted this, my Widget is telling me that I am in Menstruation Phase yet I am at 86% chance to become pregnant. Meantime my MCM / Beeing Female / Information is still showing Luteal Phase -13D 20H 54M, (hasn't changed since entering Luteal Phase the first go around), yet it is also showing an 86% chance to become pregnant.


I'll keep playing along until I see someone has answered this. Maybe it's just reading the wrong Phase in either MCM or Widget?

Sorry that you had problems. This problem is realy realy old and exists since the Beta Version... I thought I've fixed it with some work arounds.

The easiest solution to fix it is Go into the MCM Menu and Reset the Player Stats. But It seems you've already done it :)


Her is what finally worked for me;


I have 86 mods loaded and 79 of those are running. When I added this mod I couldn't get the MCM menu to work unless I started a new game. I was planning to do that after I got this setup running well so I left this mod running and moved on to the next set of installs. I'm not using the Patch mod BTW. It didn't work for me. After adding 5 different Hair with Physics mods my setup got really unstable and trying to go back wasn't working. I've had so much trouble with hair in the past that I made a full copy of my Skyrim folder before attempting to add physics hair. I deleted the Skyrim folder in the Steam directory and replaced it with the copy I had made. When it finished moving over I opened MO and ran NFIS. When I started Skyrim and loaded my last save it went through all the MCM installs and add-ons. Everything is running smooth and I have found no conflicts. The BeeingFemale MCM menu is working fine now. My wife Vilja has a 2% chance of getting pregnant ATM.

Thanks, this is going to be fun.

Ok I think the best solution for the Blank MCM is to make SkiUI refresh the Mod Configuration Menus by installing or uninstalling a mod that has a MCM.


Most Feedback was "I've installed THIS mod, THIS Mod fixed the MCM Menu" everyone download THIS Mod ..... but I think it wasn't the Mod itself, it was more the MCM Menu the mod had. The menu of this mod forces SkiUI to refresh the menu list.

So install a mod that has a MCM and hope it will work, to fix the blank MCM

I have 1 more question if you'd be so kind.....Can I keep Beeing Female in cheat mode and will the states/phases and everything else function in their normal cycles if I keep it in cheat mode or is it when in cheat mode you have to change phases manually? Why I ask is I'm not sure if after changing something in cheat mode if I go back out of Debugging and back to Low will my changes I made in the cheat still be in effect?

Hello Milzschnitte,


I'm assuming that Beeing Female shouldn't really care if I remove a CHS body Physics mod i installed a long time ago over CBBE (which I now know is incompatible with HDT), and just go about updating to the latest version of CBBE w/Bodyslide 2?


Would Beeing Female even be affected at all as I am in the middle of my pregnancy? I would think that I should be able to completely uninstall and reinstall a body mod anytime if I chose to, without affecting another mod such as Beeing Female. Is this thinking correct? :)

if it haves belly weight and no hdt it will work like in old days

Right now I don't have a pregnancy scaling body, I just thought that if I uninstalled CHS, because it overwrote my old CBBE version 3.2 and installed the new CBBE HDT body with Bodyslide 2 overwriting my older CBBE 3.2 version that doesn't support belly node scaling that Beeing Female wouldn't care either way and would give me my nude belly scaling body, I'm hoping anyway. Would that work? Thanks :)

If the female mesh body 1 and 0 that overwrites everything haves belly support u will be fine, u should try Mod Organizer, makes all the experimentation easy XD

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Greetings :)


Hello milzschnitte,


I have read about your new job and that you are busy (wich is great !) and that you probably wont have the time to make updates or fixes,... but, just in case a miracle happens, i'd like to point out a couple of suggestions / things:



- I play a male character with the honorable quest of repopulating Skyrim in order to repair the considerable losses that the civil war is causing :D

The thing is that, after a couple of days, some npc dissapear from the "information" tab so i lose track of some pregnant ladies.

Would it be possible to make it so effective pregnancies (by you) wont dissapear from the tab until the baby is born? Or even better, lets you decide wich ones you want to clean (i wouldnt mind losing track of the innkeeper who has 1,788888% chance of getting pregnant for example)

- Also, when a NPC breaks water the elapsed time till the baby is born seems to last for ever (i got some that went in to labour work for a whole day). Could it be possible to reduce it? Now, may be this could be caused by me being too anxious and using "wait" feature instead of standing still wait for nature to take it's course.


By the way, the mod and MC worked fine for me since the first moment i installed it , not sure what dll i am using but if you need any information i would be glad to provide.

Great mod, and thank you very much for taking the time to make it !

Nice ideas. But I don't think an update will be released soon. I'm sometimes working on the Fallout 4 version of BeeingFemale and I don't have a lot of time.

The main problem to develop your ideas is the performance. I have to calculate the female stats of all womans you had sex with ann all woman you've impregnated... the calculation thing takes a lot of performance and takes around 2 - 8 seconds per NPC (depending on how long the NPC wasn't updated)

Hello again,


I have BF running well....I think? I see everything my widgets are working, well, at least the Current phase, Pregnancy chance and bloody panty when I need to change it during Menstruation period.


I just went through my first set of states since installing and now I'm halfway into the Follicular phase again I think.


My issue is two-fold:


In the MCM menu under the Information tab it states the following:


Current State: Luteal Phase

Chance to become pregnant: 1%

Time remaining: -3D 22H 54m & climbing (NOTICE NEGATIVE NUMBER HERE)


Now my Widget says: Current state Follicular Phase 1D 22H 22M & climbing as well. (POSITIVE NUMBER HERE)


So am I in the Luteal phase or Follicular Phase? If I look at MCM I'm in Luteal, and if I look at Widget I'm in Follicular


My 2nd question/issue: Is the MCM menu under information & Widget for Current state (Bottom left of screen)supposed to show me when I am in the Ovulation stage which it did not do this first time around? It went from Follicular Phase straight to the Luteal phase apparently skipping the Ovulation stagewhile staying in between 0 & 5% chance to get pregnant the whole time. Or am I just supposed to know that the Ovulation phase is the final 2 days of the Follicular phase and the 1st 2 days of the Luteal phase?


Or does this signal that I must reset my character and try it all again?


Edit: Update: Playing since I posted this, my Widget is telling me that I am in Menstruation Phase yet I am at 86% chance to become pregnant. Meantime my MCM / Beeing Female / Information is still showing Luteal Phase -13D 20H 54M, (hasn't changed since entering Luteal Phase the first go around), yet it is also showing an 86% chance to become pregnant.


I'll keep playing along until I see someone has answered this. Maybe it's just reading the wrong Phase in either MCM or Widget?

Sorry that you had problems. This problem is realy realy old and exists since the Beta Version... I thought I've fixed it with some work arounds.

The easiest solution to fix it is Go into the MCM Menu and Reset the Player Stats. But It seems you've already done it :)


Her is what finally worked for me;


I have 86 mods loaded and 79 of those are running. When I added this mod I couldn't get the MCM menu to work unless I started a new game. I was planning to do that after I got this setup running well so I left this mod running and moved on to the next set of installs. I'm not using the Patch mod BTW. It didn't work for me. After adding 5 different Hair with Physics mods my setup got really unstable and trying to go back wasn't working. I've had so much trouble with hair in the past that I made a full copy of my Skyrim folder before attempting to add physics hair. I deleted the Skyrim folder in the Steam directory and replaced it with the copy I had made. When it finished moving over I opened MO and ran NFIS. When I started Skyrim and loaded my last save it went through all the MCM installs and add-ons. Everything is running smooth and I have found no conflicts. The BeeingFemale MCM menu is working fine now. My wife Vilja has a 2% chance of getting pregnant ATM.

Thanks, this is going to be fun.

Ok I think the best solution for the Blank MCM is to make SkiUI refresh the Mod Configuration Menus by installing or uninstalling a mod that has a MCM.


Most Feedback was "I've installed THIS mod, THIS Mod fixed the MCM Menu" everyone download THIS Mod ..... but I think it wasn't the Mod itself, it was more the MCM Menu the mod had. The menu of this mod forces SkiUI to refresh the menu list.

So install a mod that has a MCM and hope it will work, to fix the blank MCM

I have 1 more question if you'd be so kind.....Can I keep Beeing Female in cheat mode and will the states/phases and everything else function in their normal cycles if I keep it in cheat mode or is it when in cheat mode you have to change phases manually? Why I ask is I'm not sure if after changing something in cheat mode if I go back out of Debugging and back to Low will my changes I made in the cheat still be in effect?
Hello Milzschnitte,


I'm assuming that Beeing Female shouldn't really care if I remove a CHS body Physics mod i installed a long time ago over CBBE (which I now know is incompatible with HDT), and just go about updating to the latest version of CBBE w/Bodyslide 2?


Would Beeing Female even be affected at all as I am in the middle of my pregnancy? I would think that I should be able to completely uninstall and reinstall a body mod anytime if I chose to, without affecting another mod such as Beeing Female. Is this thinking correct? :)

if it haves belly weight and no hdt it will work like in old days
Right now I don't have a pregnancy scaling body, I just thought that if I uninstalled CHS, because it overwrote my old CBBE version 3.2 and installed the new CBBE HDT body with Bodyslide 2 overwriting my older CBBE 3.2 version that doesn't support belly node scaling that Beeing Female wouldn't care either way and would give me my nude belly scaling body, I'm hoping anyway. Would that work? Thanks :)

If the female mesh body 1 and 0 that overwrites everything haves belly support u will be fine, u should try Mod Organizer, makes all the experimentation easy XD


Yep, done a lot of reading and MO seems to be the way to go.  But, since I am almost 2000 hours into this game with 243 active mods already I will have to wait on MO until I decide to revert back to Vanilla Skyrim and start over, so yes MO is definitely in my future.  Thanks for your help  :)

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Hey everyone. I was still having trouble with the MCM menu, despite the suggestions made in the "Important" section on the cover post, but found a solution today and thought I might share it in case anyone else is also having problems. 


My mods / load order:

Devious Devices - Assets.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
Devious Devices - Integration.esm
Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
Cutting Room Floor.esp
KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
ELFX - Exteriors.esp
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
SRA -Immersive Weapons Patch.esp
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
ISCompendium SkyRe Patch.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
Remove Helmet Requirement From Armor Perk Bonuses 1604.esp
Aradia Kato Outfit.esp
Customizable Camera.esp
SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp
The Hunting Game - TheGreyLight.esp
Skyrim Unbound.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp
Skyrim Realistic Archery - SkyRe Patch.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp
Immersive Citizens - CRF patch.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp
Skyrim Realistic Archery.esp
Better Embers.esp
Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
Devious Deviants.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp
Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
The Hunting Game RND Patch.esp
WetandCold - Ashes.esp
SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
Unique Uniques.esp
Gwelda Red Riding Hood.esp
Emfy Cleric Robes.esp
Gwelda Dawnguard Armor.esp
SDpatch - frostfall.esp

Perhaps most importantly I am using "Skyrim Unbound" and "Disparity" (and in that order too). I have done so much troubleshooting and not found out why the Beeing Female MCM refuses to show anything but a blank screen that then disables the MCM but finally, I have it working and it has worked repeatedly. 
  • Basically, I start a new game without Beeing Female being checked in MO. So without Beeing Female. Let everything load up, create my character and let all of the MCM update thingies do their thing. 
  • I run Skyrim Unbound first and then do my Disparity stuff and let everything get up to speed. 
  • Then I save, exit to desktop and check Beeing Female. 
  • Rerun SKSE thru MO and load the last game and stand completely still and do nothing. Basically let Beeing Female run all of it's little update messages until it clearly says, "Beeing Female Installed" and then, well, you can be female! 
  • Then I install Sexlab via MCM and all other mods etc. Beeing Female has continued to run each time I have tried this. 

So, if anyone else is tearing their hair out, maybe this'll help? 

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