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I've got some realy big problems right now.... i'm not sure if it's Beeings fault or another mod is blocking me.... but for some reason it's realy laggy and slow... loading a savegame, waiting some time or changing the location will raise a 5min loading.... it's not realy possible to test BeeingFemale when you have to wait 5min per savegame loading.


Another thing i just made is... the children can get damaged now and they begin bleeing out, when they have low health... so i have to add the Health Skill. this will take some time too.

But my prob is... right now they don't stop bleeding out even when the combat is over.

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for b3lisario body bodyslide isn't neccessary.

But this is strange... normaly it should work. What you can triy is,, reinstalling the body. Maybe another mod overwrote the body again





Hi all,


I'm having a bit of a problem with belly node scaling, in that it doesn't work. Lydia's breasts have enlarged, and she's late into the pregnancy, but when stripped of armor her belly is as thin as ever.


I'm using XPMSE, UNP configuration package, HDT physics, B3sario's UNPB mod, and Milk Mod Economy. I've made sure Beeing Female's settings allow for belly node scaling, but still, nothing.


Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?


Also, it might be useful to note that I have scaled armor (PSVAC) and that scales fine. Lydia's belly is massive when clothed/armored, but thin when not.


Thanks! :)

Have you set hte bigbelly node to 50-60% in bodysilder2?

If not, sometimes belly node won't set itself by UPNB.


I haven't even got bodyslide installed! Thanks very much for the suggestion, I'll try it out and see if it works! :)


Hmm. Well I tried having lydia wear the milking cuirass, and her stomach is expanded. So it seems node scaling works. BUT, when she removes the cuirass, the stomach snaps back to its un-pregnant default state.


Also, I'm using Mod Organizer exclusively. Will re-installing UNP and XP32 really change anything, because MO doesn't overwrite anything, does it?


This is pretty weird, I know. I remember having a mod setup on a previous installation of Windows just like this, and the belly worked as normal. I don't know what I did differently this time. I reckon it's a Milk Mod conflict, but honestly I have no idea...

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There's that option to give birth to a "baby soul stone" is it a soul gem?


Yes. You can craft with it. It's like a filled back soulgem



Also, I'm using Mod Organizer exclusively. Will re-installing UNP and XP32 really change anything, because MO doesn't overwrite anything, does it?

This is pretty weird, I know. I remember having a mod setup on a previous installation of Windows just like this, and the belly worked as normal. I don't know what I did differently this time. I reckon it's a Milk Mod conflict, but honestly I have no idea...



When wearing the amor, the amor will make the belly size.

So your Skeleton is installed correctly (it has a belly node)

When you are nude, the belly growing is handeld by the body-mesh. And this does not work. b3lisario should work. I've used it, too, when i've created the mod and the belly growing script. So something must have overwritten the belly. I don't know any other reason.

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Also, I'm using Mod Organizer exclusively. Will re-installing UNP and XP32 really change anything, because MO doesn't overwrite anything, does it?

This is pretty weird, I know. I remember having a mod setup on a previous installation of Windows just like this, and the belly worked as normal. I don't know what I did differently this time. I reckon it's a Milk Mod conflict, but honestly I have no idea...



When wearing the amor, the amor will make the belly size.

So your Skeleton is installed correctly (it has a belly node)

When you are nude, the belly growing is handeld by the body-mesh. And this does not work. b3lisario should work. I've used it, too, when i've created the mod and the belly growing script. So something must have overwritten the belly. I don't know any other reason.



I had a similar of that kind of problem before, sometimes b3lisario bodys could had been reset bigbelly node to 0% after some HDT clothing/skin mod were installed, but it could be fix by set those body node in slider manually.

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Also, I'm using Mod Organizer exclusively. Will re-installing UNP and XP32 really change anything, because MO doesn't overwrite anything, does it?

This is pretty weird, I know. I remember having a mod setup on a previous installation of Windows just like this, and the belly worked as normal. I don't know what I did differently this time. I reckon it's a Milk Mod conflict, but honestly I have no idea...



When wearing the amor, the amor will make the belly size.

So your Skeleton is installed correctly (it has a belly node)

When you are nude, the belly growing is handeld by the body-mesh. And this does not work. b3lisario should work. I've used it, too, when i've created the mod and the belly growing script. So something must have overwritten the belly. I don't know any other reason.



I had a similar of that kind of problem before, sometimes b3lisario bodys could had been reset bigbelly node to 0% after some HDT clothing/skin mod were installed, but it could be fix by set those body node in slider manually.



Brilliant! Thanks milzschnitte, that's solved it. The mod was being overwritten. And thanks for the suggestion saviliana; crisis averted :)


Now the only issue is that her belly is tempermental. Sometimes it's small. Other times its normal (pregnant), and other times yet it's outrageously massive. But at least it works!


Thanks again for the help!

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No, not anymore.

When changing the chance, it will be recalculated when you leave the menu. I've changed this in the release version all i remember.


And no, there is no limit. saving 10 woman... 20 woman.... 100 woman 1000 woman... no limit :) But that's a reason why it may take a bit longer to calculate everything.

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can i ask what is this fix you are speaking of?


i went to the link and saw this file FWSystem, what does it do? do i need to install it to make the mod work better?  and if i do, how do i install the fix?




You just copy the scripts into the correct parts of the Skyrim data folder to overwrite the original ones.


The FWSystem.pex goes in /data/scripts/


The FWSystem.psc goes in /data/scripts/source


Basically it fixes the log spam from the Widgets


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I think I found a bug, at least I'm having problems with this: The out of reach timer for washing out doesn't seem to be working; the 'wash out' chance gets applied to all sperm present. This is independent of using the 75% or 100% fluid, independent of the maximum sperm age, and independent of the fluid-assisted wash-out chance set in MCM.

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for b3lisario body bodyslide isn't neccessary.

But this is strange... normaly it should work. What you can triy is,, reinstalling the body. Maybe another mod overwrote the body again





Hi all,


I'm having a bit of a problem with belly node scaling, in that it doesn't work. Lydia's breasts have enlarged, and she's late into the pregnancy, but when stripped of armor her belly is as thin as ever.


I'm using XPMSE, UNP configuration package, HDT physics, B3sario's UNPB mod, and Milk Mod Economy. I've made sure Beeing Female's settings allow for belly node scaling, but still, nothing.


Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?


Also, it might be useful to note that I have scaled armor (PSVAC) and that scales fine. Lydia's belly is massive when clothed/armored, but thin when not.


Thanks! :)

Have you set hte bigbelly node to 50-60% in bodysilder2?

If not, sometimes belly node won't set itself by UPNB.


I haven't even got bodyslide installed! Thanks very much for the suggestion, I'll try it out and see if it works! :)


Hmm. Well I tried having lydia wear the milking cuirass, and her stomach is expanded. So it seems node scaling works. BUT, when she removes the cuirass, the stomach snaps back to its un-pregnant default state.


Also, I'm using Mod Organizer exclusively. Will re-installing UNP and XP32 really change anything, because MO doesn't overwrite anything, does it?


This is pretty weird, I know. I remember having a mod setup on a previous installation of Windows just like this, and the belly worked as normal. I don't know what I did differently this time. I reckon it's a Milk Mod conflict, but honestly I have no idea...



have u tried standing around 1 ingame hour to see if bely updated. BF dont have a aoe bely update it updated them once a hour


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Hi all)

I've got some problem)

I had been make 3 children and after I saw them - they always follow to me. Everythere. It's disturbed me.

How to fix it?


There are perhaps coming one update on that part.

If you have AFT or something like that you can use that to tell them to stay, it have worked for me.

It works whit My Home Is Your Home to.

But i have noticed that they stop talking to you.

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I took some damage and wondered what the cause was.  I looked at the Active Effects and saw "Mittelschmerz" and had no idea what that was.  The effect said it was "Ovulation"

Most everything else is in English and I took a peek to see where the string would need to be changed and found most references to it in FWSystem, but there were a few other files as well.

While doing debugging to make sure my body and skeleton was setup appropriately, I did notice the effect would be different for different states and all of those were in English.

Peeking at the source files where "Mittelschmerz" appeared, that seemed to be the only word that still needed translation.


Though in FWSystem, there were these spell property Effects that might be hiding somewhere else and needing a translation:







On another topic, I've noticed that you are doing a Child System and I had an idea you could add to it.

1.  It seems sleeping and eating in Vanilla Skyrim is rather optional.  With this mod, sleeping is good in some stages, why not add healthy home cooked meals as another way?

2.  If everything goes well and the mother took good care of the baby, you could give the child some additional stats for being healthier and not requiring healing.  NPC mothers may have an advantage there, but a few points rewarded for a healthier baby would add incentive for some healthier choices.

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Hi all,


I've set the baby option to be 'actor', but when my follower gives birth, nothing happens. No popup 'Lydia has given birth to a healthy girl' or anything (and no actor spawns). When the setting is changed to be item, the item and message are spawned as intended.


Can someone confirm if the actor spawning does indeed work? And if not, any suggestions as to why mine could be broken?


Thanks! :)

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The german word Mittelschmerz is in englisch Mittelschmerz - there is no translation for it. UK and US are using the german medical term.


I can confirm that at the current version, NPCs won't spawn actors. SOrry for that. In the version i'm using right now (testing the child system) the NPCs will span children - but as i thought it's annoying :)

So I've added an dialogue to "remove" the spawned children. But there are still some bugs and maybe I need to redo almost everything >.<

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