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And there could be some chance to attract enemies form other parts of the dungeon, like being guided by moans :)

After all, struggling out of armbinder right now is only matter of time, with no need to hurry, I'd like to see it changed :)


The problem with this is that it forces players to use other mods (like Defeat or DH) or they'll simply be killed. If you are already using DH then this effect is already triggered when sneak is deactivated and DH's cloak effect kicks in.


It's a nice idea but I'm not sure how practical it would be to implement


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The new key losing mechanism works very well for my taste :). Searched all barrels and the like in Solitude, managed to get rid of about half of my devices, then triggered another trap, often lost unneeded keys (piercing tool removals and chastity keys) and when i thought i have a luck streak in finding keys finally triggered a really bad trap. I enabled 1-10 items for great variety. Now i probably have to go to the captured dreams shop, but i only have 3000 gold. Just plain fun :)

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The new key losing mechanism works very well for my taste :). Searched all barrels and the like in Solitude, managed to get rid of about half of my devices, then triggered another trap, often lost unneeded keys (piercing tool removals and chastity keys) and when i thought i have a luck streak in finding keys finally triggered a really bad trap. I enabled 1-10 items for great variety. Now i probably have to go to the captured dreams shop, but i only have 3000 gold. Just plain fun :)


*nod nod* When I found myself to (ab)use companions to safeguards keys for me against my very own mod, I just knew I had to plug that hole (...right, I am using that phrase a lot today, but I still mean no pun...really....).

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My papyrus logs look like a bunch of jibbery jop. What exactly should I post?

If you open up the log in notepad it's horrendous. I highly recommend Notepad++, it's free. It will auto format the log into SIGNIFICANTLY easier to read format. However, the log still requires some fundamental knowledge in the way the engine works. It can sometimes be very beneficial to have a list of all active plugins including their hex valued load order, as not everything is beautifully labeled.



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Hi there :)

I am trying out your mod for the first time and it's a great mod, thanks a lot for it :D


I ran into a problem however, and I can't seem to solve it by myself. In the College of Winterhold suddenly after opening one of the Wardrobes in the small room you get there I got equipped with an armbinder. That surprised me, because I thought, those were safe, but well... it's a mage college after all. The problem is, it stays equipped even if I escape. Tried several times by talking the college-people into helping me and by struggling out and in both cases it said, I am now free, but the armbinder stayed on. I can open the containers there and look into my inventory that way and the armbinder isn't even there. I also got equipped with a Chastity Belt, but ofc I couldn't try to open that up to now^^ But that at least shows up in my inventory while I look into the wardrobe :D


Thanks again for the mod and in advance for your help

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Hi there :)

I am trying out your mod for the first time and it's a great mod, thanks a lot for it :D


I ran into a problem however, and I can't seem to solve it by myself. In the College of Winterhold suddenly after opening one of the Wardrobes in the small room you get there I got equipped with an armbinder. That surprised me, because I thought, those were safe, but well... it's a mage college after all. The problem is, it stays equipped even if I escape. Tried several times by talking the college-people into helping me and by struggling out and in both cases it said, I am now free, but the armbinder stayed on. I can open the containers there and look into my inventory that way and the armbinder isn't even there. I also got equipped with a Chastity Belt, but ofc I couldn't try to open that up to now^^ But that at least shows up in my inventory while I look into the wardrobe :D


Thanks again for the mod and in advance for your help


That problem does sometimes occur when a device isn't properly unequipped.  If a device stays on despite you successfully unequipped it, use the console to remove all but one copies of that item and requip it manually.


The command is 'player.equipitem <ID>' The ID can be found out by typing 'help armbinder' into the console.


After that, try unequipping it normally.


A description of the problem can be found in the known issues section here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/21484-devious-devices-integration-08242014/


And yes, mages would keep stuff like that in their wardrobes. They love to...experiment! :P

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Thanks for the help, and yes, I now turned off towns, at least until I have a player house :D And yes, I tried using the console and following the instructions from the integration mod, but as the item is not really there, not only not equipped, but not existing in my inventory, it didn't really work. I'm going to try again, maybe some experimenting with the console will help my poor mage :D But ofc I have lots of savegames from when the problem didn't exist yet, too ^^

Thanks again and kudos :)


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Thanks for the help, and yes, I now turned off towns, at least until I have a player house :D And yes, I tried using the console and following the instructions from the integration mod, but as the item is not really there, not only not equipped, but not existing in my inventory, it didn't really work. I'm going to try again, maybe some experimenting with the console will help my poor mage :D But ofc I have lots of savegames from when the problem didn't exist yet, too ^^

Thanks again and kudos :)


If you lost the inventory item in question, you can use the console to create a new copy of it using player.additem <ID> and then equip it on you. It will work as long as it's the same type, e.g. Ebonite Armbinder when the buggy item on your character is also an Ebonite Armbinder.

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I really wish you'd add in the regular harnesses, nipple piercings and harness-collar, it would add much needed variety to the loot we can get. Even if they would be "off-by-default" options, i'd enable them in a heartbeat to get greater variety.


Regular harnesses and harness collars might go in in the not too far distant future. I really love the red/white sets and they feel incomplete without matching harnesses. That and I plan to refactor the code handling item selection anyway, so I might as well add them then.

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Glad to hear that. But not nipple pircings then? :(


I'd add them in a heartbeat if someone could convince Min to reconsider making them incompatible with bras (I couldn't). As is, my motivation to write code to handle them properly is a bit limited, though. Generally spoken, I normally have no interest in a new item category that I can't use together with other item types I am already supporting, for it doesn't really -add- anything to the mod. From a coding point of view, nipple piercings are just chastity bras I have to write extra code for. And yes, in all honesty, unlike with red/white latex gear, I have no personal interest in piercings, so that doesn't help either. :P


Maaaaaybe I will add them when I refactor the code too, but really no promises. Right now I am rather working on things that actually add something to the mod.

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I know, but you could do what i do and simply look at them as an alternative, just like the Leather collar is an alternative to the steel-posture collar, or red-ebonit cuffs are an alternative to the padded steel ones. Only, the piercings are not just cosmetic, they actaully function differently from the bra, so i'd say that's even more reason the add the alternative.


Besides, the bra has always been one of the most contested items of DDa/DDi, a lot of people hate that thing which is why people have asked for MCM options to disable it in the first place. All those people using that option are currently getting nothing for that bodyslot, since the bra is the only thing offered.



This includes myself, i have a love/hate relationship with the bra, i like the gameplay element it adds (adding the need to find 2 chastitity keys to be fully free, and getting hit with a debuff till i do), but i just really hate the look of the thing. Since Dcur will always give me the bra, as it is the only thing that it can give me for that slot, and thus i always get it, i've decided to just disable it. If there was a chance that i could get the piercings instead, then i'd probably be willing to enable both, and then just deal with the bra and cover it up when i get that, because i do like the gameplay element to it, but when it's all i get? Eh, no, just no :-/

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Glad to hear that. But not nipple pircings then? :(


I'd add them in a heartbeat if someone could convince Min to reconsider making them incompatible with bras (I couldn't). As is, my motivation to write code to handle them properly is a bit limited, though. Generally spoken, I normally have no interest in a new item category that I can't use together with other item types I am already supporting, for it doesn't really -add- anything to the mod. From a coding point of view, nipple piercings are just chastity bras I have to write extra code for. And yes, in all honesty, unlike with red/white latex gear, I have no personal interest in piercings, so that doesn't help either. :P


Maaaaaybe I will add them when I refactor the code too, but really no promises. Right now I am rather working on things that actually add something to the mod.



Just a thought on the piercings: I'd personally say there's a bigger difference between chastity bras and nipple piercings than between slave boots and pony boots, or between different colours of otherwise identical items.


I adore this mod, and can't imagine playing without it now. Myself, I would love to see everything in there as an option, but it's your mod, Kimy, and you should do what feels right to you. I'm just sticking my oar in. Or my paddle, maybe. Please don't hit me with it. Hard... ;)

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Well a different perspective from me,


I love the bra it's got a brilliant debuff and it looks functional though not attractive, as you'd expect for something to engender chastity. Personally the piercings leave me cold so I always have them switched off.


In Devious Captures there's a percentage slider for bra's/piercings so perhaps that might be the way to go if you bring piercings into DCL.


I do agree with Mord Sif about this mod, it has become an essential part of my game like DH or Defeat

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Just a thought on the piercings: I'd personally say there's a bigger difference between chastity bras and nipple piercings than between slave boots and pony boots, or between different colours of otherwise identical items.


Slave boots and pony boots are the same DD item category (using same slot/keywords/scripts etc), so adding new varieties of boot equals just adding them to the drop list. Chastity bras and nipple piercings are -two- item categories using -different- keywords and scripts, but sharing the same slot (they wanted not to use up another armour slot for the nipple piercings), which means your code has to account for two different DD item categories that still don't work together - which is inconsistent with the way the DD framework is otherwise designed, because incompatible items usually share the same keyword. The way I designed Cursed Loot's drop system doesn't really account for that. Right now, there is no code in Cursed Loot to accomplish handling shared-slot item categories beyond making sure that the mod indeed doesn't try to equip bras when you're already wearing piercings.

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 If there was a chance that i could get the piercings instead, then i'd probably be willing to enable both, and then just deal with the bra and cover it up when i get that, because i do like the gameplay element to it, but when it's all i get? Eh, no, just no :-/


Don't worry about that part. If I ever add support for the nipple piercings, there will be a slider thingie so you can chose between bra and piercings and set the drop chance for either to 0%. :)

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Sounds great to me :)


Now i just need to convince you to do it.. hmm.. some kind of bribe maybe, or copious amounts of flattery, eh, i'll get back to you on that.


There's always restraints and a good ol' riding crop. They can be powerful motivation... ;)

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Sounds great to me :)


Now i just need to convince you to do it.. hmm.. some kind of bribe maybe, or copious amounts of flattery, eh, i'll get back to you on that.


There's always restraints and a good ol' riding crop. They can be powerful motivation... ;)



I can't write code if you tie me up, though! :P

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