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I think I stumbled over a little bug in DCL, if  I understand the mechanics of DCL and fast travel right way. In DCL fast travel could be removed via MCM-option - "Disable fast travel" (btw does quests only mean all quests  even vanilla or only if DD-quests are active ?) or when you get a cursed item that blocks fast travel or by cursed items. 

The bug I think is that the fast travel disabled option is not removed after the cause given is solved. Everytime I explore fast travel is ok. I even have DD loot in the inventory. Then I get hit by cursed loot and can not fast travel. The loot is removed with struggling, unlock, smith etc. and if intact sold or thrown away. No cursed loot in inventory. The situation should be the same like it was before I got hit with cursed loot and fast travel should work. I even tried if removing all DD items in my inventory would change the situation. I have "quests only" activated in the menu.  There is either a bug in it if "quest only" defines all quests and should have never worked or there is a bug with th removal after the cursed item have been removed. If I enable fast travel in the console after removing the cursed items it works fine until I got hit with the next cursed loot.

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3 hours ago, seanthiar said:

There is either a bug in it if "quest only" defines all quests 

Only DCL quests. But this is not the only mod in LL that deals with fast travel, did you check MCM of your other mods? I can't remember names of all mods that may do that. Sexlab Survival i know does it, DEC maybe, SLAdventures? If you post load order (spoilers) this will be less guesswork :D

And the MCM toggle may not act instantly, you may need to pass a loading screen by entering and leaving some place.

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I checked all mods - I hate it not to be able to fast travel and by default disable in MCM items and options in every mod that blocks the ability - btw. thats another thing DCL does - it ignores my adjustment. Even with disabled cursed collars or doors that are disabled to be a trap I got hit by doors and got equipped with a cursed collar. But for the items you can read  a comment in the MCM that these adjustments are sometimes ignored. But if I remember correctly - there is no disabling fast travel in the load order in any other mod than DCL. But when - you can be sure it is disabled. I normally take my time at starting a new char to configure the mods in MCM menu by menu and line by line to my liking. That takes a while and needs some bunch of reloads for some mods. I even configure parts that should normally not work because of another line, but to be sure 'cause they are not greyed out and I can not be sure they are used anyway. For example by combat rape outcome - don't know if when I disable hardcore the robbery chance still is legible or not. even if the options are all bracketed with hardcore.


My loadorder :



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I have a new question.  I got Sasha but didn't get her plugs.  Are they a different quest?  Tried to add them to my menu but the conversation doesn't let me equip them to her.  When I tried to give them to her the old fashioned way, she rejected them saying they weren't hers.


Second question:  Which quests are repeatable and which ones are one time only?  This mod adds a lot of quests, but I'm not interested in doing the repetitive quests.  I've already done the one with the "party" and the "Chloe" quest (which was more annoying than sexy because the movement was way too slow).  But which other quests are unique?  Especially ones with unique prizes.

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Nevermind my previous questions.  I'm suddenly getting CTD whenever this mod is enabled.  I have made no changes since the last time I played using it.  This doesn't make any sense to me.  But whenever I try to load any of my old saves, suddenly CTD.  If I turn the mod off, they load fine.  I turn them off, save, reinstall the mod, CTD.  What the hell?


Edit: I think I found the culprit but it makes no damn sense.  Anub animations was causing the CTD when used in conjunction with this mod.  I had forgot I recently installed it.  I deleted it and now it seems to be working (for the moment).  Gonna play around a bit and see if it stays working.


Back to my original question, where do I get Sasha's plugs from and how do I equip them on her?

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3 hours ago, Aki K said:

Nevermind my previous questions.  I'm suddenly getting CTD whenever this mod is enabled.  I have made no changes since the last time I played using it.  This doesn't make any sense to me.  But whenever I try to load any of my old saves, suddenly CTD.  If I turn the mod off, they load fine.  I turn them off, save, reinstall the mod, CTD.  What the hell?


Edit: I think I found the culprit but it makes no damn sense.  Anub animations was causing the CTD when used in conjunction with this mod.  I had forgot I recently installed it.  I deleted it and now it seems to be working (for the moment).  Gonna play around a bit and see if it stays working.


Back to my original question, where do I get Sasha's plugs from and how do I equip them on her?



probably your problem are not the mods only the amount of animation contained in the mods. I got the same problem and fixed it with  a bunch of patches. Maybe it will for you, too. At the start I would recommend OneTweak (  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40706 ) Be careful it  needs manually work. Second you need to install enb ( enbdev.com ) Third is enbboost ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649/ ), then Skyrim crash fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725 ). If you encounter the same problems that are described in this  fix ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76772 ) you may want to install that, too. There is an amount of other CTD-Fixes at Nexus that fixes specific problems with specific mods and CTD's - Just search for CTD at Nexus and see if other CTD patches are needed because you uses the mods. But please read the descriptions - some are outdated. 

The last needed install is here at loverslab - the link is in 



It fixes another bug in skyrim especially with loverslab, DD etc. and you need to install jcontainers ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49743 ) for it to work. The last I would recommend is that you look if you got some mods installed that got versions specifically made for the use with ENB and us that versions Mostly these are mods for the look and feel of skyrim like weather and light mods or landscape and resolution mods. Some mods needs just a reinstall for working with enb because for them it's an option you must activate at install time. 


An additional help is an external program - no must, but helpful. A tool that checks all textures and optimize them without loosing quality. I use ordenador ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/ ) It saved me a bunch of memory in my filesystem and a small file on the drive is a small file in memory, faster loadtime and less problems with memory. Skyrim got one problem - it can only use 2 GB of RAM because it's 32bit. When it comes near this border the amount of crashes goes up. Depends for a part on the resolution you play. Vanillas textures are 512x512 bytes. Skyrim HD is 2048x2048 bytes (2k)  and there are mods available with 4096bytes (4k) and 8192bytes (8k) textures resolution.  Tools like ordenador help to optimize those textures without loss of quality. And I think there is no need to be afraid that tool destroys the game - first it saves the original textures so you can have them back and second you have options for the intensity of the fixes and it recognizes if textures that are already optimized. For example the whole bunch of textures in the unofficial skyrim patch USLEEP are already optimized. And the fourth is you can select which mods you want to optimize.


Hope that helps you with your crashes like it helped me. BTW - I got an older system (2011) with an AMD 6Core- CPU and a nvidia 6 GB VRAM VGA Card that is more than oversized for skyrim and even that was not enough to conquer crashes without these fixes.  Skyrim out of the  box have some serious bugs even without the problem it have because it's 32bit. For example the error fixed with the file out of this forum and jcontainers is caused by the use of only 16bit for a system component even if they could have used 32bit..... 

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4 hours ago, seanthiar said:



probably your problem are not the mods only the amount of animation contained in the mods. I got the same problem and fixed it with  a bunch of patches. Maybe it will for you, too. At the start I would recommend OneTweak (  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40706 ) Be careful it  needs manually work. Second you need to install enb ( enbdev.com ) Third is enbboost ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649/ ), then Skyrim crash fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725 ). If you encounter the same problems that are described in this  fix ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76772 ) you may want to install that, too. There is an amount of other CTD-Fixes at Nexus that fixes specific problems with specific mods and CTD's - Just search for CTD at Nexus and see if other CTD patches are needed because you uses the mods. But please read the descriptions - some are outdated. 

The last needed install is here at loverslab - the link is in 



It fixes another bug in skyrim especially with loverslab, DD etc. and you need to install jcontainers ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49743 ) for it to work. The last I would recommend is that you look if you got some mods installed that got versions specifically made for the use with ENB and us that versions Mostly these are mods for the look and feel of skyrim like weather and light mods or landscape and resolution mods. Some mods needs just a reinstall for working with enb because for them it's an option you must activate at install time. 


An additional help is an external program - no must, but helpful. A tool that checks all textures and optimize them without loosing quality. I use ordenador ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/ ) It saved me a bunch of memory in my filesystem and a small file on the drive is a small file in memory, faster loadtime and less problems with memory. Skyrim got one problem - it can only use 2 GB of RAM because it's 32bit. When it comes near this border the amount of crashes goes up. Depends for a part on the resolution you play. Vanillas textures are 512x512 bytes. Skyrim HD is 2048x2048 bytes (2k)  and there are mods available with 4096bytes (4k) and 8192bytes (8k) textures resolution.  Tools like ordenador help to optimize those textures without loss of quality. And I think there is no need to be afraid that tool destroys the game - first it saves the original textures so you can have them back and second you have options for the intensity of the fixes and it recognizes if textures that are already optimized. For example the whole bunch of textures in the unofficial skyrim patch USLEEP are already optimized. And the fourth is you can select which mods you want to optimize.


Hope that helps you with your crashes like it helped me. BTW - I got an older system (2011) with an AMD 6Core- CPU and a nvidia 6 GB VRAM VGA Card that is more than oversized for skyrim and even that was not enough to conquer crashes without these fixes.  Skyrim out of the  box have some serious bugs even without the problem it have because it's 32bit. For example the error fixed with the file out of this forum and jcontainers is caused by the use of only 16bit for a system component even if they could have used 32bit..... 

Already use all of those.  But I appreciate the advice


I think it truly was Anubs animations.  Maybe the install went bad or something.  But I had swapped from another animation set of roughly equal size for anubs, and everything broke.  So the animation load was roughly the same.  When I swapped back everything worked, I can even add more than what I had.  Seems weird that it would workout like that, but it did.


Also figured out the answer to my other questions the hard way.  Thanks anyway.

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I just came across a problem with the Chloe quest, but found a solution before locating a fix here. I figured I'd mention it in case anyone has the same issue.

The Chloe quest was stuck at the beginning, with "There is a girl in the cell... (Talk to the prisoner!)" and "Find the Imperial Soldier in Honningbrew Meadery" as the two objectives.
The problem was that I DID talk to Chloe and took her as a follower. I also found and read the note which gave the Honningbrew objective. But at that point nothing else would progress the quest. Talking to either of them did nothing.
I dug around with commands first: 'ShowQuestTargets', 'player.sqs dcur_ChloeQuest', and a ton of 'setstage'.
The only thing that did anything was setting the stage to 1000, which completed the quest.
I read the note a few times too, but the solution I found was dropping it on the ground, which restarted the quest before I even interacted with it again. After that, the soldier in Honningbrew progressed the quest. Fixed?

One smaller problem remains in that Chloe is still stuck in the Imperial Guard Yoke now. Did the game not spawn in a key? Or is that removed later? None of my keys work on it, and I'm fairly certain that it's a special device for this quest.

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Ran into a small bug with the cursed collar quest. I had not played it in a while, so I was surprised when I was traipsing through the wilderness, heading to fetch and don the next item in line, that I fell victim to a young man demanding sex. As I was gagged with the cursed gag, I had two choices: Mmmmmf or [Try to Kick Him]. I selected Mmmmmf. He used a chastity key found on me to unlock the Cursed Chastity Belt. Um, huh? Since when is that possible. Afterwards, he sent me on my way but because the belt was put on anew it updated where the next item was leaving me to traipse towards a new destination.


I'm pretty sure that is not supposed to happen.  


Just an FYI. I was able to finish the quest but that seemed like a bug. 

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I found a similar bug.  If you're do the advertising quest with the rubber suit and get arrested before you take it off, you get a double in your inventory.  When that happens you can never take it off even if the timer runs out, or if you drop one of the duplicates (even the safe word option did not work for me).

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3 hours ago, MrDead321 said:

I just came across a problem with the Chloe quest, but found a solution before locating a fix here. I figured I'd mention it in case anyone has the same issue.

The Chloe quest was stuck at the beginning, with "There is a girl in the cell... (Talk to the prisoner!)" and "Find the Imperial Soldier in Honningbrew Meadery" as the two objectives.
The problem was that I DID talk to Chloe and took her as a follower. I also found and read the note which gave the Honningbrew objective. But at that point nothing else would progress the quest. Talking to either of them did nothing.
I dug around with commands first: 'ShowQuestTargets', 'player.sqs dcur_ChloeQuest', and a ton of 'setstage'.
The only thing that did anything was setting the stage to 1000, which completed the quest.
I read the note a few times too, but the solution I found was dropping it on the ground, which restarted the quest before I even interacted with it again. After that, the soldier in Honningbrew progressed the quest. Fixed?

One smaller problem remains in that Chloe is still stuck in the Imperial Guard Yoke now. Did the game not spawn in a key? Or is that removed later? None of my keys work on it, and I'm fairly certain that it's a special device for this quest.

 Had teh same effect, maybe its the problem I had - my problem was that I oversaw the point in the dialog where I had to ask chloe "are you good now to go" because AFT pushed the dialog option to the end and i did not see it - had to scroll for it. If you did not ask, you can read the note a thousend times and it has no effect and the soldier is there but does not talk.

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11 hours ago, Aki K said:

Already use all of those.  But I appreciate the advice


I think it truly was Anubs animations.  Maybe the install went bad or something.  But I had swapped from another animation set of roughly equal size for anubs, and everything broke.  So the animation load was roughly the same.  When I swapped back everything worked, I can even add more than what I had.  Seems weird that it would workout like that, but it did.


Also figured out the answer to my other questions the hard way.  Thanks anyway.


You probably ran over the maximum number of animations you can add to the game (completely unrelated to the FNIS limit, the recent XXL limit of 20,000 only exposes a Game limit which is less than 20,000).  It's likely you could restore Anub's animations and remove some other set of animations and also still play.

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2 hours ago, WaxenFigure said:


You probably ran over the maximum number of animations you can add to the game (completely unrelated to the FNIS limit, the recent XXL limit of 20,000 only exposes a Game limit which is less than 20,000).  It's likely you could restore Anub's animations and remove some other set of animations and also still play.

You've missed what just said.  I had about the same number of animations just with different mods.  I traded one animation mod for the other.  I currently have more than what I did when I was using Anub's and it is still working.  So that theory doesn't really hold.  It seems to specifically be that mod.  It could have just been a bad install/download.  Or maybe some kind of conflict I'm not seeing.  But I don't think it's related to the animation limits.

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1 hour ago, Aki K said:

You've missed what just said.  I had about the same number of animations just with different mods.  I traded one animation mod for the other.  I currently have more than what I did when I was using Anub's and it is still working.  So that theory doesn't really hold.  It seems to specifically be that mod.  It could have just been a bad install/download.  Or maybe some kind of conflict I'm not seeing.  But I don't think it's related to the animation limits.

Go read Fore's notes on it.  The character of the animation ALSO has an effect on the maximum, similar numbers do not necessarily mean there is not a problem.  (There's still hope we'll figure out a hack to get past this problem).


The simple fact that many others are using this pack without problems should tell you that it is not necessarily the pack.  HOWEVER, if it is your choice to not use this pack then it's not worth your effort to find out.  I'm just trying to make sure that you know the options.

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18 hours ago, WaxenFigure said:

Go read Fore's notes on it.  The character of the animation ALSO has an effect on the maximum, similar numbers do not necessarily mean there is not a problem.  (There's still hope we'll figure out a hack to get past this problem).


The simple fact that many others are using this pack without problems should tell you that it is not necessarily the pack.  HOWEVER, if it is your choice to not use this pack then it's not worth your effort to find out.  I'm just trying to make sure that you know the options.

Oh.  Alright that makes much more sense now.

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I have looked all through this topic, and while I've seen the issue come up with the public indecency not working it all came from like 2016 and I haven't found a way to make it work in this latest version.  Has anyone else managed to fix it if they had the issue? 

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22 hours ago, koishii said:

I have looked all through this topic, and while I've seen the issue come up with the public indecency not working it all came from like 2016 and I haven't found a way to make it work in this latest version.  Has anyone else managed to fix it if they had the issue? 

I haven't had the issue, but the fix approach is always the same...


  • Very first thing - recheck your MCM - did you really enable it correctly?
  • DCL has frozen - try FREE ME!!! from the Debug menu, possibly repeatedly, possibly in different cells. This can unstick frozen DCL events that get hung up somehow.
  • Some mods that fire Deviously Helpless events can block DCL from processing sex scenes. Is the sex being started by DCL? If not, that could be the problem. SexLab Adventures Debug menu has the ability to fire Deviously Helpless 'end' events. You might find that using that unsticks DCL.
  • Load order - did something overwrite your DCL guard behaviours?
  • Your game is broken - try a new game - make DCL as close to last in LO as you can - still have the problem?
  • Conflicting mod - remove mods until DCL works? Extreme case, strip out almost everything but DCL and its requirements.
  • Broken mod manager - most likely a cause if you use NMM, but misuse of MO can also cause issues - check your installed files?
  • Corrupted Skyrim install - check your Skyrim files using Steam.
  • Don't forget to FNIS. Bad FNIS sometimes does things other than T-pose your character.
  • Also don't install LE DCL on SE game!
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On 7/6/2019 at 12:29 PM, Jason1224 said:

Guys on the chloe quest I am stuck at "search the bandit boss's chest" I searched the chest at the top of the white River watch but nothing happens. No new dialogue with chloe or anything. 


Did you pick up the note or just read it?  You have to add the notes to your inventory to get them to work.  If the note didn't appear, you can use console commands to add it to your inventory.  I believe it is one of the "ledger" notes.  After that you don't talk to Chloe, you just proceed to Whiterun and talk to Nazeem.  Then the quest gets annoying lol.

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1 hour ago, Aki K said:

Did you pick up the note or just read it?  You have to add the notes to your inventory to get them to work.  If the note didn't appear, you can use console commands to add it to your inventory.  I believe it is one of the "ledger" notes.  After that you don't talk to Chloe, you just proceed to Whiterun and talk to Nazeem.  Then the quest gets annoying lol.

Hmm did not find a note, maybe its one of my other mods fucking with that. Could I have the console command? Thx in advance

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Ok, I also have question regarding Chloe. 


I let her go for a time being as she bugged out and was disappearing frequently, providing no help whatsoever, only sucking up money (I have Devious Follower mod activated). So she "went home" and question is: what is "home" for her? Dollmaker's Shop? That cell in Helgen's Keep?


I do not own any property yet, I just have a place in Companion's HQ. 

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