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@Ulrezaji11, so you're running an antiquated version of Sexlab, but you're so entitled you're going to bitch all over this modder's page because you can't be bothered to run his mod with a new game? Because after all, you paid hard-earned money to use this mod? Oh wait, you didn't. You're just bitching because you're spoiled and think the whole world revolves around you.


Get your sexlab updated and abandon your old save. Skyrim is more fun at the lower levels anyway. Spend some time running this mod without a bunch of other cruft and see if it works as described. Use MO so you can actually isolate your different mods. If that's too much trouble, go back to vanilla skyrim, which is made for people like you, who can't be bothered to use the tools at hand or work to isolate problems. 


Approach works fine on my and many others' setups. If it's not working on yours, it's your problem to debug. Others will help--if they're not given a crapload of fucking attitude to deal with first.

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I am running ALL the latest mods and it doesn't work....  all associated mods appear to be functioning properly ... follower arrouse, attraction running at peak ....  no one appoaches.    started from cleaned / reloaded  new game ....  older versions work properly....

Seams to be your problem..... seams strange that this module fails after the recent updates.


Update........... backed off attraction to V2 and it works.......

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Latest version really does not work (maybe it can work after changing approach configuration). Got all people in Whiterun at 100 arousal, but still no one does anything.

Also receiving errors in papyrus:



[01/01/2015 - 09:27:39PM] ERROR: Cannot call addActorEffectStarted() on a None object, aborting function call
    [Active effect 6 on  (00037058)].SLApproachApplyScript. OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript .psc" Line 6
[01/01/2015 - 09:27:39PM] ERROR: Cannot call actorAmountAware() on a None object, aborting function call
    [Active effect 6 on  (00037058)].SLApproachApplyScript. OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript. psc" Line 13
[01/01/2015 - 09:27:39PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
    [Active effect 6 on  (00037058)].SLApproachApplyScript. OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript. psc" Line 13
[01/01/2015 - 09:27:39PM] ERROR: Cannot call actorAmountAware() on a None object, aborting function call
    [Active effect 6 on  (00037058)].SLApproachApplyScript. OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript .psc" Line 13
[01/01/2015 - 09:27:39PM] ERROR: Cannot call getRegisteredAmount() on a None object, aborting function call
    [Active effect 6 on  (00037058)].SLApproachApplyScript. OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript. psc" Line 15
[01/01/2015 - 09:27:39PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
    [Active effect 6 on  (00037058)].SLApproachApplyScript. OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript. psc" Line 15
[01/01/2015 - 09:27:39PM] ERROR: Cannot call addActorEffectFinished() on a None object, aborting function call
    [Active effect 6 on  (00037058)].SLApproachApplyScript. OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript. psc" Line 37



EDIT: On a new game it works nicely.

Edited by Humsas
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i am having trouble understanding whats different this time. i am sure i was approached before when using this mod. at first and while low level i wasnt approached, but once i started to complete quests and became thane of places i got more approaches. but this time i have gotten to level 35 and nothing. not one approach. its like the mod isnt there. anyone else have this problem? if so what solution was there? 


also i am waiting for the mod to be able to let npcs approach each other. i know that random sex attack will do that, in a random way, and that i can trigger encounters with various mods that add spells or powers, but that not what i want. i want npcs sometimes to approach other npcs when they are highly aroused, or just really attracted. if approach and attraction can do this i will be completely happy with my mods list.

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i am having trouble understanding whats different this time. i am sure i was approached before when using this mod. at first and while low level i wasnt approached, but once i started to complete quests and became thane of places i got more approaches. but this time i have gotten to level 35 and nothing. not one approach. its like the mod isnt there. anyone else have this problem? if so what solution was there?


The source of your issue is probably due to how SexLab Arousal works. Keep in mind that actors who have never been involved in an action that would change their arousal, will return an arousal value of -1 when queried by other mods. SexLab Approach isn't programmed to handle potentially negative arousal values in its approach chance formula, so if an actor returns -1 for their arousal value, their chance of approach will be negative even if all the other variables would make an approach extremely likely.


You can get rid of this issue by running around naked for a while and forcing nearby actors to update their arousal to a positive value. This only needs to be done once per game for each actor. Though ideally, if you know your way around Papyrus scripts, this is a really simple fix: just make it so the arousal value is bumped to something higher than zero if the fetched value is negative.


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i am having trouble understanding whats different this time. i am sure i was approached before when using this mod. at first and while low level i wasnt approached, but once i started to complete quests and became thane of places i got more approaches. but this time i have gotten to level 35 and nothing. not one approach. its like the mod isnt there. anyone else have this problem? if so what solution was there?


The source of your issue is probably due to how SexLab Arousal works. Keep in mind that actors who have never been involved in an action that would change their arousal, will return an arousal value of -1 when queried by other mods. SexLab Approach isn't programmed to handle potentially negative arousal values in its approach chance formula, so if an actor returns -1 for their arousal value, their chance of approach will be negative even if all the other variables would make an approach extremely likely.


You can get rid of this issue by running around naked for a while and forcing nearby actors to update their arousal to a positive value. This only needs to be done once per game for each actor. Though ideally, if you know your way around Papyrus scripts, this is a really simple fix: just make it so the arousal value is bumped to something higher than zero if the fetched value is negative.



thanks for this tip. i actually started a new game recently and updated some other mods and i was whistled at in whiterun and in markarth had a few 'we should get to know each other some time' comments. so whatever my problem was in the last game is solved. im guessing spectator crowds is helping with the arousal thing then - ppl run towards sex acts with it so, they are bound to get arousal changed.

so i am thinking it was one of those odd things that can happen sometimes with scripts - like the time using N to get/set stats didnt work for ages; then suddenly, after a ctd and reload last save, i got spammed with messages about peoples arousal from inside dragonsreach when in whiterun. anyway its working ok now.

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so i am thinking it was one of those odd things that can happen sometimes with scripts - like the time using N to get/set stats didnt work for ages; then suddenly, after a ctd and reload last save, i got spammed with messages about peoples arousal from inside dragonsreach when in whiterun. anyway its working ok now.


That's not normal at all, it's a huge red flag if your scripts are behaving like that. Your Papyrus could be suffering from suspended stack dumps, which can cause all kinds of critical game-breaking issues, even in scripts from vanilla.


Stack dumps usually occur when you have one or several mods misbehaving and creating a lot more threads than they should, to the point they overload the Papyrus engine, causing it to throw the stack away. I'd recommend enabling debugging if you haven't already, and check the log file to see if something bad is going on.


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  • Some people don't like to be denied something they want, and they might take it by force!


Can anyone attest to this working for them? Under what circumstances? I have yet to have this happen. It also seems like a good candidate for configuration - whether it can happen, when it can happen, by whom, etc.

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Hello guys,


Last published version of Approach had the following problem:

A cloak ability applied scripts to NPCs in a set radius around the PC that checked whether the situation qualifies for some approach. Unfortunately, when PC was in a crowded area, execution of some of those scripts (they functioned as separate threads) was delayed long enough for the game to dump them. In order to make sure Approach wouldn't bog the game down by spamming it with threads I made a check, whether all scripts applied by the previous cloak ability pulse were finished before the new pulse, so if a script was dumped due to delay, the check would always return False and in turn Approach mod would stop working.


The problem is not noticeable to everyone - it depends on how good your computer is, how crowded is your game (additional mods) and how many script intensive mod you have installed.


Since I found the source of the problem I switched the execution to single threaded and have not since had any dump in my log. I also implemented NPC - NPC approach mechanic and am testing currently if it works correctly. I'm sorry for the few month delay, but I had next to no free time recently. Once I make sure it works as I believe it should work I will release it.






  • Some people don't like to be denied something they want, and they might take it by force!


Can anyone attest to this working for them? Under what circumstances? I have yet to have this happen. It also seems like a good candidate for configuration - whether it can happen, when it can happen, by whom, etc.



The circumstances that matter:

- amount of NPCs nearby (it's very unlikely to happen in crowded areas)

- NPC's aggression, confidence and morality

- NPC's relationship with the PC (the lower it is the higher the chance)




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Hello guys,


Last published version of Approach had the following problem:

A cloak ability applied scripts to NPCs in a set radius around the PC that checked whether the situation qualifies for some approach. Unfortunately, when PC was in a crowded area, execution of some of those scripts (they functioned as separate threads) was delayed long enough for the game to dump them. In order to make sure Approach wouldn't bog the game down by spamming it with threads I made a check, whether all scripts applied by the previous cloak ability pulse were finished before the new pulse, so if a script was dumped due to delay, the check would always return False and in turn Approach mod would stop working.


The problem is not noticeable to everyone - it depends on how good your computer is, how crowded is your game (additional mods) and how many script intensive mod you have installed.


Since I found the source of the problem I switched the execution to single threaded and have not since had any dump in my log. I also implemented NPC - NPC approach mechanic and am testing currently if it works correctly. I'm sorry for the few month delay, but I had next to no free time recently. Once I make sure it works as I believe it should work I will release it.






  • Some people don't like to be denied something they want, and they might take it by force!


Can anyone attest to this working for them? Under what circumstances? I have yet to have this happen. It also seems like a good candidate for configuration - whether it can happen, when it can happen, by whom, etc.



The circumstances that matter:

- amount of NPCs nearby (it's very unlikely to happen in crowded areas)

- NPC's aggression, confidence and morality

- NPC's relationship with the PC (the lower it is the higher the chance)

If Might Suggest That If It's Based On The NPC's Morality That It Also Based On The Morality Of The Nearby NPC's As Well


For Instance, if I'm Running Around With Two Followers And Follower A Wants To Take Me By Force Follower B Has A High Morality Then Follower A Wait Until The Follower B Isn't Around, But If They Both Have A Low Morality Then The Follower A Will Try It Regardless If Follower B Is Around Or Not Because Follower B Simply Wouldn't Care

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Well, version 27-08-2014 (with the same date for Attraction ver and Latest SL) works for me. Actually works perhaps too good. My take is, events were ment to trigger quite seldomly.  What practically happens is for a single whistle there are 20+ approaches from a follower, if you take more then 1 - double it. Wich makes it quite hard to practically use this mod during gameplay, as its either a constant spam, or you set variables so low that you dont get a single approach in 6-8 gameplay hours (non-follower approach that is). Loved the idea behind mod, but as is - its only suitable for solo play, followers are going to infuriate you in a matter of minutes. Also, character that decided to approach you switches for walking, and its troublesome if its an escort target and you havent noticed it quickly for example. Another minor issue is the fact that approaching NPC doesnt give a damn if youre allready talking to someone, it will just get auto-declined. Wich is sad considering how seldom events trigger and might hurt if player keeps "approaches affect relationship" option on. Overall - loved the mod, but i like my followers more. If there could be implemented MCM-configurable cooldown for NPC, or just s straight number, to avoid follower-spam - id love to use it again. Still, a nice piece of work, ill keep waiting for new versions.

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Well, version 27-08-2014 (with the same date for Attraction ver and Latest SL) works for me. Actually works perhaps too good. My take is, events were ment to trigger quite seldomly.  What practically happens is for a single whistle there are 20+ approaches from a follower, if you take more then 1 - double it. Wich makes it quite hard to practically use this mod during gameplay, as its either a constant spam, or you set variables so low that you dont get a single approach in 6-8 gameplay hours (non-follower approach that is). Loved the idea behind mod, but as is - its only suitable for solo play, followers are going to infuriate you in a matter of minutes. Also, character that decided to approach you switches for walking, and its troublesome if its an escort target and you havent noticed it quickly for example. Another minor issue is the fact that approaching NPC doesnt give a damn if youre allready talking to someone, it will just get auto-declined. Wich is sad considering how seldom events trigger and might hurt if player keeps "approaches affect relationship" option on. Overall - loved the mod, but i like my followers more. If there could be implemented MCM-configurable cooldown for NPC, or just s straight number, to avoid follower-spam - id love to use it again. Still, a nice piece of work, ill keep waiting for new versions.

Yeah Thats One Thing I Noticed As Well While Talking To Several NPCs, Followers Do Seem To Approach While I'm In The Middle Of Dialogue With The Whiterun Guards, Which Prevents Me From Paying Off My 20,0000 Semptim Bounty.


I'm A Bit Of A Psychopath When Dealing With Nazeem...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Need a little help here. I recently installed this along with Aroused and I've had random CTDs. The other day I could only play for 5 minutes before I got a CTD and this only happened since I added this (and several other mods). I've been trying to trace the problem and my CTD was directly preceded by this code: 


[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (0004E5EA)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (0004E5EA)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 2, got 1. 
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (8F0DC322)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (8F0DC322)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19

Now I should also mention the basic mods that are showing in my log:
SexLab Hormones (I think this is just registering the various changes)
I'm getting entire swaths of these in my error logs and I just realized today that I'm not being approached at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd very much not like to start yet another new game. 
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Need a little help here. I recently installed this along with Aroused and I've had random CTDs. The other day I could only play for 5 minutes before I got a CTD and this only happened since I added this (and several other mods). I've been trying to trace the problem and my CTD was directly preceded by this code: 


[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (0004E5EA)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (0004E5EA)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 2, got 1. 
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (8F0DC322)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (8F0DC322)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19

Now I should also mention the basic mods that are showing in my log:
SexLab Hormones (I think this is just registering the various changes)
I'm getting entire swaths of these in my error logs and I just realized today that I'm not being approached at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd very much not like to start yet another new game. 


Do You Have Attraction Installed?

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Need a little help here. I recently installed this along with Aroused and I've had random CTDs. The other day I could only play for 5 minutes before I got a CTD and this only happened since I added this (and several other mods). I've been trying to trace the problem and my CTD was directly preceded by this code: 


[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (0004E5EA)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (0004E5EA)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 2, got 1. 
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (8F0DC322)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (8F0DC322)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19

Now I should also mention the basic mods that are showing in my log:
SexLab Hormones (I think this is just registering the various changes)
I'm getting entire swaths of these in my error logs and I just realized today that I'm not being approached at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd very much not like to start yet another new game. 



"Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 2, got 1." Sounds like a version mismatch. Ensure you're using the latest versions of Attraction and Approach.


Note that this very likely is not the cause of your CTDs, though. It's probably that your Papyrus engine is already strained, and the AoE cloak effect from Approach is too much for it to handle. Try increasing the cloak update frequency in Approach MCM settings, and see if it helps.




Do You Have Attraction Installed?


Approach has Attraction as a Master, the game would CTD before you get to the main menu if Attraction was missing.



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I'm getting entire swaths of these in my error logs and I just realized today that I'm not being approached at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd very much not like to start yet another new game. 


"Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 2, got 1." Sounds like a version mismatch. Ensure you're using the latest versions of Attraction and Approach.


Note that this very likely is not the cause of your CTDs, though. It's probably that your Papyrus engine is already strained, and the AoE cloak effect from Approach is too much for it to handle. Try increasing the cloak update frequency in Approach MCM settings, and see if it helps.




Do You Have Attraction Installed?


Approach has Attraction as a Master, the game would CTD before you get to the main menu if Attraction was missing.



I'll give that a shot thanks!



And yes, I do have attraction installed...though I still can't figure out why I'm not being approached...

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though I still can't figure out why I'm not being approached...




[01/27/2015 - 09:12:32PM] error: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 2, got 1. 
[sLApproachAskForSexQuest (BC0083F7)].SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.chanceRoll() - "SLApproachAskForSexQuestScript.psc" Line 90
[Active effect 5 on  (8F0DC322)].SLApproachApplyScript.OnEffectStart() - "SLApproachApplyScript.psc" Line 19
Your function call to chanceRoll() is failing due to mismatched arguments, so the mod never gets to set the chance of approach. Hence no approaches. I assume you're using the 27-8-2014 version? You could try 28-4-2014 v3, I use a modified version of that one and it always worked fine for me.
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I completely forgot I had this installed. With SD+ and Defeat always putting my guy at risk of being handled, it slipped my mind. 


I have him set up where he doesn't like Khajiit and a couple other races. His attraction is also set to 100. So he saunters up to the Khajiit Caravan to do some business, Ri'saad gets all crazy and rapes him rotten right there in the snow!  :D


So far it seems to be working great. I'm using the latest versions of both Attraction and Approach, though he has yet to be propositioned other than being forced.      



Edit: Okay, so the mod getting him forced is SD+, not Approach. He has yet to be Approached by any NPCs, so I guess I'm in the same boat as everyone else.  :( It's not popping off for me either. 

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Sorry, I'm confused... what do I need to download for this? Do I download each file cause 27-8-2014 is quite small - I'm assuming that this is an update and the main file is V3?



27-8-2014 Is The Only One You Need, For Attraction 20-10-2014 Is The Only One You Need, I Believe The Author Keeps The Older Ones There As Backups For Those "Just In Case" Scenarios 

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I have a little problem, i used to have SL Approach working fine, my character have always been a straight male, but in my latest game i got approached most of the times by males, which is kinda bothering, everytime i get approched by a male NPC i have to set his sexual preference to heterosexual in the sexlab options menu, the only exception to this now is my wife which approaches me thanks to her spouses enhanced features, not that i will have sex with other females in game since my character is the faithful kind, but being approached only by males when my PC is clearly heterosexual is disturbing xD any advice on something i can do about it?

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