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Very good mod, very good, but it still lacks something. Something important, something to make it damn piece of modding art.


My propositions:

- More cages

- Bigger cages

- Hot chick in cage (or not, very overused theme)

- Nicolas Cage in cage


And after we get more cages, I think that we should put even more cages. But not just in the sleeping gaint. There are thousands more possibilities!


Think about it: The Sleeping Giant has a cage, and now all the inns are going to want cages. Cages are a new trend.

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The Cage works with SD+.

I have another Cage in the Bannered Mare. (with a little problem...one can go by the closed door)


all this Files are tests...i am learning



Wait,, there are 2 cages?? :-)


dont worry man .. we are just teasing you.. we were all total and complete (and some of us really pissed off too  :angel: ) noobs once. 


Like now we are not .. HA.

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This is my cage. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My cage is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My cage, without me, is useless. Without my cage, I am useless. I must relish my cage true. I must encage straighter than any enemy who is trying to encage me. I must encage him before he encages me. I will... My cage and myself know that what counts in this war is not the whores we hire, the noise of our burps, nor the cocks we choke. We know its the cage that counts...We will encage. My cage is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weakness, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its locks and its bars. I will keep my cage clean and tidy, even as I am clean and tidy. We will become part of each other. We will.... Before Akatosh I swear this creed. My cage and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until victory is Skyrim's and there is no enemy, but encaged people.


(sorry, couldn't help it, the cage made me do it, I am innocent!!)


But for real, eventually more cages in Skyrim will mean more enslavement-scenarios? Hopefully! Keep encagin'!

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Stick a cage in a bunch of caves and forts. I'd like there to be a cage anywhere there are enemies, for SD's sake.


Also, I agree that this should be in the non-adult section, as it's a cage, not a sex mod. The cage doesn't have titties or a wang, so it doesn't count as adult content, and the cage can't porn you, so it doesn't count as a SL mod either. It is a mod worth expanding on though. We all love cages! :lol:


Furthermore, I'd suggest making it an open resource, so when there are cages in all enemy territory, it could be added to SD+ (assuming that's fine with @skyrimll). If not, I'd sure as hell use it when using SD (which means all the time :P).


Keep it up, and don't let all these jokes get you down. I've been "initiated" too. ;) It changes to respect quickly.


Thanks nameless701. :cool:


Vielen Dank für den Käfig.

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iss mir doch Latte,jeder fängt mal an

Du hast die Witze, welche darauf beruhten das Du dich lange nicht dazu geäußert hast oder äußern konntest, falsch verstanden.

Den meisten war wohl klar das SD+ mit denen arbeiten würde, so wie es SD getan hat, nur das SD+ es dem Spieler erlaubt sich gezielt versklaven zu lassen, was es dann auch erlaubt diese "effektiv" zu nutzen.

Allerdings haben sehr viele hier einen BDSM-Fetisch, sodass die Erwartungen (mal wieder und wie immer) zu hoch waren.


Mach Dir also nichts draus.


Um die Gemüter zufrieden zu stellen könntest Du den Käfig interaktiv machen.

Sprich: Sobald der Spieler diesen aktiviert wird er hinein gepackt und per Scanner ein zufälliger NSC gewählt, der mit ihm was auch immer macht.

Ob das jetzt so toll oder nützlich ist sei mal dahin gestellt, aber BrainStorming hat noch niemandem geschadet.

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