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Guest Ragna_Rok

AHA! ... i saw youve been busy during my gaming abstinence... nice job, dude :blush:


actually lots of your animations remind me of my former gf.... :angel: 


*miss u babe*

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For the curious,  here is what I'm currently working on.  No animation yet, still getting to a starting point. I apologize for the colors, but they allow me to keep some organization to an otherwise chaotic scene.  ( I know whose foot is in the way, what knee is intersecting what, etc ) Great big hat tip to the animator who did the five drauger scene lol. 


You should see the screen when I have all the skeletons active :D





Those shots are incredible.

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Seems i have problems with new horse anim. My character just stands there in idle stance and horse move fine. Updated fnis, rested registry serveral times, am i missing somthing?


Just to be sure but you are using the top download on the download page that includes all of panics animations correct? I assume you are but it never hurts to check.


Do the rest of your animations work just fine and it is just the horse animation not working? I assume this is true but checking.


Finally can you run FNIS and then copy and paste the text in a spoiler tag here? So we can make sure there is not some error with FNIS installing the animations correctly.

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Daye_FemWW_with_Panic_Giants_and_Horse_SexLab_Testfile is the one im using , i also downloaded the animation pack from Panic and threw them manually to sexlab animation folder just in case.
- Yes all other animations (giants and old ones) work pefectly, even the horse in new horse animation moves right, wich is wierd. Would asume that if animation fails to load it would be for both actors. Also the pc isn't doing the regular "no animation file T stance". She just continue with her animation, be it idle stance or the old horse anim.



FNIS Behavior V4.1.1 03/04/2014 15:03:13
Skyrim: -
Generator: E:\TSEV Skyrim LE\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users
Skeleton female: Default (99 bones) male: XPMS (242 bones)
>>Warning: Custom skeleton found. Select SKELETON patch.<<
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"
Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for Running with Bow"
Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon"
Patch: * xp32's "Momo Acrobatic Jump"

Reading FNIS ...
Reading FNISBase ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion ...
Reading FNISSpells ...
Reading MomoAJ ...
Reading SexLab ...
Reading SexLabAroused ...
Reading SexLabCreature ...
Reading SexLabDefeat ...
Reading ZaZAnimationPack ...( 6 furniture, 0 offset,<3> alternate animations)
Reading zzEstrus ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Generating mt_behavior xml ...
33 GENDER modifications for Animations\male\
37 GENDER modifications for Animations\female\
Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...

Create Creature Behaviors ...
Reading SexLabCreature ...

1599 animations for 11 mods successfully included (characters)
( 6 furniture, 0 offset,<3> alternate animations) - mt_behavior usage: 1.5 % (73/4770)
284 animations for 1 mods and 16 creatures successfully included.
2 Warning(s).

Missing AnimFile mt_jumpfallback.hkx for character, mod MomoAJ
Missing AnimFile Werewolf_MissionaryTest_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod SexLabCreature
Missing AnimFile Werewolf_MissionaryTest_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod SexLabCreature
Duplicate AnimFile mt_JumpFastBack.hkx for character, mods MomoAJ and standard



Lastly thank you for your time to replay :)

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Seems i have problems with new horse anim. My character just stands there in idle stance and horse move fine. Updated fnis, rested registry serveral times, am i missing somthing?


I am having the same problem. The default SL horse animation works fine, but panic's horse has the horse moving, but not the player. I'm using the Daye_FemWW_with_Panic_Giants_and_Horse_SexLab_Testfile.

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Ok a few things about your FNIS. You have a few warnings you need to clean up.


1) I am assuming you are using xp32 or a version of that skeleton. If so you don't have the arm patch checked and I believe that is what the first warning is about it is called "Skeleton Arm Fix" in FNIS, make sure to check that box and then run FNIS again.


2) Next you should really go thru and clean up these issues as well.

Missing AnimFile mt_jumpfallback.hkx for character, mod MomoAJ
Missing AnimFile Werewolf_MissionaryTest_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod SexLabCreature
Missing AnimFile Werewolf_MissionaryTest_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod SexLabCreature
Duplicate AnimFile mt_JumpFastBack.hkx for character, mods MomoAJ and standard


I don't think the 2nd point is having a effect but it is still something you should take care of. The first one though maybe could be the cause. Best to make sure it is not the cause and address it first. If that doesn't fix it we can move on from there.

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Seems i have problems with new horse anim. My character just stands there in idle stance and horse move fine. Updated fnis, rested registry serveral times, am i missing somthing?


I am having the same problem. The default SL horse animation works fine, but panic's horse has the horse moving, but not the player. I'm using the Daye_FemWW_with_Panic_Giants_and_Horse_SexLab_Testfile.


First thing can you run FNIS and then copy and paste the text in a spoiler tag like AnubiSs2167 did. I am curious if there is any similarities in your FNIS text, since you both have the same problem.

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FNIS Behavior V4.1.1 4/3/2014 9:14:45 AM
Skyrim: -
Generator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users
Skeleton female: Unknown (232 bones) male: Unknown (232 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading DeviousDevices ...( 0 furniture, 2 offset,<3> alternate animations)
Reading FNIS ...
Reading FNISBase ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion ...
Reading FNISSpells ...
Reading P1FlyingRing ...
Reading sanguinesDebauchery ...
Reading SexLab ...
Reading SexLabCreature ...
Reading SexLabDefeat ...
Reading ZaZAnimationPack ...( 6 furniture, 10 offset,<3> alternate animations)
Reading ZazResources ...
Reading zzEstrus ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Generating mt_behavior xml ...
Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...

Create Creature Behaviors ...
Reading SexLabCreature ...

2193 animations for 13 mods successfully included (characters)
( 6 furniture, 12 offset,<3> alternate animations) - mt_behavior usage: 2.8 % (133/4770)
284 animations for 1 mods and 16 creatures successfully included.

0 Warning(s)


FNIS log

Using XP32 extended

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Ok you don't have any errors, the next thing I would suggest is posting on Panics thread about the animations and attaching a zipped copy of your last papyrus log. My suggestion for that would be play the game go to where you can start the animation with the horse. Save there and log off the game. Then log back in, try and start the animation, wait for the horse to stop moving, then log off. That will give you a small papyrus log only for that basically and it should help panic find any possible problems or other uses. I am not good at reading papyrus yet so i will be of limited help unless I see something very obvious in the log.

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Thanks for help nutluck, cleaning fnis didnt helped but got me curious about the werewolf animations im missing. As was stated above they are not in a new file. Tried to rename some of the ww anims from other files i downlaoded but werewolf misionary still has the same animation for all stages it seems. Would just leave it that way cosidering its only a test file but ajama doesnt seem to have that problem. Can i get the missing stages of werewolf misonary to work? If so, wich files should i download/rename?

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I am honestly not sure, I personally have never bothered with adding more animations manually. I just wait until they eventually get added to sexlab, when it is updated next. There is a good chance all of these and the new Panic animations will be added when sexlab 1.4 is released.


So I don't really know for sure what you should rename. As for download though the main file, I believe it is the top one on the download file should have everything in it. You should just unzip it and then drop them into the correct folder. If the main folder of the zip is the data file(I honestly don't know never DLed it) then you should be able to just copy and paste it into the main skyrim folder and let it merge with the data folder and sub folders.


Of course you need a mod to trigger the animations but I imagine you guys already found that since you are getting the horse to work.

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For the curious,  here is what I'm currently working on.  No animation yet, still getting to a starting point. I apologize for the colors, but they allow me to keep some organization to an otherwise chaotic scene.  ( I know whose foot is in the way, what knee is intersecting what, etc ) Great big hat tip to the animator who did the five drauger scene lol. 


You should see the screen when I have all the skeletons active :D





Been away for a while and it seems things have been rolling forward during that time. And I like what I see!  :heart:

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Ok, animation issues noted. I will double check the contents of the test files when I get home tonight to make sure all the required animation files are there. Will also double check the script to make sure I didn't blow it up when I built it.


The horse anims work for me, ( and I'm using the same script ) but I never rule out the possibility I can screw something up :)


Since I didn't get the chance to test the upload file on my laptop ( New laptop, Skyrim not installed yet ) I can't certify the file as I would like to before releasing it. Will certainly look into it when I'm back at my primary system.

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I think the dl Daye_FemWW_with_Panic_Giants_and_Horse_SexLab_Testfile.rar is missing WW_Missionary Scenes 2 and 3

Went all network ninja and downloaded the testfile. Can confirm the two Werewolf Missionary scenes are missing from the file. Will add them when I get home tonight as I don't have Fnis which will be required to recompile the behavior files.


The horse anim is puzzling me though. All the animation files are there ( seven files per actor ) but . . . . aha


Moment of clarity there. I see what happened. Note the date / time stamp on the actors behavior file for SexLab creatures vs the timestamp of the horse. ( 3/12 vs 4/2 ) Seems I managed to fubar it after all by not updating the damned behavior file for the actor in the testfile. :/


Is why the horse is doing his thing, but the female actor is not.


I will remedy both issues tonight when I have access to my desktop.


Apologies for the oversight. Will get Steam / Skyrim installed on the laptop for quality checking asap.




Aight, I think I have the file fixed.  It's uploaded and ready to test.  I'm loading Skyrim to my laptop as I type this, but it's rather large :|  This may take a bit. lol

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So I have this installed as well as Sexlab Werewolves, but it seems to work once in a blue moon. Playing a female werewolf and I've only gotten any of the animations to work twice. I have set to use the male model for my female, once it played the male werewolf raping a human, the other time it worked the female bandit forced my wolfie to give her a blow job. I also use Submit and Defeat and neither works as a werewolf, the Defeat hotkey G resists 100% of the time, even when I set it for 100% to work, and Submit uses the shout submit which also fails all the time.


Is there a feature I should have enabled in Sexlab Werewolves, maybe I am missing something?

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A better way to test it would be to use Matchmaker as rhis would take the other Mods out of the equation.


That said, my test file really isn't a Mod but rather a means to get the animations within the SexLab core until they are officially added at some future date. It simply gives SexLab the ability to play them on demand when called by another Mod, or manually triggered by something like Matchmaker.


Find some secluded spot, summon in a Werewolf, use the " tcai " console command to turn off the combat AI so you don't get beat up by your new friend, and use the Matchmaker spell to start the animations to check and see that they play correctly.


If they do, then my mission is successful as provider of animations :) If not, then I may have something still whacked up in the file.

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Looks good, but i just have to ask, is there any chance of a werewolf on werewolf animation? Sorry if this is answered to be impossible or a problematic elsewhere, searching got me nothing.

Other than that i would love to see one where the partner is performing oral on the werewolf.

Fortune onwards Dayelyte.

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Looks good, but i just have to ask, is there any chance of a werewolf on werewolf animation? Sorry if this is answered to be impossible or a problematic elsewhere, searching got me nothing.

Other than that i would love to see one where the partner is performing oral on the werewolf.

Fortune onwards Dayelyte.


Check the previous page, Dayelyte post in a spoiler tag a 3d model of a idea he had for a 3 werewolf DP.

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Hey there. I am not a techy person, but i was wondering if there was a way to incorporate these animations for werewolves into a mod, say sexlab werewolves. I have no clue how to make them play, but wanna try.

Is there a mod that incorporates the animations already? Could I maybe get some directions on integration? (or which folder to paste them into ><")
Thank you!


PS my character is female werewolf. so i am asking from the PC point of view as well. i just dont know how to integrate those into skyrim...



Edited: I was looking through the convo here. and while i have not found, or missed, a mod that utilises the animations, i must say that those animations looks as complex as they look damnebly good! thank you for this project Dayelyte!!


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A better way to test it would be to use Matchmaker as rhis would take the other Mods out of the equation.


That said, my test file really isn't a Mod but rather a means to get the animations within the SexLab core until they are officially added at some future date. It simply gives SexLab the ability to play them on demand when called by another Mod, or manually triggered by something like Matchmaker.


Find some secluded spot, summon in a Werewolf, use the " tcai " console command to turn off the combat AI so you don't get beat up by your new friend, and use the Matchmaker spell to start the animations to check and see that they play correctly.


If they do, then my mission is successful as provider of animations :) If not, then I may have something still whacked up in the file.


They work, the one time I got it to trigger with Sexlab Werewolves, I hit O to tab between them all, they all worked fine, cept the Missionary position because I haven't installed your patch yet. I'd like my wolfie to do the animations to others mostly, just seems insanely hard to trigger.

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