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So uh... where exactly do I place these files? I have all the necessary tools to access the animations (I'm using the matchmaker spells I think? The one that makes an irresistible aura or something), it's just that the animations don't show. All my other animations show up fine but these ones refuse to come out of hiding.


I must also ask, who is the player in these animations, is it the humanoid or the werewolf?

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So uh... where exactly do I place these files? I have all the necessary tools to access the animations (I'm using the matchmaker spells I think? The one that makes an irresistible aura or something), it's just that the animations don't show. All my other animations show up fine but these ones refuse to come out of hiding.


I must also ask, who is the player in these animations, is it the humanoid or the werewolf?


To be honest, unless you have a customized SexLab setup, it is far easier to download the Fem_WW_SexLab_Testing.rar file and use it instead of trying to manually install the animations.  If you use them as replacement animations, it is unlikely they will align properly as they will be using alignment protocols based on different animations. 


If you wish, the second testfile I have created " Fem_WW_SexLab_Testing_Plus_PanicGiant_Anims.rar  "   will include not only my own animations, but those of PanicForever that have not yet made it into the SexLab core.  In either case, make sure to peruse the readme file that is included so you know what it will be doing. 



I haven't really given any thought as to which character is the player actor in the animations.  Depending on your gender and disposition towards going all furry and howling at the moon, I suppose it can go either way in game :D  The animations are only that, animations. The movements of the actors are based on their skeletons as provided by Bethesda, so the motion data is now there.  It's simply up to the modders to implement them into some sort of usable form. 


Remember, what I'm doing is only the animation side of things.  I don't have the coding chops nor patience to write a " mod " and keep it updated as the SexLab core system continues to undergo version upgrades.  My testfile allows folks to " test " the animations in game only via SexLab for the time being,  It is far from being a " mod " by any definition of the word :D

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Okay, new laptop is finally here and I spent much of the day getting all the software I use loaded onto it. I'll put it through it's paces tomorrow.


In the interim though, the thought occurred to me that many folks may have moved on to the newer werewolf meshes such as those provided in the HDT sections or the Mighty Beasts variety. If more and more folks are using those meshes, I may need to update what I animate / align with to minimize issues in game.


Thoughts ?

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I ended up using mighty beasts with Bellyache's Animal and Creature Pack and its default black werewolves and the animations seem to look like they line up well to me. I took a look at the 6 and 2 breast version of the female HDT werewolves and didn't much like how they looked at the higher weights. I copied the low weight nif file (_0) over the high weight (_1) to avoid that but that's just me. :-)


The down side to Mighty Beasts is the lack of actual breasts on the texture. HDT still has lots of seams on the female werewolf but most packages do from using the male textures on both models.


I'd rather have more poses :D Your animations line up better than most anything else I've seen and it's the only good set of "size difference" animations for a male player I think.


Thanks for everything!


edit: I posted screen shots earlier of the combo I use.

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Okay, new laptop is finally here and I spent much of the day getting all the software I use loaded onto it. I'll put it through it's paces tomorrow.


In the interim though, the thought occurred to me that many folks may have moved on to the newer werewolf meshes such as those provided in the HDT sections or the Mighty Beasts variety. If more and more folks are using those meshes, I may need to update what I animate / align with to minimize issues in game.


Thoughts ?


It would be best if you guys all used one set of meshes. I don't know if Panics version matters since his are males and your females. But making sure they match where needed is the best way to go. I am pretty easy on which one you guys use. I would rather have as few of mods that add one mesh here or one mesh there as possible.


Maybe if you and Panic got together with any other animators and picked a set of meshes you all worked with and then made a single mod like the creature pack that used all of them would be best.


Of course I am talking from a users point of view and I am always looking to reduce my mod list to as few of mods as possible. :)

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Running tests on the new laptop has been interesting so far:


1)  The screen quality leaves something to be desired.  I'm used to my giganto IPS screens on my desktop and it's tough to give those up.  Dell / Alienware has two options.  Matte screen, slightly lower visual quality ( imo ) vs their high quality display which has serious reflection issues if working in a lighted room.  Seriously, I could shave in the damn thing it's so reflective lol. . .


I'll get used to the matte I guess. 


2)  Fired up a test render in Max and twenty seconds into the render, the entire laptop shuts itself off.  No warning, no nada.  Just WHAM.  Off.  Thought that odd, so restarted and loaded the same scene back up and WHAMMO.  Same thing.  First thought that came to mind was the damn thing is overheating. 


Sure enough, after loading an app to watch the temps, it confirmed what I was thinking.  Once the render started and all cores went to 100 %, the temps quickly rocketed up to 100C.  ( !!!! )  Wasn't long before the system shut itself down.  Jumped into the BIOS and found the overclocking and turbo settings and flat disabled them.  ( Turbo was taking the CPU's from 2.8ghz to 3.4ghz ) With them disabled, my temps are a much more stable 70C under full load and no more shutdowns.


Guess I'll have to live with 2.8ghz as well :D


Should be back to animating this week I think.  I have an idea of what I want to do, but not sure if I can pull it off or not.  Will let you know.




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Is the animation really off when using the HDT meshes ? I didn't try with those ... 


Only in the breast areas and not by a lot.  Anywhere actor A is holding / touching Actor B's breasts, the HDT will cause geometry intersection issues.  Same problem will arise if using any mesh that has bigger / smaller breasts as well. 


No worries though,  I'll keep using the same meshes I have so far since the issues are minimal :D

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Yeah, with the weights on the HDT Werewolves being what they are your big Nord amazon turns into boobzilla. :P It'll be hard to line up animations for that without making lesser weights be off.


For your laptop, maybe you can get one of those cooler pads to put under it. The Alienware laptops aren't supposed to overheat even with turbomode on especially not that quickly. It's possible you could fix it yourself by reapplying the thermal grease if you want to get adventurous. :-) I'd certainly ask tech support about it.



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Yeah, with the weights on the HDT Werewolves being what they are your big Nord amazon turns into boobzilla. :P It'll be hard to line up animations for that without making lesser weights be off.


For your laptop, maybe you can get one of those cooler pads to put under it. The Alienware laptops aren't supposed to overheat even with turbomode on especially not that quickly. It's possible you could fix it yourself by reapplying the thermal grease if you want to get adventurous. :-) I'd certainly ask tech support about it.

My guess is the typical user for these things doesn't crank all the cores up to 100% and leave them there for extended periods of time :) Certainly no game I know of will do so. Hard on the gfx card sure, but they don't normally hammer the processor too badly. I'm cool with running at 2.8ghz actually. I've always preferred stability vs bleeding edge speed anyway. Besides, the processor will enjoy a longer life as long as you keep the temps down to something reasonable. In addition, with the cooler temps the fans don't sound like the entire unit is about to lift off the desk and fly away :D

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File Name: Dayelyte's Unnatural Animations

File Submitter: Dayelyte

File Submitted: 06 Feb 2014

File Category: Animation


Howdy boys and girls, after many, many, MANY, hours, I am happy to release my first animation to you all. You are free to use it in any mod as you see fit, credit isn't required, but greatly appreciated. This was built / aligned utilizing an SOS male mesh ( with added SOS bones, and male package ) and the Female Werewolf Mesh by Moutarde421. ( Found in the Adult Real Werewolves mod ) While the animation will work using a male werewolf model, due to the extra "equipment" the male has, the animation may seem a little odd. :D ( Further testing has shown alignment issues if pairing up with male werewolves due to their larger body size )


Bear in mind this is not a mod, it is merely an animation resource for modders to utilize while building one.


However, I have included an experimental file that *should* allow you to integrate this into SexLab for testing purposes. ( Fem_WW_Sexlab_Testing.rar ) Make sure to peruse the readme file first. There is a second file that includes PanicForever's current giant animations in addtion to my own Werewolf ones. You'll find it in the downloads section as well.



No positional or rotational offsets are required, the actors should line up without them.



Apologies in advance for not having BBP, TBBP or another physics package for the Female Werewolf. We're all spoiled to it but the breast / butt bones do not exist ( nor the properly weighted mesh for that matter ) for the Werewolf skeletons and, as a result, the jiggle effect is unavailable until someone with more patience ( and insight on the Havok skeletons ) than I can create such an asset.


My agenda for the near term is to continue with the female werewolf theme ( since I have the rigs done ). I'm hoping to add a few other positions to the mix such as Doggy Style, Missionary, Cowgirl and maybe a masterbation sequence.



Acknowledgements and kudos to:


Ashal - For his outstanding work with the SexLab mod

Fore - For the FNIS modules without which, none of this would even be possible.

PanicForever - For inspiring me to get off my ass and finally learn 3DS Max ( and putting up with my questions / frustrations )


And all the folks who put countless hours into trying to make this a far more interesting place to play :D


Note: While not mandatory, it is recommended you utilize the same Female Werewolf model I used to build the animations. Otherwise, things may not align as well once the animations start. The model can be found at either:


Female Werewolf Model by Moutarde421 ( model only )


SexLab Werewolves v2.1 ( included in the mod )


The animations:


WW_Blowjob Scenes 1-5




WW_Behind Scenes 1-3




WW_Missionary Scenes 1 - 3




WW_OnTop_Scene 1 - 4





Click here to download this file



Even just those .gifs are incredible. Would love to see what you could do with the female draugr, falmer and spriggans.

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Spriggans would be interesting. So would a flame atronoch, though some nomex gear might come in handy.


I am trying ( heavy emphasis on this ) to see if I can pull off a 3-way all werewolf setup just to see if I can do it. Dunno how useful it would be ingame, but trying all the same :)

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Heh :)


I'm still tweaking the laptop a bit ( I hate new installs ) to get it back to my comfort zone. Is a great time to figure out what you really need though vs stuff that was just taking up space.


Barring any crazy stuff happening, I'll try to at least get a still image preview of what I'm playing with tomorrow hopefully.


I haven't even loaded Skyrim on my laptop yet and may not. May just use the desktop for game testing and the laptop for animating.

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Even just those .gifs are incredible. Would love to see what you could do with the female draugr, falmer and spriggans.



Female draugr, falmer and spriggans... So, the dead, the cursed and the wood... Interesting choise of options, I may add.  :D



Keep your mind open to different ideas. Hagraven's wouldn't be bad as long as you avoid that face.

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help me!! 


how to coppy all .HKX to Data\Meshes\actors\werewolfbeast\animations\SexLabCreature ?


what require mods?





4)SexLab Werewolves 2.1


you what using to activate?

i'm using SexLabMatchMaker.Rev6  it show "Your spell fizzles and fails to affect werewolf."


I dot'n know what to do. Do you have another way? :(

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help me!!


how to coppy all .HKX to Data\Meshes\actors\werewolfbeast\animations\SexLabCreature ?


what require mods?





4)SexLab Werewolves 2.1


you what using to activate?

i'm using SexLabMatchMaker.Rev6 it show "Your spell fizzles and fails to affect werewolf."


I dot'n know what to do. Do you have another way? :(


Looks like you have most of the requirements already, do you have the FBIS creature pack installed as well ? Didn't see you list that one.


The easiest way to install these is to use the Female WW Sexlab Testing rar file I have in the downloads section. Make sure to go over the readme file first though so you'll know what it does.

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Gotta love Murphy and his law.


Playing with a triple WW scene ( two male one female ) and get it all set up. Import all the skeletons, meshes and get them all renamed. Add all the IK in for each actor ( arms, legs, feet, tail ) get that all named. Get the actors into initial position, add the IK targets for knees and elbow positioning and am generally ready to start animating this monster when Max decides it's a grand time to crash on me.


Ok lovely. Not the first time, Max can be quirky sometimes. I start it back up and reload the scene and . . . time passes . . . find out the crash corrupted the scene :/ ( insert much cussing here )




I spent a few hours today rebuilding the same scene back to the point where it's ready to animate. Saving it every fifteen minutes on different drives :/


The screenshot of my experiment will be delayed a bit until I can actually animate something. -sigh- Sometimes, traditional media has it's advantages over its digital counterpart.

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