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Setup: Breast Collision

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How to make boobies react to body collision. Thanks Eu4orick

Thanks ledo4ek for the research in this field and for the attached hdt.xml and hdtm.xml



You'll need:

Using nifscope picture tutorial via s666: http://www.loverslab...-body/?p=566933

Another way shorted explained here from ballsy:

"To elaborate, you'll need to open femalebody_0 and femalebody_1.nif in nifskope, right click the body, select block > insert > Nis... > NiStringExtraData. Note that it is not NiStringsExtraData.

Right click NiStringExtraData on the block list, copy branch, right click on NiNode on select paste branch. Delete the original NiStringExtraData by right clicking > block > remove. Click on the new NiStringExtraData and use ctrl + up to shift it to the first line right after 0 NiNode.

Go to block details after clicking on NiStringExtraData and click on the txt icon of Name. Type in HDT Havok Path.

Now go to block details line 4, String Data and click the txt icon. Enter the path where you installed ledo's xml. (eg Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdt.xml)

Click Save As... in nifskope and replace the original femalebody nif file. Same stuff goes for armors.

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I've seen quite a few poster refer to get the xml from that thread, yet that thread doesn't have it. Could this process be used for the current HDT xml's that go into the SKSE plug in folder?

I tried this and read that someone else also tried the .xml from SKSE\plugins and I can tell you it doesn't work. I got no collision even with my HGEC big breasted variant.


Thank you kindly, sir! Got the .xml from this thread ;).

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I don't know how to open NifSkope. I have a .rar file thats downloaded. I tried extracting the file but nothing seemed to work.


If you do not have the software to open up your rar Windows will just look dull eyed at you  :P!


Hehe urm if that's the case:








choose your poison and install, should be then ex-tractable. Place anywhere you wish, if it's none of the above then more detail maybe needed? 

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Just tried this on my new UNP TBBP character, followed the instructions to the letter, and the result ain't exactly what I expected. The right breast jittered like crazy when she was groping them, I adjusted the breasts size to a few notches above average(0.24+ shown in ECE), oddly enough the jittering stopped and everything works as it supposely does. I tried some different body weight but it didn't help and the jittering issue only seems to respond to breasts size, any that is average or below average will cause them go nuts. I also tried to remove skeletonfemale.hkx, disabling ENB, but none to them seems to be related to this issue. I usually do not dig huge tits, but it looks like I've got no other options,hmmm...

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Just tried this on my new UNP TBBP character, followed the instructions to the letter, and the result ain't exactly what I expected. The right breast jittered like crazy when she was groping them, I adjusted the breasts size to a few notches above average(0.24+ shown in ECE), oddly enough the jittering stopped and everything works as it supposely does. I tried some different body weight but it didn't help and the jittering issue only seems to respond to breasts size, any that is average or below average will cause them go nuts. I also tried to remove skeletonfemale.hkx, disabling ENB, but none to them seems to be related to this issue. I usually do not dig huge tits, but it looks like I've got no other options,hmmm...


Set your juggs to how you like.


in JFF, set the 'collision radius' to something I guess larger? I can't really tell what your specific problem is, but try the sphere size. that will help.

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Thanks for your reply! Forgive my ignorance but what's this JFF thing? I have never heard of it, you got to have that to edit the parameters?


Oh, I forgot to report another problem with my result: at the end of animation, the breasts tend to bounce back like 1 second after her hands let go of them when they should bounce back immediately, at least that's what I think they should behave. Anyway, it's not a major problem I can't live with, but it would be nice if it could be fixed somehow.

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Thanks for your reply! Forgive my ignorance but what's this JFF thing? I have never heard of it, you got to have that to edit the parameters?


Oh, I forgot to report another problem with my result: at the end of animation, the breasts tend to bounce back like 1 second after her hands let go of them when they should bounce back immediately, at least that's what I think they should behave. Anyway, it's not a major problem I can't live with, but it would be nice if it could be fixed somehow.


Download here for JFF


It's a tool you can use to edit the bounce and collision of HDT effects

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Hmmm...I'm using UNP Topmodel TPPB and i followed the instructions for the .nif files. Moving around and stuff works but i cant tell if that is the animations at work or the physics, but the idle collision doesn't seem to work. Her hands just seem to go right through them...ok maybe not that much but the breasts aint moving when the hand hits it.

EDIT: Just in case, I got all the plugins in the right folder and that hdt.xml called again and used it accordingly to the instructions. Using lovergirl race and I saw some suggestion somewhere to have the hdt.xml file in the lovergirls meshes folder and link the file from there. Still does not work. If there is more i need to post up for info just let me know.

Using XPMS latest Max skeleton btw.

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Hmmm...I'm using UNP Topmodel TPPB and i followed the instructions for the .nif files. Moving around and stuff works but i cant tell if that is the animations at work or the physics, but the idle collision doesn't seem to work. Her hands just seem to go right through them...ok maybe not that much but the breasts aint moving when the hand hits it.


EDIT: Just in case, I got all the plugins in the right folder and that hdt.xml called again and used it accordingly to the instructions. Using lovergirl race and I saw some suggestion somewhere to have the hdt.xml file in the lovergirls meshes folder and link the file from there. Still does not work. If there is more i need to post up for info just let me know.


Using XPMS latest Max skeleton btw.


Try changing breast size via race menu: I had the same issue, and it somewhat solved for some breast sizes. Not too much of a perfect result, though: i still got hands clipping a little through the breast.

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Is that so...should play around with the weight then.

EDIT: also could u tell me what value did you set for the weight to finally get it partially working? Also if i remember, Lovergirl race with racemenu, some of the stuff don't work such as the buttscale or breastscale, only some of the stuff changes. Like waist, height, headsize, shoulder scale etc.


EDIT2:I take some of that back. Breastscale works but most of the others dont.


EDIT3: ...nnnope still not working... Maybe I might try using a vanilla race...Any other suggestions?

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Anyone knows why it isnt working for me? I followed the introduction but the hands still go through the breasts. Does the breast size maybe consider this issue so if I would lower the size that I would not have this issue? Im really speakless I tried it so many times and I see no mistakes in my files. :/

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I'm not sure but... Some armor boobs seem to be static-frozen or like pressed together on both sides (particularly this one). I've disabled collision on some armors as it seems the boobs are struggling for some reason. Though I don't face that problem on Nekkid ones and some bra-like armors.

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Anyone knows why it isnt working for me? I followed the introduction but the hands still go through the breasts. Does the breast size maybe consider this issue so if I would lower the size that I would not have this issue? Im really speakless I tried it so many times and I see no mistakes in my files. :/

Are you sure you're doing it the right way? Maybe a screenshot of your nifskope can be posted, so we can see what could be wrong.

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Anyone knows why it isnt working for me? I followed the introduction but the hands still go through the breasts. Does the breast size maybe consider this issue so if I would lower the size that I would not have this issue? Im really speakless I tried it so many times and I see no mistakes in my files. :/

Are you sure you're doing it the right way? Maybe a screenshot of your nifskope can be posted, so we can see what could be wrong.



You mean screenshots like this? I edited them like in the introduction and this is how it looks for femalebody 0 and 1.





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Just noticed that it works on Silmeria companion for some reason but not on my player character. Pretty sure i made them use both of the same skeletons. Body is different though. Maybe that is why.

Yeah, you don't edit the skeleton with the NiString, you edit the femalebody. So if you use a custom race that uses a different mesh, you have to edit that particular mesh for it to show on your character. 

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