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Outfit Studio/Bodyslide 2 CBBE Conversions

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1 hour ago, zzlaq1 said:

Yes, they do had bone weight, but if we do not copy bone weight, if they have different bone weight from different baseshape, maybe the body and outfit won't move together.

Well, the alternativ is copying the bonewiehgts and have the outfit spaz all over the place.

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4 hours ago, Musje said:

Looks like there's some more pretty things there. Has the author given permission to create these CBBE conversions? I tried contacting him on Tumbler but I need an account with followers for that :frown:

I don't think we need permission from the author for the bodyshape converting, for we just discuss and research  in this thread, and not repost to public, and most important, no business affair, just for fun. And the author posted and let them download for free, even not like in patreon for donation, so I don't think the author will be minded.

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On 5/21/2018 at 5:59 AM, zzlaq1 said:

Yes, they do had bone weight, but if we do not copy bone weight, if they have different bone weight from different baseshape, maybe the body and outfit won't move together.

Outfits like that, have a litany of bones weights attached to different parts of the meshes to make it move independently of the body as real clothes. That one had BBP\TBBP bones attached and removing them made the other bones become separated from the mesh. I deleted the Breast01 bones and copied only the Breast L/R and Butt L/R bones leaving the others alone and it spazzed out like I showed. I dont know what else to do but re-write the xml which I don't know how to do. I can remove all the extra bones and make the mesh behave HDT only but it won't move like it was made to. Destroying the author's design as intended would be an injustice so I will leave it alone.

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1 hour ago, zzlaq1 said:

Last time  you ask me to made a DMRA to CBBE reference conversion, I just use blender to do it, not good enough, today I goto nexsus site, found that EdhildilReturns  had post out the dmra preset for cbbe, so I use this preset to bodyslide with cbbe to a femalebody_1.nif and femalbody_0.nif, in bodyslide dir, I load the femalebody_1.nif to outfit, and output obj, then use it for making dmra to cbbe converting reference, this time no problem. Just try it.


And the dmra.nif you offered is like a 50% bodyweight bodyshape, saw from the preview window in the bodyslide, when using dmra preset to bodayslide cbbe bodyshape.


Guess you want to convert the mod

Edhildils DMRA Store


If  the  outfit  and armor in this mod do use the  50% bodyweight bodyshape(like the dmra.nif you offered) as baseshape, tell me, I will make a converting ref on the base of that.

I will download that mod to check. 



DMRA TO CBBE(using preset).7z



Check the mod, the bodyshape is  the nearly same from my converting reference, still not the same like a percentage bodyweight, I will try 50%, and 75%,  the had distence between the outfit and the baseshape in my converting reference, may cause bodyweight problem when we manualy align the outfit to the baseshape of converting reference. 

That does not quite work as even the preset does not come near the DMRA shape. DMRA has a completely different posture.

Maybe you could try to convert DMRA to the DMRA preset and then to CBBE.

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Hi there,


can someone give me a link to a tutorial that shows me how to turn normal boots into cbbe boots?

I need to transform these:



Maby they are already done.

That is where they are from. Maybe there is already a conversion to bodyslide.


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17 hours ago, Munchkin said:

Hi there,


can someone give me a link to a tutorial that shows me how to turn normal boots into cbbe boots?

I need to transform these:

  Reveal hidden contents


Maby they are already done.

That is where they are from. Maybe there is already a conversion to bodyslide.


I converted the set in my Signature. But i didnt convert the boots because honestly they look out of place for the set. There are lot of other heels that fit better for that set.

So either way if you want the set you can just grab it from my signature.

Tops and bots where also split up on my conversions.

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15 hours ago, zzlaq1 said:

I‘d converted this set of outfit, for the boot you said, the process is that:

for the outfit use unp body as basehape

1 load the boot(the *_1.nif) into outfit studio

2 load the reference unphigh to cbbe

3 select the baseshap of the converting reference,  select sliderset menu, select confirm all

4 select the boot, slide the slidersets of converting to 100%

5 select  the slidersets menu, select set as baseshape

6 load reference,select cbbe-hdt

7 fix clip, and confirm the slidersets(confirm all in the sliderset menu)

8 copy boneweight

9 save project


When I deal with this, I just delete the heel in this nif, for the heels already had in this mod, left only the calf part, and reassign it's slot(should also edit the esp to assaign the armoron and armor slot to the slot edited, or will not display in game), that will be easy to convert, and for the heel, I used a cbbe highheel foot model with slidersets to replace the foot model in it. Even not do this, the process above is also useful, for this boot need foot model, for it like trasparent, and need the foot model to display while it occupy the foot slot, and take the place in foot in game, can change the foot model first, and then use process above. Or just check when loading the cbbe-hdt reference to see if no gap between foot model and bodyshape, you can leave the foot model there and just convert it.  


Thanks m8

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7 hours ago, lawmetal said:

Does anybody still have the CBBE conversion for this outfit? I've been trying to download it from this site http://mitakusaner.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1448.html but cant seem to figure out how.

I guess you are talking about baidu?!

That site needs a downloader of some form on most files.

You can either download their programm which I really wouldn't advise, more out of paranoia than experience or you can get another downloader. I use JDownloader 2, it can grab files of a whole lot of sites and I haven't noticed anything negative about it.

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7 hours ago, egh3612 said:

Kendo 2 BodySlide by TOMBCQC (baidu) --- CBBE BS


7 hours ago, egh3612 said:

Kendo 2 BodySlide by TOMBCQC (baidu) --- CBBE BS

I downloaded a UNP-type version from nsfwmods.com.  I converted it to cbbe bs hdt, but the author at nsfw had some lingo about not uploading it to another site.  However, the Diamond suit was the easiest thing i ever tried to convert, so if I can do it, anyone here should be able to do it.  Seriously, I'm not good at converting this stuff.  And also didn't want to hassle the nsfwmods person for permissions to post a conversion here.  Anyhow, file below.


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1 hour ago, hawgdaddy said:


I downloaded a UNP-type version from nsfwmods.com.  I converted it to cbbe bs hdt, but the author at nsfw had some lingo about not uploading it to another site.  However, the Diamond suit was the easiest thing i ever tried to convert, so if I can do it, anyone here should be able to do it.  Seriously, I'm not good at converting this stuff.  And also didn't want to hassle the nsfwmods person for permissions to post a conversion here.  Anyhow, file below.


Well, the chinese don't give a rats arse about a bitches moodswings so why not download that?

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8 hours ago, Fakenet said:

I guess you are talking about baidu?!

That site needs a downloader of some form on most files.

You can either download their programm which I really wouldn't advise, more out of paranoia than experience or you can get another downloader. I use JDownloader 2, it can grab files of a whole lot of sites and I haven't noticed anything negative about it.

yeah i kinda figured outhow to download from there.. just click the folder first then click the download hehe.. it was a little tricky cause everything was in chinese. now i dont have to worry about downloading from baidu. no need to download the baidu program.

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15 hours ago, zzlaq1 said:

Remembered another way to adjust bodyweight, in outfit studio, in the bone selection area, focus on the clip field, choose the bone(or bones, one by one) that affact this area(that clipped in game, but the mesh is perfect with no clip), use the preview slide to slide left and right, when clip come out, use brush or alt+brush(left mouse button when boneweight paint brush is selected) to fix the clip, in this degree, it means not to fix the mesh clip, just fix the clip caused by boneweight, this way is slow and tested many times in game performance, but it's really a way to deal with the boneweight clip.


Thanks. right while I have issue with the butt's bone of another outift. The bodyslide I made still looks bad, but now it's better than previous. 

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