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So I was exploring the higher tier worlds and I discovered, well, this thing.









The Alien Worm Gun. I'm sure I'm not the first to have one, and I began using it regularly because it's a strong weapon, but as soon as I fired it I said to myself "I know where this is going."


Believe it or not but the Steam Workshop has an audio rework for the gun so it sounds more like where it's going.



That would be this then: "Enhanced" Worm Gun Sounds



Yep, and my intent was to emphasize that it's sitting right there on the workshop.  There are a couple other things, but I'm spacing on them.

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I've added an erotic goods shop as a mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/starbound/mods/633/


i'll be posting a new version of the objects when I get a chance to stock the store, but anyone is welcome to add their items by a patch file:




Nice spritework m8!



thank you!

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Hello guys. I would like to make a SexLab-like mod for this game, but the API is really poorly documented and doesn't allow you to do things that would make this possible. I am still looking into this, but no luck so far. There is no way (as far as I can tell) to play an animation on the player. It's possible to add an entire animation for humanoids through .json modding, but there is no way to actually run it in-game. The only way to change player anim is to mod a tech, which allows you to change the players sprite (that's how the original 'Birds with cocks' mod worked), but other that that you can't do much. I'll keep looking into this, I will let you know if I make a progress.

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I've added an erotic goods shop as a mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/starbound/mods/633/


i'll be posting a new version of the objects when I get a chance to stock the store, but anyone is welcome to add their items by a patch file:




Nice spritework m8!



thank you!


The mod by themselves from the Nexus mod work but the Master mod from the github crash Starbound upon start up. Anyone else having issues with this too?

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Hello guys. I would like to make a SexLab-like mod for this game, but the API is really poorly documented and doesn't allow you to do things that would make this possible. I am still looking into this, but no luck so far. There is no way (as far as I can tell) to play an animation on the player. It's possible to add an entire animation for humanoids through .json modding, but there is no way to actually run it in-game. The only way to change player anim is to mod a tech, which allows you to change the players sprite (that's how the original 'Birds with cocks' mod worked), but other that that you can't do much. I'll keep looking into this, I will let you know if I make a progress.


Couldn't furniture, activators, or even a tool work?


While I'm thinking of it, one thing we could stand to do, is agree on some sort of universal tenant tags for objects related to adult content.

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Hello guys. I would like to make a SexLab-like mod for this game, but the API is really poorly documented and doesn't allow you to do things that would make this possible. I am still looking into this, but no luck so far. There is no way (as far as I can tell) to play an animation on the player. It's possible to add an entire animation for humanoids through .json modding, but there is no way to actually run it in-game. The only way to change player anim is to mod a tech, which allows you to change the players sprite (that's how the original 'Birds with cocks' mod worked), but other that that you can't do much. I'll keep looking into this, I will let you know if I make a progress.

You should look into how the boomerang is implemented for an active animation mod on the player. It's all LUA and pretty straight forward, the common folder actually does have documentation for all the LUA modules available.


Hello guys. I would like to make a SexLab-like mod for this game, but the API is really poorly documented and doesn't allow you to do things that would make this possible. I am still looking into this, but no luck so far. There is no way (as far as I can tell) to play an animation on the player. It's possible to add an entire animation for humanoids through .json modding, but there is no way to actually run it in-game. The only way to change player anim is to mod a tech, which allows you to change the players sprite (that's how the original 'Birds with cocks' mod worked), but other that that you can't do much. I'll keep looking into this, I will let you know if I make a progress.

Couldn't furniture, activators, or even a tool work?


While I'm thinking of it, one thing we could stand to do, is agree on some sort of universal tenant tags for objects related to adult content.

This is actually why I'm working on my own species, it's a good way of having complete control over animations and setting up things like tenants/colonies

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Now this is upsetting, with a modding community like this on starbound i thought the devs would make easier to mod almost everything.


It's entirely possible they made animation-adding hard on purpose. And even if not, a sprite based game is MUCH more restricted than a model-based game, as explained earlier. And, knowing people, if/when a sex mod IS made, people will demand it be made for 3+ different body-types and argue over which one is better. 

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You should look into how the boomerang is implemented for an active animation mod on the player. It's all LUA and pretty straight forward, the common folder actually does have documentation for all the LUA modules available.


The ActiveItem code can only change hand animations and not the body ones. I know about the documentation, but it's incomplete and some of the methods are wrongly documented (some functions have their arguments written in a wrong order).

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Now this is upsetting, with a modding community like this on starbound i thought the devs would make easier to mod almost everything.


It's entirely possible they made animation-adding hard on purpose. And even if not, a sprite based game is MUCH more restricted than a model-based game, as explained earlier. And, knowing people, if/when a sex mod IS made, people will demand it be made for 3+ different body-types and argue over which one is better. 



I suspected they did it on purpose but i didn't wanted to be tying knives lol.

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Have you seen the steam pages for mods? A huge amount of the people downloading them are idiots (I got this race ship mod and it replaced my ship and it's contents! why isn't this overhaul multiplayer on vanilla servers? etc). Best to just keep these sort of mods here anyways. 

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Keeping them here would be the wisest option. We did that for Oblivion and Skyrim and it worked just fine.


If we make enough mods, with or without adult content, we might get a section for ourselves. 

Some of the non-adult mods and threads posted here really enhanced my TES experience.

Starbound beta had some amazing mods that are now outdated, if the modding community resurrects we could have an enjoyable game with good content.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This game really doesn't need a full on API at all. The whole point to an API system in games like TES and the Fallout series is because 3D models and animations are involved. Lovers with PK, Sexout, Sexlab, etc are animation APIs. As in they were pretty much required APIs in order to load animations in the first place.

But in Starbound you can just make a custom object that has the animation you want. It's straightforward and simple once you know how to do it and it won't conflict with other mods because it's a unique independent object.

The closest you could get to an "API" in Starbound as far as I know, if you wanted to centralize all the custom objects rather than have them "all over the place". Is making a custom crafting station that anybody can add their own objects to using a tag or whatever. Much like the Tabula Rasa and the vanilla crafting stations.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, in the interest of reviving conversation, what sorts of mods would you actually like to see?
Personally, as someone who plays human, there are a lot of con, bandit, and cultist women who could be better served as professional breeders than as corpses. No sense not experimenting with captured miniknog guards and moontants as well.

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Oh the usual... beastiality, cum inflation, oviposition, egg laying, pregnancy, alien births. All those hylotl rave parties get changed so that they are orgies. Villager and crewmember romances. Raising families. You know, the usual. 

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Hmm, would be nice, wouldn't it? Wandering the galaxy, seeding countless wombs in your wake, living on floran nectar and hylotl caviar.

As for bestiality, well, I'm surprised poptops haven't seen more lewdness. They look so innocent.


You know, if enough assets were collected, lewd planets could be made real. A sexy variant to the list of flesh based biomes.

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Need to get off my butt and actually start piecing together mod ideas beyond planning and codex entries... :dodgy:  Though I can still at least help with the crazy idea department.


I do agree that probably the first thing that needs to be worked on is some sorta Sexlab style API, something that works to make any character capable of enjoying the system. Though maybe past that, implementing advanced companions (with romance/lust capabilities) and some sorta analog to Deviously Cursed Loot/Devious Devices could be cool as well. Unfortunately, some sorta accessory item system probably needs to be made to make that feasible without stripping equipment.


One thing that could help is something that came up over on the Starbound forums, someone found a way to make equipment give constant buffs (or debuffs, in the case of the discussion about heavy weapons) so that, say, a minigun or Heavy Bolter could actually weigh someone down and make the sheer power those weapons give balanced slightly. I'll track down the specific post where it was code-talked about and link it here, as it could be useful for said bondage shenanigans.


As for discussions about said API shenanigans... Hrm. Yeah, don't know enough to make a suggestion there :s

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It's so friggin' good to see Starbound getting some love around here!


I mean, who knows if anything will come of it, but this game's on my Top 10 for addictiveness. Alas, my poor little pixel cuties are really desperately in need of something more exciting to do than hauling dirt around and there just aren't many mods (and even fewer up-to-date ones) to help them alleviate their boredom. So then they end up acting out violently in other ways, like drowning a Hylotl Space Station in molten iron.


Thanks a lot, Frackin' Universe... now all the frog-people are dead.

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So, plus side of my explorations, I found the coder genius that did the equipment slowdown stuff and apparently some other strange coding magic that I've not known a lot about previously. Guy named AlbertoRota over there. I wouldn't suggest PMing him over there with 'HAI WE WANNA MAKE SEKSEH MOADS CAN U HALP?!?' But perhaps with permission to borrow his equipment debuff ,mod we could get started on gear with inhibiting effects. I'm giving a spin with Template Race Mod tonight to begin my own foray into modding this game proper, so maybe as an experiment I'll see if I can whip up something kinky while testing stuff out X3

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  • 3 weeks later...




It's in early access. That means frequent updates, frequent character wipes, new content being added etc. It's being compared to Terraria which is somewhat fair. You know what it looks graphically, and gameplay-wise it's again compared to Terraria and other 2D voxel based games, but it has its own noticeable differences. You can travel between planets, meet sentient life. There are several races to choose from as well, each having their own sort of "history" and backstory to them. It's $14.99 (or whatever equivalent) so it isn't that bad when it comes to pricing, especially compared to other Early Access games *cough* 7 days to die *cough*


Overall I enjoy it, if this kind of thing appeals to you, you should check it out. 



And what exactly is Terraria? Seems I need to google a bit, I lack a big amount of information here. :D


A 2D Minecraft cash-in with vastly less construction game charm but considerably better progression.  Same basic principle, though - survive, build, get better stuff.


and yet everyone forgets, minecraft came out in 2011, terraria's beta was announced in 2009, so if anyone is a copy, its minecraft


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