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Hey guys,


is there any way to make this working or compatible with the newest patch?




I just put it into my mod folder, still not working...any helps?

I use a mod manager for these kinds of mods, but other than that, I don't know. I have this particular mod installed via Nexus Mod Manager, since it's convenient and has a bunch of other mods from Nexus on there.

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Hey guys,


is there any way to make this working or compatible with the newest patch?




I just put it into my mod folder, still not working...any helps?


Make sure it's unzipped and in folder form, and it's in the steam starbound folder, in mods. "Mods/adult objects/" and in here should be objects and recipe folders and such.



hi guys, im new in the page :D, and sorry but i see the first post and i wanna ask, is there a porn mod for starbound? and where i can get it?


Those are hand-done gifs using Starbound sprites, not something in game sadly. There are a few mods adding pre-made animations like some of those to the game as placeable objects, but actual mods for sex with a character aren't a thing, and due to sprite art being the way it is, likely won't be. Best we can do is skimpy clothing, lewd placeable objects, and out-of-sight sex. (Like unmodded Sims Woohoo)


That said, I do have a proposal to make regarding this. While outright sex and sprite poses won't happen, we can cheat still. I'm curious if anyone would be willing to work out with a proof-of-concept mod idea. it hinges on several things, though. 

Is there still a way to force a player facial expression via on-hit or on-use script?

Is there still a way to force a in-game animation with the same? 

Can one choose the priority of art layers for objects, or creatures? (so they are in front of characters, rather than behind, for view) 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

How difficult would it be to create custom unique NPCs that you could have follow you around? Since getting the player involved is too sprite-heavy due do the need for variations, would it be possible instead to make a custom NPC and animate that however needed based on objects?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update! I've gotten in touch with the creator of the Starbound Vore mod (you can find it on furaffinity). While there's not too much sexual in the mod itself, a huge amount of work has been done with the scripts and finding out how to animate and manipulate characters. Talking with them, they really don't have the time or all that much interest in taking the mod a more-sexy direction, or a seperate mod, but they have expressed willingness to share the how-to's and coding for it. 


While I'm able to work out and edit some basic script files and edit some sprites, I'm in no way an actual programmer. With a real programmer though, we might actually get this idea off the ground!


Again, they are in no way indebted to providing this info and help, so behave and be nice even if you may not like what they choose to focus on. 

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Yes, hello. I am he.

Yeah I'd be happy to share my techniques with you all but I really am not interested in what you'd be using it for. So anyone has a decent amount of programming knowledge should contact Lindazana about this and they will contact me.

I am able, at the moment, to force character positions, their animations, and even strip them of their clothing.

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I didn't mean specifically Lua, as long as you understand OOP you're pretty much set. Lua is like the easiest thing ever. You're probably over qualified. I just wanted to run down how the starbound engine works and the tricks I use. We can talk this over discord if you want. PM me your deets.

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I've spent several hours getting dirty with the game's unpacked assets, JSON, and LUA. From what I can see, there is just simply no way to control the animation/states of the player in a way that would allow the sprites to retain the player's configuration. It's simply not in the API whatsoever. At best we can animate objects or turn the player invisible and add in a naked female sprite that may or may not look like the character.


NOTE: While most of this is entirely true, a working alternative has been found. See next post!


NPCs have something called a 'dance' (you see these as when an npc 'sways' in place, does a dance, etc) which is essentially an ordered list of frames for each of the character's parts ( body, head, back arm, front arm ) that could technically benefit from extended sprite sheets and allows for position offsets for each piece. The key factor here is that these files use the race's body frames (which is what we want). I tried for hours to try and find a way to utilize these file types to control player animation. There is, however, no API functionality for getting the player character to 'dance'.


'Loungeable' objects (like chairs and beds that the player activates to sit/lay in them) do not allow animations and only make minor changes to the rotation/placement/sprite frame.


Sorry guys, but unless the devs add in the ability to modify player sprite/animation to the api, we won't be getting player-involved scenes.


EDIT: May have found a way to hack it (thanks to Sheights's brilliant input). I'll update later if I can find a way to make a proof of concept work.

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Small update: Thanks to Sheights, I've manage to create a crude (but working) animation control that uses the player's character and a custom body spritesheet to utilize new sprites for the player. It utilizes vehicles to call a .dance file which uses the player's assets to animate rather than a generic animation.


I am no sprite artist, so each of the frames in these animations are actually preexisting sprite images (using the Nudity Enhanced mod femalebody.png). However, I added an entire row of new sprites (albeit copied from the regular sheet) to the normal femalebody spritesheet to prove that adding player animations IS possible and can be utilized.




After this, it's just a matter of removing the vehicle visuals and setting up a script environment that puts the player (and potentially NPCs) into the animation control 'vehicle'. I will need to learn more about lua before I can get there, however.

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Hello all,


I have just released an API for scripting sexual interactions in Starbound. Using the API requires minimal LUA scripting because the creator can configure the interaction within an entity's config file.


SexboundAPI: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/82177-starbound-sexboundapi/?hl=starbound


Source @ GitHub: https://github.com/Loxodon/SexboundAPI


I'm getting ready to put together a documentation for creators.


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  • 3 months later...
On 23/2/2018 at 10:18 PM, Ragnaroc said:

i think its ded


this one is, search for "sexbound API" and wait util loxodon returns, or someone with coding skills come, the project is in a halt for now, but you can use it without any problem, loxodon was in college if i dont remmember bad so util he gets a break or a title i think were stranded

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  • 4 weeks later...

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