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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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Here is a snipet of my papyrus log when the Flowering Spriggan quest ends and the body armor portion is not removed.  Do you see anything out of the ordinary?  Something firing  erroneously or not firing at all?

[12/13/2014 - 11:32:42PM] [SD] Slave set - Outfit: 7 - Part: 1 - Equip: False
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:42PM] [Zad]: [SD] SetOutfit: ID:7 - Part: 1 - Equip: False
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:42PM] [Zad]: [SD] SetOutfit: destroy - 7 [ 1] 
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:42PM] [Zad]: RemoveDevice called for Spriggan hands
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:42PM] [Zad]: Acquired mutex, removing Spriggan hands
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:42PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan hands)
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:42PM] [Zad]: Detected removal token. Done.
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [SD] Slave set - Outfit: 7 - Part: 2 - Equip: False
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [Zad]: [SD] SetOutfit: ID:7 - Part: 2 - Equip: False
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [Zad]: [SD] SetOutfit: destroy - 7 [ 2] 
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [Zad]: RemoveDevice called for Spriggan feet
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [Zad]: Acquired mutex, removing Spriggan feet
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan feet)
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [Zad]: CleanupDevices() is working:1
[12/13/2014 - 11:32:43PM] [Zad]: Detected removal token. Done.

Additionally, here's what happens if i try to remove it or drop it:

[12/13/2014 - 11:47:50PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:52PM] [Zad]: SyncInventory(): Equipping Belt.
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:53PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:54PM] [Zad]: EquipDevice called for Spriggan host body
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:54PM] [Zad]: Acquired mutex, equipping Spriggan host body
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:55PM] [Zad]: SyncInventory(): Equipping Belt.
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:55PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:56PM] [Zad]: SyncInventory(): Equipping Belt.
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:58PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:58PM] [Zad]: EquipDevice called for Spriggan host body
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:58PM] [Zad]: Acquired mutex, equipping Spriggan host body
[12/13/2014 - 11:47:58PM] [Zad]: SyncInventory(): Equipping Belt.
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:00PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:00PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:00PM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:00PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:01PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:01PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:01PM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:01PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:02PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:02PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:02PM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:02PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:03PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:04PM] [Zad]: OnUnequipped(Naomi Proudspire: Spriggan host body)
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:04PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:04PM] [Zad]: Caught remove-all. Re-equipping device.
[12/13/2014 - 11:48:04PM] [Zad]: OnContainerChanged()
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Hey SkyrimII I have been enjoying the new version and wanted to say thanks for all your hard work!


I have one issue to report: My first test of enslavement includes a follower - she was enslaved fine and is bound and kneeling as designed. The issue is that if sd scans for actors for a scene the follower is included but because they are forced to kneel they break out of the SL animation. 


I guess followers either need to be excluded from the scan or have the kneel effect removed whilst engaged in sex scenes. May I suggest  the possibility of hooking any sex scenes on enslaved followers and remove the kneel effect onscenestart and replace onsceneend?  If that was possible then I have an experimental update of Random Sex I am working on that will ensure enslaved followers have a more interesting time! ;)


PS could you turn off the [_SD is scanning] message too please?

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not sure what to make of this. is it normal?


Was in bleak falls barrow and saved and exited. Later when i loaded back in I got a popup from SD saying it restarted or something for an error check. (forgot exactly what it said)

something about if you don't see "sanguine is watching" type "startquest _sd_dream" into console.

well I did not see a message "sanguine is watching" but it was still there in my misc tab in journal.

got through to end and ctd'd when draugr defeated me and DA was about to do something pretty sure it was defeat because it is set at 80 for bleedout. (sd enslavent is activated and set to 20 on bleedout) But I think this ctd is irrelevant to my post so moving on. reloaded save from before starting fight. defeated again (son of a bitch) DA sent me to start of bleak falls. finally got back through and killed that bastard. and grabbed my mimiced boss loot and left bleak falls. I didn't take the safe path down and just walked off the ledge, wasn't expecting enough fall damage to kill me. well it did and I got some weird error in top left of screen about dreamworld failed, then something else and another "sanguine pulls you back to his lap (?i think?)" when I died screen had gone black while it did "the nothings" and after visuals returned I was right where i landed with a whole assortment of ghostly Devious Devices on. they eventually wore off (they were spell effects) and i proceeded to play game as normal.


Was that entire scenario from the fall death supposed to happen that way because I do not have a night to remember completed?

And I have the MCM to not start until after A night to remember is completed.

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I am getting a message along the lines of 'if you don't see "sanguine is watching" message type startquest _sd_dream in the console', I tried that but it does not seem to do anything. It looks like it is caused by the following steps:

1) Starting a new game/Loading a save with no SD+ ever being on that save

2) Saving the game

3) reloading the save made in step 2

4) also there is a notification saying updating SD+ <version number>


I've attached log where I performed these steps.


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----Dream quest stops working---- SD+302a


I have an issue with the mod whenever I load a save game. Immediately after loading a dialogue box pops up and states the following (Stopping dream quest for maintenance. Run "startquest_sd_dream" in the console if you do not see 'Sanguine is watching' after this message)


So I tried the console command and the result is (Script command "startquest_sd_dream" not found)


Oh and there was a message at the top left corner of the screen when the dialogue pops up and it says "Updating to SD+ version: 3.201412"


It is interesting to note that SD+ works as it should upon first instance of installation where I can get the quest started before level 14 (ran mod on new save). Enslavement works, subsequent visit to dreamworld after escape and sleep works. It only fails after loading a saved game - thereafter, can't revisit dreamworld again.


I verified that all mods that are necessary for SD+ to work is up-to-date. 

SKSE 1.71

SkyUI 4.1

FNIS V5.2 with FNIS V5.0.1 add on for the spells

Dealth Alternative 6.01

Devious Devices Integration 2.83

Devious Devices Assets 2.83

Zaz animationPack Main 6.00 + Patch to 6.01

SexLab aroused Original V.20140124

SexLab framework 1.59

XPMS Skeleton 1.93a


If anyone has a solution or if more information is required, please let me know. I've been browsing the forums and attempting self-help for the last few days. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by IllIVIllI
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I am getting a message along the lines of 'if you don't see "sanguine is watching" message type startquest _sd_dream in the console', I tried that but it does not seem to do anything. It looks like it is caused by the following steps:

1) Starting a new game/Loading a save with no SD+ ever being on that save

2) Saving the game

3) reloading the save made in step 2

4) also there is a notification saying updating SD+ <version number>


I've attached log where I performed these steps.


I also have this problem with the 302a version

I started a new game, and as soon as I load a saved game after that it displayes a message that SD has stopped for maintaince

The SD is watching message never apears, stopping it with 'stopquest _sd_dream' and then starting it with 'startquest _sd_dream' doesn't make the message appear.

However it never dissapears from my quest log, but if I go to sleep the dreamworld doesn't trigger

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I just want to describe my experience to see if it is normal:


After updating to 302 I got myself captured by bandits. The owner generally didn't accept gifts, but when she did I offered up food and alcohol and frequently asked what she wanted, which usually meant sex. I was put in a cage from midnight till morning. After several in-game days I got the owner's approval up to five, at which point I could offer to work for her by saying "Please...", and she accepted but nothing happened. I've had no option to wear clothes, join the faction or earn my freedom. I eventually got the option to ask if I could leave but she just asked if I was joking. Late in, I also got a message saying I'd better learn to play along, but I don't see that it changed anything.


Also, if I step outside I immediately get choked out by the collar and wake up to a whipping.



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I just want to describe my experience to see if it is normal:


After updating to 302 I got myself captured by bandits. The owner generally didn't accept gifts, but when she did I offered up food and alcohol and frequently asked what she wanted, which usually meant sex. I was put in a cage from midnight till morning. After several in-game days I got the owner's approval up to five, at which point I could offer to work for her by saying "Please...", and she accepted but nothing happened. I've had no option to wear clothes, join the faction or earn my freedom. I eventually got the option to ask if I could leave but she just asked if I was joking. Late in, I also got a message saying I'd better learn to play along, but I don't see that it changed anything.


Also, if I step outside I immediately get choked out by the collar and wake up to a whipping.


same problem here, after my first enslavement when i go to sleep it didnt teleport me to the dreamworld like the old version.

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I just want to describe my experience to see if it is normal:


After updating to 302 I got myself captured by bandits. The owner generally didn't accept gifts, but when she did I offered up food and alcohol and frequently asked what she wanted, which usually meant sex. I was put in a cage from midnight till morning. After several in-game days I got the owner's approval up to five, at which point I could offer to work for her by saying "Please...", and she accepted but nothing happened. I've had no option to wear clothes, join the faction or earn my freedom. I eventually got the option to ask if I could leave but she just asked if I was joking. Late in, I also got a message saying I'd better learn to play along, but I don't see that it changed anything.


Also, if I step outside I immediately get choked out by the collar and wake up to a whipping.


same problem here, after my first enslavement when i go to sleep it didnt teleport me to the dreamworld like the old version.



You should make sure to uncheck the option in the mcm that you can go only to the dreamworld after the Quest "A Night to remember" (Level 14).


So you can decide if you wanna play "normal" until you are level 14 or you have to uncheck that option to be able to visit the dreamworld.

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First things first, congratulations skyrimll, SD 3.0 is a major improvement in quality and fun, it's a really good job! Thank you for your effort and great work!


Some observations I have playing version 3.0.2 (I believe some were already mentioned earlier, but not exactly answered):


1) When Owner wants you where he can sees you and puts on a leash, what's supposed to change? Visually or in gameplay, I see no change. I still can go as far as the choking thing permits and teleports me back.


2) What are the timers on asking for food and drink? I've found then quite random, and I don't think they are NPC-independent (I mean, if you already asked Owner for food, you cannot ask another random bandit after). I think that, for people who use food/drink/needs mods, the timer should be shorter, especially because you can't find lots of food in many dungeons (and the owner himself asks for some of it if you want to please him), and considering that sometimes you're given skooma instead of a real drink, is kind of hard to keep satiated and not thirsty.


3) Still on the food subject, the filthy potato normally given is not recognized as food by my "Eat,Drink, Sleep, Bath" Mod. Haven't tested with RND though.


4) I think you already mentioned this, but NPC scanning for trains is kind of buggy and random, sometimes I can get one more NPC to join the fun (not counting owner), but usually I get 3-4 animations in a row with owner only (with "Next!" showing several times).


5) Pickpocketing with cuffs should be harder, I think 51% for the key in lvl 1 is too high (I think you already answered this one).


6) The crawl thing, is just an idle? Or an animation? Cause the PC gets on all fours when still near master, ok, but when walking/running I see normal animations.


7) Not sure if this is SD+, but DDI instead, there's an option to force the use of animations without the armbinder? I mean, is kind of boring seeing the same 4-5 armbinder animations after a while. I know is more immersive and makes sense, but I could'nt find a toggle for this.


Well, for now these are my remarks about your great new version of a already great mod. Again, congratulations and nice job!

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The problem with 3.02 (and 3.02a) where it breaks the Dreamworld quest ( _sd_dream ) while trying to restart it, is not dependent on whether or not you toggled the MCM option to delay Dreamworld until after the "Night to Remember" quest.


I'm very sorry for way the script broke the quest.


I am still trying to figure out how to fix it for those of you who ended up with a broken quest.


Can someone volunteer to try running the UNINSTALL option in SD MCM, then cleaning the mod using a save game cleaner and reactivate it?


I am not able to reproduce the issue at this point, so I would like to know if there is a workaround we can recommend.

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I can give it a try, since I'm in testing mode (not playing) at the moment.  What state should the quest be in, following a successful restart?  Should all those aliases be filled?


I note that when this happens ('upgrade' on first save / reload), there are also 3-4 other mods doing the same thing: DDI, EC+, a couple of others.  Which makes me wonder if there's a timing issue, especially given that you're dependent on one of those other mods.


One sure fix would be to change it so that, on new games at least, there was no need for an 'upgrade' step.  But I can understand why you want to use the same code path for new games and upgrades.



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I started a new game with the current version via immerslave (inn keeper option) and the i have a gift option is missing from owner (appears for all other npcs) and the old option that use to be under master (i have something for you) is also not there


We use to be a option where you could alter the delay between being enslaved and getting the indentured servant quests but i don't seem to be able to see that option in the MCM anymore, is their a delay between them now? since it could just be i havent been enslaved long enough (on day 2 now)


I've been using RP tweaked to in the inn to get money, will SD+ count me giving the inn keep his share towards SD disposition?

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Yes, I have the same problems with the latest version. startquest _sd_drem does absolutely nothing for me. So no dreamworld as of yet.


And also no advancement while being enslaved. I can be the worst slave and insult my master for days and the disposition hops right back to 0 after a while. I seem to have all the requirements. After a day of playing I would have loved to have been sold a few times by now, hehe.


What I am really wondering is... how do you earn money or gather food, when stuck in the wilds? When i finally came along some like minded bandits I didn't have the option to sell myself anymore, just to beg for some measly 2 septimes. 


I love where you are taking it though. Freedom is no easy feat anymore. Can't wait to test the next few versions over the holidays.

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I can give it a try, since I'm in testing mode (not playing) at the moment. What state should the quest be in, following a successful restart? Should all those aliases be filled?


I note that when this happens ('upgrade' on first save / reload), there are also 3-4 other mods doing the same thing: DDI, EC+, a couple of others. Which makes me wonder if there's a timing issue, especially given that you're dependent on one of those other mods.


One sure fix would be to change it so that, on new games at least, there was no need for an 'upgrade' step. But I can understand why you want to use the same code path for new games and upgrades.

That restart was necessary because I added aliases to the quest and I enabled quest start on game load.


What I think happened is that a running quest was already recorded as not started on game load. Shutting it down for maintenance left it in a ditch and the quest could not get started.


I try to avoid these situations but in this case that was necessary.


I also would like to test the uninstall procedure whenever I can.


After a restart, the quest should be running and on stage 0 with all aliases filled. And you should be able to go to dreamworld using the console and:


Setstage _sd_dream 10


Or sleeping at the shrine.

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Well, i have tested SD now for a few days and in the beginning i thought it would be "bug-free", but then i realized that its unusable for me. If i stay with the owner for the full time (without using 'T' to speed the things a bit up) it seems that my slavery level rises just normal, but do you know how boring it is to stay a full skyrim day next to a npc which eventually does nothing but staring at you and making strange comments (and if you ask too often "what do you want?" you earn most of the time only a nice "Shut the fuck up").


If you try to speed things up and use 'T' to wait 1 hour, then ask your owner what he wants and then wait again at first it looks like your slavery level rises just normal from -1 to 0.....and the next day it will drop from 0 to -1 again, then -2, -3 etc. And if you have only 6 hours left before the next calculation and NeedSex is at -1 and you try to rise the number...and all what you hear from your owner is "Shut the fuck up" for hours...well, then you start to hate this game.


The Mod itself is really nice, i like it very, but the whole disposition thing seems to be a bit buggy sometimes. Sometimes it helps to start a new game (at least it looks like that), the same npc has then a totally different behavior (maybe the npc is even "active" and don't waits for the PC to ask him what he wants, but instead takes what he wants), but if you dare to use 'T' to speed things up the chances are high that your disposition level will drop, even if you do everything which the owner wants.


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A couple of other observations:

  • I'm getting the 'Sanguine is Watching' notification (in a new game) before I see the 'SD Installing... SD Installed' notifications.  Which looks odd, to say the least.
  • I get a couple of 'refractory period' debuffs as soon as SD first installs.  No problem, I'm still in the LAL cell - but I mention it because that looks as though something's running before it is really supposed to.
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What I think happened is that a running quest was already recorded as not started on game load. Shutting it down for maintenance left it in a ditch and the quest could not get started.


I try to avoid these situations but in this case that was necessary.



It shouldn't have been necessary, in the case of a new game.  There's no prior version installed that needs to be upgraded - unless 3.02 is really 3.01 + an upgrade step.

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I can give it a try, since I'm in testing mode (not playing) at the moment. What state should the quest be in, following a successful restart? Should all those aliases be filled?


I note that when this happens ('upgrade' on first save / reload), there are also 3-4 other mods doing the same thing: DDI, EC+, a couple of others. Which makes me wonder if there's a timing issue, especially given that you're dependent on one of those other mods.


One sure fix would be to change it so that, on new games at least, there was no need for an 'upgrade' step. But I can understand why you want to use the same code path for new games and upgrades.

That restart was necessary because I added aliases to the quest and I enabled quest start on game load.


What I think happened is that a running quest was already recorded as not started on game load. Shutting it down for maintenance left it in a ditch and the quest could not get started.


I try to avoid these situations but in this case that was necessary.


I also would like to test the uninstall procedure whenever I can.


After a restart, the quest should be running and on stage 0 with all aliases filled. And you should be able to go to dreamworld using the console and:


Setstage _sd_dream 10


Or sleeping at the shrine.


You don't have to apologize about the buggy quest. It's a mod, shit happens from time to time. Instead, thanks for the awesome mod, and for taking your time to fixing the issues. 


I'm not sure if any of this information helps, I thought I'd also mention what I have tried to get it to work on my end after encountering the issue


With existing Saved Game (non-crucial)

1) Went through MCM Uninstall and followed the instructions within game including 2hr wait.

2) Created New Save.

3) Exit game

4) Uninstall SD+ from NMM and deleted

5) Start Skyrim SKSE

6) Loaded game from (2) - all PC and NPCs are frozen and doesn't move - not sure why.

7) Created New Save.

8) Exit game

9) Re-downloaded SD+302a from loverslab again - just to make sure that it's not in any way a download corruption.

10) Re-install SD+ through NMM

11) Re-start Skyrim SKSE.

12) Loaded game from (7) - PC and NPC goes back to normal (not frozen)

13) SD+ automatically installs - no need to "Install" and "Begin" as indicated by original instructions.

14) "Sanguine is watching" message automatically appears - Basically re-starts the whole quest again.

15) Saves Game

16) Reload from (15) - dream quest stopped for maintenance error appears and the console commands don't work.



Also tried the above with a fresh start, same problem after re-loading game.

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