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(WiP) A prostitution and player slavery mod 0.10.2c

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Not much is happening with my game. I started a brand new game, not even level 10 when I got to Whiterun and worked for Hulda.


I did the food quests and started on the endurance quest. Right  when I start having sex with Anjica Windcaller, there is a notification for "preorder version #####". I finish having sex with the first girl, and then nothing happens. I get no dialogue options from the two girls or from Hulda.

that's the end until the next update.

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Not much is happening with my game. I started a brand new game, not even level 10 when I got to Whiterun and worked for Hulda.


I did the food quests and started on the endurance quest. Right  when I start having sex with Anjica Windcaller, there is a notification for "preorder version #####". I finish having sex with the first girl, and then nothing happens. I get no dialogue options from the two girls or from Hulda.


You reached the "end" of the mod so far...you have to wait for the next updates to continue with the storyline. This mod is still in progress ^^

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Bad thing: We both know that alot of people are eagerly waiting for the next update and that people got expectations.
Puts a good amount of pressure on both of us, as we need to deliver more playable content, then we originaly planed for the next update.

But as we don't want to rush things, very likely screwing things up this way, Hero works on what was initially planed and i try to add the first real bonus to the mod.
As we both love Di, the bonus works in a similar way, but is a tad more interactive and ofc bound to the concepts of APPS.
All i can say is: Beware of the helpers of the thieves guild. ;) (is this sentence even somehow correct, because it sounds awkwards. O_o)

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From a german point of view the sentence sounds fine... so it`s most likely wrong ; )


I am sure the waiting is worth it, the same way every Di update is worth the time. And nobody will be happy with an mod that feels unfinished or has some serious bugs.


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Nope, it's not. it's the result of different mod combinations, that no mod auther will ever be able to cover/forsee, to avoid things like that.

So ya, one of your mods seems to edit Hulda and APPS couldn't be applied to her afterwards.

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I'm writing german, because this mod seems to be german. if the Authors don't understand me for some reason, please tell me and i'll try again in English.


Diese Mod ist einfach fantastisch. Wunderbar zum Rollenspielen und für neue Charaktere. Bereits jetzt bietet sie viel Atmosphäre und sehr schöne Details. Allein das Hulda zu einer Kiste geht um die Kleidung zu hohlen und sie nicht einfach hervorzaubert finde ich ein prima detail. Macht so weiter, insbesondere sobald Sklaverei ins Spiel kommt könnte das ganze noch sehr intressant werden. Ihr seid prima, lasst euch nicht stressen, macht lieber weiter so qualitativ hochwertig weiter :)

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I'm writing german, because this mod seems to be german. if the Authors don't understand me for some reason, please tell me and i'll try again in English.


Diese Mod ist einfach fantastisch. Wunderbar zum Rollenspielen und für neue Charaktere. Bereits jetzt bietet sie viel Atmosphäre und sehr schöne Details. Allein das Hulda zu einer Kiste geht um die Kleidung zu hohlen und sie nicht einfach hervorzaubert finde ich ein prima detail. Macht so weiter, insbesondere sobald Sklaverei ins Spiel kommt könnte das ganze noch sehr intressant werden. Ihr seid prima, lasst euch nicht stressen, macht lieber weiter so qualitativ hochwertig weiter :)


Vielen Dank für den Deinen Kommentar. Es freut mich zu hören, dass Dir die kleinen Details gefallen haben und davon wird mit Sicherheit mehr kommen :).

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Hi there, first of all, let me say "thanks" for this mod, I've enjoyed it so far! :)


However, I'm having an issue when taking Hulda's "Test", I follow her up to the room and unequip my clothes like she asks. However, when I do, Hulda just stands there and nothing else happens, I can progress to the next part by saving and re-loading, at which point she'll walk up to my PC, bend over and then the two of us will turn around and then nothing else happens. If I save and reload at that point, then the two women will come in and just stand there, but this time, no amount of saving/reloading will cause progression. Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated :)


See the spoiler for helpful info!




  • The APPS MCM Stats menu



  • My Load order

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  HearthFires.esm
04  Dragonborn.esm
05  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
06  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.24]
07  SexLabAroused.esm
08  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
09  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.5.0]
0A  SkyUI.esp
0B  Devious Devices - Integration.esp
0C  FlameAtronachArmor.esp
++  FullBootForKKSA.esp
0D  zarias_restraints.esp
0E  Devious Deviants.esp
0F  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
10  SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
11  SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
12  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
13  FNISspells.esp
14  dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
15  Devious Devices - For the Masses -DB- Outfits.esp
16  Devious Devices - FtMOutfitsDB - merge.esp
17  Captured Dreams.esp
18  APPS.esp
19  GattiBondage1.esp
1A  Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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Hi there


this mod seems to have great potential to become one of my most favorite prostitution mod. I like the immersion, the slow way of becoming a prostitute or whatsoever.


Hulda tells right in the beginning that Saadia has disapeared, what is not true. But I think thats just because the mod is in a early alpha state.


I'd also like to be faced with a customer request were the PC has to dance naked in a private room - mostly in the early state of being a waitress.


But besides this I am really looking forward to playing whats coming next :-)


Thank you for your contribution to skyrim!

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Erm... let's do this 3DRealms style:

When it's done.



No E.T.A., sorry.


Hmm, the problem with this comment is: How did it turn out for 3DRealms and their project in the end? Yeah, I am a hopelessly negative person and my second name is Kassandra.


And in german: Mein Luftkissenboot ist voller Aale. Möchten Sie gerne heftig meinen Popo streicheln? Ich möchte diesen Teppich nicht kaufen!


Just kidding, the devil made me type all this. Keep up the work, I am intrigued where this will go, and you two seem to be quite dedicated to this mod, which makes me hope i'tll have a lot of content added over the coming months...


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Hi there, first of all, let me say "thanks" for this mod, I've enjoyed it so far! :)


However, I'm having an issue when taking Hulda's "Test", I follow her up to the room and unequip my clothes like she asks. However, when I do, Hulda just stands there and nothing else happens, I can progress to the next part by saving and re-loading, at which point she'll walk up to my PC, bend over and then the two of us will turn around and then nothing else happens. If I save and reload at that point, then the two women will come in and just stand there, but this time, no amount of saving/reloading will cause progression. Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated :)


See the spoiler for helpful info!


Do you use a mod which fills the places with more NPC's? From your loadorder I see you don't use the USKP. You should install them. Also I would give it a try and disable SOS and see if you still have the same problem. And, if you haven't done it yet, you should clean the mods with TESV Edit.

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And in german: Mein Luftkissenboot ist voller Aale. Möchten Sie gerne heftig meinen Popo streicheln? Ich möchte diesen Teppich nicht kaufen!

Huh? What?

Your hovercraft is filled with eels. You want me to pet your ass vigorously? You don't want to buy that carpet!

That's so random. Thanks for making my day. :D

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Hi there, first of all, let me say "thanks" for this mod, I've enjoyed it so far! :)


However, I'm having an issue when taking Hulda's "Test", I follow her up to the room and unequip my clothes like she asks. However, when I do, Hulda just stands there and nothing else happens, I can progress to the next part by saving and re-loading, at which point she'll walk up to my PC, bend over and then the two of us will turn around and then nothing else happens. If I save and reload at that point, then the two women will come in and just stand there, but this time, no amount of saving/reloading will cause progression. Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated :)


See the spoiler for helpful info!


Do you use a mod which fills the places with more NPC's? From your loadorder I see you don't use the USKP. You should install them. Also I would give it a try and disable SOS and see if you still have the same problem. And, if you haven't done it yet, you should clean the mods with TESV Edit.



Thanks for responding so quickly! I'm not using a mod that injects more NPCs into places, I'll try your suggestions tomorrow, and I'll let you know how it goes :)

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I am typing this just before sleep so hopefully my next message will be in 7 hours :), Love this mod and its possibilities, I have come upon an issue and have tried re-ordering and made sure I was using the right Arousal the problem is this.


After my first day, I have the talk and everything is perfect and the last question she asks is something like "was there any problems..." now at that point there is no way for me to respond, have tried reloading, even gone to bed for 24 hours but every time I go into the inn she asks it all again from the start, multiple times as if she is waiting for that last answer I can't give her. She re-asks it even if I just move around inside the inn.


Great work anyway :), falling asleep here bed time for me.


Ahh Just reread the thread and saw it is a known bug, is there a work around for it or should I just retry from the beginning ?


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So, I came to the point where to two Dominatrix/whores come to test me and when I'm done with one of them, noone does anything. I gathered thats the mod so far. I just wanted to say  brilliant work so far. And I could play through it without any problems or Bugs Whatsoever and I have like a Gazillion other Mods installed. I have created a Character just for this mod (mainly because i couldn't see my Dragonborn who ended wars and slayed Dragons as a Waitress) and she is eager to proceed. So I hope the next part will be up soon :) thanks for the good work. 

(und was zum teufel ist Weiberfell für ein Wort :D

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