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[Wip] Intimacy Project


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If you're interested in sex/rape around every corner of the game, this mod is probably not for you.  This mod is more about what it omits, whereas many mods are more about what they have IN them.  So if you use a rape mod with this mod, you're not adding anything more to this mod, you're actually taking things away from it.


I expect this will become evident very quickly to someone who tries that combination with this mod.  Provoking them to either a. live with the discontinuities, or b. get one of the mods out of the way by not using it.


Coming from Skyrim for the first time in years I've gotta say this is exactly what SexOut seems to lack at the moment; sex with context... It's either rape and slavery, or dialogue initiated sex without restrictions.


In contrast Skyrim has Lover's Comfort, Sanguine's Debauchery, Sisterhood of Dibella, which are all heavily contextual. Hell, even Alicia Painslut and Estrus Chaurus do that in their own unique ways... As a returning player it's really kind of disappointing. I mean, I expected clunkier animation management and other technical limitations, but I figured with the extra few years of development time the story/context/integration of NV mods would be more advanced, not less so.


So, what I'm saying is, y'all give me hope for the future. :D


(As for Arcade and poly, I figure if a straight man can fall in love with both members of a couple without previously thinking of himself as bi or gay, couldn't a gay man do the same?... I'll make it work damnit! Even if I have to convince him it's For Science.)

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I like being science pals with Arcade too.  I was disappointed to learn that he was gay (i.e., off-limits).  Although, install the mods that you mentioned, and no one in NV is off-limits.  Initially or eventually.  Something like that.  The best thing that I was playing with before was Sexout Sex, and even then, I was having to invent my own story to justify the sex.


There are supposed to be some good mods with depth like Sexout Fleshed Out and Sexout Affairs, but I haven't used either of them since 1) the guy that voiced Doc Mitchell was Saul Tigh in the remake of Battlestar Galactica and I cannot put my hatred away for that character and 2) I'm not looking for new characters to seduce (for the time being?).


As far as animations go, Amra27 has created some animation replacements that are incredible.  However, it does require a patch to Breeze and Robert's bodies that makes the penis align properly for Amra's animations, but it's misaligned for the existing animations.  Since I've been testing this, I've only seen whatever animations are tied to this mod. The only one where the misalignment was off to me was when a guy was jerking the air off because his penis was nowhere near his hand.  But hey, if that does it for him, that's great.


While I modded Skyrim, I didn't add any LL mods, so I haven't been spoiled, as it were.

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Since I've been testing this, I've only seen whatever animations are tied to this mod. The only one where the misalignment was off to me was when a guy was jerking the air off because his penis was nowhere near his hand.  But hey, if that does it for him, that's great.



Maybe he was super-sensitive? :P

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I don't know if it'll be of any use to you, but I noticed last night that the singer/dancer on the King's stage that could possibly be used, although I don't know how/if they are split up.


Semi-related:  Is there a good way to preview animations in the GECK?  FO3 had the preview window with the name of the animation, but in NV, I get the entire path to the animation so that I can never see the actual name of it.

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There are supposed to be some good mods with depth like Sexout Fleshed Out and Sexout Affairs, but I haven't used either of them since 1) the guy that voiced Doc Mitchell was Saul Tigh in the remake of Battlestar Galactica and I cannot put my hatred away for that character


Crap, I only just realized. But hey, to me that's a plus ;)

About sexual orientation: is this in any way implemented in this mod? Otherwise, I may just make one on the fly - setting orientation as nx vars as you encounter people, according to prevalence percentages set in MCM + hardwired exceptions like Veronica, Arcade etc.

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There are form lists that are filled with gay, bi, and lesbian characters respectively.  I believe that lesbian characters may be able to be courted now.  To my knowledge, it doesn't use the MCM settings for orientations, but that's an assumption based on the lists.  I believe that a player gets to decide their own sexuality as opposed to being required to have confirmed bachelor, etc.  Again, T can confirm.

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If you mean does it respect NG orientation, no.  But yes the NPCs have an orientation in this mod.  The copy I'm working on will be completely dynamic in this respect, unlike the one in the OP.  ie. Orientations will no longer strictly exclude NPCs from the player, and orientation can change.


Nyaallich is correct.  The players orientation resides only in the mind of the player.


EDIT: There are huge changes ahead, so it's slow going.  I'm not far off from something to post though.  Just need to hammer out the rest of the inihibition stat.


EDIT EDIT:  I'll probably move this to downloads after this next copy gets tested and is working.

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It will go something like this:


At Mod Start:

- If the vanilla game pegs them to an orientation, they'll be that (The lists).

- If it doesn't, they'll be assumed hetero.


During Mod Play Thru:

- A state of curiosity can be triggered in NPCs with an incompatible orientation.

- The orientation determined at mod start will be used as an obstacle to orientation change.


= Any NPC can potentially be any orientation.


At least, that's how I have it working now.  Minus fully implemented inhibitions.


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Part of porting lust to spunk is obviously deciding what to do with lust-induced NPC approaches, masturbation etc, and it'd make much more sense to me if this took into account personality, orientation, dedicated partnerships, privacy/detection etc - the kind of thing your framework would be good at. I know you've still got quite a few things on your plate so this is just me thinking out loud about an ideal scenario:

- I'd like to be able to flag an NPC/character as needing some attention due to lust, and then you'd take over with suitable content.

- if a sex act begins, I'd do the arousal tracking bit, and orgasm or lack thereof might influence things on your end again (gradually shifting orientation, building affection etc)

- other stuff I'm not thinking of

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Part of porting lust to spunk is obviously deciding what to do with lust-induced NPC approaches, masturbation etc, and it'd make much more sense to me if this took into account personality, orientation, dedicated partnerships, privacy/detection etc - the kind of thing your framework would be good at. I know you've still got quite a few things on your plate so this is just me thinking out loud about an ideal scenario:

- I'd like to be able to flag an NPC/character as needing some attention due to lust, and then you'd take over with suitable content.

- if a sex act begins, I'd do the arousal tracking bit, and orgasm or lack thereof might influence things on your end again (gradually shifting orientation, building affection etc)

- other stuff I'm not thinking of


Right arm.  I think about these things all the time.  I have a lust NX var set on the NPCs (In the OP new NPC stat spoiler).  I had planned on translating spunk/lust to that NX var somehow, so that when lust needs attention it either A. increases desire, which overflows into lust, which initiates lust reactions.  Or B. Lowers inhibitions, or a combination of both.


I should say though, that plan was more of a starting point, instead of a Todo list item.  Something I had in place to fill a void until I figured it all out.  This mod currently tracks everything you mentioned 'personality, orientation, dedicated partnerships, privacy/detection', except personality, which is planned but not in yet and will be 'dual' (a separate personality for the bedroom and personality based on the vanilla NPC).


I always thought I would read the vars from spunk, and then make this mod react accordingly.  Are you saying it will be the other way around?


Also on the orgasm influence.  Right now I have it setting disposition based on how 'experienced' the PC is in that particular sex act, but I would like to factor in orgasm quality.  Just feed me the vars and I'll tie that in when it's complete I'd say.  Unless I'm missing something?


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I should also mention that inhibitions will be a peaked event just like lust.  That is to say NPCs will have weak moments and gravitate back toward equalibrium.  The trick will be to catch them at those weak moments to activate a deteriorating return, thereby eroding away at their base inhibitions.


So I'm sure lust/arrousal can be utilized in inhibitions somehow, it's just not clear to me how yet.

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I have a lust NX var set on the NPCs (In the OP new NPC stat spoiler).  I had planned on translating spunk/lust to that NX var somehow, so that when lust needs attention it either A. increases desire, which overflows into lust, which initiates lust reactions.  Or B. Lowers inhibitions, or a combination of both.


I always thought I would read the vars from spunk, and then make this mod react accordingly.  Are you saying it will be the other way around?

Not quite, it's just a matter of signification - and to a point, avoiding redundancy.

Signification: How do you know which NPC to check for a lust var in order to trigger whatever needs doing? I'm not tracking them all, I'd let players add characters to tracking with a hotkey, like in Lust. Are you scanning all npcs continually, or should I cast some sort of spell or call a UDF to let you know a lust value's been exceeded? Similarly, sure, the orgasm bit is far from complete, but when it is, I'd need some way of signalling you how good it was ;)


Redundancy: I'm ditching the "Sexout:SexoutLust:Lust" var (way too long) in favor of a generic sexout-wide "SO:Lust" EVFl. Unless you want to maintain backwards compatibility with Lust, you could switch over your own to that, skip the translation. The idea there being that if some other mod came along to do something similar, mods reading that wouldn't have to adjust to x number of vars doing the same thing.


I should also mention that inhibitions will be a peaked event just like lust.  That is to say NPCs will have weak moments and gravitate back toward equalibrium.  The trick will be to catch them at those weak moments to activate a deteriorating return, thereby eroding away at their base inhibitions.


So I'm sure lust/arrousal can be utilized in inhibitions somehow, it's just not clear to me how yet.

Desire/inhibitions: seems a bit more complex than Lust's old > 80 = some sex, and that's good. Sorry if I'm not always completely in the loop here... Ideally, I'd restrict Spunk's lust tracking to be just about the number, and some "horny" effects if people so choose, but not content (dialog, picking a sex partner etc). Similar for arousal/orgasm, although I'd like to provide more options of manipulating that during the act, and possibly making it have more of an impact on sexual experience (rather than a counter: how good you really are).


Anyway, just letting you know where I'm headed, figuring we ought to meet here & there along the way.

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Copy that.


Signification: The problem for me is the scale really.  I more or less have to translate the scale because I'm using a dynamic 'threshold' var that doesn't always activate at 100%, and can be different for each NPC.  So I don't know how that would work, because I don't know how you're going to do things yet.


How would I know which to pull it from?  All intimate relationships are continuously tracked, and NPCs are continously scanned and filtered.  So I would have no problem getting at a simple NX var, spell, token, etc.


Redundancy: I don't need backward compatibility really.  But I will need to take the numbers given by spunk and translate them to effect my system.  Of course I could just be 'not getting it'.  What will lust/arousal be?  -100 / +100


I think I'm misunderstanding because in my mind, I will take cues from spunk, but had not planned on altering the var that spunk gives in any way.  So if other mods alter spunk vars, this mod will respect those changes, because spunk would be input only.  Should I be thinking about this differently?


It is definitely more complex.  A high lust doesn't necessarily mean anything will happen in this mod.  There are many things in the way of automatic reactions to being lustfull.  Inhibitions, orientation, gender, disposition, trust, etc, etc.  So in this mod, I just want to read what spunk is doing and account for it, so that I can decide whether or not to 'apply' it (approaches, etc.).  ie. Lust is never the sole factor of approaches in this mod.  It is viewed as a biological mechanism to ensure the survival of populations.  Arousal is the psychological effect. It then factors in the power of self control, and mental endurance, which can negate or at least supress actions related to lust/arousal.


So it might take me a minute to get it to all click how to tie it all together regarding spunk.

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Signification: The problem for me is the scale really.  I more or less have to translate the scale because I'm using a dynamic 'threshold' var that doesn't always activate at 100%, and can be different for each NPC.  So I don't know how that would work, because I don't know how you're going to do things yet.


How would I know which to pull it from?  All intimate relationships are continuously tracked, and NPCs are continously scanned and filtered.  So I would have no problem getting at a simple NX var, spell, token, etc.

Cool, so there's no real need for me to do anything with lust other than setting the var on the actor once the calculation's done.


Redundancy: I don't need backward compatibility really.  But I will need to take the numbers given by spunk and translate them to effect my system.  Of course I could just be 'not getting it'.  What will lust/arousal be?  -100 / +100

Mostly 0-100 in both cases. I think I'll move away from Lust's old high/drunk/fertile bonuses (or rather, I'd still let them boost the var, but hard cap it at 100). Lust can be negative if you've been a rape victim, with a slider-adjusted var slowly counting it back up to 0.


I think I'm misunderstanding because in my mind, I will take cues from spunk, but had not planned on altering the var that spunk gives in any way.  So if other mods alter spunk vars, this mod will respect those changes, because spunk would be input only.  Should I be thinking about this differently?

If you've got content that you think should reasonably adjust an actor's lust, you can use the "SO:Lust:Diff" var - I read it and apply it during every cycle if it's there. No shoulds or havetos.


Lust is never the sole factor of approaches in this mod.  It is viewed as a biological mechanism to ensure the survival of populations.  Arousal is the psychological effect. It then factors in the power of self control, and mental endurance, which can negate or at least supress actions related to lust/arousal.

Ah, well, Lust on my end is pretty much the same biological aspect, much like hunger/thirst etc, if you don't take care of it, it'll have adverse effects, same as before. Arousal from where I'm looking at it would be a stat that if it adds up to 100 during the act will trigger an orgasm, whereas yours seems to still be affecting pre-act decisions, correct? So there's maybe a bit of a difference there, but if we keep it separate, I don't see much of a problem.

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Yep, actor value is all I would need.  The only thing I can think of that would alter spunks lust var is desire now that I think about it.  But as you said, that's covered via diff.


Yes I'm counting on the adverse effects of spunks lust actually.  Though personally I think it shouldn't automate anything.  It should be like an itch that continually steals your concentration until it's either sated or passes naturally as a matter of cycle or as you've said becomes overheated and takes care of itself.  Arousal in the PC can be perceived by NPCs (when it's strong) and reacted to.  The most direct course of dealing with lust should be masterbation for those that just want to get back to equalibrium and move on with their lives.  imo.


That's my take on it, but whatever you cook up I'm sure will be good enough for me.


EDIT: What about nocturnal emissions?  Could it solve itself in your sleep?  Or embarissing erections during conversations? 'Check out Nipton for m... OMG do you have a chub on?!'.  Just thinking.

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Update in the OP.  So much has changed that I'm going to be lazy and only go into it when people start asking questions or have problems. lol  This is almost a completely different mod now in many ways.  Updated the Todo list.  I expect a lot of tiny things that I missed to be broken.  Also, the new inhibition stats need tweaking I'm sure.


How about we play a game of 'How much did I breaked it this time?'!  Let the carnage begin.

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Hooray!  Admit it:  You've missed daily pesterings from me.   ;)


So to clarify:  Is the mod working for all sexes romancing and seducing all sexes and orientations (after overcoming inhibitions)?  What needs to be tested?  And don't be a smartass and say everything.  :P

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There are a few things that I need to edit that I already know about.  I'll probably do that later today.  But yes all of that is supposed to be working.  I've only tested it a tiny bit with a Male PC.  Haven't tried it yet with a female PC.  So the new copy is mostly untested.

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Updated the OP with the sexual orientation lists.  I can't remember why some of them are even in the lists, so feel free to speak up if you think there needs to be changes.  None of them listed are in for any 'special' reason.

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@iron_jack:  I don't think that he suggests that you DON'T play with other mods.  This mod just makes sex as much of a part of the game as quests and battles, if you will.  I don't recall how raping and NPC affects this mod.  This mod adds more roleplaying opportunities in that you have to work harder to get sex than other mods (press button, receive bacon), and you can also romance other characters to go through the stages of a relationship from casual to committed to split up.

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