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[Wip] Intimacy Project


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@BogBrush82:  If you're running TTW, you will be pleased to know that you can give Jericho teddy bears.


Wait.  A hard-ass, gun toting ex-raider with a venomous attitude, murderous credentials, and a huge fondness for teddy bears?

Seems legit. :lol:


Seriously though, for some reason it seems to make sense.  Maybe that's just the crazy in him, and that perhaps it's a reminder to himself that there's more to life than just killing things, even though it's really the only thing he's ever known how to do.



lol  The teddy bears are just 'at hand' as an item to test the mechanics.  I'll add more gift options later.  Though the appropriateness of the gift will probably be left to the player in the long run.  ie.  If they like you, they'll generally like the gift regardless of what it is.


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Sorry...and....sorry.  Dinner thing still isn't working.  Couldn't trigger an "Eat Breakfast," etc. activity on my own to verify that that was working.


There doesn't seem to be any definite time that "You can relax now" works.  Sometimes it'll stick after I tell him to relax in the Goodsprings saloon.  Most times, it does not.  : \

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Going to go test eat with a companion.  Breakfast, lunch, or dinner doesn't matter.  It's the exact same package.  Have you tried it while he is not following yet?


I've lowered the enemy distance required to trigger danger mode in companions in the OP.  Let me know if that helps?


EDIT: Teamed up with Veronica, made sure she was in follow mode, started a relationship, ate dinner there at the 188 without a hitch.  She even made one of the travelers get up from the bar stool so we could sit together.

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Aww.  That's sweet...in a her kind of way.  Ate dinner on a date?


FWIW, back when I was having crashing problems, I did try hanging around with Veronica (but you didn't have that fxnality in all the way), Arcade using a male PC (nor that functionality), and then finally with Boone to rule out a TTW companion being the cause of it.

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No, not on a date.  Have you tried it while not on a date?  Any PC initiated eat will do.  Doesn't have to be dinner, they all do precisely the same thing.


EDIT: Hold on I think I found something!  Will upload a fix as soon as I figure out how I'm going to change it.  Stay tuned.

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Can I ask where in the mod script-wise you're setting/checking this just so I can get an idea of how it's evaluating the conditions to figure out what else might be at play for the Relax option?


EDIT:  From what I can tell, the Danger spell controls this, but I don't understand exactly how that's being set beyond that.  YAY!  I did see that you have a != 0 check as opposed to an == 1 check for the IsSpellTarget.  Any reason?  Whimsy?

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Updated.  I've made it even lower.  If you get within 1024 distance of an enemy it will trigger, then you'll have to use the relax dialogue to turn it off.  However, if there are enemies within that range, even if you turn it off, it will come right back on again.  If it's still acting up, try to find someplace more private.


Eat should be fixed now, but from now on you'll have to use your own companion follow for all follows.  That and while testing I still get some crazy stuff happening from time to time, like the NPC teleporting to idles.  The AI follow takes advantage of the slightest opportunity to slide itself in there and ruin the fun.  I could counter it, but I don't feel like accounting for every possible companions packages by id.


The more I change things, the more convinced I'm becoming that I'm just painting you into the same 'this mods intentions' corner with settings as opposed to just telling you to play a different way. lol


EDIT: @nyaallich (Him + Initiated) = Hitiated  And I forgot to answer your question.  I do that out of habit as a catchall.  1 doesn't see 2, but ZERO KNOWS ALL!  It's applied in the base scanner fyi (your other question).

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Major change to the intimacy stats in copy 16.  If you have intimate relationships being tracked you'll need to clean save.


1. Intimacy stats are no longer arbitrary, but are based on the NPC themselves.

2. Some intimacy stats (namely Libido/Heart), are now 'ranged' based on NPC stats.


In short, intimacy stats should now reflect the individual NPC to a fair degree, while allowing for a wider range of variation between play thrus.  ie. The Doc Mitchell you know in one game can be totally different from the Doc you know in another.  So to a certain degree you can expect certain things from him, but otherwise you never know what you're getting.

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So this is you first crack at personality profiles?


I've made progress on equippable flowers.  Got the scale taken care of.  Rotation is a different story.


Not even close.  It's more of a correction of something I half assed put in place to begin with because I wanted to wait for other things to be done before I started expanding upon it.  It's part of getting things ready for Male PC support.


Cool on the flowers.  I still want to add those one gifts from that one mod, but how should the PC get them in game?


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When I thought about flowers, I figured that they would be a strip-only purchase.  I was planning on adding a vendor somewhere mod-safe outside of the Ultra Luxe.  But that was my brainstorming.


If you wanted, you could make each item only available at a certain casino.


Chocolates:  If chocolate was going to be made anywhere in Vegas, it would be at The Gourmand at the Ultra Luxe.  Don't think too hard about who makes the boxes for the chocolate.  Wouldn't require additional NPCs.


Perfume:  Gomorrah.  The only problem with this is "Aww.  You got me perfume.  How sweet.  Wait.  Why the fuck were you in Gomorrah?"  Anyway, throw a bathroom attendant outside of the restrooms on the first floor (outside so that you don't have to make one for each bathroom).  Reasoning:  They sell you scents so that you can freshen up before...or after.


Flowers:  Again, if anyone was going to have a secret flower growing setup, I would think it would be the Ultra Luxe.  But the Tops could have a flower girl wandering around the casino floor or even in the Aces theatre willing to sell you a flower for your gal on your big date.

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Actually I was thinking more along the lines of 'Should I hand them out at certain places as rewards or add them to the loot table, or via recipe, or buildref those mods in?'.  I really really do not want to add or manage any new NPCs.  The very purpose of the 'gift wrap' item was to avoid adding new NPC vendors.  ie. Any items that exist in game can be potential gifts.  It's not the item that makes it a gift so much as it is the 'gift wrap' item.


The only part that is missing is the 'exists' part.  All we have to do is find a way to get them into existance, then 'anything' can be a gift.  If I add vendors, and that's the only place you can get those items, then the gift wrap item becomes obsolete and we're back to determining gifts by what the item is, and thereby loose a level of player choice.


I see it like this.  It can either be A. Questy: Go to waypoint, get 'the' gift, give gift, complete quest (if it's the 'correct' gift).  Dull, imo. Or B. Player Driven: Anything within reason can be a gift and the player decides the appropriateness of the gift (the gift can be intentionally contrary, allowing for 'gag' gifts.).


The point is, the player would be allowed to drive their own story, and would be capable of giving gifts without 'completing' some questy chore.  ie. Did you do the 'gift' quest yet?  Gotta do that first, then you can gift.  I don't like this.  Seems too narrow to me.


What do you guys think?

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Put it this way.  There are roughly 70 non quest Teddy Bears in the vanilla game that you can just find, which are limited by the gift wrap item.  I favor the idea that other items should be maybe not just as prevalent, but at least accessible via similar effort as the teddy bears are.


I'm thinking of the items as storyline embellishments,  and the gift wrap item as the vendor.  The vendor in this case is something that travels with you so you don't have to (questy chore) go to a specific location/NPC to make gifts.


Should I think of it differently?  And what about automatic souvenirs from quests?  I thought about that too.  ie. I brought you back some nice flowers I found in Vault 22 (RAWR!!).


EDIT: Should there be levels of rarity applied to gifts?


EDIT EDIT: I think I'm just going to add them to leveled lists for vendors and loot.

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I think you're worrying about it too much.  Gift wrap was a good solution.  You control what you give (perhaps eventually), and the recipe calls for semi-rare stuff (magazines are made out of trees.  they don't grow on them).  And actually, gift wrap solves the problem of someone having Cold Deck Gift Shop installed as well and then wondering why the chocolate purchased from there isn't counting as a gift.


Having no idea of the shelf life of chocolate, I would think that that would be more of a rarity.  I'm still proud of my Gourmand idea.  *WhiteGloveFoodVendor* + vendor chest = chocolate vending npc that you shouldn't have to manage.


There's definitely no need for quests unless you're going to have one with items that give huge bonuses or if you later decide to incorporate letting the PC ask to up the level of commitment, in which case, the PC would have to furnish the jewelry, which would be a fairly rare vendor item.



Man, who wants flowers?  Get them a bouquet of mantis legs from Vault 22. 


Unrelated Suggestions/Requests:


  1. Add some extra dialogue at the Atomic Wrangler.  I accidentally agreed to be a prostitute (which I'm hoping the game will ignore) because I went "Ooh!  Shiny new dialogue option!"  Right now, the option is "What about me?" displays on the root menu, and after the player selects it, Garrett goes straight into "you're hired.  here's your outfit."  Something like Garrett responds with "So.  You think you can give our customers the type of high-dollar, private entertainment that they're looking for?"  Then the player gets to respond with a yes or nevermind.
  2. Remove the Goodbye tag from the "You can relax" option.  A lot of the reason to toggle the relax (for me anyway) is to get the DRL dialogue options back.  It's fine if it goes back to the root menu like the other options do.  It's working a lot better now.
  3. Curious:  Is it possible to strip without soliciting?  To do dancing at the Tops, Atomic Wrangler, etc., but then not be penalized when you don't take any clients?  I'm sure that it will get people propositioning you.
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I too like your chocolates idea.  Maybe those can be a special gift (block remover).  I have some serious stuff planned for the Ultra Luxe too, so it wouldn't be a lonely edit.


1. Changed dialogue to indicate you're being hired as an escort.

2. Done.  Sorry.  Good catch.

3. It is supposed to be but probably needs more work.  I've just made some changes to that effect.  At the Wrangler you ARE being hired as an escort, but at the Tops you're being hired as a showgirl as a premise to freelance (if you so choose).  In either case you should have the option to remain a showgirl in action (you don't have to agree to anything).  An easier way to go about this is not to 'look' like a prostitute, which will eliminate solicit approaches, but may increase sleazy approaches if you're dressed revealing.



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Other stuff:


  • I don't think that activities are being terminated properly all of the time.  Sometimes I can see all of the DRL dialogue options (hangout, etc) around when the hangout should be over but I haven't gotten an "activity over" alert yet.  Haven't gone on a date yet.  I did initiate a breakfast, and that went fine.
  • Should I see numbers like affection going all the way up to 45 before they roll over?  I know that I did say that it was too easy before.  ; )
  • Any thought about agreeing to casual sex for the purpose of luring someone away for a stealth kill?  It's probably out of the scope for this, but I was just curious if/how it would impact a relationship (i.e., will it count as cheating and piss people off?).

The Ultra Luxe:  The White Glove Society of Zazz Enthusiasts (called it?)

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lol sort of on the ultra luxe.  It's more about the masks and identities...


- Only intimacy capable NPCs will give you the activity complete dialogue.  The others will not.


- Sometimes.  There are no static intimacy stats now.  All of them are based on something.  Some will be more or less the same every time.  Others will flux.  You'll be able to become familiar with some NPCs stats, expecting them to be a certain number for a certain NPC.  While other stats, you'll never know what to expect.


- This is the very purpose I use the prostitution 'look' for in my own play thrus.  To manipulate where people are as a means of distraction.  That's when I whip out my prostitute uniform and take one for the team.


EDIT: Try reloading a save before he got the relationship tracker and I bet you get different stats.

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The "Go into Relax" redirects to the main menu, but it isn't replaced by the "Continue Dialogue" option.  You have to select goodbye and start conversation again.


Dinner during a date is working.


EDIT:  Also, was thinking that to make chocolate more rare, you could have it set to only spawn 1 box every 3 days.  You'd have to do more scripting if you wanted it to be less frequent than that.


EDIT EDIT:  Will try out dancing at the Tops.  The Venus drug only ups your chances for solicitation, right?  There's no point in using if if you're just being a dancer and not a solicitor, correct?

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I'll put it back to goodbye.  I guess it needs to hit gamemode before it processes and shows up.


There are no modifiers to solicitation in Venus.  Venus give a Charisma bonus, and a dance, nothing more.  It's not connected to anything other than attraction, and is only ever required if you want to dance seductively in places other than the showgirl venues.


I'll probably leave it in as a novelty, but since the showgirl stuff was added I've been leaning more and more towards a dance hotkey.

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Oh.  Interesting re: Venus.


Dancing at the Tops worked fine.  Is your pay governed by some dance experience stat, or is it purely charisma/looks based?  Are you also supposed to get cat calls during an exotic dance?  I know that I got some Check Me Out dialogue.  I want cat calls (unless they're specifically tied to soliciting, in which case, hmph).  : D


Dating: Hang Out is broken.  It didn't terminate correctly.  Can't remember whether or not I got small talk during it, but around when I thought it should be over, there were no DRL dialogue options.  Changed cells.  Normal DRL options (affection, flirt, hang out).  No end of date dialogue.


"Favorite Outfit" doesn't actually tag the outfit, does it?  Just curious.  Obviously, I know that I look super-fly in my merchant outfit (what?).

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Should there be dance experience tracking?  It's currently based on a few things, charisma being one of them.  You'll potentially make more as a prostitute on stage due to sexual fame/infamy (around 2k per show when you become an ultra famous sex symbol).


You should get cat calls at any show where there's an audience.  A 'show' is defined as using the stage to initiate a dance (stand in the spotlight and walk forward).  If you initiate a dance some other way, it's not a show, and you won't get paid.  Audience reactions are not tied to solicitation.  Some NPCs who really like your act will also stand and applaud and throw caps at you.


Tested date hang out.  Working fine here (though he kept trying to go to bed in the middle of our date which is starting to piss me off).  Here's a tip.  Check the PC inventory.  If you have an activity token, the date isn't over yet.  If you don't have an activity token, the date should be over.  It's really that simple.


You shouldn't be changing cells during a date.  You tell them you're ready for the date, they follow you (this is where you change cells), you get to the location you want to carry out the date, then you 'begin date here' and stay in that place until the date is over.  There are no wandering dates implemented.


Favorite outfit doesn't tag the outfit, it tags the NPC.  They each remember what they like, and what they like can change (mainly when they see you in something they like even better).


EDIT: Another relatively new tip I should probably get out there.  Be careful dancing around super mutants.  It can induce a hypnotic state in them, the results of which you may or may not enjoy. lol


EDIT EDIT: At the wrangler you can perform anytime.  At the Tops your act won't be available until after midnight (before 3am). ie. One is GoGo oriented, and the other is Burlesque theatre oriented.

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I only changed cells because there were no DRL prompts AT ALL.  I'll let you know if it happens again (the no date-end message).


>Working fine here (though he kept trying to go to bed in the middle of our date which is starting to piss me off).


                   To love him, you must also love his narcolepsy. 


Does the token actually appear in your pip-boy inventory, or do you have to showinventory?  I...I have a lot of stuff in my inventory.


Should there be dance experience?   Don't know.  I would think that your pay rate would go up over time, but then unless other people were interested in just dancing, it would probably be a lot of work for you without a lot of reward since you'd have to split things and make sure that the rate wasn't doubled for prostitutes, etc.


EDIT:  Heh.  Lately I feel like if I suggest something, someone else reading is going "Damnit!  This mod is never going to have male PC support!"

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I just yell at him.  'Look I'm trying to test something here.  GET UP!'.  It doesn't matter that he can't hear me.  He knows...


To check for the token open the console, select the PC, and type 'inv'.  The activity token is invisible, but will show up there.


And on your last point, it serves them right for not speaking up.  Who am I supposed to listen to for collaboration?  The people that never post, or the people that post? lol  The more people that give regular feedback, the faster this will get done.


Updated the OP.  Added a showgirl tracker quest to give you those nifty way point arrows when shows are available.  Must get hired at the Tops to start the quest.  Though it does mark the wrangler for you too.


EDIT: It will mark all show locations eventually.  Anywhere you see a stage in the game I'll probably add in a little something (hint hint: The King has a stage too).

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